
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, January 28


The Loopy-O
Are we really and truly almost to the end of January? Cah-ray-zeeeeee! I slept good last night (yay meds!) and I woke up to Caitlyn and Gary and Brendan in the kitchen with Cait yelling "babadoul-Chicken brains!"
They were apparently "discussing" (debating, really) the pronunciation of Italian words and how my family says them in their dialect; Mozzarella=mutzadell, ricotta=rigaught etc.
My grandfather used to call people who were being silly "babadoul" (please do not ask me what the real word is. Cait has asked two different Italian teachers about it and they have no clue.), and then say Chicken Brains!

Not much on my plate for today, Gary and I are doing Shop from Home Grocery shopping, which actually takes as long if not more time than being in the store, but I am totally not able to go walking through the store. Shop Rite usually has $10 off if you spend $20 in certain items. This time we made it with no problem so that offsets the shopping fee of $14, so it works out well.

Gary is still being so amazing. he really wants me resting as much as possible, since he knows how the Lyme will become worse if I don't. Now that I am feeling better every day, he also knows that this is critical time for me and my stubbornness. But I am happy to sit back and rest, even if I am bored. I have my eye-candly of watching Reign. (BTW- it is bugging me, I said it was 17th century France but I meant 16th, so I have to make that correction. Mary is challenging Elizabeth I, so there ya go). It has beautiful costuming, gorgeous landscapes and some cute guys too. Who cares if the plots are silly? LOL

I am going to post this, then head over to the gallery. I have been neglecting my Webspiration challenge so I want to catch up on that.

QOTD Would you watch a silly show or movie just for the eye candy? What shows have you done that with?
I used to watch The Vampire Diaries for those two adorable vamp brothers, and now Reign. CW really knows its audience :p


Well-Known Member
Good morning - WOW it is cold and windy here today! I don't mind the cold so much but the walking in wind is the pits! Yesterday was like the weekend as both DH and son were home from work. But it is back to normal today as they are all off to work! I have a Devils home game today. My son and I have a dinner date at the game. One of our perks is an upgrade to sit on the ledge seats for dinner at the game. It is a really good restaurant so looking forward to that. It is the first game back from the All-star break so hope they are not rusty! My DH and I went for a nice walk yesterday. It was warmish and not too windy.

Chris so glad you are letting your family take care of you. I do watch shows for the eye candy. That is why I keep saying wait until you see Outlander. But there has to be plot too. So glad that your son is enjoying his classes and professors. It makes such a difference.

Phylis seems like the winter is starting to take over. Seems like there is a weather pattern of clippers this week. So looks like more snow!

Shar hope you are getting your computer woes solved.

Trudy so sorry about the fog! At least the temp is mild. And yes you are right vacation any time is good.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
howdy. it's fah-REEZ-ING here! :violin: yeah, yeah. i know. enough about the barking WEATHER!! i think i'm detecting some actual SUN, so that might be good. i am really getting bogged down emotionally by all this grayness. i feel like hiding at home most days!

Chris, glad to hear you're still being good. i will have to ask some of my Italian friends whether they have any idea what "babadul" means. i would love to be awakenes by someone shouting "babadul-chicken brains!" that would set me up for the entire day. i'd laugh every time i thought about it!

Shar, i used to be hopeless with clusters, too, when making pages. now i'm just TOTALLY hopeless. i haven't had an idea for a page in over a year. :tsk: good luck with the computer repair!

Nancy, TG the snow missed you!!

TRUDY!! your new avatar is SO cute! good move to the King bed. i don't know how anyone can sleep with another person in a smaller bed than that. has the fog lifted?

QOTD: yeah. i've been sticking with Downton Abbey for years, long after the writing became ridiculous. strangely, though, my binge-watch of Season 5 yesterday was fairly enjoyable. they're obviously tying up loose ends in the blink of an eye, but they have a tendency to do that. BOOM! there's a problem! then POOF! there's the solution!

i'm waiting for the replacement window guy to come to give me a heart attack when he tells me the cost of replacing my two front picture windows. :faint2: should be interesting. then it's off to the grocery store. today it should be safely devoid of Men With Shopping Carts.

have a happy day! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Hooray the fog lifted early yesterday and there was actual blue sky and sunshine out there! Sorry that you are all feeling the late crunch of cold winter weather!!

Chris - How nice that Gary is being so supportive with you! I bet it makes him feel more useful too!! I say you should let him keep taking care of you for a long, long time!! :becky:
Isn't it funny how we turn words into our own way of speaking. My parents used to say all kinds of Gaelic words that we never understood, one day I will have to look up what they mean LOL. So glad to hear that you are feeling better everyday!! Remember to keep taking it easy for a while longer though!

Nancy - Brrrr!! Walking in the wind is the worst! Bet you are glad to have the house to yourself again! We love our guys, but its nice to have some space and alone time too! Dinner date with your son sounds like a wonderful idea! Hope you have a great time!

Phylis - Thanks for the nice words about my new avatar! I just got my hair coloured and cut so I thought it was time to get out of my Christmas get up and try something new. ITA that two grown people should not sleep in anything smaller than a King bed!! DH's parents still sleep in a DOUBLE BED!!! She is a BIG woman, I don't know how they can stand it??? But OMG they would never spend money on a bigger bed!!! They are renovating the living room, but why would you spend any money on something you sleep in everynight?? :crazy:
Hope the window guy doesn't give you a heart attack!! Didn't you just get some windows replaced awhile ago?? Are you going to replace the windows in the whole house? Don't run over any old guys with shopping carts today!! Tell them to stay out of your way!!

QOTD - I used to watch Magnum PI for the eye candy, but that was a long, long, time ago. Now like Phylis and so many others I watch Downton Abbey, mostly for the style of the clothing and the scenery! Now I watch Outlander over and over again, Jamie is nice to look at it follows the book pretty closely!

Off to swimming this morning, then hopefully I can pick up the Mexican Pesos I ordered at the bank, then I think I will look for some Airborne, not sure if it works but what the heck it can't hurt! We always seem to pick up a cold on those darn flights. Hope you all stay cozy and warm today!! :wave:


Still typing on tablet. Not fun. Paul comes tonite to start the long process.

Someone (Trudy?) asked if we get fog at this time of year. YES. Usually burns off by afternoon.

Phylis, be gentle...Cpt. Romance is one of the Old Guys With a Shopping Cart. But he is fast and efficient.

The young Tom Selleck. Sigh. We streamed the old show for a few weeks. Boy were they bad! Now I need content, so there's not much to watch except on PBS and Bbc America.

Keep up the good work Chris. And all of you in winter, stay warm and safe.


Jenn :)
Glad you are getting better, Chris!! <3

I love The Vampire Diaries...I like a lot of the teen shows...I still haven't grown up, mentally :brushteeth: I will have to check out Reign! I hadn't heard about that one :)