
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, July 23


The Loopy-O
I am so *not* going for the Mindful Eating Workshop/2 mile walk today. Nope, no way. I hurt all over! I was achy before all of that painting, but now, its even worse. Even my boob/scar is hurting. Guess it has something to do with using a paint roller for hours, perhaps?? ha!

But damn, my dad puts me to SHAME!! He is 76 (I think!) and did the ceilings up on the ladder and all that on his own while Cait and I sat on her bed and chatted with him. We got all of the room done and it looks so pretty. We needed to do two coats of paint to cover the bright walls. It probably could use another coat in spots but we ran out of paint. It is such a pale lavender, and it makes her room look big and bright.
She is really happy with it. yay!

We might walk a bit here, before it gets too hot. Then I am going to get my Aug Challenge done. I have too, but I need to get my brain to work a bit.
Then the lake for a couple of hours this afternoon, then Bunny needs to go back to the vet. Ugh...
Who needs a "Framily" Cell Phone Discount Plan? I need a Fr-Pet-amily Vet Plan!

I made Veggie/Avocado and Alfalfa Sprout Sandwiches last night. Scott said, "I am very aware I am eating a Plant" which kind of summed that up. It was mashed avocado, tomatoes, vidalia onion, sprouts layered on English muffins and topped with cheddar cheese. Everyone liked them (or so they said to my face). :decision: Tonight will be the Black Bean Burgers.
I am trying, I really am...
(Sorry. Phyllis! :puke:)

Wish I wasn't in pain.
Wish I had the energy that my Dad has.
Wish I knew why my Java Updater is giving my computer fits.
Want to finish (ok, *start* ) my Aug Challenge

Have a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
Yup, HHH too Phyllis. It is supposed to top 90* but you know how that feels with the humidity. No "dry heat" here, right? Gary did the same thing-- took a shower, trimmed the hedges, took another shower...
I wish I could help you with that tombstone.I can't imagine why anyone would vandalize something like that. Like you said, and ITA-- cemeteries might be a huge sense of comfort to the families and it would be tragic for them to disappear for those who do get comfort and a sense of genetic history from them through the generations. I really do love that idea of photographing them before they are gone.

Trudy- oh how fun for Grandma to get photos of Mason's haircut! Is the reunion this weekend? Fingers crossed for wonderful weather and no fire bans. When does Heather go back? I can't imagine how much you are going to miss having them with you.
Your ashes-idea sounds wonderful and perfect for you.
Oh, I should have kept reading. Life back to"normal" around Aug 15?

We'll have to make sure that we keep you busy and laughing in here.

Love to all of you! Hope that all of you out on vacation are having a wonderful time!


Well-Known Member
Good morning I am back in NJ - home from vacation. Had a great time but it is good to be home. I am doing nothing today but just relaxing LOL. The flight home left early and arrived early so that was awesome.

Chris sorry you hurt but glad the room is done for Cait. Your dad sounds awesome with his painting. You have very interesting dinners.

Phylis it is HHH here in NJ.

Trudy sounds like such fun to see the hair cut.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... Haircut was cute, not his first one but ohhh so cute!! He had to sit on his mommy's knee but he was a good little boy and got a great looking cut!

We were supposed to hit the ocean today, but it has decided to be a :rain: day so we are just hanging out here at home and catching up on laundry. I am watching Mason and letting his Mommy catch up on her sleep a bit so better go before he gets into something he shouldn't!! Have a great day everyone! Oh Chris my reunion is not until the August long weekend 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Aug. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy, you must have the strongest genes in the world!! i can't believe how much all your grandkids look just like you!! my kids don't look like me, my grandkids don't look like me. even my sisters don't much look like me. so sad that Mason and his mom will be leaving you soon. i imagine they're pretty sad, too.

Nancy, welcome back to The East! are you finding yourself dreaming about and thinking about the places you saw? that always happens to me when i go out west. i daydream about the scenery!

Chris, sorry you feel bad. painting does it for me, too. i've decided that from now on i will only paint as much as i can reach without a ladder, and make Hubby do the rest. though i have to supervise him, because he's color blind and misses spots. your dad sounds amazing. my mom was always like that. put me to shame with how hard and well she worked! i laughed at what Scott said about the avocado sandwich. i think that sprouts always give too much of a "plant-y" taste. everything else sounded good! i'm still not a fan of the black bean thing, but i hope it turns out well.

i got a small piece of face removed this morning so that the derm could send it in for a biopsy. not cancer or anything. she just can't figure out whether something is a birthmark or "lentigo." i want the stupid thing off my face, so she has to know what it is first, before she can decide whether it's removeable or not. after that, i drove into the city to deliver some meatballs and sauce to DD. now i'm just checking up on email and stuff before i feed the cat and start getting dinner together. thrilling stuff.

hope everyone is enjoying Wednesday. :becky: