
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, January 14, The Better Morning Edition


The Loopy-O
Whew!!! It is a much better morning than yesterday, so far. It was a pretty low bar, but it is what it is.:p

Yesterday was a crazy one. Hopefully, today won't be as bad. I still have gobs and gobs of stuff to do to get ready, but at least today I am shooting for things to prep for myself. If the family can't figure out how to clean the coffee maker since the light is flashing now, then they can google it.

I want to clean up my dresser and bathroom so I can move things that I will need up, so I won't have to bend too much to get them. I also have to pay all of my bills today (yay it is a Social Security day!) because my family will not know how/what needs to get done. Then I have to fight with itunes a bit. The audiobook I borrowed online was not working for me-- there was no way to bookmark things (at least not that I could find) and if I set it on a timer, it wouldn't stay at the place it shut off at, it would go back to the beginning. I have no patience for that kind of stuff, so when I dropped a book of Cait's off at the library, I found the same book on CD, so I am trying to import them into itunes, which is also next to impossible to figure out. And my poor brain!!! I was ablew to figure out how to do it with the first CD, but by the time I was trying to import the 2nd...I had totally forgotten how to do it. *eye roll*

Today my internal dilemma is about coffee.:decision:
I want to drink all of the coffee that I can, hoping that it will stay in my system until I can get some Friday (oh please let me have coffee on Friday!). After my surgery last year, I woke up in Recovery with a God-awful headache but that went away when the nurse brought me coffee to sip. I don't think I will be able to do that this time. OTOH-- and this is probably a better idea to stick with just the 2 cups I had already and drink lots and lots of water instead.

QOTD Technology-- are you able to figure stuff out easily on cell phones, or ipods? Do you use (or even know about!) all of the bells and whistles on them? Or do you use only what you need to know? I am sort of in the middle, but I think I lean more to the only using what I need to know spectrum.


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- oh my, it is soooo freaking cold!!!! When it sticks around single digits and teens, I am miserable. The only good thing is that with oil prices being low, I am not freaking out as much when Gary puts the thermostat up. It is probably cheaper to do that then run the space heater we used a lot last winter.

ITA with all of you lovely ladies. I forget that other people process stress or anxiety in different ways and that Gary is one who needs to minimize stuff. He is working on trying to get the TV/DVD player to work in the bedroom. He wanted to buy a new one for me, which is ridiculous, but that is how he copes. Cait asked if she could bring down one of her stuffed animals to me on Thursday so I can cuddle. Scott has made plans for Leah to come over on Friday, that they both want to be here when I get home.
I am seeing that now.

You didn't like Fiery Cross? That is what I am listening to now. I have to say that the woman who reads these books is amazing and I am so spoiled. The audio book I was trying to listen to -- the guy can''t do voices. When he does a female voice, it sounds like a man trying to talk in falsetto.ergh!
I will check out that book rec too :)

Adryane-- how cow! That is mind-boggling about the woman at the post office. Just. Wow.

Nancy- can you post the recipe that you made? i love walnuts too and make a walnut and garlic linguine on occasion. I hope that Outlander makes it to Netflix some day. Would love to see it.

Shar- I saw that LO in Romy's thread and fell in love with it!! Perfect quote!! I love her stuff and A New Beginning is one of my favorite kits and I use that over and over.

Trudy- yay for having your own lane swimming and :high5: for going when you thought that you wouldn't. When is your vacation?

Shar-- I am drooling all over that photo!!!!! Glad that Trudy and you were able to figure it out.

I have to get going and warm up the car as it is 9*F right now. Is there any way to fast forward t summer???????????



Well-Known Member
brrrrr. again. i never made it to the mall yesterday. "Nah...." won out. i might try something outside today, but no guarantees. why do i feel like all i want to do is go back to bed?
probably has something to do with waking up at 4 a.m.-ish for too many days in a row! :rant:

Chris. thinking of you all the time and i'm going to pray for you tomorrow. on my knees. which i don't often do. remember to take the stairs backwards after your surgery. PLEASE be a demanding Drama Queen when you come home. you MUST take it easy for as long as the docs tell you to. you MUST. i know::lalala: who is doing the reading on the audio version of the Outlander book? when the audio of this first came out (on cassette TAPE, believe it or not,) Geraldine Jones did the audio for about the first 4 books. it was EXCELLENT. when it went digi, they changed to a new reader, who i think is not as good as Geraldine. but she's not bad. i imagine that's the reader you're listening to. i found the READING of The Fiery Cross hard to wade through, compared to the other books. it didn't seem to be going anywhere. plus, i'm not a big fan of Bree, and if i remember correctly, she and Roger were main characters in that book.

Trudy, have all the new year's swimmers abandoned ship already? you really called THAT one! i am really admiring your stick-to-itiveness with the swimming. i can't even get myself to go out the DOOR!!

Shar, nice cup! did you look for a Seattle cup online?

Nancy, share some recipe links!! i am SOOO sick of my own cooking. :puke: i am WAITING for "Outlander" to appear on iTunes. it'll probably take FOREVER. but i'll be damned if i'm going to subscribe to a cable channel just to see one show.

Hi, Jean! hey, Adryane! yo, Romy!

QOTD: No. i don't know everything my gadgets can do and i don't WANT to know. i try to minimize my cyberspace profile, and with all the tracking that goes on when you use some of the "cool" offerings that The Gadgets are developing, i'd just as soon NOT do anything besides the basics. i am sick to death of trying to learn new stuff, trying to FIND the old stuff when things are "updated...(iTunes has officially driven me MAD with the last sickening update...) and being gently "nudged" into purchasing new tech. i'm not gonna play. :suspicious:

whoa. i'm listening to the D.C. new station this morning, and they've got a weather mess down there at the mo. i guess i should be pleased with gray skies and NO snow. off to start some laundry and try to decide
whether i feel like going outside.

have a good one. :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - wow it is cold but it is supposed to get above freezing so I am looking forward to that. Got out yesterday and walked. It was good as it was sunny. But so irritating to walk past a city truck that was running with no one in it as the men were out working. It was cold but I hate the wasting of gas. Got more scrapping done so that was good. Today have to head to grocery store to get dinner but I can't decide what I want to make. My Devils play tonight in LA so it will be a late night. I have two players who did not even go on the trip as they are out with the flu.

Chris and Trudy - here is link to the LO I did for the recipe. https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/s...3&title=2015jan12-rachael-ray-recipe&cat=1351

Chris I am not sure when you have to be at the hospital so I wish you good luck today. Take care and let your family take care of you!

Shar glad you figured out how to get the photo in the thread. Cute mug.

Trudy glad the swimming is working out so well. And yes I do all the booking of vacations as my husband has no idea.

QOTD - I love new technology and I am always trying to learn more but only as it involves photography and scrapping. I have no love of gaming nor do I care about the apps for department stores. I do have apps for my hockey team and for watching TV shows on my phone or iPad mini. I have downloaded the app Over which makes it super easy to write on photos and then I share them on instagram. The I downloaded the app for Project Life from Becky Higgins. I love my Anna weekly pages as I can do lots of photos but the Project Life lets me do quick scrapping on the go which is fun.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning "O" ladies... Finally, Finally had a great sleep last night!!
It is amazing how much better I feel today! Not much to do today, except go to the pool and pick up a couple of things at the grocery store. DD's computer was acting up yesterday and she spent lots of time with me trying to fix it, the screen would go black and then only show half the screen?? I told her it was way beyond my ability and that she should take it back to where it was purchased. Miraculaously after being shut off for a while it is now working perfectly again?????? WTH??? Oh well just glad it works for her! Then she spent over an hour with the Apple geeks, trying to get my old iPhone that I gave to her, working like an iPod. Her old one has a cracked screen and she just can't afford to fix it. I sent her my old phone a while back and she is now one happy girl that she is all hooked up again!
Its funny that my son is a total tech savvy guy (its what he does with the military) but my poor daughter does not have a clue about any of it LOL.

Chris - So nice to hear that your family is so concerned over your well being!! Hope that you get things all set up for yourself when you get back home! Hopefully you will not have the headache when you come out of the anesthetic this time! Perhaps you could as for a coffee drip in your PICC line :becky: I will be with Phylis, thinking of you and sending you all of my :love: and healing vibes for a speedy recovery!! Do what the Doc tells you and no straining yourself in any way or you will have Phlyis and I to deal with!! :nono:

Phylis - Hope you make it outside today!! It will make you feel so good to get some fresh air and will clear the cobwebs from the brain!! I saw awhile back that you were doing a Rosetta Stone language course, it was Spanish right? I have that app on my phone and I am enjoying the lessons! I would really love to have it on my iMac, but there does not seem to be an App for the iMac. Is yours on your phone or your iPad or what? I have tried to learn Spanish before, but you know what they say, if you don't use it you lose it. Would like to be able to carry on a conversation while I am in Mexico, but this old brain is having a hard time with it. :becky: Not sure if the new years swimmers have all abandoned ship or not, I was there a bit later than usual so perhaps it was just a better, less busy time to go.

Nancy - Wow! Loved your layout! Great recipe and I will have to try that one for sure! Hope it warms up for your walk today. I hate when people leave their vehicles running too, such pollution!! I understood when they would do it sometimes in Sask and it was like minus 35C some cars would just not start again in that cold, but here there is absolutely no reason to do it!! So nice that you are enjoying your scrapping so much!!

Shar, Romy and Adryanne - Hope you all get to pop in here again today!! Have a fabulous day! :wave:

QOTD - I think I am pretty savy with my tech stuff, although I know that I could learn so much more!! I really want to know all I can, but not sure that I would ever really use all that knowledge. Unless of course it involved scrapping LOL. I just hate being dependent on the hired geeks to fix my stuff LOL I am way to cheap to pay for someone to fix my things! Besides it gives me a good excuse to call my son and bug him with my silly questions :becky:

Ok better get ready for swimming and pack my little bag. Hoping to get in another Skype session with DD and Mason this morning too! Hope everyone has a perfect day!! :wave:
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Just a quickie today...on our way out the door in a few minutes for (tah-dah) Wednesday Morning With Clara. The holidays and kid-sickness interrupted our routine. I guess today is the last dry day for awhile, and Dave's fellow golf addict asked if he "really had to babysit Clara." Dave told him we didn't think of it as babysitting, rather hanging out with her. BF said, "hmmm...with granddaughter...no parents home...sounds like babysitting to me." Dave tried to explain that we are not NEEDED, but CHOOSE to be there. We want to spend time with her each week, and figured we may as well do it on a morning that would also be convenient for her parents. BF doesn't get it...or chooses not to because Dave is choosing his DGD over golf.

Yes, Phylis, I've scoured the internet looking for that particular mug. There are many Seattle mugs out there (& DD has a couple already), but this one is The Best.

Chris, it made me go "whew" to hear that you're doing better today. The count-down is nearing zero-hour! YEAH!

Thanks for the recipe, Nancy. Already made a grocery list so I can fix it next week.

Hope you get an empty lane again today, Trudy.

Gotta run, so may get back on Techie question later.


Well-Known Member
I think the overnight low was 1*F but no wind and insulation from snow, so not too bad. DH did NOT do morning bird count because of the cold. This afternoon is our genealogy group at the senior center which is always fun. Since it is warmer and partly sunny, hope folks show up.

Chris, so glad this morning was better and the family expressing their love in more recognizable ways. You know everyone of us will be sending our caring to you tomorrow. ::grouphug

Phylis, I know what you mean about not even going out the door... Glad you're here to give Chris stern warnings to follow doctors' orders.

Nancy, above freezing? That would be nice. Hope the Devils do better against LA - mumps, now flu? Oh, bother! Thanks for the recipe LO, sounds very good.

Trudy, crazy tech stuff with DD! So nice you got a good sleep.

Shar, this grandparent thing continues to amaze me. I have friends very, very into it but I grew up at a distance from both sets of mine and paternal grandparents didn't interact much even when we visited. Sounds like you have a good setup with Clara way better than golf.

QOTD: My tech savvy is mixed. I don't even have a smart phone and my "tablet" is a Surface Pro 3 which really is a Windows computer doubling as a tablet. If something isn't of interest I don't learn about it. So many TV ads these days (especially about phones) are totally over our heads. Also don't do most social media, but have long had blogs and done digi-scrapping sites.

Hope it's a good hump-day for everyone!