
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, January 7


The Loopy-O
Who wants to hear the latest in my medical sagas?
Feel free to go :lalala:

I think I have phlebitis. Ugh. Just ugh. As if my arm hasn't had enough to deal with. SMH. The vein below my elbow is slightly puffed up and red and sore. It seems to be very common with IV's, especially when there is trauma to the vein. I guess I qualify. Harrumph!!

The treatment for this is rest, elevation and heat. Think that will happen?
hahahahah!!!!! :madgrin:
I did put my heat pack on it yesterday afternoon and I am going to try to do the same today but y'all know how my life doesn't always allow for that.

We only got a couple of inches of snow yesterday, but now we are going to get that frigid air. I know-- people up north of me will laugh, but it is supposed to be 11* and a real feel of -15* with the wind chills. My mom and I are going to run a couple of errands today but I am not sure I even want to leave the house. I will make sure I am bundled up. My mom got me a new puffer coat (what a silly name!!) and it is nice and cozy. And I have a really nice soft and warm scarf my MIL got me when they were in Ireland and that is cozy too. I like cozy :)

Wish I was in perfect health
Wish I was in the Caribbean
Want to and will have a wonderful day with my mom

QOTDDo you ski?
Not me! I skied once with an ex. Once was plenty enough. We went with another couple and all three were good skiers. My first time out and they all left me. I have no sense of balance, and gave up after spending way too much time on my butt in the snow. I was cold and miserable. And see, another reason why he is an "ex" heh!!!
PS: In case you were wondering, I don't ice skate either. ;)

I hope that all of you stay warm and that the sun is shining too.


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- wish it was warmer by you too. I saw Sally post on FB about it being 42* or like that. That is downright BALMY!!
Gary coming shopping with me- he is of the mindset that price doesn't matter, although he is much better about that now than he used to be. He does break my rhythm with coupons and such, but he does all of the bagging with is very nice.
I say the same that gawd forbid something happens to me.. eesh!
Were you able to get everything away? I still have two boxes to go from downstairs to upstairs and then Gary and kids will have to get them in the attic.

Nancy- how was your walk yesterday? Good that you know how to bundle up! I wish there was a way to keep my hands and feet warm, but the Reynaud's gets to me every time.

OMG!!! That is insanity on that package! I really hope that they will refund your shipping costs (yeah, good luck with that.)

Trudy- yup, your Gary sounds like mine except mine doesn't seem to care all that much about the cost. I spent $164 yesterday- for one week!
Really annoying about the men in the swim lanes.

Shar-- waves hi!!!!!!!!
Late again-- this having to warm the car up so early cuts into my O-Time!!!

Be back later I hope!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Well yesterday was a great day for my NJ Devils. They have now won two games in a row. But the best is that my favorite player Patrick Elias (who is one of the rare players who has been with the NJ Devils since he was drafted) scored a goal and had two assists to give hime 1000 points. He is only the 82 player in NHL history to achieve this. It was pretty cool for him to do it on home ice in front of us fans. We got about 2 inches of snow so I did not walk but I did walk from the parking lot to the Rock. I did get a lot of laundry done. Today I have to go to grocery store. I try to get someone else to do this because I really hate it but with my husband and son working I am guessing I have to do this. My DH and son are awesome at grocery shopping. I just give a list and then off they go. We all put the groceries away. My son asked to take my car to drive to work. I hate letting him do this - I think he just wants the heated leather seats. I hate that I feel guilty if I don't let him as there is no real reason why not to except it is my car that I worked to get and still have in pretty pristine condition after 2 years of owner ship. Oh well!

Chris wow I can't believe a new medical problem. Good luck with that! And have fun with your Mom!

Phylis I cannot believe the saga with the package is still continuing! I hope when you get it back it contains everything! Makes me wonder if I should ever use UPS to ship anything.

Trudy men really do get old and grumpy. I even notice my husband now shuffles way old men do. He also has much less patience with students. You should talk to the life guards!

Shar how nice your DH does your shopping! My mom and dad used to give us spam and it was not bad but now the thought of it yuck! That is a great deal on your ticket! Have fun witht he grandkids.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies.. well the fog never lifted one little bit yesterday, so it was kind of a spooky dark day! This morning though I can see the moon shining on the lake and all is clear, so far. We have been enjoying very mild temps and I suppose that is why we were having the fog.

Chris - OMG girl not another health issue!! Geezz Louise I think you are the one that needs to be bubble wrapped or placed inside of a bubble to keep you from anymore germs, or injuries!! I think you should go back to that student nurse and show her what she has done to you!! :rant: tell her this is what happens when you don't pay attention to how things are done properly!! Please take care of you!! Although I am pretty sure you won't pay attention to me LOL.

Nancy - Yay for your Devils!! Yup it sounds like it will be you doing the grocery shopping from now on LOL. Go early in the morning when no one else is there and get it over with! Its not so bad if you can scoot around the store and get it done quickly! I have noticed my DH does not get around as well as he used to either, but not shuffling yet. Hoping that the old guys are better behaved today!! I suppose I should try to be more patient, but I am enjoying my time swimming and hate it when it gets spoiled like that!

