
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, January 10


The Loopy-O
Welp, at least it stopped raining for now.

That doesn't help the roads and rivers that won't peak until later today but it is something. The morning was cold enough that precip started as snow flurries, then it was coming down and sticking to the car and road. Thankfully, Cait's school closed early and by the time she was on her way home, it was mostly raining with a little slush here and there. My sump pump is going strong. I was concerned about power outages, but *knocks wood* my area is good to go.

Gary slept most of the day so it was quiet in the house. I was able to get a page done for Jenn's January song challenge. I also started working on the invites for the Murder Party I am hosting in 2 weeks. It's with the family (of course!) and this one takes place in 1920's Hollywood :)
I started to look online for some recipes and drinks/mocktails. I have the characters all set and will send the invites today.
The weather is definitely getting to me, it's been so dreary. I am sitting with my therapy light on right now. Maybe being outside this afternoon give me a boost as well.
Today is the first day of my job and I am excited about that. A little nervous but I think that's because of the last few days of stress/weather. My head is still feeling messy but I'm working through it. I am meeting with Lauren before the kids get there so I will have an orientation/planning session with her. Then the kids will be there at 1.30 :D
I took a photo of my suncatcher yesterday before it melted

One thing I thought looked cool was how some of the leaves I picked from the azalea bled color into the ice. The green leaves didn't have that effect so now I want to figure out the "why." I would have assumed the pokeberries would have that effect but you can see that the ice around them (the larger of the berries) is clear.

ye gad... Here I go again.
One amazing thing for me is that my teacher brain is still in there. Sure, it is rusty but just writing about the berries and leaves and ice has it spinning up. That's a relief. I had wondered about that since it has been a very long time since I taught.

Speaking of teaching kids---
scott ranger.jpg638375363596870000.jpg
Look at him!!! Took my breath away for a second how happy and proud I am.

Maybe it's the therapy light, maybe it's my job, maybe it's being happy for Scott, but my mood is improving as I type. :sunout:
(keep it that way, Faery!)

Have a fantastic day!!!


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The Loopy-O
I am going to have to bookmark that last post because I have to pay bills this morning and keep an eye on Jaida's leg again. hahah!
She was walking a little better yesterday but still going on three legs more than she had been. We wouldn't be able to get her into the surgeon's office if we wanted to, that whole area is flooded. It's bonkers that towns sent out alerts in advance that major highways would be closed in both directions. They said they didn't have a specific time it would flood but that it would and plan ahead.

@vickyday I think he is having a herx, the meds kick in and the bacteria fight back. It is the you have to get worse before you can get better mode.


Love my O Family!
Welp, at least it stopped raining for now.

That doesn't help the roads and rivers that won't peak until later today but it is something. The morning was cold enough that precip started as snow flurries, then it was coming down and sticking to the car and road. Thankfully, Cait's school closed early and by the time she was on her way home, it was mostly raining with a little slush here and there. My sump pump is going strong. I was concerned about power outages, but *knocks wood* my area is good to go.

Gary slept most of the day so it was quiet in the house. I was able to get a page done for Jenn's January song challenge. I also started working on the invites for the Murder Party I am hosting in 2 weeks. It's with the family (of course!) and this one takes place in 1920's Hollywood :)
I started to look online for some recipes and drinks/mocktails. I have the characters all set and will send the invites today.
The weather is definitely getting to me, it's been so dreary. I am sitting with my therapy light on right now. Maybe being outside this afternoon give me a boost as well.
Today is the first day of my job and I am excited about that. A little nervous but I think that's because of the last few days of stress/weather. My head is still feeling messy but I'm working through it. I am meeting with Lauren before the kids get there so I will have an orientation/planning session with her. Then the kids will be there at 1.30 :D
I took a photo of my suncatcher yesterday before it melted

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One thing I thought looked cool was how some of the leaves I picked from the azalea bled color into the ice. The green leaves didn't have that effect so now I want to figure out the "why." I would have assumed the pokeberries would have that effect but you can see that the ice around them (the larger of the berries) is clear.

ye gad... Here I go again.
One amazing thing for me is that my teacher brain is still in there. Sure, it is rusty but just writing about the berries and leaves and ice has it spinning up. That's a relief. I had wondered about that since it has been a very long time since I taught.

