
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, June 19


The Loopy-O
:waving1 hello, o-zies!
Have I ever told you how much I adore coffee?
You all thought I was going to say that I adore *you* and I do, very much. But when you consistently wake up before 5 am no matter what time you go to sleep, coffee isn't only love, it's need.
:coffee1: :coffeedrinker:

I told Caitlyn about your advice and support about the wedding stress. She was very touched and said to thank you all and to send everyone a hug. She seemed a lot better yesterday, I think most of the stress was after being with her friend for 5 days and mentally comparing everything.
I had a fantastic visit with my parents (NO! I am not being sarcastic :giggle4: ). My mom found a beautiful dress and matching sandals for the shower. She is going to look amazing ♥ It was something that I really liked but she wasn't sure about it until she tried it on. Even the woman who was waiting for a dressing room to open up said how pretty she looked in it.
I didn't have any luck with shoes/sandals for myself. I needed white ones and that was surprisingly hard to find, everything was cream or beige. I ordered a pair from Amazon and hope they fit and don't hurt. If not, I have pink Converse sneakers I can wear.

Because I can't do much more for the shower (other than buying the gifts for the game winners), I signed up for a Fire Building Course on Sunday. One of the perks of working at Weis is attending any Trailbound Project courses for free. Even the Wilderness First Aid/CPR courses were free, all I had to pay was for the certification fee. I haven't built a fire outside ever and only in a wood-burning stove years ago. It will be another good skill to have. Just sayin' :voodoodoll:

I am cleaning for my friend and wonder if she remembers that I am coming today. I texted her over the weekend but that doesn't always mean much. i get that ;)
This afternoon I am working on Cheery O stuff. I have two b-day LO- WIPs plus I *HAVE TO* finish the prep for my AJ challenge. And dinner dammit. I will say how happy I was that Tom took over dinner for me last night. I was later than I expected getting back home and my dinner idea wasn't going to work. Tom made tofu stir fry for us and I am eternally grateful. :praying2:
He's working tonight so I have to figure out dinner on my own today Boooo hissss :bawling:

Sending everyone big hugs and stay cool vibes~~~ I'm sending NJ heat to Tracy and maybe Jeanne can send us some rain.



Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. Chris, that sounds wonderful to send Tracy some of our heat! It IS a bit distressing and..... HOT!
I'm a long time Girl Scout - not active now but I progressed from Junior through Senior scouts and was also a Girl Scout leader with a friend for awhile. I'm a sucker for Girl Scouts, it's a great organization and the city I lived in growing up had a wonderful set up where troops shared in lots of activities. So, I met many other girls in the city who became friends I would not have otherwise known. All that to say - I'm a great camp/fire maker and like to do that! Gives me great satisfaction to get one going. Funny thing is, I know how and can do it well but never had a formal certification, only learning from older scouts and leaders. My co-leader went for certification but could not make a fire for anything. So, we combined our talents and did fine.

Just popped in to say hi - I've been very busy in life and the rest of it trying to keep up with the Oscraps Birthday celebration. Lots of fun, but no down time and I find myself falling asleep once I sit.
Wishing everyone a happy day - stay cool those in the heat. Which appears to be almost everyplace, USA! :sunnyeyes:


The Loopy-O
Sometimes I reread what I post and it is apparent that I spent a lot of time in college writing papers with word counts. Bwuahahha!!

@tanteva ITA with the capitalism part. Caitlyn was looking for someone to do her hair and makeup. When she searched makeup artist it was one price. The second that she used the keyword "wedding makeup," the prices skyrocketed.
Her wedding is September 13 and yes, it *is* a Friday for my spooky girl. :knifehead:

@vickyday TY, I love the charm too and even if she doesn't use it on her bouquet, she will have something personal from me.
Isn't that crazy to charge that much on a photography permit for an hour? Plus she will need to pay the photographer extra "travel fees" to go offsite. Like Eva said, it's a racket. :/
Good luck with FB Marketplace, I hope that you get some solid bites on your supplies.

@BrightEyes I can't get over how fast the party is flying by and I have missed all of it. :(
Well, that is good to hear that you didn't go on the step stool to clean the windows. It is one of life's ironies that you need sun/light to see the streaks but the sun/light makes it that much harder to clean them off of the glass. Pfft.
Always such wonderful advice to Cheryl ♥

@Terri M I don't; know if they still make it but Off used to make a dry touch formula. Or perhaps use permethrin on your shoes? My best idea-- drink so much wine that you either 1. don't care about mosquitos or 2. the mosquitos get drunk when they bite you :floorlaugh:
Enjoy PSE 2024! Love your little bird-friend too.

@AK_Tracy Some of the party games here would have me cackling like a loon, I miss playing along this time.

Annnnnd there's Eva. Causing trouble. Again. :giggle4:

I laugh but now I am scared:
I have some other plans ...... :devil2:

@bcgal00 I didn't know you were a lefty. I hope that the splint does the trick and the flare calms down quickly.
I'd be so worried about the baby robins too. Good to know that they are getting better at flying.

@Cherylndesigns I am soooo dang proud of you for finding a way to work through the emotional roadblocks and to find a way to use the kit. Just remember to be kind to yourself and accept the times you need to take mental/emotional breaks. We are always here for you!
I am still speechless about Casey.
i have to run to the dollar store soon to look for the gifts. I have purple organza bags left over from the favors so I want them to match but I'll definitely look at the Dollar Tree next time I down the highway. Hand soap and dishtowels might be a cute combo :)

@mimes1 Argh!!!! Silly dogs, you'd think they would have learned the first time they got skunked. Seriously, it wasn't that long ago... :D So sorry that you had to deal with that again. :sick:
Ooooh, that sounds exciting, a new job prospect! Good luck with it!!!
What was my rule.... something about not needing to do personals ... no stress or pressures. (not me- I'd *never* ignore that part about the stress ha!!!) We know you can't leave us now. tee hee.

@taxed4ever And we all thought that it would be easier with the ILs across the street... :giggle4: I shouldn't laugh-- I truly hope that it gets easier soon. How much more stuff do they have to muck about with?
Don't answer, I fear it will be too overwhelming.

@JeanneMN WTG!! Anyone that can survive a clean and simple is a hero in my book!

@Cherylndesigns If we are keeping you sane, I have some :ketchup: to share with you...
Seriously, you know we got you and whatever we can do to help, we will. :grouphugyay:
(other than putting ketchup on my pasta. There has to be some kind of lien and that is where I draw it)
How are your girls doing? it must have been fab having them visit.
So excited for the weekend bench building.
You know if they deliver the wine, you are gonna have to go and signal them to the right spot on your property. We should get you wine bottle-shaped road flares. (Check Amazon, they probably have them LOL)

@AK_Tracy Ooooh, how are you feeling today after the bike ride? hehe, BTDT with hikes, it is all fun and games until you realize you still have to get out of the woods. Hope you aren't too sore. Do Epsom salt baths help at all?



The Loopy-O
Good morning everyone. Chris, that sounds wonderful to send Tracy some of our heat! It IS a bit distressing and..... HOT!
I'm a long time Girl Scout - not active now but I progressed from Junior through Senior scouts and was also a Girl Scout leader with a friend for awhile. I'm a sucker for Girl Scouts, it's a great organization and the city I lived in growing up had a wonderful set up where troops shared in lots of activities. So, I met many other girls in the city who became friends I would not have otherwise known. All that to say - I'm a great camp/fire maker and like to do that! Gives me great satisfaction to get one going. Funny thing is, I know how and can do it well but never had a formal certification, only learning from older scouts and leaders. My co-leader went for certification but could not make a fire for anything. So, we combined our talents and did fine.

Just popped in to say hi - I've been very busy in life and the rest of it trying to keep up with the Oscraps Birthday celebration. Lots of fun, but no down time and I find myself falling asleep once I sit.
Wishing everyone a happy day - stay cool those in the heat. Which appears to be almost everyplace, USA! :sunnyeyes:
yeah, it doesn't seem like the smartest way to spend a 90* day - learning how to build fires :D But I feel that I will get a sense of satisfaction if/when I can get it started.
LOL-ing at the troop leader who was certified but couldn't get them started. Weis does a lot of Scout badge programs and I've never done one but I would love to sit in and see how it is done.

try to stay cool in the humidity-- it's pretty darn gross. Check in on your curly-haired friends everyone-- we are not ok!


