
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, July 16


The Loopy-O
First off, before I start :blah:-ing, I have a question for Chrome users. I switched from Firefox a month or so ago and while I like it for the most part, there are a few things that I can't figure out. For one, when I type in the Title box here for a new thread, as soon as I type in "D," i get a list of the recent Daily Ooos I posted. How do I get rid of the old entries from that drop down? In FF you could scroll through and delete them. And not just here-- when I do a survey and it asks me my age, now I have to scroll through 45, to get to 46. (Seriously crazy 1st World Problems, dontcha know?)

Man o' man, I had a rough day yesterday. Felt soooo herx-y. Really bad. But hopefully that was the worst of it and I will start coming out of it soon. I worked with Cait and then the weather was yucky, so I cleaned a bit here since the beach wasn't an option. I still have so much to do, but at least I got to vacuum before Gary put the AC on. The kids helped me with the laundry, so that was good.

Then I had to pay/update ins info on several medical bills. I feel bad for people who don't know the system. I got a bill from the ER for $500+. Of course, I know that I should not owe anything, being a Veteran of Health Insurance Screw Ups, but I would imagine if someone doesn't read the very fine print, they wouldn't realize that all they need to do it re-submit their ins. info. I mean, you handed all of your cards an paperwork in while at the hospital, right? Gah. The health Insurance system just sucks. But in the end-- I won't have to pay anything-- my plan will cover the ER visit 100%, whew!!

Not sure what is happening today Meh. The weather is yucky again. Cait and I are planning on going to the Fitness Challenge Meeting today-- it is at a different Shop Rite than I go to. I have only been in there once, and it is huge. The mtg is a Healthy Store Tour, so I am looking fwd to seeing what they have up there. Then a walk at Wawayanda State Park, if it should stop raining. Lake, this afternoon. *fingers crossed*

What good stuff are you all up too?

I want to see the sun!!!


The Loopy-O
When don't you have a Medical Monday??
Good point. hehe!!!
What a sweet camp!! We dropped off some of the stuff that Cait had bought to feed Lil Bun at the shelter the other day and I couldn't even look at the dogs there, they made me so sad b/c they look so lonely. But I am happy that Ben is taking such good care of them. What a FAB way to combine 2 terrific interests- dogs and books.
I have never heard of Airbnb. What is it?

jean- Hope that you had a good day too!

Trudy- does Mason like the pool/water? My kids loved that, but my nephew hates them. Hope Mason stays nice and cool out there. And I hope that your weather breaks so its not too hit. The temps here aren't so high but the humidity is outrageous.
Nancy, do you miss that? :D



Well-Known Member
Good morning!

Chris - I remember having to track down the autofill/cache thing that you are talking about a little while back for a staff member who accidentally typed his password in a username box and submitted and Chrome remembered it. But, it's awfully early and I haven't had enough coffee yet. I'll figure it out though once I wake up. :)

Insurance sucks. On one hand, I'm glad you know the system. On the other had, it sucks you know the system! LOL I hope that your herxing stops and you feel a bit better. The health store sounds fun! And I hope you squeeze in a walk. We had record lows yesterday. It was a bit crazy for mid July!

Jean - Yes! It was cold here too! I couldn't believe it. But of course it's going to be hot, hot, hot when we head to South Dakota. Blech!

Trudy - I am sorry it's hot for you. It stinks when you have a little one like Mason and you start to feel cooped up. Hope you have something fun to do with him!

AirBnB for those who want to know, is website where you can look for sublets. Townhomes, condos, and apartments to rent. It is done by owner, so it tends to be much cheaper than hotels. I *think* (but don't quote me on it), it was started by/for flight attendants. They could rent out their spaces when traveling. Now there are a huge variety of people on there. Some are in the rental business, some are frequent travelers. One I looked at yesterday, the wife was studying abroad and the husband took a temporary job in Europe with her. Though the idea of staying in someone's own space creeps me out a little, some of these look more like hotels and less like people's homes. Those are the ones where rental units are a job for them. But we can manage to find a two bedroom space in California for $3500-$4500 for one month if we go that route. It's more expensive to stay at an extended stay hotel and it doesn't typically have a full kitchen and a dining table, etc. A furnished apartment would be $5588 for a one bedroom. So anyway, it can be a cheap way to find lodging.

I have to go wake Ben up. He has to get his cavity filled this morning before camp. Hopefully it goes ok. He is loving camp. Yesterday I gave him a disposable camera. He took all 27 pictures! I tried to make sure he understood everything about it. In my head, he could take a few and then have the rest for the trip. But...nope. He took all 27. LOL They had raptors come yesterday, read to their book buddies, got to spend time with dogs in the meet and greet rooms...he had a blast.

Ok. I am going to get him up and going. Chris - I will try to remember how it was to get rid of that stuff! Have a good day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning still in Kansas. Sara I am in a small town St. Francis in the northwest corner of the state and yesterday we drove and saw Nebraska as I was showing my sister the Breaks. While driving we saw norther goshawk. That was so awesome. Been cooking a lot for my aunt and she can't believe it. Too funny! Last night was awesome as she is going through her antiques and giving away stuff from the Fry side of the family to me and my sister. I have gotten table clothes and doilies that my grandmother made, a teapot the has been in the family since the 1800s, a smaller tea pot, and a pickle jar the is just gorgeous. My sister is getting a whole set of China and crystal glasses. So I feel like a kid in a candy store and that it is like Christmas in July. Our weather has been chilly and rain today but since we have to pack up the valuables who cares.

Chris insurance is the pits. Hope today is better. Glad the kids helped

Phylis your tile is stunning.

Sara that camp for Ben is a camp I would have liked. Glad he is having fun

Trudy hope things are going well. I am sure Mason is joy

Have a great great day


Well-Known Member
'morning. the sun is shining and it's about 60 degrees here. going up to a whopping 73 degrees. my FAVoRITE kind of weather. now if you could just put the Rocky Mountains in the distance to be seen from my back yard, i'd be a happy girl. i've been making and freezing zucchini bread for days. i finally have zucchini plants that actually produce zucchini, after about 8 years of nothing much happening with zucchini i plant. it's been inexplicable. this year i bought heritage seed online, which will probably be the route i go from now on. i have NO idea what Burpee did to their zucchini seeds, but no more of them for me. my green beans are about done, so i pulled all the plants out this morning. good old green beans. growing them is like rolling off a log. easy. i made a few batches of pesto and froze it. more of that coming soon, by the looks of my basil. looks like i'm gonna have a bumper tomato crop, too, so salsa-making will happen in a month or so. i have four little fawns living on my property. Mom comes and goes. i love seeing them, but all i can think of is DEER TICKS.

Chris, sorry you feel so crappy. is it partially the change in the weather, do you think? that's always an issue for me. re: the med billing: don't you ever wonder about the intellectual prowess of the people in charge of data in the system? i swear, even if you look at them in the face, hand them the documents, question them to make sure that they have everything they need, it doesn't process in their heads. then chaos is created. my daughter, who has been a US citizen since she came here at 15 months of age, recently found out that, upon checking by some agency, they have her as NOT a citizen. it's ridiculous. we have all the court papers, and heretofore she never had this problem come up. but somewhere there's a stupid fat person with a bottle of water on their desk, entering data and making mistakes that, at the very least, waste people's time and at worst, create a total disaster.

Sara. wow! those prices all sound really expensive. but i've never done owner rentals, so i have no idea what it i should cost. how does your Ben take getting fillings? my kids were never fans of having people messing around in their mouths.

TRUDY!!! i AM proud of you!! keep calling the police. i'm on a campaign to let rude people know that they can't control what i have to listen to on my own property. normal life sound is one thing, but incessantly barking dogs, loud music, consistent screaming--- that's it. does your town have a noise ordinance? ours doesn't, which hacks me off, but we have the BEST dog ordinance ever. i actually think it's TOO strict! hope your weather goes back to more normal. i'm enjoying the temps in the 70s.

Jean, enjoy your day!

i'm off to pick up ( ...not literally, because it weighs 120 lbs.) my piece of soapstone for my kitchen island. this will be a new experience. never had any soapstone before. i had a piece of granite on the little islandefore the new floor, but it doesn't go with the new floor at all now. here's a soapstone website with lovely gallery photos: www.soapstones.com

enjoy the day! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! Well it is blissful here this morning, the neighbours have been unusually quiet! Amazing what a visit from the police will do.
The nice young officer who made the visit called right after doing so and said that the man seems like he is a bit of an ass!! Also looks like he is a big drinker, surprise, surprise!! Hopefully we won't have to call again, but if the noise gets too bad during the day then I should call the by-laws officer and he can deal with them. After hours is when the police usually get involved unless its a domestic dispute. I thanked the officer so very much for taking time out of his very busy shift to visit my asshole neighbours. He wished me luck and said more than likely he will have to return one day. I said you got that right!! LOL

Chris - I am sorry that you are feeling so herxy! Hope the weather Improves for you and you get to go to the beach! Mason does love the pool! I filled it up in the morning and by the time he was ready to spend some time in it in the afternoon, I had to add cold water, it was friggin hot!! Today should be our last day of heat, then a cooler period for a bit, before hitting the high temps again. We could really use a rain, we don't want a fire ban for our family reunion, that is the best part!

Sara - What a wonderful thing that Ben is loving his camp so much!! We have a raptors show here, it is fabulous!! I hope that Heather and Jonah will go to it while they are here. Here is a link to the site, it also has a summer camp. http://www.pnwraptors.com

Nancy - How fun that you are inheriting all of those fabulous antiques!! Your trip sounds like it is going along famously!! And you are right who cares if the weather is crappy when you are busy packing up fun stuff!

Phylis - Thanks for being proud of me, I have put up with this bulls@#t for almost 8 years now, I guess its about time I started doing something about it. Hubby was saying that one of the people that works at his office can hear them yelling and screaming and she lives in the subdivision way up from them. What a bunch of loudmouths!! We do have a by-law system for excessive noise and if you get called about more than once you get a nice big fine. So I think I will have to call every time they start in on each other! :heh: Glad to hear you are finally getting zucchini !! Now you will probably have so much you won't know what to do with it all LOL.

Ok gotta go before the little man wakes up again, Heather is in the shower and enjoying some time to herself, hope you all have a fabulous day, keep cool!! :wave: