
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, January 31


The Loopy-O
It's the last day of January and what a weird month it has been. It seems like it went on for-EVER. January always seems to drag but hoo-boy, I am feeling like it should be close to spring by now. Two more months to go- *gulps*
Does anyone want to guess what I woke up to?

:angry3:There was not supposed to be any snow. And yet, here we are. :mad:
It's fine... not a lot, less than an inch and should be melted later today. I think we will be above freezing. Please please please let the weather forecast stay as it is right now for the weekend. Sunny and close to 40 both days. Still not what I would call "hiking weather" but not bad at all for winter hiking.

How was everyone yesterday? I cleaned and mopped. It took me forever to scrub the kitchen. The white sink gets iron stains and if I don't keep up with it, they are hard to get rid of. Because of our finicky septic, I can't use bleach so it's me and a Magic Eraser. I finally scrapped a page for an upcoming challenge. My big accomplishment was installing Turbo Tax. hehehe. Actually, the big accomplishment was that I did a yoga session. I wasn't going to (lazy!!) but Gary asked me about that and I figured I might as well suck it up. I think I have only done about 4 yoga sessions since the new year and sheesh, my muscles are telling me that is not enough. No pain, just not as limber as I was last month.

This morning is grocery order pickup and that's about it. and I need to get gas. I'm so lazy--- I should have gotten it the other day and the entrance was blocked by another car. Instead of waiting, I drove right on by.

Oh and in case you were wondering *wink,* my mom is fine. I called her at 8.30 and she sounded fantastic when she answered. I told her about the dream and we got a laugh at that. I need to check in with my dad at the end of the week. He was very squirrely when I was there last week about a dr appt he has this week. I think it's the bladder cancer recheck because he is very upfront with me about the shoulder CT Scan/appts in Feb.

pfft. I looked out the window and it's all white. *grumbles a bit about how I hate snow*
On that cheerful note, I bid you adieu. *tips hat*


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever The T-shirt is too cute! Hunter is going to love it and will think of you when he wears it. I adore my Bluetooth earbuds and use them all of the time when I clean. I have ones that are connected so I can drape them around my neck- also less chance of me losing one. :D Heather will be so happy with them! Good luck with the package delivery. It seems like the Canadian post is worse than the US.
Did you take any photos of the mist over the lake? It must have been dark and dreary so I understand sleeping late and subsequent discombobulation. *G*
My mom said that she is having strange dreams too. Weird! Hope that you get some solid and restful sleep soon.
If you go on the hike, be careful with your footing, it's going to be messy and slippery. (Note to self: look for your hiking pole for this weekend instead of the wood stick).

@bcgal00 I am so sorry to hear of all the additional stress. I understand the male mood swings and how it affects every other aspect of life. It sucks. Big hugs to you~~~
I hope that the weather stays warm enough for you to get lots of fresh air and exercise with the dogs. Have a fantastic time on your hike today, hope you get to see some great signs of wildlife.

@Cherylndesigns I love how you can fix old photos when you scrap them with some blending and treatments.
I hope that everything went smoothly for you and Roger at the funeral home. I feel like there has to be an easier way but red tape is everywhere.

@BrightEyes I bet you felt like you had your best friend back when you got your DVD notebook :hug4:
I think I remember your library held the Book Date last year too- how fun! I hope that you like the Keeper of Happy Ending. I recommended it to my mom too.

Guess i should wrap this up and get ready for the shopping order pickup.



Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out.
Just wanted to pop in to let you know I'm beginning to feel half-way human again! I may even scrap a page later today, if my brain will allow it.
Hope everyone is well!


Morning, all. Back to waking up early - 4:30AM!!! Ugh!! But I did fall asleep early 8:30PM so got 8 hours. I was really wiped out yesterday after all my running around. I unwrapped the "Blind Date with a Book" yesterday... it is a large print (oh, goodie) novel about Jane Austin traveling forward in time and falling in love. Think it will be an 'easy read' one. And I did some scrapping for February releases. So glad to see January coming to an end.

Yes, @faerywings - I was so excited to have my DVD Notebook back in my hands!!! I should try to find time today to get on the laptop and bring the DVD inventory up-to-date. Then I can put them into the bookcase. While I was at the Senior Center - I borrowed 3 of A&E's Biography DVDs about Robert Redford, James Dean and Katherine Hepburn. I vaguely remember when that series was playing years ago.

Chris, good luck on getting the taxes done. I am still waiting on a couple of 1099s to arrive. I did sort through the tax package my tax preparer sent last week so I know which ones I still need. Digging out your hiking pole sounds like a good plan. Hope the weather is better when it is hiking time. SNOW - again!!!

My other 'must do' chore is to clean/wash shelves down in the fridge. Had a couple of 'store upside-down' bottles leak a bit so really needs to give the shelves a good cleaning. Want to have that done before I do a commissary run as they are half-empty right now.

@vickyday So glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better! Hope you feel up to scrapping a bit.

@bcgal00 Oh, I remember well how DH was when he retired... took him awhile to adjust to not working and finding things that occupied him. :hug4: Hope you are feeling better. You have had so many changes going on. BTW, saw a few of your photos on FB... wow...

@taxed4ever What a great tee shirt!!! I am sure Hunter will love it. Hoping the package to Heather arrives on time. I do hope you got a photo of the mists on the lake. Do be careful on your hike.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Quick post from me again as I prepare to go to my hike this morning. It has been raining, but not heavy, so I am hoping it will only be a drizzle and I will wear my rain coat on this one. The hike is not a difficult one and is pretty flat so I won't need my walking poles. One reason I am going on this wet hike is my friend Pat is leading the hike and I promised her that I would be there LOL. I had a busy day yesterday and got my bathrooms all cleaned (I have 4 in this house). We only use two of them, but they still all need cleaning once in awhile. I got Heathers gift wrapped and then got the t-shirts and the boys t-shirts ready to drop off to the post office. I got a card made and hope to get it out in the mail soon, tomorrow I will go shopping for a couple of little goodies for my DH for his birthday.

@faerywings - Ohhh nooo not snow!!! Sorry you had to wake up to the white stuff! Sure hope it melts away quickly and that the weather is nice for your hike this weekend!! I did not get any photos of the mist on the Lake, seems I have a plethora of photos of the Lake view from house, so I get lazy and can't be bothered to take any more. It seems to be misty again this morning so I will get a shot before I head out this morning. Glad to hear that you Mom is fine and that you both had a good laugh over your strange dream about her!!

@bcgal00 - Oh dear, so sorry to hear that you are under more stress! Perhaps your D should see if he can get back into the work force or volunteer somewhere? I think that my DH will not handle retirement well either, he has no hobbies, so I don't pressure him too much to stop working. Just make sure he takes holiday time so we can do things together once in awhile. Sending you lot of support as you work your way through this!! ((((hugs))))

@vickyday - Happy to hear you are on the mend, dam Covid!!! Will it ever leave us?? I was reading the other day that if you suffer from headaches, that soaking your feet in hot water is supposed to help. I thought of you as I was reading this, hope you give it a try! :getwell:

@BrightEyes - Uggh on the early morning, but at least you got in 8 hours of sleep!! I finally slept through the night last night and man did it feel good!! Bet it won't happen again tonight though LOL. Thanks for the nice comment on the t-shirt, it was fun getting it done! The parcel should arrive on time as her birthday isn't until the 16th of Feb. But you never know with Canada Post :waiting:

Ok I have spent far too long here and need to get going! Hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday! Sending love your way @Cherylndesigns :hug2:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... Quick post from me again as I prepare to go to my hike this morning. It has been raining, but not heavy, so I am hoping it will only be a drizzle and I will wear my rain coat on this one. The hike is not a difficult one and is pretty flat so I won't need my walking poles. One reason I am going on this wet hike is my friend Pat is leading the hike and I promised her that I would be there LOL. I had a busy day yesterday and got my bathrooms all cleaned (I have 4 in this house). We only use two of them, but they still all need cleaning once in awhile. I got Heathers gift wrapped and then got the t-shirts and the boys t-shirts ready to drop off to the post office. I got a card made and hope to get it out in the mail soon, tomorrow I will go shopping for a couple of little goodies for my DH for his birthday.

@faerywings - Ohhh nooo not snow!!! Sorry you had to wake up to the white stuff! Sure hope it melts away quickly and that the weather is nice for your hike this weekend!! I did not get any photos of the mist on the Lake, seems I have a plethora of photos of the Lake view from house, so I get lazy and can't be bothered to take any more. It seems to be misty again this morning so I will get a shot before I head out this morning. Glad to hear that you Mom is fine and that you both had a good laugh over your strange dream about her!!

@bcgal00 - Oh dear, so sorry to hear that you are under more stress! Perhaps your D should see if he can get back into the work force or volunteer somewhere? I think that my DH will not handle retirement well either, he has no hobbies, so I don't pressure him too much to stop working. Just make sure he takes holiday time so we can do things together once in awhile. Sending you lot of support as you work your way through this!! ((((hugs))))

@vickyday - Happy to hear you are on the mend, dam Covid!!! Will it ever leave us?? I was reading the other day that if you suffer from headaches, that soaking your feet in hot water is supposed to help. I thought of you as I was reading this, hope you give it a try! :getwell:

@BrightEyes - Uggh on the early morning, but at least you got in 8 hours of sleep!! I finally slept through the night last night and man did it feel good!! Bet it won't happen again tonight though LOL. Thanks for the nice comment on the t-shirt, it was fun getting it done! The parcel should arrive on time as her birthday isn't until the 16th of Feb. But you never know with Canada Post :waiting:

Ok I have spent far too long here and need to get going! Hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday! Sending love your way @Cherylndesigns :hug2:
Interesting! What could it hurt to try?! :hug2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon my lovlies.

First of all it's 63 degrees with a high of 66! We're hoping that the worst is behind us. We don't normally get terrible weather in the winter but of course we had "the notorious ice storm of the century" the day Chuck passed away.

Chris @faerywings things were good/not so good at the funeral home. We got the cremains, but the death certificates won't be there for possibly two more weeks. So, we wait. What can you do? "No Fuss Chuck" wanted them to be in a cardboard box. This place doesn't do that (lots of them do, however). They're in a very nice black vinyl box that looks like some of the phone cases. "Chuck" is sitting up on the mantle and will be unless the animals get weird. They're already weird, so how would I know? The cat was stretching up to the handle on his bedroom door just now and crying. I let him in, and he just ran around the room and went into the closet - I know he's still looking for Chuck. Chuck was "his person".

Thanks for the sweet words about my lo. I really had to work with those pictures and the top one was still a little fuzzy. I'm very happy with the way it came out, though. When nothing else works - blend - that's my motto. Sadly, some of the pictures I got can't be resurrected - there's the funniest picture of Rebecca and me dancing - we were really getting down. I worked and worked with it, to no avail. If I had the OG picture, I could scan it with my phone scanner, but I don't, and she lives in Delaware. She had some great old pictures of Chuck and me though.

That sucks that you have snow. Drat that white stuff anyway.

I'm going to get off here and get dressed #1, get myself together maybe #1, since I'm not in a good headspace today, I may not do either one. :crazy: