Happy Hump Day! And yeeeesh, it feels so weird here. I am frozen. So cold!! I have on a long sleeve T, leggings and fuzzy socks. And if one more person on FB says how "Lovely" that it and how it feels like Autumn, I am going to have to go fish-slap them.:fish:
I went to the lake for an hour or so and I had to wrap myself in my blanket. But it was better to be there and cold then to be home and cold.
I had a rough afternoon when I got home. I was writing up some of my questions for the dr this afternoon, and I gathered all of my new patient forms when I realized that the referral I had clipped to the top was missing. I ripped apart my office which is mostly a breeding ground for medical bills and I couldn't find it anywhere. I go to the fridge to get the biz card for my GP's office to beg for another on on short notice, and there it was, hanging onthe fridge. I never keep referrals on the fridge. That is where Gary keeps his. But I have it and am sort of ready for the appt today.
Gary isn't coming with me. I think it is better in some ways. I want him there, but I don't want to fight with him afterward. I think that *every* first appt with any of my cancer drs made us fight. And I don't think this one is going to tell me anything new or different but I am just hoping that my questions will be better answered than the last time.
Then I am heading over to my mom's for dinner. Hopefully MIL is dropping Scott over there so I don't have to drive from my mom's to MIL's then home tonight. And my godson is going to be there for a while too since my brother and SIL have something to do too. Should be nice!
Hope that all of you have amazing days!
I wish that I could be healthy again. This Medical Crap is really overwheling to me. I am tried of the different dr/medical test/IV every day Shit.
I wish for Peace on Earth. Truly.
I want to drink coffee and scrap all day long!
I went to the lake for an hour or so and I had to wrap myself in my blanket. But it was better to be there and cold then to be home and cold.
I had a rough afternoon when I got home. I was writing up some of my questions for the dr this afternoon, and I gathered all of my new patient forms when I realized that the referral I had clipped to the top was missing. I ripped apart my office which is mostly a breeding ground for medical bills and I couldn't find it anywhere. I go to the fridge to get the biz card for my GP's office to beg for another on on short notice, and there it was, hanging onthe fridge. I never keep referrals on the fridge. That is where Gary keeps his. But I have it and am sort of ready for the appt today.
Gary isn't coming with me. I think it is better in some ways. I want him there, but I don't want to fight with him afterward. I think that *every* first appt with any of my cancer drs made us fight. And I don't think this one is going to tell me anything new or different but I am just hoping that my questions will be better answered than the last time.
Then I am heading over to my mom's for dinner. Hopefully MIL is dropping Scott over there so I don't have to drive from my mom's to MIL's then home tonight. And my godson is going to be there for a while too since my brother and SIL have something to do too. Should be nice!
Hope that all of you have amazing days!
I wish that I could be healthy again. This Medical Crap is really overwheling to me. I am tried of the different dr/medical test/IV every day Shit.
I wish for Peace on Earth. Truly.
I want to drink coffee and scrap all day long!