
Daily Ooo's Wednesday March 11


The Loopy-O
hellooooooo! Seems like it has been a real long time since I started the Oo's! I have missed it! But I am also so happy that you all just jump right in. Just because I am usually the one who starts them ( the joys of being awake at 6 am EST!) doesn't mean that I am the only one that can. :)

I am so so sooooo happy that I am feeling more like myself. I was a real crab the last few weeks. It just makes me cuter and more fun to be around when I am not crabby. Contrast, ya know? How can I expect anyone to appreciate my humor if they never see-- buh ba buuummmm-- *said 5 octaves lower* ....my dark side............


I dunno know tho- it kinda almost seemed like there was something in the air. I joke that the planets were not aligned ;) but who knows? Maybe they weren't.

Yesterday I stopped in at my local health food store. the guy that owns it is just simply brilliant. Gary is trying to come off all his pain meds- the side effects are making him feel terrible, and the withdrawals suck (pardon my language) . We went in for an hour consult with the guy- and came out with so many good ideas of how to change up some supplements that will hopefully really help calm his entire system down. I wish that more drs would treat the whole body rather than just the illness.
we are hopeful that this might help.... it is going to take time to get his body back "in balance" but if he can, it will make it so much better.

I think I had caught up with allof you up to my post from yesterday- so here is a shout out to the rest of ya!

Stephie- oooh babies and weddings!! Have fun! How exciting for your family!!!

Hi Sara! How are the wrists and arms feeling today?

LIndaP-glad you were able to make it in OK.

Dawn, I take klonopin for sleep and some days I feel like I can barely close my book before I am out. Then other days (like Sunday grrrrr)- I was stuck awake til 6 am! Hope the Rem-stuff helps!

Naked butt!

Naked butt again!

(Go Kelly!!!)

Not sure how many more I have to go to the new goal, but I am getting closer- should be in the next couple of days!

Oh, Clara-- yes I am still Gratiude blogging and it is on my list today to catch up with my P365 blog too!

Hope all of you have a wonderful day

I wish I had a million dollars (several million so I could share lots and lots!)
I wish that my do-do list would do itself, so I could have the day to play.
I want Gary to get my car inspected (yes - overdue and I *hate* going to inspection)
I want Gary to be super successful in coming off these pain meds and can start to feel better!


Well-Known Member
Hey girls,

DH comes home tonight from Vegas. I am so tired so I am so glad he will be home to help pitch in again!! I need a little break.

Hi Chris and Sandra!

Have a fabulous day, everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Hi girls, a drive by from me. I'm doing better. The pink eye is gone, the second round of this flu is almost gone and I think I'm gonna make it. lol

Have a good day!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!!!!!!!!! Gooooood Morrrrrning my O- Family!!!

You know what we all need???? COFFEE!!!! So ladies I am putting on a fresh pot of coffee and I even have an iced coffee station set up!!! Let's all grab a cup and chat :)

Chris I am so glad that your local health store is so helpful! Ours has been a blessing with Nick's Allergies :) I am also glad to see you back!! (((HUGS))) Love ya!!

Sandra ((hugs)))

Me ((hugs)) - first order....a bubble bath and some quiet time for you! :)

Merkee - So glad you are feeling better!!

Today here is all about how much I can squeeze in while my little one is at school! I am still trying to figure this all out! *LOL* Too much to do...I just don't have enough time in the day anymore :)

Here is my conversational piece for the day: Grocery store prices
I went grocery shopping as usual yesterday and I was shocked...shocked..SHOCKED!!
They raised the prices in my store again...from last week when I was there! Also I noticed they are no longer having as many sales as they use to :( For example something that was just $2.00 is now $5.00. I am fine on the meats and can stretch them out etc...but it's all the other things you need to live. I literally went with my list and left with only 1/2. How are you all surviving these prices? I am at a loss.
I would love to hear your thoughts!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Man I feel like I'm running around crazy lately. We are so flippin' busy with all the stuff going on with SIL's wedding coming up. Showers, parties, shopping - I still need to find a dress for the rehearsal!!! AAAHHHH!!!

Don't know if I updated since I've been kinda MIA - but, Jacob and Boden started their speech therapy last week. The therapist is amazing. She is truly a wonderful person, and the boys just adore her, which is fun. I just can't wait to hear them say mama. :) Everyone keeps saying blah blah blah, soon they'll be talking nonstop and you'll wish they were talking yet. I believe these are people that don't understand what it's like to have a child with a delay. :) Hearing your children speak is such a sweet sound!!!!

Anyway ... made a cake last night. Ella wanted vanilla cake so I made that instead of my usual chocolate, but still piled on the chocolate frosting. :) I had some for breakfast today ... shhhh!!! I'm passing out slices as well, help yourself!

Eric's aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. She is the first person I have known personally to have it, aside from a lady I knew when I was little, and she did not survive. Eric's family is very close and it is hitting them all very hard.

Chris - hugs my lady. You are such an inspiration to me. Even when you are having a bad day, you bring a smile to my face. I totally get where you are coming from ... it is kind of like my relationship with my mom in a way - she is in a sad mood a lot, so when she is in a great mood it is like the whole world lights up. I hope that Gary's new supplements help!

Hugs and smiles to ME, Sandra, and Merkee!

Kat - I hear that!!! Insane, isn't it! Milk is my main beef. My gosh. We go through SO much milk at our house, and it is so expensive!! We are lucky in that we don't need to buy any beef or pork (IL's are ranchers) but my gosh, even fruits and veggies are getting so expensive!! I've been making a lot of casseroles that can last us 2 meals. My fav uses beef, broccoli, tomatoes, cheese, tater tots. It is SO good. With the veggies in it I have to wonder how much it really is per serving.


...loves her some "O"
Morning my sweet O fam!!!!

I had a day yesterday...!!! We had a great time going on another field trip. we went to our local tv station. It was really neat!! And the people there were sooo supportive of homeschooling families!! it was very cool...we had 17 kids there!! and the moms, of course! heehee!! But the one thing that was kinda hard for me was that I purposefully don't watch the news. I figure either I'll read it here!! or Mr Gorgeous will tell me or my mom will also keep me updated. So when we were there, they kept talking about breaking news, breaking news!! !! and it was sooo tragic...a lady that had been abducted was finally found...not alive...very very tragic. And sooo I'm thinking...this is why I don't watch the news!!!!!! Sooo other than being a downer, it was sooooooooo fun to see all of the studios and newsrooms and all!! You'll see LOs about it soon, I'm sure!! ohh I can't wait...let me show you a pic of everyone in the main newsroom...


heehee...don'tcha just love homeschooling???

Today I am organizing myself!! I am just crazy right now...i didn't go to sleep til 4am because I had sooooo much going on in my head!!! (well, that and I had to watch the first two weeks of celebrity apprentice online! heehe!!!) OHhhh and I have a new video on My BLOG for my trendy tuesdays!! You can see my mustard entryway!!! and my new wall rubon that i apply!! wooohooooo!!!

soooo a-organizing I go!! love you all!!!

Chris, I love your bright shiny personality!! even when it's a bit on the dark side!! *insert darth vader breathing here* Love you and totally excited that you and Gar got some good health advice!! I just wish I lived closer so we could hang!! :)

Sandra, have fun at Piper's ballet. Normalcy is a God send right now!! Love ya bunches!!

Mary Ellen....oh enjoy your MG's homecoming!! You konw I know how that is!!! hugs!!

Merk, glad you are feeling better!! and I had no doubt you'd live again!!! :) happy day, doll!!

Kat!!! thanks for the coffee!! mine is decaf, I hope!! heehee!!! Hope you are not so knee deep in kindergarten registration!!!! you are such a FAB mom!!! :)

Tali! I sooo understand delays and therapy. I actually am in the middle of my first "therapy break" in 7 years!!! We have loved every therapist we've had!! and my sil has a degree in speech therapy and helped my Quent out when he was 4. So we are very familiar with all of that!! I'm gonna tell you that you will always remember that they didn't talk right away and you'll enjoy every moment of babbling on and on later!! (well, almost every one!!) hugs!!!

ok...really off to organize my life now!! :) love you all!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Hi all - it's been a while since I popped in. DS has bronchitis and is back at school for the first day this week. He's been a real trooper with having to take his inhaler. I have asthma too, so I expect he'll be getting an official diagnosis of that all too soon.

We've been trying for a second child for a year now, but as it turns out, my tubes are blocked. We're both older (I'll be 40 this year - DH is older). I've been trying to come to terms that a second child just isn't in the plans for us. It's not been easy, but the intellectual side of me seems to be ruling now - there's a lot of good reasons for us to stick with one. Somehow I've not been overly emotional about this. Give it time, I'm sure!

Anyway, that's what's been on my mind for the past week or so.

Hugs to all of you!



always chatty at the O!!
Good morning! Today sucks!!!! Nothing is really bad going on I just think I would benefit if I could amputate my entire head. It hurts so bad today. My allergies are just acting horribly. I did finally get a referral to an ENT so I need to get that set up and maybe someday I will have some sinus relief. But for this moment I have half of the lights at work turned down and am hoping that my meds kick in very soon. It didn't help that I didn't sleep as much as I should have last night and I had very strange dreams. I really want to lay me head on my desk and take a little nap right now. If I wasn't afraid I'd start snoring I might do just that.

Chris - I am so glad you are feeling good. That is awesome. I had a strange dream last night that I got Lynme disease and I felt horrible and couldn't leave work. It was weird. I hope that Gary is able to get himself weaned off of those pain pills. Knowing so many people that have become either reliant or addicted to them it makes me happy to know that there are people out there that don't want that life for themselves if they can do anything about it. Yay for Gary!!

Sandra - I hope that you and Piper have a good time at dance class. more hugs!!

ME - yay for homecoming. Being a single parent, even if o nly temporarily is so hard. I'm glad your family gets to go back to being a full unit again. Yay!!!

Merkee - I am so glad you are going to make it. I'm not sure if I am today but I am definately glad the worst of it seems to have passed for you.

Kat - So, I have a little work around for grocery store prices...I use meal prep services. I work full time so it makes a lot of sense for my family. But it takes away so much of the change in cost for me. I do a little bit of grocery shopping but not nearly as much. The prices sure are getting outrageous though. Thanks for the coffee. That is exactly what I needed.

Tali - You are a cake making machine. That is so great that your boys are loving their therapist. I love the sound of my children's voices. My children were slow to speak, not delayed just a little slow. When they started talking it was like an explosion. I hope that you get to experience the same thing because I loved it and think it is amazing. I am also hopeful that their delay is simply a twin thing and once they work together to speak they'll be amazing talkers. Good luck getting through all the wedding stuff. Other people's weddings that take over your own life can be so stressful. I hope it doesn't make you too crazy. How did the invitations come out??

Sally - I don't watch the news either. I used to until the war in Iraq started. Then I was afraid we would see one of our friends on TV even though that was bit silly. Then I started watching the news a little bit and then my friend died in a plane crash. The news was always off a bit. And when we came out of the lodge where they announced that the plane had been found with ne survivors we were walking across the street to our hotel when some lady from CNN walked up to us and asked us while our faces are all puffy and eyes are red, why we were up there. It absolutely floored me how they acted. Then at the funeral the news filmed a lot of it. One of the pictures they kept showing was of this girl who had dated my friend Casey a few years back. Well, she went up to speak about Casey and kept dropping the big "F" bomb. In the middle of church. So, Casey's dad went up like he was consoling her, when he was really trying to get her to finish up. So the news kept showing those pictures. It was horrible. So, no more news for me. I do think that the tour of the news studio sounds awesome. Your homeschooling field trips sound so cool and I definately want to come join your class.

Karen - Sounds like your mind has been pretty full with pregnancy thoughts. Getting pregnant is so stressful. I know whatever is supposed to be will be. I've been through pregnancy stresses too. Different ones, but stresses nonetheless. So, I have lots and lots of hugs for you.

I am so glad to see so many people in the Os this morning. I have missed all of your stories. Have a great day everyone.


Well-Known Member
Hi O's. So...can I just say that I am really tired of being sick... Gunar and I got the girls stomach bug yeserday and spent the day on the couch puking!!!! I am praying that we get this all out before little man arrives. Today is a new day and I feel very rested thankfully, I guess I should, I slept 10 hours last night and spent most of yesterday lazing around. I am trying to do as little as possible today so that I can take the girls out tomorrow for some fun, poor kids, they've been stuck at home for a week. I think I may get a little scrapping done durning nap time though, I have the itch and ideas for a couple of pages. Kalin is starting to say the funniest things and I want to make a "Kalin's Quotes" LO :) like yesterday when she proclaimed that she found a butt crack in her pants!

Kat~ I use some very creative spending. In the summer we grow a vegi garden and I can and freeze as much as possible. I don't know this year if we'll have much of a garden because I'll be due right around planting time. Hopefully we'll at least get some tomatoes in, a plant cost $4 and you get HUNDREDS of tomatoes from it. I hear you though, prices are getting crazy.

Sally~ I don't watch the news either, it just depresses me. I used to watch it when I worked in Detroit and often the "news stories" ended up being my patients at some point. What a fun field trip though for the kids, GUnar's favorite "field trip" when he was homeschooled was a Moose Hunting trip to Alaska. I think they worked his science and PE credits into it somehow.

Clara~ I hope you feel better soon.

WAVING hi to everyone else...I am off to eat some lunch :)


Well-Known Member
Anyway ... made a cake last night. Ella wanted vanilla cake so I made that instead of my usual chocolate, but still piled on the chocolate frosting. :) I had some for breakfast today ... shhhh!!! I'm passing out slices as well, help yourself!

mmmm...yum!!! I had a brownie already though (yes for breakfast I had to hide it from the kids)...oh well I can have cake too!


Well-Known Member
Hey all! How is everyone doing today? Glad to see everyone in here today!! so many O's! yay!
Today is so yucky today, gloomy, rainy, overcast...yucky!!! I hate these days!
Ive been cleaning and organizing, not much else today.

Chris - Glad to see you start the O's, glad you are feeling better! you deserve a break woman!
Sandra Hope you are having a good day!
ME - glad DH is coming home.
Merkee so glad youa re feeling better!!!
Kat - Ugh, I hear ya on the groceries. It is crazy. The only thing I can say is that we buy in bulk at BJ's, (like costco) for paper goods and stuff like that, and we actually have decent sales still at Big Y. but youre right... prices are getting up there. Hope you got some stuff done today!
Tali - yikes, so much stuff going on for you guys!!! Im glad you like the therapist and more importantly glad the boys like her! Where are you looking for a dress? not sure if you saw but I posted a coupon the other day for 30% off at Gap, old navy and banana republic, its good in store and online. just the next few days tho.....
Sally 0 you are so fun! I want to go on field trips with you!!! lol! Hope you are having a great day!
Hi Karen, hope your son is feeling better!
Clara - Yuck for the sinus stuff, I know how you feel, I get rotten sinus headaches whenever it rains, I hate it! I hope you are feeling better and you can get some rest tonight.
Hey Jos - man you guys just keep on getting it!! yuck! I hope you are all feeling better soon! Kalin is hilarious! lol

That's it from me girls! Hope everyone has a great day!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
So, my headache is almost gone although I still have the lights down. I really want to pull my computer out and do some scrapping I bought a kit from Kristin Aagard that I really want to use and have a little plan for but I just haven't gotten motivated quite yet. So, I am procrastinating by writing here instead and checking my e-mail, facebook and whatever else I can think of repeatedly. So, I'm off to check facebook, yet again and then I will pull out my laptop and scrap a little bit. Plus I just downloaded a few things. I need to start using the organizer on Elements but I'm not sure how to get started. I'll get on it soon, I hope. Any suggestions?? Okay...enough of this. I'm off. Ciao.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!

Uhh, so where do I begin explaining myself? Uh let's see. I have kind of...lost myself in my life recently. I miscarried again in December. Right before Christmas and after that I sort of drifted. Then I dove into working with the Non-Profit group here in our neighborhood. I'm apparently not only the secretary the the spokesperson and activities coordinator as well. We're getting ready to move which to be honest terrifies me a little bit. Blah blah blah I could go on but I wont.

Then, yesterday, my lovely husband sat down next to me on the couch and said "What the heck is your deal?". A little surprised I asked him what he meant. And he proceeded to tell me, "I've gotten so used to you showing me all your new scrap pages and spending all your time on the computer that I'm really surprised. It's not like you have a job so you have time? I think you need to get back on that one site..which one is it, the one with the big O on it and do something. You're starting to not be you anymore." And that was it. I was more surprised by the fact that he was right and that he noticed then by what he actually said.

I'm back! Let's play catch up. =]
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Well-Known Member
Oh Kayleigh!! Big hugs sweetie! I've been through a miscarriage myself, if you need to talk I'm here. :)

I'm glad to see you back. What kind of non-profit do you work with?


Well-Known Member
It's called Cooperative de Familias Unidas. It's a community based organization. We get food donations for families in our community that are currently struggling, we are also dedicated to stop the violence and keep kids out of gangs and off drugs. It's a lot of work but we have a lot of dedicated and strong people behind this movement.


Well-Known Member
Wrists and hands are on the mend. Spent the day with a friend that I love helping me do my work, so that made the day go fast.

I'm just doing a quick drive by and I might check in later. =) Have a great evening!


always chatty at the O!!
Dang girl!!! You are a rockstar!! 150 posts in two days?? Or was it more than that? I wish I would have had some layouts up to see what great things you would have had to say about it. Whoohoo!!


Well-Known Member
Passing back through to do personals! I am scrapping on the laptop and watching the Devil Wears Prada on cable. Good times! And DH comes home tonight!!!!

Tali - glad to hear that the therapy got off to a good start!! And so sorry to hear about Eric's aunt.

Sal - bet the kids enjoyed touring the studio and seeing everything in person!

Karen - how are you my adsr buddy? i miss our weekly im's! hehe. hope alex is feeling better. ((hugs)), my friend!

Clara - hope you are feeling better soon! Get your appointment to the ENT!

Jos - hoping everyone feels better in your house asap.

Kelly - woohoo on making your post count. can i tell you that photo cracks me up everytime i see it?! have you scrapped it?? it's the best.

((Kayleigh)) -- welcome back!

Hiya Sara!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks girls!!!!

not sure Clara..I was lagging around 700 or so a few days ago I think......I just hit the gallery hardcore the last couple of days!!! :)

whooohooo im now an official occupant lol!! yay!!!!!!!!

ME - I havent scrapped it yet, cant decide what to do with it!


...loves her some "O"
KELLY!!! congrats, doll!!!

KAYLEIGH!!!!!!!! yay!!!! sooo glad to see you here, darling!!! i've missed you!!! and I'm soooo sorry about your miscarriage, sweetie! I've been there, too...{{{{hugs}}}} i'm sooo glad you are back to play with us... :D