
Daily Ooos; Wednesday, January 17


The Loopy-O

Holy macaroni! Anyone else feeling this way? Everyone?
Even though I was home yesterday, I was outside shoveling and scraping the driveway so it was safe for me and J to walk on. I ended up smoothing some "snow ramps" onto the lawn, basically flattening out the piles on the side of the driveway so she didn't have to walk through them. I was extremely glad I did when I took her out at 6 am. We've been using the sling again for the entire walk/potty, just to be on the safe side. She is finally using her leg about 85% of the time, thank goodness. We don't want to take any chances of her injuring it again (if that is what happened).

My dad had an appt for his shoulder yesterday and the surgeon gave him the go-ahead for a replacement. Next step is medical clearance by his GP and hopefully, it will be done soon. *fingers crossed*
I finished the scrap pages I had started over the weekend and I just love 'em! They were a lot of fun creating them.
Not much going on today, I have to pick up my groceries this morning. I wish I didn't have to leave the house at all but at least it will only be for a short time. Caitlyn has a delayed opening the roads should be better by then, although Skyline Drive might stay closed.

Thinking warm thoughts for everyone!


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord *puts on Concerned Mom Hat*
So, did you take breaks if you needed them?
(I warned ya I was going to ask LOL)

So happy that you made it to the beach and took a walk on the sand. My mom was shocked at how much better she felt after she had the pacemaker put in. I don't think anyone realizes how much strain the messed-up valves put on you until it is fixed.

@BrightEyes I am both happy and jealous that you are going to see the 50*s but I can't complain. It was 50* here last week when everyone else was in the teens and twenties. Hope you had a good time getting out of the house and found some new books to read.
I love it when the mojo just flows!

@Cherylndesigns Any sign of above-freezing temps in sight??? I hope that you are hanging in and that it's warming up, this is just awful timing. Not that any time is good but sheesh!
Ah! I see in your next post that it's going to be above-freezing today. Thank goodness for that!

@vickyday Cait and I wrote up a rough guest list for the shower and we are hoping for a day in June or July depending on vacations and work schedules. It is exciting! (but sad. I really don't want her to move out. :bawling: )
That's adorable that Toby gets dressed up. You can do so many things to little dogs that bigger (Read: more stubborn like mine) ones won't let you do hahaha!

@taxed4ever :beach2: Enjoy your heatwave! LOL!!
If you go on the hike please be careful. Do you have crampons? Good luck to your Gary getting the staples out. That has to feel so weird. That's good to hear that he behaved at work although all of the Mother Hens helped keep him in line :D
You always loved that rolling pin lady. Can't imagine why!

@vickyday @Cherylndesigns :lol23: :floorlaugh: :lol23:

How is your throat feeling today, Vicky?
6.1A1C!!! :woohoo: That is fantastic!!!! My brother lost over 40lbs and his A1C dropped quite a bit as well. Love it!!!

@melscrap Don't you *dare* mess up my day of the week announcement! :rotfl:
The koi pond project sounds amazing and fascinating. Scott (DS) created this amazing ecosystem in his snake tank. Hoe would explain to me all of the different things in it and how they were needed and beneficial to each other. The snakes died (one of old age and the other had a metabolic issue) but he kept the tank/ecosystem going and brought it with him when he moved out. It's full of living things that you can't see.
I think I am the only person in the world who doesn't know any Taylor Swift songs, but the night out sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Good luck posting all of Jess's clothes online.



Love my O Family!
@LSlycord *puts on Concerned Mom Hat*
So, did you take breaks if you needed them?
(I warned ya I was going to ask LOL)

So happy that you made it to the beach and took a walk on the sand. My mom was shocked at how much better she felt after she had the pacemaker put in. I don't think anyone realizes how much strain the messed-up valves put on you until it is fixed.

@BrightEyes I am both happy and jealous that you are going to see the 50*s but I can't complain. It was 50* here last week when everyone else was in the teens and twenties. Hope you had a good time getting out of the house and found some new books to read.
I love it when the mojo just flows!

@Cherylndesigns Any sign of above-freezing temps in sight??? I hope that you are hanging in and that it's warming up, this is just awful timing. Not that any time is good but sheesh!
Ah! I see in your next post that it's going to be above-freezing today. Thank goodness for that!

