
Daily Ooo's Wednesday Jan 21


The Loopy-O
Good mOrning O-Fam!
I have to brag- I actually had a pretty decent day yesterday! Only little pain, and not too much fatigue- I pooped out before dinner, but that is later than usual..... I was just so excited to watch the Inaug.

No matter how you feel about politics- you have got to check out the pictures in this link-- our First Daughter's are beyond adorable!

Sandra-- good for you for treating yourself to something nice, you so totally deserve it!
How was Will the rest of the day?

ChrisT - I really wanted to see the movie-- but I had to read the book first, I have finished 1 and 2 and waiting to borrow 3 and 4 from my SIL. Hope you had lots of fun with your LO!

ME- OMG-- just the shots of all the people in the Mall........it was incredible!! And everyone looked so happy :) But, I hgave to admit, I was happier watching it on my couch- under a blanket LOL

Sally- you so totally rock. Looooove your attitude. I have seen on some other bds people are already counting down till 2012. Give the guy (and the other 2 branches of govt!) a chance! I know I was vocal on my dislike of Bush's policies, but that didn't start until the Iraq War- I was 100% (ok, maybe 90% :D) behind him through 9/11 and the Afghan war.
Anyway, thank you for praying for our leaders as they need the support and prayers at this time.

I have to post this now- I hit somehting on my keybd and lost all of my tabs!
Have you ever noticed how many keys you have that you have no idea what they do??


The Loopy-O
Lori, Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear that dh has to do this. It is such a hard time and I can only hope and pray it gets better.
Glad to hear that ds is feeling better!

LindaP oooh *jealous* Can't wait to get my hands on Book three!

Hi Anna!!

Clara, isn't it amazing how kids just bounce back so much more easily than adults? Glad his arm is ok- and I am sure he'll have fun getting his cast signed:)
Your poor sister :( I hope that everything turns out for the best on all sides.
And I am very happy to be waving my flag with you :)

Dawn, ouch- migraines--- nut fun! *gentle hugs to you*
feel better!!

Who has WWW today?
I wish that is was warm out!
I want my cleaning job to go quickly today.
I want someone else to cook for me tonight LOL
I wish for peace and love for my O-Fam!



Well-Known Member
Driving by quickly and saying hi! Hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday!!


Well-Known Member
Morning all!!! Today is going to be a good day :). I won't let it not be, LOL. It's mine and DH's 25th anniversary, we don't count that brief divorced period cuz we were still together almost everyday anyway haha.
I'm going to ignore this little headache the best I can...ugh.

Chris-I hope today continues on pain-free for you! I know how days like that can be few and far between.

I'll stop in and see how everyone is doing later this evening! It's off to my lovely workplace for the day :).

Hugs all around!


Well-Known Member
Faerywings: The oldest sure looks exactly like her Mom!
Good morning Mei

It is over the hump day, hubby has a no fun job to do of laying off two people, and my freshman in high school son brought home probably his worst report card ever. But we have so many blessings I am not going to let the above reck my day.

God is good! It is freezing here in Florida (sorry people who live north I know I am a whimp). I had to laugh my gage in the car that usually gives the temperature, said "ICE" when I was driving. It cracked me up.

Have a great day!!


Well-Known Member
Hi girls, a quick pop in for me again.

Chris, yay on the no pain. :) I watched the inaug and it left me hopeful. Obama is sure a great speaker. His daughters were adorable.

Hi Mary Ellen!

Happy 25th Anniversary Dawn, someday you will have to elaborate on that divorce statement.

Hi Lori, high school is a tough adjustment for kids. I like your attitude, we do have many blessings. Have a good day. Had to laugh at your temperature...yikes.

I'm a little sore today. I cleaned and rearranged my laundry room yesterday. I have a really nice treadmill that has been collecting dust. I thought I'd give it another shot now that I'm more serious about my fitness and a Healthy-O.

Have a good day all.


Well-Known Member
Happy Anniversary Dawn! 35 years is an accomplishment no matter how you do the math:0 I too am interested in the "story" as Merkee puts it.

Back to regular classes today :( We'll talk a little about impressions and of course Michelle Obama's dresses, then move on with our regular curriculum. Chris - thanks for sharing the link to the pics of Sasha and Malia. Cute kids! Great photos! I can't imagine what their life must be like now...... I'm glad to hear that Grandma is living with them in the White House - that will certainly give the girls more structure and consistency and hopefully some normalcy with their folks lives perpetually in the spotlight!
Not much else new here, Mr Wonderful is finally over his snit! YAY!
Hi everyone! Have a great Wednesday!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning my "O" Family how are we all today? Wow I got hit with a migraine out of nowhere yesterday ouchie!! Feeling better today!

Chris ***WOOOT*** Glad you had a good day!

Dawn - Happy Anniversary!!!

Me - Hi ME!! ((hugs)))

Lori - That is the worst when you have to lay someone off (((hugs))).

Merkee - hi! ((hugs))

LindaP - Have a great day in school today!

To everyone else have a Fabulous Day!!!


