
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, January 20


The Loopy-O
It's Hump Day!! Happy Wednesday to everyone!
It is a balmy 27* right now which is higher than the 24* we made it to yesterday, but the wind is still whipping. Brr!

Yesterday was another one of those chopped up days, but I got stuff done. Perhaps. I got all of my dinners planned out for the week and I am off to shop this morning. I hope that "The Big Snowstorm" mania hasn't hit yet. I honestly do need bread, milk, and toilet paper. LOL

I finished the yearbook ad for my BFF and she is so happy with it, and told me that she owes me lunch. BFF is so silly, I loved doing it. (It was a side by side ad of her in kdg and senior portrait). She is my god-daughter and I am so freaking proud of her. She is just so funny and beautiful and tough- she is a base for cheering and has gotten kicked in the face a lot, but still keeps going back for me. I was actually going to try to get down to see her at her HS for a competition on Sunday, but between the weather and another team mate being out, BFF said it wasn't worth it to come down.

I did get a scrap page done, for a Feb Challenge so that was good.

Today is blood work, get gas in my car, food shopping and then Forever IV. :bliss:

I hope that all of you have a more exciting day than me. Might be hard to do that, I know, but I can hope for you all. hahahah!!!


The Loopy-O
Sandra- how did piper do at auditions? *fingers crossed for her* What does she play?
My friend subs in the school district and says the same thing that it is good to be on the same schedule as her kids but it bites that she doesn't get paid.
I hope that the snow stays waaaay to to sea so no one has to deal with it :)

You are very welcome, Kat. I wasn't sure what flavor of Crystal Light you liked, so I went with the "Energy." hehe!!! Yes! Cold is cold and once it is that cold-- it makes no difference to my feet. Can't feel them except for pain.
How far are you from DC? Same hopes for you as Sandra with the snow.

Trudy- ooooh, how exciting and romantic to have a little getaway!! What is Storms of the West Coast?
I liked your Glen Frey LO. It has been such a sad period of deaths.People on the Lyme forums are saying how his symptoms/death might have been related to Lyme (Of course, we tend to see Lyme everywhere) but I guess no one will ever know. I have made my wishes known to donate everything to Lyme research when I die. I wanted to be an organ donor but that seems out of the question. I can't even donate blood.
Sheesh, I am morbid!
Hope you did great with your laps. My Fitbit is still acting up, it said that I climbed 40 stairs yesterday. I know I was up and down a lot, but I don;t think that I was anywhere close that *that.*

hahah!! Rae, that is too funny!! I am lucky that my neighbors are "odd ducks" like me. The husband would most likely grab his camera and shoot along aside me. :)
Did you read Mr Mercedes? This one seems to be a stand alone so far, but there is a lot of overlap.

Kat- hope the heat situation gets fixed for you today!

Gotta run!!!


Well-Known Member
Morning O's! Got Pandora going with some early morning jazz 'n' blues ... and back to the grind. My to-do list is getting longer and longer, but no rest for the wicked right (and dang, I must be REALLY wicked!!! :eyebrows:)

Camera is all charged up ready for snowmaggedon this weekend. Since I live south of the DC metro area (Chris, I'm about 30 miles south of the District), I might get hammered with the snow event - it's supposed to come up from the south, which is a little unusual. Forecasts are starting to narrow down with possible snow starting midday-ish on Friday and then all through to maybe even Sunday morning. Up to 2 feet of snow!! Eeek!

I think I'm in the "weird photo gals" group, too. I love taking Haddie for a walk and taking my camera and then stopping, for no apparent reason, to take photos of things.

Stay warm, girls!!


Well-Known Member
Exciting and unexpected news from yesterday evening ... next Tuesday our new seating for the living room will be delivered. Yeah !
We didn't really expect this before mid February.

Now we just need news from our other furniture order which we are actually expecting second half of January.

Downside ... you can not believe how much stuff / crap I found in our drawers etc. Eg. Xmas cards from 2003, ....
And it just keep coming out and out and out ... LOL


Well-Known Member
good morning - I am back home after an exciting 10 days out west. What a shock to come back to frigid temperatures. The flight got in a whole 30 min early but the gate ramp was frozen so we were stuck on the plane for 30 min while the plane changed gates and bags unloaded. Luther still remembers me. And seemed happy to see me. He is such a cutie. Went to the Devils hockey game and they defeated Calgary 4-2. An exciting game. My team has now won 2 in a row.