@vickyday Cait and I wrote up a rough guest list for the shower and we are hoping for a day in June or July depending on vacations and work schedules. It is exciting! (but sad. I really don't want her to move out. :bawling: )
That's adorable that Toby gets dressed up. You can do so many things to little dogs that bigger (Read: more stubborn like mine) ones won't let you do hahaha!

@taxed4ever :beach2: Enjoy your heatwave! LOL!!
If you go on the hike please be careful. Do you have crampons? Good luck to your Gary getting the staples out. That has to feel so weird. That's good to hear that he behaved at work although all of the Mother Hens helped keep him in line :D
You always loved that rolling pin lady. Can't imagine why!

@vickyday @Cherylndesigns :lol23: :floorlaugh: :lol23:

How is your throat feeling today, Vicky?
6.1A1C!!! :woohoo: That is fantastic!!!! My brother lost over 40lbs and his A1C dropped quite a bit as well. Love it!!!

@melscrap Don't you *dare* mess up my day of the week announcement! :rotfl:
The koi pond project sounds amazing and fascinating. Scott (DS) created this amazing ecosystem in his snake tank. Hoe would explain to me all of the different things in it and how they were needed and beneficial to each other. The snakes died (one of old age and the other had a metabolic issue) but he kept the tank/ecosystem going and brought it with him when he moved out. It's full of living things that you can't see.
I think I am the only person in the world who doesn't know any Taylor Swift songs, but the night out sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Good luck posting all of Jess's clothes online.

Yes! I'm glad something is finally helping him with his A1C!
HA! I don't know how in the world my days got ahead of me this week!
The throat feels like I better stay in out of the 18* (feels like 10*) weather!


Love my O Family!

Holy macaroni! Anyone else feeling this way? Everyone?
Even though I was home yesterday, I was outside shoveling and scraping the driveway so it was safe for me and J to walk on. I ended up smoothing some "snow ramps" onto the lawn, basically flattening out the piles on the side of the driveway so she didn't have to walk through them. I was extremely glad I did when I took her out at 6 am. We've been using the sling again for the entire walk/potty, just to be on the safe side. She is finally using her leg about 85% of the time, thank goodness. We don't want to take any chances of her injuring it again (if that is what happened).

My dad had an appt for his shoulder yesterday and the surgeon gave him the go-ahead for a replacement. Next step is medical clearance by his GP and hopefully, it will be done soon. *fingers crossed*
I finished the scrap pages I had started over the weekend and I just love 'em! They were a lot of fun creating them.
Not much going on today, I have to pick up my groceries this morning. I wish I didn't have to leave the house at all but at least it will only be for a short time. Caitlyn has a delayed opening the roads should be better by then, although Skyline Drive might stay closed.

Thinking warm thoughts for everyone!
Yes! I'm sure everyone is feeling like an ice cube! BRRRR!! Too cold for me! I needed to go out and get some things for Mark, but I believe it is going to have to wait until it gets above freezing anyway!
Glad your dad has been given the go-ahead to get his shoulder fixed!


Love my O Family!
Good Frozen Morning to Everyone!
BRRRRR!! 18* right now. Feels like 10* however!
My grandson's class is in DC this week and some of the sites they were going to visit are closed! And the crazy boys are wearing hoodies! They will all come home sick! And the girls are wearing thin yoga pants, which I'm surprised the Christian school even allows!

Got the laundry done yesterday and got all of the regular challenge layouts done, too. Had to do them on my old laptop so I could use the "save for web" function as my PSE2023 has an operating system error when I try to do that. I need to uninstall and reinstall to see if that will fix it but I'm waiting to hear from Mac App Support before I tackle that! I don't even know where to begin!

My throat is still iffy today. My eyes are watery and my nose wants to run a bit. So I'm staying away from Ilene and it is a good excuse for me NOT to go outside! Even though Mark needs some things. It will have to wait!

Hope everyone stays warm and safe in this weather!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. Chris @faerywings that's good news about your dad. I'm sure you're relieved that that's set up except for the GP and that's not going to be a problem. Looks like they've changed the 10 day outlook a little, but It's 17 right now, going up to 37; tomorrow low 25 high 44 - dipping back down a little until next week, when the highs will be back in the 50's. We think the worse is over. We still have no water, just a trickle. Adrienne and I took Roger's truck yesterday and bought a bunch of water. I couldn't believe there was still so much water available. That's usually one of the first things to go. Between what I already had and the stash we bought yesterday, we should be ok. Sounds like you had a cold, but productive day yesterday. Steph is planning on leaving tomorrow - it's kind of a window of opportunity because Missouri has more snow coming and she wants to get home before that hits. It's been great having her here.