I Wish I didn't have to go grocery shopping today :(
I Want to scrap tonight :)
I Wish my "O" Family to have a wonderful day today :)


Well-Known Member
hi all! I thought I had posted, but guess I didn't... Will went off to school this morning, and we have ballet soon... not much else going on here! I'm getting a little nervous about Dad's surgery next week, but Iknow its gonna be fine!

Chris - thanks... it was nice to get out, and Will's doing fine!

Dawn - happy anniversary!

hi ME, Kat, Linda, Merkee, and Lori!


always chatty at the O!!
Hello all!!

So, today i am a little frustrated. My husband makes me crazy sometimes with his arrogance. All I heard last night was how bad a job the ortho techs did with Ethan's cast. not why, or anything like that...just that they did a bad job. Everything that happens with my family in the medical field he has something to say about it being bad. I understand that he used to work in an orthopedic office and all that, but that was years ago. Over 10 years ago. Then I was talking about my job. I recently have been asked to confirm appointments for the ultrasound department and I agreed to do it. My husband had plenty to say about that and thinks I should look for another job because it is not at all in my job description. Although I agree that it should not be a part of my job, I also know that the hospital I am working for has been downsizing and has been cutting hours. To prevent laying people off in the x-ray department my supervisor has made people take a day off every week or two to cut back on hours, so the day shift is always short 1 person. I still have a job. I had to be moved so that I still have a job. I am very very thankful to have the job that I do have. If I were to look for another job I would have to work about 40 minutes away which I don't like as an option since my husband also works further away and if anything happens with Ethan it is harder to get to him. Not to mention if I am new in a job I can't just leave to take care of things. Then to make everything even better, he is adament that he is getting out of the Army in August. He'll have 14 years in, but he's tired of the Army so he thinks he has to get out. He has no concern about what it will or won't do to our family or the time we have spent being a military family. I have been married to him for 8 years now as a military spouse. It really sucks sometimes, but I do it. His answer everytime I say anything is "Fine. You join the Army!" Like that is really an answer. I am just so freaking frustrated with his attitude about everything and his complete "ME! ME! ME!" attitude. I am so glad I have my church group tonight so I can just maybe find some peace and maybe a little humility to get through this. It is like discussing anything with a brick wall when I want to talk to him about anything. Grrrr!!!!!!

Okay...sorry about that. I needed to get that out somewhere. I hope all of you are having a great hump day. Gotta love hump day. Today my allergies are acting up, which give me a bit of a headache and make it hard to breathe but I'm making it. I'd be better if my pills would kick in and make it so I could breathe.

So, a little funny...last night at about 4am Ethan came into our bedroom. First he decided he was hot so had to take his pjs off. then he decided his arm hurt so he went downstairs and brought me medicine to give him. Finally he got all settled in and then my husband asked if his arm hurt less in our bed. Without missing a beat he said "much less daddy." It was great. dh tried kicking him out of our bed at that point but how can you do that when snuggling with mommy makes the pain go away? So, I let him stay.

Chris - I am glad you had a good day yesterday. I hope you have lots of good days this year.

Hi ME!!

Dawn - Congrats on 25 years!! Even though my hubby is making me crazy right now I do hope that we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary in the future. I hope the headache goes away so that you can enjoy the evening with your DH!!

Lori - good job at staying positive. My positive outlook today is having a little bit of trouble.

Merkee- Good luck with the treadmill. I hope you have more discipline than I do.

LindaP- I am so glad your MW is over his PMS or whatever his issue was. Back to happier days.

Kat - I'm glad you don't have a migraine today. I've had lots of sinus headaches but never a migraine and I am very thankful.

Sandra - as hard as I know it must be do your best no too spend too much time worrying. All it will do is give you an ulcer and it has no effect on the outcome. Just try and relax. I'll keep praying for you guys!!


Well-Known Member
Hi O's. I am getting over my no good, very bad day yesterday. My week just started off on a rough note and kept climbing that way. Last night I had the girls down for bed, and was snuggled up on the couch next to my sweet husband when I get a call from the hospital at 7:30 asking where I am...What I say...I am not on the schedule for today!!!! WHen I did my sched. with staffing we got our wires crossed, we were in Feb and then she said she needed someone on the 20th and 23rd...so I took them, she meant jan and I thought she meant Feb. I took a late call in for yesterday and was thankful for it rather than getting a NO CALL NO SHOW, but I still felt like a jerk and was annoyed that staffing messed up my sched, not I have to work on Friday too! I am looking at the bright side and have decided that the $ I will make for a day I didn't plan on working can be my fun money :). I also have a call in to my manager to see if I can avoid getting into too much trouble for the late call in, thankfully she likes me and I do my job well so hopefully I won't be in too deep.

It was refreshing to go to MOPS this morning and get to hang out and chat with some other ladies. We did a service project making blankets for a safe haven in our area and it was a good reminder to me that no matter how hard my life may seem to me at times, I am a very very blessed woman.

Dawn~ 25 years...Big COngrats !!!

OK I must go I told Kalin we could bowl (wii) and she is not so patiently waiting ;).