
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, July 30


The Loopy-O
Happy Hump Day! And yeeeesh, it feels so weird here. I am frozen. So cold!! I have on a long sleeve T, leggings and fuzzy socks. And if one more person on FB says how "Lovely" that it and how it feels like Autumn, I am going to have to go fish-slap them.:fish:
I went to the lake for an hour or so and I had to wrap myself in my blanket. But it was better to be there and cold then to be home and cold.

I had a rough afternoon when I got home. I was writing up some of my questions for the dr this afternoon, and I gathered all of my new patient forms when I realized that the referral I had clipped to the top was missing. I ripped apart my office which is mostly a breeding ground for medical bills and I couldn't find it anywhere. I go to the fridge to get the biz card for my GP's office to beg for another on on short notice, and there it was, hanging onthe fridge. I never keep referrals on the fridge. That is where Gary keeps his. But I have it and am sort of ready for the appt today.

Gary isn't coming with me. I think it is better in some ways. I want him there, but I don't want to fight with him afterward. I think that *every* first appt with any of my cancer drs made us fight. And I don't think this one is going to tell me anything new or different but I am just hoping that my questions will be better answered than the last time.

Then I am heading over to my mom's for dinner. Hopefully MIL is dropping Scott over there so I don't have to drive from my mom's to MIL's then home tonight. And my godson is going to be there for a while too since my brother and SIL have something to do too. Should be nice!

Hope that all of you have amazing days!

I wish that I could be healthy again. This Medical Crap is really overwheling to me. I am tried of the different dr/medical test/IV every day Shit.
I wish for Peace on Earth. Truly.
I want to drink coffee and scrap all day long!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- truly crazy weather here. My friend across the street and I were joking about how when the kids were small and we'd be trying to decide if we should go to the lake or not and it would be nice behind her house and cloudy behind mine.
6-10 mile bike rides sound amazing to me! That is really awesome! and "awesomer" that your paths have been paved.
Your poor aunt. I hope that her hip surgery goes smoothly for her.

Jean- we have a lot of bunnies here to cheer us up too. Hope that you had a nice day with your sister:)

Saucy Hand of Karma :rofl: That is so funny! The kids told me that there is a new term for saucy-- "salty"
So if someone is being a little cheeky-- it is now Salty. heh!
did you survive the dinner ok last night? Not too saucy/salty to the BIL? And that is one huge reason I am going to my mom's after my appt tonight. Usually after these cancer-appts, I just want to go home and hide. But I had to weigh the options of doing that vs driving the 5 mins for a meal I didn't have to cook. ;)

Sara- your summer is flying by :( But it sounds like it has been a lot of fun for you and Ben. Does he go back on the same day as you?

Love and hugs!

PS: Last day to finish July Scrap Challenges!


Well-Known Member
But it was better to be there and cold then to be home and cold.

i laughed out loud at that one, Chris! thanks for my morning giggle. glad you're going to the doc's by yourself. remember who owns your body.

just a fast fly-by this a.m. i've spend far too long already on Facebook this morning, fighting with a Very Stupid Person named Gino who is trying to debate a foreign policy issue. this guy is a "friend" of a "friend" of mine, and was saying things that i just couldn't let pass. one of my MANY shortcomings. anyway, now i have to get dressed and go take more Cemetery pix, then meet an old friend for lunch near my old hometown. trying to figure out where i'm going to change clothes between the two activities.

enjoy the day! :becky:


The Loopy-O
PS: Last day to finish July Scrap Challenges!
And b/c I am date-challenged, it took me until a half ago ago, half way through the day, to remember that July has 31 days, not 30!!! :brick:


Well-Known Member
How did it go Chris? I'm anxious to hear.

I am exhausted. My feet and legs are so sore from putting up bulletin boards. My library is huge. So I have a 15 foot wide board in the back and an enormous wall in the front that equates to about six 15 foot tall boards. My office has a 10 foot wide one. The computer lab has two maybe 6 foot by 6 foot ones and a big huge bare wall that I always try to do something with. And I have taken on helping the secretary do the bulletin board in front of the office that greets parents. And that's just the "surface" work ya know? I have all the real stuff to do, like importing accounts, setting up and check out computers, getting reservation sheets ready....etc. etc. This is why I start way early.

I go back officially next Wed. and Ben goes back the following Monday. So he gets three more days than me. I think he will be more than ready to stop hanging out with Mom!

I still have to get the lab ready. The library is almost totally ready. There are plastic tarps over everything because the roofers are working and there is constant little debris falling everywhere. So I'm not taking those off and putting up books until next week. I still have to get my office in order too. (My desk and bookshelves are a sheer disaster!) And put up letters on the office bulletin board. BUT...I'm not doing any of that until Monday. I'm taking Ben to the pool tomorrow and Friday I have a meeting.

Sat and Sun will be busy too. Family wedding on Sat. and family reunion on Sunday. Both for husband's side. Not looking forward to dealing with my SIL, but I'm sure we'll get past it.

Ok. I'm going to eat my Subway sandwich....I was too tired to cook! And then pick up so that the house isn't a disaster when Matt gets home. He had to go out of town for one night. Travel 16 hours for an 8 hour meeting. Blech. TTYL!