Speaking of teaching kids---
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Look at him!!! Took my breath away for a second how happy and proud I am.

Maybe it's the therapy light, maybe it's my job, maybe it's being happy for Scott, but my mood is improving as I type. :sunout:
(keep it that way, Faery!)

Have a fantastic day!!!
Hope Gary is feeling better today. Your suncatcher looks great! Love the photos of Scott! Have a great first day of "work"! You will do great!


The Loopy-O
I had to take the dogs out just now and get another :coffee1:
J still isn't using that leg, she will walk a little and then tripod. At least most of the snow is melted so she can walk to her regular potty spots again.

@vickyday Ahhhh!! That stinks about the furnace! Was Mark about to get it going again? I imagine that stress makes a mess out of IBS, even good stress like knowing your family is coming will affect the body. I keep reminding myself to take *deep* breaths, so as long as I am reminding myself I will remind you too.

@BrightEyes Hope you and the gals had a wonderful day yesterday and I'm thinking good thoughts for your endoscopy.
I hope the temps warm up soon. Is 17* this time of year below normal? It's 42* right now and that is waaaaay above normal. Good score on saving the long coat :brrr:

When I was working on my grocery order, I was surprised at how little was on sale. It always seemed that the "New Year, New Start blah blah blah" would have a ton of healthy food sales. As of right now, I have $142 in the shopping cart. My budget is as close to $100/week as I can get so I am going to have to edit that before the order is officially placed this afternoon. :thud:

@taxed4ever Wow! An earthquake sure is one way to ring in the new year! Congrats on working on the Wall Pilates! I didn't attempt yoga yesterday since I mentally struggled the day before. But you got this! Will you try the pool again in Feb after all of the New Year people are gone?
That's fantastic news that your Gary is getting around so well. What's the over/under on him getting grumbly when his coworkers tell him he isn't supposed to lift something? Hahah!!!
Feel free to share any IP recipes, if I know ahead of time that I am cooking chicken or pork for us, I can make sure Caitlyn has a vegetarian option. Or she can have cereal. So please share recipes or tips.

My IP tip is to not position the pot/steam vent underneath the wine glasses that hang over the island :oops2:

@Cherylndesigns I hope that the winter storm passes you by. How was the store yesterday, was everyone stocking up on bread and milk?
Oh to be somewhere warm... A girl can dream.....

@bcgal00 How was the vet? I know what you mean about the vibe, I hope that you find a good (affordable--- hahaha!) vet that you and the dogs all feel comfortable with. I *love* our vet, been going there since we moved here in 1995.
How fun it must be to shop for new decor, any good finds?
Enjoy the birding course today, can't wait to hear about it.

Vicky- ugh about all that mud!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
I'm glad yesterday is over!
Our furnace quit.
Elisabeth let us borrow a ceramic heater. Thankfully the temperature was near 60. The furnace guy couldn't come.
Electricity went off right at bedtime so Mark had to get the generator going for the sump pump.
Electricity came back on at I don't know what time and the carbon monoxide detector blared warning to get out in the fresh air. So I bundled up and took Asher outside. We opened up and aired out the house until it was safe again.
IBS has my stomach a mess today.
I have a stiff neck and a headache.
Now for the good news.....
The furnace guy is coming sometime today!
No more rain.
Sun is shining!
Thank You Lord for the blessings in the storms!
I think I will lay back down for a while.


Love my O Family!
I had to take the dogs out just now and get another :coffee1:
J still isn't using that leg, she will walk a little and then tripod. At least most of the snow is melted so she can walk to her regular potty spots again.