Ok I need another cup of coffee and a bit of breakfast, hoping to Skype with DD and Mason today. They are in a deep freeze out East and hoping that they are keeping nice and warm!!
I had a great dream this morning, that I was painting again on Canvas this time a beautiful painting of a tree, hmmm perhaps I should hit the art store and give it a try?? BTW vacation is all booked, hooray we are hitting the beach on the Rivera Nayarit, can't wait!!!

QOTD - Yes both hubby and I used to Ski a lot, but moving to the Prairie made it almost impossible to find a place to ski at. Now we are a bit too old to start it up again, besides the fact that we might break a bone, we can't afford the crazy price of lift tickets, let alone the equipment we would have to purchase again.


Well-Known Member
Chris. good GRIEF!! and that's probably from the bad job the kiddo did with inserting the thing, right? hopefully that's not going to be a problem for you upcoming surgery. you should find out. i hope you get this resolved fast and safely. do everything you can to help yourself out with all this.

Trudy, i loved the Old Guy story. good for you telling them what the rules are. stick to it! report them to the guards!! (nasty old me. but i hate stuff like that. EVERyBODY needs to cooperate!!) we must be in the same deep freeze that your DD and GS are experiencing. today is BRUTAL!! waaaah! :hurt: i want to live in the Pacific Northwest!!

there is no real reason why not to except it is my car that I worked to get and still have in pretty pristine condition after 2 years of owner ship.
that sounds like a reason to me! :-D

Shar, i laughed at the SPAM comment! i never knew anyone who actually LIkED SPam! there are Spam recipes? i should ask my SIL. she's Hawaiian and grew up on the stuff!

QOTD: nope. kids who grew up in mill towns like mine didn't do stuff like skiing. which is funny, because you never SAW so many hills as there are around here!! i think i would have been bad at it. i had a stint as an adult with cross country skiing. too hard to stop, to turn...and TOO COLD!!! :becky:


Oh Chris. I'm so sorry. Along with everyone else, I vote you just take a sick day or two and get this healing. Take a day or two now, or a week or two later when this goes ballistic! Hope you can have a nice time w/ your mom.

TRUDY! We didn't cross-post! I hope swimming is more pleasant for you today.

Nancy, it never gets any easier to say no to our kids. I think they have figured that out!

Skiing. Naturally, I have another story (a sign of aging...a story for every topic!). Dave and I started skiing in our late teens...before we were married and had kids, and could afford it! Although I did it on a budget--second-hand equipment...unfashionable clothing...brown bag lunches, etc. But we would be the first ones on the slope in the morning, ski all day, then ski the night session, not stopping until 11:00p.m.--14 hours of skiing with an hour off for lunch & dinner. I can't believe what a dare-devil I was...plunging down the most difficult slopes. I had one fall that resulted in a badly sprained knee (which still gives me grief), and another which resulted in a concussion and bleeding head. But nothing stopped me...until I started having children. Then all of a sudden the costs skyrocketed. We either had to get a babysitter or equip kids and pay for more lift tickets. So we quit skiing until the kids were teenagers. Then they earned the money to pay for their hobby. For 5 years we home-schooled at a time when DH was working 10-hour/4-day weeks. So Mondays, when the lift tickets were CHEAP, he took the kids skiing. It was considered PE. I never did get back into it. Now our middle child & his wife are avid skiers, and have their 3 boys on the slopes. The baby can't even walk yet, but I'm betting next winter she w/b on skis too.

PS: I was also an awesome water-skier! Another day.....

Stay warm.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ha, Ha Shar!! Love your ski story, I too would love to be on the slopes in those days of life before kids and did all the hard slopes. Hubby a much better skier than I was, was always way a head of me, so I did the hills on my own most of the time. Yes we water skied also, growing up on a lake you pretty much lived in the water all summer long. I sure miss those days!!


Phylis, thanks for standing in for Trudy in the Cross-Posting-Position!

Re. SPAM. Yes, I think there are tons of recipes out there, but I'm not interested. Can you believe that on one of our cross-country drives, we stopped at the SPAM museum in Austin, Minnesota? Captain Romance bought a SPAM ball to decorate the antenna on his car. It was on so long it faded (you could no long read "SPAM" on it so why have it?). Instead of just moving on, he looked it up online, and had them send, not one, but TWO new SPAM balls...one for now...one for reserve!!!!!!!!!!! He also has a SPAM t-shirt. He usually just fries it up and eats it with black-eyed peas. aaaack!

Since you grew up in a mill town, you might enjoy reading books by Richard Russo. He is one of my favorite fiction authors, and the biography of his mom, Elsewhere, is dynamic. He gets it!

When I hear about the kind of weather you're having right now (& I experienced a taste of it when DD was in PGH), I somehow don't mind our endless winter days of gloom and rain. And it promises to stay dry enough for DH to get in 18 holes.

Throw another log on the fire!
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Trudy, the reason I was such a good skier was because I didn't want to be left behind when Dave progressed faster than I did. I often just took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and followed him down the slope! I remember being out on wide open long runs, doing gentle turns all the way down, and singing John Denver songs! I miss those days too. But I have no desire to be cold again. Give me golf in Arizona!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:amen: to that!! Wish Hubby liked to Golf, I used to do lots of it in Saskatchewan had so much fun with the ladies night golfing! Hubby is a great golfer, but thinks its a waste of a nice walk LOL Maybe one day I will convince him to start up again with me!