
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, January 22, The Faery is having a Tantrum Edition


The Loopy-O
:Cry:tooooo cold!!! It is toooooo cold!!! How the heck are we supposed to open the door when the wind chills are -15*F??? And scrape the snow and ice off the driveway? :help: :rant: :help:

Thankfully we didn't get a lot of snow up here, just a few inches, but what we did get made the roads really slippery. It was taking people hours to get back up here. No school for the kids today and I am working at the neighbors house so all I have to do is slip and slide down the street.

I need summer!!! Need it!! NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!


WWW-- hahaha!LOL I see that I did my WWW yesterday which was actually Tuesday-- but it still applies so I am going to copy and paste!!

I wish it was summer
I wish it was summer
I wish it was summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
laurie- Hope you made it through the day without crying. I am glad that you have heat and that you are slowly feeling better.
Were you able to get a lot of your sorting done at least?

Fellow Weather-Bitch (aka Phyllis :D) I am so in that closet with ya!!!! I can't take it. And to think-- still 2 more months of winter. Just. Can't. Take. It.
Sending warm summery thoughts to you.
ITA- I am turning into a girl-dr patient as well. They just seem to have so much more compassion in them.
Add me to the list of OMG- my electric and oils bills are going to be Gi-Normous and I can't even begin to think about how we'll pay for it.

Nancy- how much snow did you get? I hope it wasn't 6-10. The weather updates have the totals really all over the place. It seemed like you could be in one spot and have a foot and the town next to you would have 4". Very weird storm.
I heard that NJ Transit had a lot of problems, hope you got in OK.

Trudy!! OH that image of Mason just made me smile all over!!! What a cutie-pie he must be!!!

Mustang Sally! Always love hearing how free-spirited you are!!

That was probably a good call, Phyllis. Not worth getting stuck anywhere. I made it to the eye dr, but Gary was able to drive me. He drives much better in snow and I tend to panic when I slide.;)

Romy- i have seen the drought maps that you and Meg have posted and omg-- truly frightening. I hope that the fires are not bad this year but I expect it will be a long season for that. Thanks for the good thoughts, yes the insurance company system is totally messed up. The more you need it, the harder they make it. SMH!

Hugs and love and blankets today!
good morning! I'm waiting for the car to warm up so I can head to work... -5 degrees here and that's a 3 degree drop since I got up just after 6 a.m.

Had a session with the psychologist last night... it was good but emotional. It felt good to have her tell me that she thinks my ex-husband's case is weak, and that she agreed with me that he is narcissistic... that can only help my case. Got a doctor's appt today about the meds, so we'll see how that goes...

Chris - I need summer too!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Weather-Bitch! Chris, i LOVE it and i embrace it!! great name for us during this maddening, freezing, crappy winter. i think it's 5 below at the moment. i have to go out to an allergist appointment in a little bit. man, am i ever happy we have a garage. every morning like this i wonder how my daughter's old car is going to act when she tries to start it up after a night parked outside in the city. this season has been brutal. and i'm all out of patience with it.

does anyone else use the word "slippy?" i think that's a regional dialect thing for us. slippy instead of slippery. we do strange thing with words here. like "nebby." anyone want to guess what THAT means around here?

Sandra, it sounds like you've found a good doctor, too. and i'm glad it's a SHE. i can't imagine why any woman would go to a male psychologist. good luck with all of this. ((hugs))

gotta get on the road. i'll stop back later to see what everyone's doing. :becky:
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good morning it is now sunny and frigid as Chris says. Single digits and wind. I will be inside for sure. But yesterday was fun in a strange way. My son and DIL were not going to make it to the Devils game as the roads were so bad so I my DIL gave me hers and I gave mine to my DH. My son said it would be too hard to have to walk in the snow. What a wimp! So I walked to the train about a 15 min walk. The train was delayed but I had on long underware, heavy socks, boots, hat, scarf, gloves and heavy coat so I was toasty warm. Made it to the game with 10 min to spare. Turns out only about 2000 fans showed up so we all got to sit in the lower bowl. I was right on the glass. Awesome! And best of all the Devils won 7-1 of the Blues. Yes 7 goals what a joy that was. Then my DH and I walked home. Turns out that my town set a record with 11.5 inches of snow. My DH has school cancelled so he was out shoveling. So glad he likes doing this. Our neighbor also did some with his snow blower.

Chris glad you did not get too much snow but this cold is the pits in not wanting to go outside. Take care and don't slip!

Phylis glad you decided not to head out if the roads were that bad. I have no idea was nebby is please tell!

Sandra glad you have found such a supportive doctor - hoping this leads to more positive outcomes.

Trudy my sister is saying what you say nice now is not good when thinking about summer. They too have had little rain.

Sally I think that would be funny a car filled with quilts.

Romy droughts are scary. Hope rain falls soon!

Have a great day all!
Morning ladies, I actually slept like a log last night and did not even hear DH get out of bed and get ready for work!! I am so glad that he is not one of those guys that thinks his wife should be up making him breakfast every day!!!

Chris - Sorry that it is so darn cold for you today!! Thank goodness you don't have to be out there driving around today!! Love your new title for you and Phylis!! Weather-Bitches!! :pound: I will have to remember to call you that!! My wish for you today is that you win a ton of money and take a nice warm vacation for the rest of the winter! (but you have to take me with you) :becky: Oh and my hubby is not allowed to come!!!

Laurie - I hope you are not buried under that pile of stuff to put away in your craft room!!

Phylis - So my guess for your word "nebby" means your neighbour?? There are a few words that people around here use that others normally don't. Like they call the carts at the grocery store "buggies" aren't those for babies?? Hope your appt. at the allergist goes well, stay warm and cozy at home otherwise today! Oh and here is a shot as I was on my way back from my walk yesterday, not really sunny but not bad, I have to go down this hill all the way to the lake and then climb up another to get home.

Sandra - Brrr! Cold for you today also, glad that your psychologist agrees that your hubby's case is a weak one!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Nancy - Ha, Ha, the younger generation are wimps, glad that you showed them that Mom and Dad are made of tougher stuff!! Sounds like it was a great game to go and be a part of! Bet you got some more great shots being so close to the game! Enjoy your day at home! Stay warm!!

Well I'm not sure if I will make it out for my walk today, I have to wait around for the UPS guy to deliver our new TV stand, sure hope he doesn't make me wait all day long!!!

ok off to the shower and then some breakfast, have a great day all :wave:
I just have to join the 'Weather Bitch' session! I can't stand these single digits! I remember a really cold winter when I was in my early 30s and I don't remember hating it so much. Now everything just seems too much. At least last night it might only have gone down to 7 and not 0. But they're forecasting that. On the other hand, we barely have snow, so lucky that way.

I'd vote for summer, but I'm afraid it will go the other way and be too hot. :biggrin1: Could we just have spring and fall?

Hoping everyone survives the weather and the sickies.
Ohhhh guys!!! I know you are all going through it weatherwise (and other ways!), but ohhhh it might SNOW here in Houston this weekend!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

just sayin'...

hugs all around!!!
love you guys!
TROOOOODEEEEE!!! Thank you thank you THANK you for that photo! it has everything i needed: a lake, mountains, a beautiful neighborhood and SIDEWALKS!!! i think i'd walk more if we had some sidewalks out here. ah, mountains by a lake. what could be better. i know, Chris. you'd say PALM TREES!

Nancy, you are THE most intrepid fan. i love that you all got to go sit by the glass. anyone who went out in that mess deserved it, AND the 7 goals! looks like yours was one of the areas that really got hit with the snow.

Sally. no pity from me, a.k.a Weather Bitch #2. but you know one good thing? since you guys don't usually have snow and have no snow removal stuff, everyone will have enough sense to cancel everything and stay off the roads!

Jean, i'm with you. i want to live someplace where it's fall all year round!

the sun has been shining for most of the day. even though it's 10 degrees outside, the sun makes it OK.:flame: :becky:
well, it's been a long day... butted heads again with the attorney. I'm about to give up and just call it quits... he won't listen to me telling him I have no more money to spend... UGH!

saw the GP today and he prescribed a small dose of Lexapro... so hate taking meds, but I guess if it makes me feel better, I'll live with it.

I wish my ex-husband would just leave me and the kids alone ugh.
I want to win the lottery.
I wish I lived in Florida - even their 50-ish degree weather is better than what we've got!
good evening - guess I missed stopping in. Been working on cleaning up, but taking it in small bits so that I don't over do! I am liking the progress though!