Chris and Kat I just saw the weather report and somewhere between 6-12 inches for the NYC area. I have to say since it is on the weekend I am pretty excited. My DH sent pictures of Luther in the snow and he seemed to love it.

Look forward to catching with all.
Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
good morning... it's a snow day here in Lexington, KY and the kids have already had me make snow cream and are currently having fun playing in the snow.. I've swept off the stoop and the walkway but the bad part is that its still snowing ugh... it's definitely going to be a good scrapping day!

Picked up a few things in the Oscraps shop the other day... problem is there's always more I end up putting on my wish list than buying LOL... I scrapped one of the challenges, but haven't put it up yet so I'll do that today..

Chris - Piper plays flute and she said she nailed it... no missed finger combinations and no mistakes! She would have found out today, but since it's a snow day I guess will find out tomorrow if she made it into honors band.

good morning everyone!

Well, I'm off to scrap... I took some pic so of the kids playing a few minutes ago... I got my paycheck to, so I may stop back by the store and pick up some small things... have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies! I dropped Taz off at doggie daycare. He was so excited, as always. He really loves going there every Wednesday. One of the staff brings her dog and apaprently, Taz and her are the best of friends now, running and wrestling together constantly. I've been looking thru local job ads the last few days. Starting Feb 1st my job is going to be part time so I need to find something to supplement my income, either another client for my home transcription biz or a part time job outside the house. It's a bit nerve wracking but I'm trying to be positive and think that the right job is going to come along. I'm going to go hand out biz cards on Friday afternoon to some local medical offices, and get the word out that I'm looking for more work. I still have the hospital contract job but the pay is half of what my other client pays so hopefully I can get rid of that contract soon. Anyway, think positive thoughts that the right thing will come along for me.

I'm looking forward to getting some scrappy stuff done this afternoon, I need some "me" time.

Chris - good for you for getting all your dinners planned. I am falling behind on the food planning this week.

Kat - that's a lot of snow coming! But...you probably will get some amazing snow pics!

Katja - how wonderful that the furniture is coming early and hope the rest comes soon!

Nancy - welcome home and I'm sure Luther was esctatic to have you back.

I'm watching Top Chef right now and then need to get some work done. Have a great day, everyone!


Well-Known Member
Katja, I bet the new furniture will look awesome! You have waaaaay more patience than I do - I doubt that I could have waited so long! LOL

Nancy, welcome back! Yeah, little chilly, huh? Looks like our holiday party is going to be moved a few weeks back. More time for me to shop for something really nice ;) Snow forecast here is now as much as 30 INCHES!! EEEKK! Think it will be a good weekend to stay in PJ's and snuggle down with my puppy!

Chris, keeping my fingers crossed for Piper. So the snow as already started for you? I think what you have is what's slowly moving its way up to VA and the DC area.

Rae, good luck with the job hunt! I'm glad Taz loves doggie daycare. Stan's going to apply for a daycare attendant at a local facility here. He loves dogs and I think it would be perfect for him - okay, so cleaning up the messes, maybe not so much, but the rest would be fun.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wave: Hi ladies I had a huge long post and then Skyped with DD and Mason and lost it all!! :rant: I hate when that happens!! Oh well now I am off to the store to pick up a few things so I can make home made pizza for our little get away weekend. I will try to catch up later today, if not then I hope you all have a fabulous day and I will see you tomorrow!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
So the furniture planning so far ...

My uncle will come to take our old seating away on Saturday. One to re-use and one for the dump.
New seating arrives on Tueday.
My uncle comes back the next Saturday to pick up the dining set to re-use.
Rest of the new furniture arrives on Wednesday and they will take the rest of the old away.

Still some shopping to do for new pillow, a few small tables, flower pots, ...


I'm so nervous already. I can't wait for Feb the 3rd to be here so that it's all done.

Downside of it all ... I can't find any time to scrap and I have to take apart my PC set up on the dining table and find a new place. LOL