Well-Known Member
Well, it is time I switched off the computer and headed to bed.
I was going to wait until tomorrow but I quickly put together a layout for Day 7 of the Birthday challenges.
I have been really enjoying the games and challenges and also enjoyed spending some money during the sales. The sales helped me build up my O Scraps stash a little.
Off I go to bed.... :sleeping2:


Love my O Family!
:waving1 hello, o-zies!
Have I ever told you how much I adore coffee?
You all thought I was going to say that I adore *you* and I do, very much. But when you consistently wake up before 5 am no matter what time you go to sleep, coffee isn't only love, it's need.
:coffee1: :coffeedrinker:

I told Caitlyn about your advice and support about the wedding stress. She was very touched and said to thank you all and to send everyone a hug. She seemed a lot better yesterday, I think most of the stress was after being with her friend for 5 days and mentally comparing everything.
I had a fantastic visit with my parents (NO! I am not being sarcastic :giggle4: ). My mom found a beautiful dress and matching sandals for the shower. She is going to look amazing ♥ It was something that I really liked but she wasn't sure about it until she tried it on. Even the woman who was waiting for a dressing room to open up said how pretty she looked in it.
I didn't have any luck with shoes/sandals for myself. I needed white ones and that was surprisingly hard to find, everything was cream or beige. I ordered a pair from Amazon and hope they fit and don't hurt. If not, I have pink Converse sneakers I can wear.

Because I can't do much more for the shower (other than buying the gifts for the game winners), I signed up for a Fire Building Course on Sunday. One of the perks of working at Weis is attending any Trailbound Project courses for free. Even the Wilderness First Aid/CPR courses were free, all I had to pay was for the certification fee. I haven't built a fire outside ever and only in a wood-burning stove years ago. It will be another good skill to have. Just sayin' :voodoodoll:

I am cleaning for my friend and wonder if she remembers that I am coming today. I texted her over the weekend but that doesn't always mean much. i get that ;)
This afternoon I am working on Cheery O stuff. I have two b-day LO- WIPs plus I *HAVE TO* finish the prep for my AJ challenge. And dinner dammit. I will say how happy I was that Tom took over dinner for me last night. I was later than I expected getting back home and my dinner idea wasn't going to work. Tom made tofu stir fry for us and I am eternally grateful. :praying2:
He's working tonight so I have to figure out dinner on my own today Boooo hissss :bawling:

Sending everyone big hugs and stay cool vibes~~~ I'm sending NJ heat to Tracy and maybe Jeanne can send us some rain.

So glad you had a productive and good time with your mom, even if you didn't find any shoes for yourself. Here's to hoping the one from Amazon fit!


Love my O Family!
Sometimes I reread what I post and it is apparent that I spent a lot of time in college writing papers with word counts. Bwuahahha!!

@tanteva ITA with the capitalism part. Caitlyn was looking for someone to do her hair and makeup. When she searched makeup artist it was one price. The second that she used the keyword "wedding makeup," the prices skyrocketed.
Her wedding is September 13 and yes, it *is* a Friday for my spooky girl. :knifehead:

@vickyday TY, I love the charm too and even if she doesn't use it on her bouquet, she will have something personal from me.
Isn't that crazy to charge that much on a photography permit for an hour? Plus she will need to pay the photographer extra "travel fees" to go offsite. Like Eva said, it's a racket. :/
Good luck with FB Marketplace, I hope that you get some solid bites on your supplies.

@BrightEyes I can't get over how fast the party is flying by and I have missed all of it. :(
Well, that is good to hear that you didn't go on the step stool to clean the windows. It is one of life's ironies that you need sun/light to see the streaks but the sun/light makes it that much harder to clean them off of the glass. Pfft.
Always such wonderful advice to Cheryl ♥

@Terri M I don't; know if they still make it but Off used to make a dry touch formula. Or perhaps use permethrin on your shoes? My best idea-- drink so much wine that you either 1. don't care about mosquitos or 2. the mosquitos get drunk when they bite you :floorlaugh:
Enjoy PSE 2024! Love your little bird-friend too.

@AK_Tracy Some of the party games here would have me cackling like a loon, I miss playing along this time.

Annnnnd there's Eva. Causing trouble. Again. :giggle4:

I laugh but now I am scared:

@bcgal00 I didn't know you were a lefty. I hope that the splint does the trick and the flare calms down quickly.
I'd be so worried about the baby robins too. Good to know that they are getting better at flying.

@Cherylndesigns I am soooo dang proud of you for finding a way to work through the emotional roadblocks and to find a way to use the kit. Just remember to be kind to yourself and accept the times you need to take mental/emotional breaks. We are always here for you!
I am still speechless about Casey.
i have to run to the dollar store soon to look for the gifts. I have purple organza bags left over from the favors so I want them to match but I'll definitely look at the Dollar Tree next time I down the highway. Hand soap and dishtowels might be a cute combo :)

@mimes1 Argh!!!! Silly dogs, you'd think they would have learned the first time they got skunked. Seriously, it wasn't that long ago... :D So sorry that you had to deal with that again. :sick:
Ooooh, that sounds exciting, a new job prospect! Good luck with it!!!
What was my rule.... something about not needing to do personals ... no stress or pressures. (not me- I'd *never* ignore that part about the stress ha!!!) We know you can't leave us now. tee hee.

@taxed4ever And we all thought that it would be easier with the ILs across the street... :giggle4: I shouldn't laugh-- I truly hope that it gets easier soon. How much more stuff do they have to muck about with?
Don't answer, I fear it will be too overwhelming.

@JeanneMN WTG!! Anyone that can survive a clean and simple is a hero in my book!

@Cherylndesigns If we are keeping you sane, I have some :ketchup: to share with you...
Seriously, you know we got you and whatever we can do to help, we will. :grouphugyay:
(other than putting ketchup on my pasta. There has to be some kind of lien and that is where I draw it)
How are your girls doing? it must have been fab having them visit.
So excited for the weekend bench building.
You know if they deliver the wine, you are gonna have to go and signal them to the right spot on your property. We should get you wine bottle-shaped road flares. (Check Amazon, they probably have them LOL)

@AK_Tracy Ooooh, how are you feeling today after the bike ride? hehe, BTDT with hikes, it is all fun and games until you realize you still have to get out of the woods. Hope you aren't too sore. Do Epsom salt baths help at all?

Yes, it is a racket!
Lots of clicks on the FB Marketplace but no takers. I now have the items posted on Nextdoor, too!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Up at 6:30, out the door by 6:45. Walked my 2 miles from 6:50 - 7:25.
Stopped at the PO for Mark's mail on the way home.
Heated up my bone broth while putting the dishes away.
Washed the disgustingly dirty cooler Mark takes to the woods!
Cleaned up my email. Checked my FB and Nextdoor listings. NADA!
More pics to take today of the thousands of stamps I have, etc.
I'm hoping Mark wants to go to lunch today!
Church tonight!
I ran the Roomba robot yesterday, scared Asher half to death! He hates that thing! Tries to hide, but there is no hiding, LOL! Poor guy!
Tried some Nature's Promise pre-cooked bacon for supper last night. I'm not a fan! I made an egg sandwich with my few bacon strips and Mark ate the bacon, eggs and toast and then ate some grits. I'm not a fan of those, either! However, I love cream of wheat!
Good news! I was able to pick up Ozempic from CVS yesterday for Mark! So he is going to start taking that again on Thursday evening since he doesn't work on Fridays.....that way any nausea he gets he won't have to deal with at work. He has picked up some of his weight he lost while on it, so he is looking forward to getting back on track with that! Me, too, because his appetite has increased and he is beginning to eat us out of house and home again!
Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
:coffeedrinker:@faerywings Whatever is in your coffee, I want some! Your sense of humor just has me laughing out loud and I love it!

@vickyday IKWYM about the Ozempic and grocery bills! My Mark has been eating me out of house and home for 30 years! Now that he's on Mounjaro I can afford to feed him a little better!! And, he could not get his upped dose of Mounjaro last time around - nope, not available, anywhere. So he stayed another month on the previous dose. This past weekend, the desired dose came available, Marks only one week into the current months allotment and cant pick up the proper dose for at least two or two and half weeks. The pharmacy won't hold it for him, (demand, you know?) so in two weeks when he orders, it will start all over. I fear that he's out of cycle with the availability cycle and it will just go on and on.

Off to do some housework - my days at home may be numbered if this job pans out. Be back later!
Last edited:


Morning all. Was going to the Credit Union today but remembered it a Federal Holiday so it is closed. I will put off doing that errand until tomorrow. Friday I have a dermatologist appointment... have a couple of spots that need to be removed. One is on the side right where the lower edge of the bra sits. The other one is about 3" lower on the same side. Will be going bra less over the weekend. :crying1: I did find a box of large Band-Aids at the commissary - 1 that will cover both areas - so I can wear a bra if I have to go out.

I did manage to get the glass in the front storm door cleaned yesterday morning while it was still cool. It is a double one - the top glass slides down to sit by the lower glass section and a screen is in the upper space. Which means that if there is any streaks on either side of the two glasses it really shows up. Now I can stand to walk by the front door with it open and no streaks on the glass section. And I even got the bed sheets changed - and washed before noon yesterday.

Will have to keep the house closed up starting this afternoon. There are 2 major fires burning near Ruidoso - about 120 miles southeast of here. There is a mandatory evacuation of that area with only a few roads out of the mountains.. The winds will be shifting from the SW to SE and the smoke will be coming our way for the next several days. Praying that the monsoon rains will be falling in that area of the state on Friday and through the weekend. Will be wearing a mask whenever I have to go out.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Good beautiful morning, all! Tracy can have all my Virginia hot weather but I don't think the moose in Alaska will be happy. (Is the plural of moose mooses? that doesn't sound right.) It was hot at the winery yesterday evening but they had fans going so I came away without mosquito bites.
I don't; know if they still make it but Off used to make a dry touch formula. Or perhaps use permethrin on your shoes?
The NY Times Wirecutter column recommended Sawyers brand repellent, which uses picaridin instead of deet, which they say is just as effective but doesn't feel sticky. I use permethrin-treated clothes for trail work, and throw that shirt over me if I'm sitting on the deck, never thought of treating shoes. Although my summer shoes are usually flip flops so there's not a lot of square inches to treat!

I've been looking at all these birthday layouts and it reminded me that I was sitting at a table after church Sunday with a couple little girls as we ate our donuts. One said to me she had just finished kindergarten, and I told her my granddaughter had just finished kindergarten, too. She looked at me and said, "You're a grandma? I thought you were just a mom." omg - is that just the cutest compliment I've had in decades!

And speaking of grandkids -- I do try to coordinate the colors of the kits I use in layouts with the photos. Someday (soon I hope) those girls will get over wearing pink all the time and I can use some other colors!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies.
Yes please send me about 10 degrees of heat. Will help cool you off and give me a bit ore of the 70's temps. Yesterday with the wind we only got to 55* and it was cold biking which was nice as we didn't overheat. @Terri M Moose plural is just Moose. Its one of those weird words where its one or 100. Definitely not Meese :floorlaugh:

Very much over did my bike ride yesterday and didn't take any photos o_O:jawdrop3: So bummed with self for being so in the moment I didn't get any photos of the kid and I biking. Thought about it was we crossed the river but didn't stop at that point. My body though is telling me hey guess what hurts. Nah we went to the little known muscle group to hurt. Plus the seat area since its been a year. Might have to sit in sauna and work out the tightness. Getting hand tingles like a pre-migraine feeing but no headache. Thinking my back is too tight.

I'm with @faerywings Chris and need more magical coffee. Its a need. It keeps other alive :floorlaugh: Off to get another cup.


Well-Known Member
It's cooled off a bit here this week, sweater weather. But it's back up by the wkend. Two of our baby robins are sticking close by, hanging out on the side of the house or on the front porch. Mom comes to feed them so I think they are doing ok. I'm heading to the dog park soon and then off to play canasta at the center with Darrell for the afternoon.

Will have a few more sips of coffee, jump in the shower and get on with my day. BFN


Well-Known Member
I was having some fun and laughed how this turned out. But because its personal scrapping I didn't worry about if it was O supplies or not. I dont think I am at 80% but I did use Gotta Latte by Aimee Harrison. My dogs love coffee.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

I'm popping in to say hi and tell you crazy girls every time you call me "Theryl" in the forums and the gallery, I laugh out loud. You all are THE best!! I love it so much that I think I'll change my name. :floorlaugh: :lol23::rotfl:

Chris @faerywings I'm SO glad you had a great day with your mom and she found the perfect outfit. I think you should wear your pink Converse - regardless - that's SO you, girl!! DO check at the Dollar Tree - they had the cutest things last week. Thank you for all the support and love that you and everyone else give me. It means so much and keeps me going. Yes, i was happy with the final layout, but I panicked at first when I started looking back at my pictures from January and February. If that ever happens again, I'm taking yours and Kay's @BrightEyes suggestion to just let the designer know I can't do it. I don't know why I didn't even think of that.

When we ordered the wine, I thought of that very thing - how in the heck are they going to find out houses? I'm going to look on Amazon to see if they have any wine bottle flares. Hey, maybe we could make our own. I usually buy box wine, but we can figure something out. Great idea!!!:floorlaugh::lol23::lol23:

The girls are busy with their jobs - it's year end and Adrienne (especially) is really under a lot of pressure. She's one of the HR Director for a large portion of the company. She teases me a lot for "really pushing" her to get her HR Degree.

I can't possibly catch up with all of you lovelies and I apologize for that. My Birthday Challenge started today, and I've been super busy trying to keep up, plus I did the Wednesday Color Play blog post too. Sending ALL of you lots of hugs.