
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, July 9


The Loopy-O
Happy Wednesday!!

I am so so so SO blessed to have such great kids and to have such great relationships with them. Yesterday, Scott ended up coming with my to MILs. She lives the Everything-is-45-Minutes-Away, so we had a lot of time to chat driving down and back. We talked about so many things, politics, girlfriend stuff, silly stuff like Long Cat. Monday I had a great day with Cait, yesterday a great day with Scott.
I think Scott was pleased with himself too. He is getting really bummed that he can't find a job in town. My town really sucks. There is Shop Rite and A&P, and a handful of other small businesses. He has had no luck with them, so I am hoping that between lawn mowing, working more at MIL's and my parents would like for him to take over mowing their lawn (My dad is 76, think it's about time??) will tide him over until he can find something steady.

I was going to go to the Stress Reduction Workshop and Walk for the Fitness Challenge today, but then I decided not to go. I did a lot the last 2 days and I really and truly need to get stuff done this morning if I have any hopes of getting to the lake this afternoon. I might even scrap the lake today and just go on Friday with my mom.

Speaking of scrapping, I'd love to get some of that done too :D

What fun or boring stuff do you all have going on today?

I want to get everything done on my ginormous To-Do list
I wish I had a personal assistant to help me.
I wish for a caffeine IV


The Loopy-O
Nancy- We haven't gotten any of the bad storms since Friday. We had a bit of rain the other night but nothing loud. More are supposed to be coming today but I guess we'll have to see.
As for your hubby-- all I can say is Boys (men) are stupid. I think that they can be rational and logical at work, but the second they walk in the door, it goes *poof.*
Weber Grills- yes, that is the brand that we bought too.

Oooh dinner was good last night! Gary found a recipe online for lemon verbena tilapia. It was tilapia over basmati rice, peas (from our garden), scallions, lemon verbena (also from our garden). Really delish!! Not to mention I love when he cooks. The only downside is that he either uses every last pan/utensil in the house, or that he doesn't clean as he goes. But it is a good trade off.

Phyllis- I can't wait to see the tile. I wish I lived closer, I would come over and help you.
I don't know if any of you remember that a year and a half ago, Cait asked for Christmas for paint, so she could paint each wall a different (bright) color. Now she is sick of it (no surprise there) and wants to make is a pale lavender/white color. Oh. BOY! That is going to be fun trying to cover that. My dad has offered to come up and do the ceiling since Cait and I are so darn short that it is hard for us to do that. My dad isn't tall by any metric, but he still has 6 inches on me. I am 4'11" and he is 5'6". My poor kids get their height from my side of the family. LOL

it doesn't matter if you said the same thing yesterday. they think the counter goes back to ZERO for every day, and so you have to repeat AGAIN what you told them yesterday. they won't remember from one minute to the next what you said to them


Hope that everyone who pops in has a wonderful day. And for any new members or lurkers, we would *love* to hear how you are doing too!!!



Well-Known Member
Good morning - today is going to be another NJ summer day with heat and humidity. My DIL is coming down and we are going out for lunch. Her dog of 15 years died over the weekend and she needs to be busy so hoping this helps a little. I am going to in and out for the next two weeks as I am off on another vacation. So today is a get everything ready for my trip day. I am heading west to AZ and then picking up my sister and we are going to spend some time in Albuquerque before heading to Kansas to visit our Aunt. On the way back we are going to be stopping in Pagosa Springs CO and staying at a B&B. Should be fun. An adventure. Not sure what wifi I will find along the way. I hope to get lots of photos for sure as the West is such a different gorgeous than NJ. I am watching the Tour de France and it is raining and they are racing over cobblestone roads. It does not look pleasant at all. But it is so fun knowing that last year I was there at the end and saw these riders in person. I sent the Shutterfly album to my fellow traveler on my Great Lakes trip and he and his wife loved it so that made me happy.

Chris it is fun to have one on one time with our kids no matter what age. I love hearing how they think. It keeps you on your toes for sure. And your dinner sounds wonderful!

Phylis glad the kitchen will be done on Monday!

Hope everyone has a wonderful time.


Well-Known Member
Chris, would it help if you painted over the bright stuff with primer first? more work, but at least there would be a better chance that the old bright colors wouldn't be seen through the light color she wants. either way, it sounds like a two coat job. erg....:faint2: how i hate painting, and i have my enitre first floor to tackle after this kitchen tile adventure. Tile Guy is here and starting to actually put the tile down on the floor. i hope it doesn't look too scary when it's down...:scared:

Nancy!!! lucky you with a road trip. that's my dream vacation, no matter what. take lots of pix. can't wait to see them! have fun!

hmmm. me today. sitting in my dining room a lot. (yesterday was funny. i cooked dinner in the basement and had to keep going out the front foor, into the garage, then into the basement every time i needed to check on things. then when finished, i carried everything up the front steps outside and in the front door to the dining room.) i have a few little errands to run, just to get out of the house, mainly. other than that, nothing much on the agenda.

have a happy day. :becky:


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say hi! I've been very blah the last few days. I've been reading the ooo's, but not posting. Nothing particular going on. Just tired, sleepy, avoiding housework, etc. So I've buried myself in reading and watching Glee. Helpful huh? :)

Love you guys!