@vickyday Ahhhh!! That stinks about the furnace! Was Mark about to get it going again? I imagine that stress makes a mess out of IBS, even good stress like knowing your family is coming will affect the body. I keep reminding myself to take *deep* breaths, so as long as I am reminding myself I will remind you too.

@BrightEyes Hope you and the gals had a wonderful day yesterday and I'm thinking good thoughts for your endoscopy.
I hope the temps warm up soon. Is 17* this time of year below normal? It's 42* right now and that is waaaaay above normal. Good score on saving the long coat :brrr:

When I was working on my grocery order, I was surprised at how little was on sale. It always seemed that the "New Year, New Start blah blah blah" would have a ton of healthy food sales. As of right now, I have $142 in the shopping cart. My budget is as close to $100/week as I can get so I am going to have to edit that before the order is officially placed this afternoon. :thud:

@taxed4ever Wow! An earthquake sure is one way to ring in the new year! Congrats on working on the Wall Pilates! I didn't attempt yoga yesterday since I mentally struggled the day before. But you got this! Will you try the pool again in Feb after all of the New Year people are gone?
That's fantastic news that your Gary is getting around so well. What's the over/under on him getting grumbly when his coworkers tell him he isn't supposed to lift something? Hahah!!!
Feel free to share any IP recipes, if I know ahead of time that I am cooking chicken or pork for us, I can make sure Caitlyn has a vegetarian option. Or she can have cereal. So please share recipes or tips.

My IP tip is to not position the pot/steam vent underneath the wine glasses that hang over the island :oops2:

@Cherylndesigns I hope that the winter storm passes you by. How was the store yesterday, was everyone stocking up on bread and milk?
Oh to be somewhere warm... A girl can dream.....

@bcgal00 How was the vet? I know what you mean about the vibe, I hope that you find a good (affordable--- hahaha!) vet that you and the dogs all feel comfortable with. I *love* our vet, been going there since we moved here in 1995.
How fun it must be to shop for new decor, any good finds?
Enjoy the birding course today, can't wait to hear about it.

Vicky- ugh about all that mud!
I'm trying! I'll be better when the furnace is fixed, I think!


Real quick in and out. My friend will be here in an hour to take me over for my procedure. No water and no coffee!!! UGH! The gals and I had a great time yesterday. Everyone made it there... it was so wonderful to see them all again. We were having so much fun visiting that we stayed on until after 4PM. Really did my heart good to spend time with them. I ended up wearing my faux fur coat instead of the other coat I had found. Was so glad to have a warm coat and gloves on. I managed to get several errands done before going to the lunch. One was a stop at Barnes & Nobel to pick up "Crowbones" by Anne Bishop. @bcgal00 so glad you are enjoying the 1st in the series.

No, Chris... the lows overnight are usually in the mid-20's so the temps in the low-to-mid teens are not usual. It is 14*F right now!!! We may get to high 30's this afternoon. I hope your sump-pump keeps the water out. So sorry that Gary is down so hard with the effects of the treatment for Lyme.

I hope all went well with with @LSlycord yesterday.

@vickyday - so sorry to hear that your heater is on the fritz. Hope the repair guy makes it over today and gets it fixed for you.


Love my O Family!
Real quick in and out. My friend will be here in an hour to take me over for my procedure. No water and no coffee!!! UGH! The gals and I had a great time yesterday. Everyone made it there... it was so wonderful to see them all again. We were having so much fun visiting that we stayed on until after 4PM. Really did my heart good to spend time with them. I ended up wearing my faux fur coat instead of the other coat I had found. Was so glad to have a warm coat and gloves on. I managed to get several errands done before going to the lunch. One was a stop at Barnes & Nobel to pick up "Crowbones" by Anne Bishop. @bcgal00 so glad you are enjoying the 1st in the series.

No, Chris... the lows overnight are usually in the mid-20's so the temps in the low-to-mid teens are not usual. It is 14*F right now!!! We may get to high 30's this afternoon. I hope your sump-pump keeps the water out. So sorry that Gary is down so hard with the effects of the treatment for Lyme.

I hope all went well with with @LSlycord yesterday.

@vickyday - so sorry to hear that your heater is on the fritz. Hope the repair guy makes it over today and gets it fixed for you.
He made it. News was not good. He had to remove the fan motor to take for rebuild. No telling how long that will take! Not to mention the cost! YIKES!


Love my O Family!
Real quick in and out. My friend will be here in an hour to take me over for my procedure. No water and no coffee!!! UGH! The gals and I had a great time yesterday. Everyone made it there... it was so wonderful to see them all again. We were having so much fun visiting that we stayed on until after 4PM. Really did my heart good to spend time with them. I ended up wearing my faux fur coat instead of the other coat I had found. Was so glad to have a warm coat and gloves on. I managed to get several errands done before going to the lunch. One was a stop at Barnes & Nobel to pick up "Crowbones" by Anne Bishop. @bcgal00 so glad you are enjoying the 1st in the series.

No, Chris... the lows overnight are usually in the mid-20's so the temps in the low-to-mid teens are not usual. It is 14*F right now!!! We may get to high 30's this afternoon. I hope your sump-pump keeps the water out. So sorry that Gary is down so hard with the effects of the treatment for Lyme.

I hope all went well with with @LSlycord yesterday.

@vickyday - so sorry to hear that your heater is on the fritz. Hope the repair guy makes it over today and gets it fixed for you.
Glad you had a good time visiting with your friends yesterday!


Love my O Family!
Update to the furnace saga.....
Furnace guy came. He ended up having to remove the fan motor and take it for rebuild! YIKES! He said it looked like the original one from when the house was built back in the 60's. We need to start thinking about a new furnace. Double YIKES!

I contacted my son who will be staying with us this weekend when the family comes in. I told him the ceramic heater had the house at 67 this morning and that it was supposed to be warm (60) this weekend so either double up on his PJs or I could get him a hotel room. He said they keep their house at 67 so he was not worried about it! That's good! He will only be here one night.

Gonna have to tighten the budget belt so we can start saving for a new furnace! Mark thinks it will probably run $10K! :wow::wow2::jawdrop3::eek2:o_O:eek3:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. The bird hike was cancelled b/c of weather. I will be indoors most of the day, aside from groceries and popping into Marks to see what's on sale (heavy winter gear is always a good thing out here). Remi will have to stay home, too cold out for her to be left in the car. We have a frigid cold snap coming for 3 days and a few inches of snow. With the wind, it is -20 right now and even colder for Thurs and Friday. Remi is thriving in this cold weather. She wasn't pleased about me rubbing paw balm on her pads this morning but she accepts it (with a few treats for lying still for me as I rub it in). Taz loves the foot rub and treats and also tries to eat the balm out of the jar, silly boy. D ordered heavy jackets on amazon and a hat with ear flaps for the cold weather. We'll be out tomorrow night at the pub and then over to the legion for game night so we'll need to bundle up, it is supposed to be -30 but colder with the wind chill. Yikes.

I am going to get ingred to make chili in the crockpot for tomorrow and tartar sauce for me for fish burritos tonight (D will have a meatpie, he doesn't care much for fish). We have continued binging the newest season of Fargo, it is so good (it always is).

Yesterday, I saw out the window that Jen was sitting in her parked car when she returned from errands. I thought she must have been on her phone or something. I went out to give her back the snow brush I borrowed and when I approached the car I saw why she was sitting so long in her parked car. The deer was right beside her car, munching on some bushes LOL. She was watching him and taking photos with her phone. I brought Bella in from the car, from the other side, she barked the whole way up the driveway, she hates the deer. I grabbed my camera and came back out but he was leaving. I got a few shots of him but not beside Jen's car. What a crazy town we live in LOL.

@faerywings Love the photos of S in the classroom. Yes, you are so rightly proud of him. Hope the rest helped G and he is soon feeling better. Enjoy the first day on the job, how exciting for you!

@BrightEyes I am almost done the first book and it is so well written, keeping me glued to it, all the way through. I'll take a break and read something else while I wait for the 2nd one from our digi library. It's been awhile since I so thoroughly got engrossed in a book.

@vickyday Glad the temps are not too bad during this time without a furnace. It's such an expensive purchase, having done it at our old house and now we'll probably be replacing this one in the next year or so.

I'd better get dressed and go run my errands before the snow starts. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,

I've been trying to post this since about 9:30 this am. Been one of those days. Steph went into my bathroom to take a shower and it's just trickling. UGH - it's not even that cold. Always something out here. I called Adrienne to see if their pressure was down and she said it was. It's 50 right now but we have a cold spell coming. We'll have to keep our kitchen faucet "trickling" all night starting tomorrow night.

Chris @faerywings love the pictures of Scott with the kids. I know you're just itching to get back into teacher mode. The store wasn't too bad yesterday but it probably will get bad this evening. Everybody is already gearing up for the big one. The visiting nurse even said she probably wouldn't be able to get out over the weekend.

Kay @BrightEyes hope your procedure went well. Glad you had a great time with the gals.

Hugs to all - I have to hop off of here now. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. The bird hike was cancelled b/c of weather. I will be indoors most of the day, aside from groceries and popping into Marks to see what's on sale (heavy winter gear is always a good thing out here). Remi will have to stay home, too cold out for her to be left in the car. We have a frigid cold snap coming for 3 days and a few inches of snow. With the wind, it is -20 right now and even colder for Thurs and Friday. Remi is thriving in this cold weather. She wasn't pleased about me rubbing paw balm on her pads this morning but she accepts it (with a few treats for lying still for me as I rub it in). Taz loves the foot rub and treats and also tries to eat the balm out of the jar, silly boy. D ordered heavy jackets on amazon and a hat with ear flaps for the cold weather. We'll be out tomorrow night at the pub and then over to the legion for game night so we'll need to bundle up, it is supposed to be -30 but colder with the wind chill. Yikes.

I am going to get ingred to make chili in the crockpot for tomorrow and tartar sauce for me for fish burritos tonight (D will have a meatpie, he doesn't care much for fish). We have continued binging the newest season of Fargo, it is so good (it always is).

Yesterday, I saw out the window that Jen was sitting in her parked car when she returned from errands. I thought she must have been on her phone or something. I went out to give her back the snow brush I borrowed and when I approached the car I saw why she was sitting so long in her parked car. The deer was right beside her car, munching on some bushes LOL. She was watching him and taking photos with her phone. I brought Bella in from the car, from the other side, she barked the whole way up the driveway, she hates the deer. I grabbed my camera and came back out but he was leaving. I got a few shots of him but not beside Jen's car. What a crazy town we live in LOL.

@faerywings Love the photos of S in the classroom. Yes, you are so rightly proud of him. Hope the rest helped G and he is soon feeling better. Enjoy the first day on the job, how exciting for you!

@BrightEyes I am almost done the first book and it is so well written, keeping me glued to it, all the way through. I'll take a break and read something else while I wait for the 2nd one from our digi library. It's been awhile since I so thoroughly got engrossed in a book.

@vickyday Glad the temps are not too bad during this time without a furnace. It's such an expensive purchase, having done it at our old house and now we'll probably be replacing this one in the next year or so.

I'd better get dressed and go run my errands before the snow starts. HAGD everyone.
WOW! Your temps are too cold for me! Those temps would not be good for a furnace outage! Good news.....the furnace guy is back this afternoon, I am assuming, with the repaired motor! Mark is with him downstairs, so I will soon find out!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,

I've been trying to post this since about 9:30 this am. Been one of those days. Steph went into my bathroom to take a shower and it's just trickling. UGH - it's not even that cold. Always something out here. I called Adrienne to see if their pressure was down and she said it was. It's 50 right now but we have a cold spell coming. We'll have to keep our kitchen faucet "trickling" all night starting tomorrow night.

Chris @faerywings love the pictures of Scott with the kids. I know you're just itching to get back into teacher mode. The store wasn't too bad yesterday but it probably will get bad this evening. Everybody is already gearing up for the big one. The visiting nurse even said she probably wouldn't be able to get out over the weekend.

Kay @BrightEyes hope your procedure went well. Glad you had a great time with the gals.

Hugs to all - I have to hop off of here now. HAGD
When DH#1 and I first got married we lived in an older trailer and we had to do the same thing with our water in the winter.....let the faucets drip.....even with pipe insulation or those heating tapes! And sometimes that didn't even help! What a pain!


Love my O Family!
Further update to the furnace saga.......the furnace guy is back this afternoon! I am assuming he is installing the repaired motor. Mark is with him, so I guess I will soon find out if we will have heat tonight!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
I am like @Cherylndesigns and have tried to post this since the early morning. One thing after another kept coming up and then DH needed breakfast, DD called and chatted for almost an hour, then I had to get ready to pick my sister up for brunch. Sheesh!! Anyway it was a lovely brunch and we had a great time chatting about this and that, we sat out on the enclosed patio with the heaters keeping us all nice and warm and cozy! Brunch was delicious and I was so glad that I got to treat her to a morning out! When I got home DH's boss came by to see how he was doing and she stayed for coffee and caught us up on what has been happening at his work. DH's co-workers chipped in and got us a bottle of wine and a GC for $100 to the Thrifty's Food Store here. A lovely card signed by everyone, so nice! I put the new down duvet on our bed that I bought the other day and we are now set for the very cold weather that is supposed to hit us starting tomorrow. Fresh snow on the far mountain tops and by the sounds of it much more to come. I did get a page done yesterday for a pre-release and had fun putting that together! Perhaps I will try to do another in a bit, but first I need to get my wall pilates done. I am really enjoying it and it sure works the core!! I hope I can continue with it! My left leg has been bothering me for a bit, but the pilates seems to really be helping. Anyway I just wanted to pop in and say :wavinghello: I will catch up with you all tomorrow morning!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
When DH#1 and I first got married we lived in an older trailer and we had to do the same thing with our water in the winter.....let the faucets drip.....even with pipe insulation or those heating tapes! And sometimes that didn't even help! What a pain!
Yes, it really is. We share a septic system and well with DD and SIL and in the summer, one of the kids is always leaving a hose running and we run out of water temporarily, until it re-generates. UGH. Roger (SIL) finally put timers on the hoses because they went off and left them running for hours. The kids also take VERY long showers - remember when we were kids and we thought everything grew on trees? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: We're trying to get city water run over here just for a back up for the well. They have to dig under the county road to get to us, so it's unlikely that's going to happen.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I am like @Cherylndesigns and have tried to post this since the early morning. One thing after another kept coming up and then DH needed breakfast, DD called and chatted for almost an hour, then I had to get ready to pick my sister up for brunch. Sheesh!! Anyway it was a lovely brunch and we had a great time chatting about this and that, we sat out on the enclosed patio with the heaters keeping us all nice and warm and cozy! Brunch was delicious and I was so glad that I got to treat her to a morning out! When I got home DH's boss came by to see how he was doing and she stayed for coffee and caught us up on what has been happening at his work. DH's co-workers chipped in and got us a bottle of wine and a GC for $100 to the Thrifty's Food Store here. A lovely card signed by everyone, so nice! I put the new down duvet on our bed that I bought the other day and we are now set for the very cold weather that is supposed to hit us starting tomorrow. Fresh snow on the far mountain tops and by the sounds of it much more to come. I did get a page done yesterday for a pre-release and had fun putting that together! Perhaps I will try to do another in a bit, but first I need to get my wall pilates done. I am really enjoying it and it sure works the core!! I hope I can continue with it! My left leg has been bothering me for a bit, but the pilates seems to really be helping. Anyway I just wanted to pop in and say :wavinghello: I will catch up with you all tomorrow morning!
Yes, I feel you, Trudy. Sounds like you've had a lovely day though. How nice to brunch with your sister and a great visit from Gary's boss and wonderful bottle of wine and a GC. Enjoy your delicious down comforter. That's going to feel SO good.


Well-Known Member
Oh gosh, it's been a minute since I popped in here! In between getting stuff done around the house and hanging out with Jess I don't know where the days have gone! I guess holidays are a bit like that in that you lose track of time. And the heat and humidity don't help either. It's 30C (86F) here today and everything is sticky! So we'll probably get rain tonight or tomorrow.

But the O wasn't far from my mind! We went on a picnic over the weekend and saw the most beautiful Lace Monitor. My first thought was "I have to take a picture to show my critter loving O friends!" Jess thought I'm weird LOL!


@faerywings - That suncatcher is so pretty! How cool that the azalea petals bled into the ice. Now I'm tempted to make one with some rose petals to see if they'll do the same. Awesome photos of Scott, you are right to be proud! Poor Jaida, sending gentle healing thoughts!

@vickyday - Sorry you had a tough day :( What rotten news about the furnace!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you had a really great day. Then again, any day with a new book is a good day to me :)

@bcgal00 - Yikes those temperatures are insane! My brain does not deal with those kinds of numbers! Probably doesn't help that I'm in the middle of summer and can only dream of cold weather! How amazing is that encounter with the deer. I always love getting close to nature.

@taxed4ever - Glad you had a lovely brunch with your sister. And what lovely gift from hubby's co-workers!



Love my O Family!
Yes, it really is. We share a septic system and well with DD and SIL and in the summer, one of the kids is always leaving a hose running and we run out of water temporarily, until it re-generates. UGH. Roger (SIL) finally put timers on the hoses because they went off and left them running for hours. The kids also take VERY long showers - remember when we were kids and we thought everything grew on trees? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: We're trying to get city water run over here just for a back up for the well. They have to dig under the county road to get to us, so it's unlikely that's going to happen.
And I remember when our kids would want to do something that required money we didn't have and they would say, "Just go to the owl machine (ATM) and get some!" HA! Wish it was that easy!
Yeah, getting city water to you certainly isn't going to be a priority! Unfortunately!


Love my O Family!
Oh gosh, it's been a minute since I popped in here! In between getting stuff done around the house and hanging out with Jess I don't know where the days have gone! I guess holidays are a bit like that in that you lose track of time. And the heat and humidity don't help either. It's 30C (86F) here today and everything is sticky! So we'll probably get rain tonight or tomorrow.

But the O wasn't far from my mind! We went on a picnic over the weekend and saw the most beautiful Lace Monitor. My first thought was "I have to take a picture to show my critter loving O friends!" Jess thought I'm weird LOL!

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@faerywings - That suncatcher is so pretty! How cool that the azalea petals bled into the ice. Now I'm tempted to make one with some rose petals to see if they'll do the same. Awesome photos of Scott, you are right to be proud! Poor Jaida, sending gentle healing thoughts!

@vickyday - Sorry you had a tough day :( What rotten news about the furnace!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you had a really great day. Then again, any day with a new book is a good day to me :)

@bcgal00 - Yikes those temperatures are insane! My brain does not deal with those kinds of numbers! Probably doesn't help that I'm in the middle of summer and can only dream of cold weather! How amazing is that encounter with the deer. I always love getting close to nature.

@taxed4ever - Glad you had a lovely brunch with your sister. And what lovely gift from hubby's co-workers!

Wow! What a beautiful animal! Are those reptiles since they are a type of lizard? They are a type of lizard, right?