I'll be back to do some more personals. Steph was still asleep on the couch and I didn't want to disturb her, but I hear her up now and I need caffein.


I am not a happy camper this morning. I turned on the computer (DH's old one) and IT DIDN'T TURN ON!!! :stupicpc: :crying1: The power comes on but nothing else!! So I am on my old computer right now. His computer is about 10 years old so think it may have quit completely. Thank goodness I have been saving "most" of my digi-kits and LOs on the ExHD. Just have a few that I didn't copy over there. UGH!!! Now it is a matter of checking to see if I saved the not yet released stuff!!! Guess I will be looking to buy a new computer and then having to install/download stuff all over again!!!

Off to see what I need to do.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Vicky @vick
I am not a happy camper this morning. I turned on the computer (DH's old one) and IT DIDN'T TURN ON!!! :stupicpc: :crying1: The power comes on but nothing else!! So I am on my old computer right now. His computer is about 10 years old so think it may have quit completely. Thank goodness I have been saving "most" of my digi-kits and LOs on the ExHD. Just have a few that I didn't copy over there. UGH!!! Now it is a matter of checking to see if I saved the not yet released stuff!!! Guess I will be looking to buy a new computer and then having to install/download stuff all over again!!!

Off to see what I need to do.
Oh NO, Kay! Thank goodness, like you said, most of your kits are on your exhd. What a pain and good luck getting it all sorted out. I would not be a happy camper either. :hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Frozen Morning to Everyone!
BRRRRR!! 18* right now. Feels like 10* however!
My grandson's class is in DC this week and some of the sites they were going to visit are closed! And the crazy boys are wearing hoodies! They will all come home sick! And the girls are wearing thin yoga pants, which I'm surprised the Christian school even allows!

Got the laundry done yesterday and got all of the regular challenge layouts done, too. Had to do them on my old laptop so I could use the "save for web" function as my PSE2023 has an operating system error when I try to do that. I need to uninstall and reinstall to see if that will fix it but I'm waiting to hear from Mac App Support before I tackle that! I don't even know where to begin!

My throat is still iffy today. My eyes are watery and my nose wants to run a bit. So I'm staying away from Ilene and it is a good excuse for me NOT to go outside! Even though Mark needs some things. It will have to wait!

Hope everyone stays warm and safe in this weather!
That stinks that the sites are closed! Is it weather-related or something else? I've heard some not so good things about DC lately. Hope your throat gets better. I wish I could do laundry and dishes - we still have no water. I'm washing dishes that we need in my bathroom, in a plastic tub. Thankfully, we have lots of paper plates and bowls. We can hardly cook anything that needs pans, etc. It's a mess. They're replacing the pump right now so we're hoping that fixes the problem.


Well-Known Member
Well, guess it's afternoon already. I slept really well last night and didn't get up until 7:00. (But without an alarm.) My watch told me that I met my sleep goals...and I think that I must have because I feel good! I had meetings from 8 straight through to 1. So I'm taking a lunch break now to get some of that "rest" that @faerywings cares about. (Thanks @faerywings for being such a good mom to all of us :hug3:)

Oh @BrightEyes I HATE computer problems. And I hate the work that it takes to get them set up again. Wishing you good computer fairy dust today!

@Cherylndesigns I know that you will miss having Steph there but dang, what a blessing it has been to have her in Missouri!

@vickyday those A1C numbers are crazy! Congrats to Mark!

Ok...I'm going back to work. I'll talk to all of you later. Stay warm!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning ladies… it’s a winter wonderland outside here today and the snow is coming down like crazy! Our hike has been cancelled, good thing because it’s going to take me most of the morning to get the driveway cleared off so DH can get his staples out this afternoon. He took the day off because he knew we were getting all this white stuff. The ski resorts will be happy and the snow pack on the mountains is a blessing! I just hope that they don’t cancel my Gary’s appointment he is so ready to have those staples removed! I finally managed to get my layout finished for the AnnaColor challenge and will be working on a pre-release today. Other than that and shovelling I will do my wall Pilates this afternoon. I had a really good sleep last night and it was nice to wake up to zero temperature this morning! I hope that the hummingbirds aren’t buried under all this snow, poor little things!

@faerywings - I think that we are all sick of these freezing temps!! Glad that you got your shovelling done this morning! I will be out there several times today as it just doesn’t seem like it will stop snowing for most of the day. Glad to hear that your Dad has the green light to get his shoulder replacement, you will soon be able to call him the bionic Dad!! I saw your layouts that you did, they are so awesome!! Hope you don’t have to be out too long today, I don’t plan on going any further than the end of the driveway today.

Ok since I started posting this the nieghbours have come over to help with the shovelling and we gave the snowblower to our Dr. Neighbour to use and he has pretty much shovelled the whole neighborhood LOL. He is like a kid with a new toy, just like when DH got his new snowblower a couple of years ago. I bet he goes out to buy one soon LOL. We have the best neighbours (not counting the bad ones behind us) :giggle4: So I need to get out there and help out and do stairs etc. I hope to get back here later to finish off personals.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, guess it's afternoon already. I slept really well last night and didn't get up until 7:00. (But without an alarm.) My watch told me that I met my sleep goals...and I think that I must have because I feel good! I had meetings from 8 straight through to 1. So I'm taking a lunch break now to get some of that "rest" that @faerywings cares about. (Thanks @faerywings for being such a good mom to all of us :hug3:)

Oh @BrightEyes I HATE computer problems. And I hate the work that it takes to get them set up again. Wishing you good computer fairy dust today!

@Cherylndesigns I know that you will miss having Steph there but dang, what a blessing it has been to have her in Missouri!

@vickyday those A1C numbers are crazy! Congrats to Mark!

Ok...I'm going back to work. I'll talk to all of you later. Stay warm!
Good deal that you met your sleeping goals. Do you think that your procedure is going to help you get a more restful night's sleep? I've not tried wearing my watch to bed, I probably wouldn't like the results. I'm not good at sleeping. LOL

Yes, it's been a blessing to have Steph here because of her many years of medical experience. She thinks she's going to stay a few more days now. She's almost 7 hours away, which isn't a hop, skip and a jump. She drove here for Thanksgiving and didn't plan to make the 14 hour round trip again for awhile, until her dad had his problems and she wanted to be here. It sucks because we don't even have any direct flights out of here into Ft. Myers where we're from. Now it takes a whole day to get there and back. When we first moved here, Allegiant flew into Punta Gorda, which is very close, and the flights are often below $50. Then they stopped flying between here and the Ft. Myers area. It really bit because you could be there in a couple of hours for peanuts considering today's airline prices. They still fly back and forth to other areas in FL, just nothing close to FM. That was one of the "saving graces" when we moved out here and now it's gone. We used to be able to fly she and Asher out here quite often.


Love my O Family!
That stinks that the sites are closed! Is it weather-related or something else? I've heard some not so good things about DC lately. Hope your throat gets better. I wish I could do laundry and dishes - we still have no water. I'm washing dishes that we need in my bathroom, in a plastic tub. Thankfully, we have lots of paper plates and bowls. We can hardly cook anything that needs pans, etc. It's a mess. They're replacing the pump right now so we're hoping that fixes the problem.
Yes, closed because of the weather!
Hope the pump fixes your water problems!


I am keeping my fingers crossed. I came back from the library and decided to try turning DH's computer on. Black screen again... but I was busy turning on my old computer so left DH's on.... After about 3-4 minutes I saw the white spinning wheel show up! :wow2: So I continued to watch it... about 5 minutes later the message that it was up-dating my computer came on. :wow2: It was the latest Windows up-date! Long story short... after 15 minutes - the sign-in screen showed up! ! ! :bowdown3: I couldn't believe it was working again. So I quickly move the ExHD back over to DH's computer! I had moved it to my old computer and was in the process of re-downloading kits that were not on it. So my first move was to copy all the 'working kits' that I had not yet copied to the ExHD then recheck that I had all the kits I had downloaded/worked with on it! :woohoo:

I was really upset as I didn't have the latest PW for my Face Book sign-in on the old computer and couldn't find it in my list of PWs. Needless to say my nerves are shot over all that happened this morning!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Kay @BrightEyes what wonderful news that DH's computer was only updating!! I'm just thrilled for you!

I have my own good news - we have water!! What a wonderful sound and sight when i heard the kitchen faucet sputtering, turned on the spicket and it came spurting out!! It was so noisy after four days of silence but finally calmed down. Adrienne called me and we were both doing the happy dance. It's been 4 days without it! It's like liquid gold, I tell you!! Now to clean up the kitchen, run the full dishwasher, wash some clothes, etc. Just wanted you all to know. dance3:dancingelephant::dancinglock: