
Daily Ooo's Wednesday Jan 28


The Loopy-O
No one posted yet, eh? Everyone sleep as late as me? I had the alarm go off at 5, and seconds before I went into the shower we got the call that school is closed. I went back to sleep and slept until 11! I could have kept sleeping too. But now it feels like my day is about over. Which would be a good thing as the pain is really bad today. Must be the damp and cold :(

Anyway, nit feeling too chatty ATM, so just wishing you all a very good day.

Sandra- prayers and good thoughts for your dad. Let us know when you have news.


Well-Known Member
Hi faerywings! I am about ready to trade in my teenager. Being a Mom to all boys is challenging, being a Mom to a boy teenager (well today seems almost impossible).

Hope everyone is staying warm and safe. Here in FL we had freezing temps a week ago, but now that everyone is getting tons of ice and snow, we are warming up. Go figure.

Have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, we had lots of ice this morning. It took forever to scrape it off the car, but the roads are fine, thankfully. My job had a delayed opening so that was good to give time for things to thaw out.

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!!


always chatty at the O!!
So, I have to vent for a minute and then I'll start a new post to say what i usually say. So...

My husband and I are constantly disagreeing about our dog. We have a very loving yellow lab mix and he is a moose. I have rarely seen a lab so big. Anyway, my husband thinks he should be an inside dog while I think not. In general we have come to an agreement that the dog can be inside at night and when there is snow on the ground. He has a really nice dog house outside and we have a yard and all that. So Gryffe (our dog) has been inside lately because of the weather for the past couple of months. In the past weekish or so he has started chewing on things. If he is left around garbage he will rip it up. My husband gets all annoyed about it but he knows better than to set the garbage outside and not take it out. Well, this morning or last night my hubby took the trash out of the can and set it next to it but didn't take it out. because of the chewing he had put Gryffe in his crate in the garage for the night but put him in the house before he left for work. This morning Ethan and I got all ready upstairs and came downstairs to get breakfast and whatnot when we started to smell something weird. So, as I walked into the kitchen area I saw what it was. the garbage bag that my husband hadn't taken out was strewn all through the kitchen/dining room/family room. Let's not forget that my daughter is not yet potty trained and so the garbage was filled with dirty diapers. What is it about dogs that makes them like dirty diapers and maxi pads? That is just disgusting?? So, I let the dog outside and cleaned up the beautiful mess. Ugh!! Yuck!! Great start to a day. Okay, venting over now. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
We made it to Wednesday! Busy week here basketball game till after 9 last night, so a short night last night for me. We have award application screening tonight so that will mean not getting home til after 8 or so. Working on flower arrangements with my floriculture class and finishing up science fair display stuff. Whew! I'm ready for summer!
Chris - you lucky gal! Glad you got some extra sleep!
Lori -I can totally relate - I am a high school teacher. Teenage boys - you either love them or hate them. Not much in between!
ME - be sure to drive safe!
Clara - I feel your pain. Our chocolate lab, Dexter, has been living in the house since a week before Thanksgiving. He got sick, we still don't know what was wrong with him - it seemed like a stroke, poisoning, or a brain tumor. he's much better, but has lost all of his winter fur. I've vacuumed up about three of him in the last three months. He chews on things too! One day i came home, Mr Wonderful was out of town. Dexter has chewed up my laptop case, my cd case, the phone, and the remote control. Tooth holes all the way through it! I was not happy with him to say the least. So - good luck with the dog in the house thing!
Sandra - hope things are well with you!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies :)

Clara - we have a 90LB lab how big is yours? Ours is an inside dog and has luckily never chewed anything since being a puppy. However out new little one...not so much..she will chew or eat anything that she can get her mouth on.


always chatty at the O!!
So, onto having a good morning. Today is an okay day. I stayed home from work yesterday and took two naps. That of course meant I couldn't sleep so I took a sleeping pill to get to sleep. I had it sitting next to a glass of water and got distracted and forgot to take it until I saw it there an hour later, as I was wondering why I wasn't getting tired. Ambien are strange. I have only taken it a few times ever in my life. My husband is the one who generally takes them since he has major sleep problems between his ADD and the pills he takes for it. So, I finally started feeling sleepy and had to stumble off to bed since I took a little too long to get there ahead of time. So, I woke my husband up in the process. Ooops. I thought it was funny but he didn't quite think so.

Today should be a pretty good day. I am amazed that the O's got started so late but Chris, I am so glad you slept in. You don't get to do that nearly often enough. I haven't been working out this week. I feel kinda bad that I'll be letting my team down, but I've been feeling like doodoo so I want as much sleep as I can get. I'm finally starting to feel better so Hopefully I'll be working out by tomorrow. I might even fit a little bit tonight. If I do that I will get in enough for my team. We'll see.

So, today was definately a coffee day. I wish I could drink plain coffee. There are no points in plain coffee, but I can't so I drink Seattle-type foofoo coffees in general. Today is a Butterfinger mocha-nonfat. It is pretty yummy. I usually get something different everytime. So, today I will share foofoo drinks with all of you...we'll go with butterfinger mochas, almond joys, cocoberry lattes, and black forest mochas. Yummy!!

Today is Wednesday, which I love but it will be a bit crazy. My dh has a 24hr duty tonight so it is just me and the kids. I have my church group on weds and my daughter is in daycare on post. These leads me to a few issues. My daughter can no-way come to my church group. I know the house is not baby proofed and she would make and bible study impossible. Plus, like I said she is on post. Since I have a new car I do not have a pass to get onto Ft. Lewis so I would have to sign in since it is a closed base. Not to mention I get off of work at 5:30 and I have to pick her up by 6 and there is no way that would work out. So fortunately I have a friend who is signed up to be able to pick her up and she is in the army so she'll be able to pick her up. I know it is a little out of her way but I don't feel so bad because we are watching her son for a month while she goes to the field with her unit in California. I think it really sucks that they send single parents to the field but if they don't they put these people out of the army. So, our house will be a little crazy with an extra 6 year old. He is just like Ethan. I swear they were twins in a former life. If he wasn't latino they would look about the same. They get each other all worked up. This is motivation to get Ethan's bedroom finished because there is no way the boys can share a room. Can we say no sleep??

Chris - Everytime you have a bad day I just want to give you a big hug and tell you everything will be okay. I hope you get through the day quickly, go to sleep nice and early and then wake up tomorrow feeling great.

Lori - I am so excited not to have teenagers yet, and not for quite a few years. It is kinda funny listening to my mom tell stories of me as a teenager. I was a royal pain in the a**!!!! I was sick as a teenager and my family was one of the only safe places I had so they got the brunt of all of my anger, depression and disappointment. My sister on the other hand was trouble but easy for my mom to get along with. Good luck not killing your children. My mom had a friend that she would vent to and she was actually telling me today about a time when her friend called. My mom told her she was trying to think of the most horrible, painful way to kill me. The friend asked if trying to figure out how to cover it up was the issue and my mom told her no...she'd get acquitted. I must have been really being a brat that day. I hope Karma doesn't pay me back with horrible teenagers.

ME - Drive safely in the ice. I hope it was only on your car and not the roads.

Have a great day everyone!! Lots of love.

Sandra - Lots of love and prayers being sent your way. I'm thinking about you.

Krista - I hope all of you are getting better.


always chatty at the O!!
Linda - Summer?? Don't you think you should get ready for spring first?? Summer is a long way away. The waiting would make me crazy. Not that spring is any different than winter here, just a little warmer than winter but sometimes rainier. So, no good advice on how not to kill my dog??

kat - our dog is about the same. HUGE!!! He has never been much of a chewer. I think I should get him some good chew toys. I think he's bored. My husband worries about him being cold but hasn't been playing with him much. I might go to Target at lunch today so, I might get him some fun toys to chew away. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
hey all! Sorry for the late post, but we just got home... Dad was in surgery for approx. 3.5 hours... at first the doctor wasn't sure he'd be able to remove the tumor because of its location... luckily he eventually was able to... he said Dad did really well throughout surgery and had no problems waking from the anesthesia... he was sent to ICU, and I have seen him... he looks good although pale... he has already been removed from the ventilator and seems to be breathing well on his own... they did NOT remove the entire lung and the attending said he didn't think Dad would have survived if he had... Dad will be in ICU 1-2 days, but at least a week in the hospital after that... he's in a LOT of pain, but they were giving him morphine when I left and I'm hoping he's more comfortable... I'll update you as I can!

thanks for all the love and prayers... they mean more than you know!


always chatty at the O!!
Sandra - Yay for good news. Still praying and will continue to do so after his release. Will this be the end or with he also need chemo and what not? Big huge hugs to you and your family.


Well-Known Member
Sandra - wonderful news. I hope you'll be able to rest some tonight! I know what a tiring day it is waiting in the surgery waiting room and only being able to visit ICU a few minutes each hour!. Glad to hear that he is doing so well and that surgery went well. I'll be keeping you and your Dad in my prayers.


Well-Known Member
thanks, Linda!

Clara - we're not sure... he's not totally out of the woods yet... the tumor is being sent to pathology for testing to see how far reaching and the type of cancer it is... while I don't like to think about it, there is the possibility they will have to remove the rest of the lung which increases the chances of losing Dad... chemo has also not been ruled out at this point... basically we're in limbo until pathology comes back... I just called to check on him, and he seems to be doing fine, but I need to call back at 8:15 or so to talk to the nurse...


Well-Known Member
well I just got updated... Dad's doing well... his pain is under control and he's not hurting except when he coughs... he's started his breathing exercises, and is currently getting some rest... they've given him medication to help with his fluid retention because even with as much iv fluids as they're giving him, he's having trouble getting rid of it... so he's on ice chips until they can get his bladder to working right again... so I'll see him tomorrow... it looks like I'm going to have to babysit, so I'm getting ready to hit the bed! thanks for all the thoughts and prayers... they mean so much!