
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, February 7


The Loopy-O
It's still sunny!!!

Considering I had a pretty awful night's sleep, I am in a surprisingly decent mood. Jaida's vet appt went well. The x-rays showed the bone is healing around the implant and we are allowed to increase activity gradually. I asked when she would be allowed back on the bed since Gary had been sleeping on the sofa for the last two months. As long as we lift her on and off the bed, the vet said that was fine. Gary puts her on the bed and gets in bed for the first time in months. The two dogs were hogging the covers, wanting to be under the covers, needed to stretch out and take up allll the space. For hours. I woke up and realized that at some point overnight, Gary bailed and was back on the sofa. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry Hahahah!

After I got home from the vet, I wanted to do some prep work for a meeting today. We are planning for the next Homeschool session. I have an idea I'd like to try at some point so naturally, I wanted to flesh it out in a lesson plan format. I got stuck rabbit hole for *hours,* searching for an editable Lesson Plan template that I could bring into Google Docs. For any of the ones that I tried to import, either the formatting was trash or they became uneditable. I tried to make my own in Docs. Gary walked me through some basics in Google Sheets but I rarely ever use spreadsheets so that was a struggle. Then I tried Canva but you can only edit in Canva. I tried to create the "journal" blocks in Photoshop but that didn't work in Docs.
I was at it for over two hours, my brain melted, and I had to surrender. :desk3:

My idea is to do a Forest Bathing hike with the kids- scaled down to their level. But I'd like to do it each season to compare and contrast what they sense in the woods. Most of the kids return each session but I'd need to incorporate generalized questions for those that are new. I don't know if Lauren ever did Forest Bathing with them but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I jumped in. Thus the need to prepare a lesson plan.

I have to pick up my groceries this morning. Then prep as much as I can for dinner tonight since Scott and Sam are coming over :lovey3:
I am so far behind in scrapping, so perhaps I will have some time today...

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Hahaha! Glad to see that Mark was back in the woods after work the other day :)
For future reference, take probiotics every time you take an antibiotic. Every time and try to get one that has multiple strains. We all battled that at one point or another during Lyme Tx, Gary is especially sensitive to that because diabetics already have issues with yeast.
Good luck with the car. There has to be something in the air, everything seems to be breaking this last couple of weeks-- cars, computers, tech. pfft!

@taxed4ever Sooo with you on the sunshine happy dance!!! I hope that the forecast is wrong and it stays sunny a little longer. Did you and Wendy make it out on a hike? I know you understand the housing market issues since it seems like Heather is going through it too. :(
I can't remember what size the upstairs BRs are but they are decent, I want to say 10x17'. Cait and Tom bought a queen size bed and it is coming here on Sunday and taking her twin bed away. They can easily turn Scott's room into a sitting room with a desk, loveseat, and small table if they want to eat up there. IKEA will be a great place to check out if they need anything.

@BrightEyes I hope that by the time the storm comes your way it has eased up. How awful for southern CA, esp since they aren't used to heavy rain at all.
I am so darn excited that Erin is staying on as a permanent designer.

@FloridaGranny I AM IN LOVE! I never heard of George before and now I am in :love: What cute photos and the family that takes care of them seems adorable as well. Thank you so much for thinking of me and sharing ♥
BTW-- so nice to see you here, pop in and say hi anytime!

@Cherylndesigns Yes! "Go you" for cooking. Pat yourself on the back girl, that's a big step. :cheer:
I know it's in no way comparable but after Leah and Scott broke up (sounds so quaint when I say it like that LOL), we cheered him on when he took a shower.
Drat-- I kept wanting to post a few of the new vegan/vegetarian recipes I've been making in the recipe thread and I keep forgetting. Def. share the tofu ones if you have time.

ugh, I am running late. I'd better get dressed so I can pick up the groceries and not still in my PJs :D


Love my O Family!
It's still sunny!!!

Considering I had a pretty awful night's sleep, I am in a surprisingly decent mood. Jaida's vet appt went well. The x-rays showed the bone is healing around the implant and we are allowed to increase activity gradually. I asked when she would be allowed back on the bed since Gary had been sleeping on the sofa for the last two months. As long as we lift her on and off the bed, the vet said that was fine. Gary puts her on the bed and gets in bed for the first time in months. The two dogs were hogging the covers, wanting to be under the covers, needed to stretch out and take up allll the space. For hours. I woke up and realized that at some point overnight, Gary bailed and was back on the sofa. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry Hahahah!

After I got home from the vet, I wanted to do some prep work for a meeting today. We are planning for the next Homeschool session. I have an idea I'd like to try at some point so naturally, I wanted to flesh it out in a lesson plan format. I got stuck rabbit hole for *hours,* searching for an editable Lesson Plan template that I could bring into Google Docs. For any of the ones that I tried to import, either the formatting was trash or they became uneditable. I tried to make my own in Docs. Gary walked me through some basics in Google Sheets but I rarely ever use spreadsheets so that was a struggle. Then I tried Canva but you can only edit in Canva. I tried to create the "journal" blocks in Photoshop but that didn't work in Docs.
I was at it for over two hours, my brain melted, and I had to surrender. :desk3:

My idea is to do a Forest Bathing hike with the kids- scaled down to their level. But I'd like to do it each season to compare and contrast what they sense in the woods. Most of the kids return each session but I'd need to incorporate generalized questions for those that are new. I don't know if Lauren ever did Forest Bathing with them but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I jumped in. Thus the need to prepare a lesson plan.

I have to pick up my groceries this morning. Then prep as much as I can for dinner tonight since Scott and Sam are coming over :lovey3:
I am so far behind in scrapping, so perhaps I will have some time today...

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
Sounds like you may have the bed to yourself again for awhile! ;). Glad Jaida is getting better!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Hahaha! Glad to see that Mark was back in the woods after work the other day :)
For future reference, take probiotics every time you take an antibiotic. Every time and try to get one that has multiple strains. We all battled that at one point or another during Lyme Tx, Gary is especially sensitive to that because diabetics already have issues with yeast.
Good luck with the car. There has to be something in the air, everything seems to be breaking this last couple of weeks-- cars, computers, tech. pfft!

@taxed4ever Sooo with you on the sunshine happy dance!!! I hope that the forecast is wrong and it stays sunny a little longer. Did you and Wendy make it out on a hike? I know you understand the housing market issues since it seems like Heather is going through it too. :(
I can't remember what size the upstairs BRs are but they are decent, I want to say 10x17'. Cait and Tom bought a queen size bed and it is coming here on Sunday and taking her twin bed away. They can easily turn Scott's room into a sitting room with a desk, loveseat, and small table if they want to eat up there. IKEA will be a great place to check out if they need anything.

@BrightEyes I hope that by the time the storm comes your way it has eased up. How awful for southern CA, esp since they aren't used to heavy rain at all.
I am so darn excited that Erin is staying on as a permanent designer.

@FloridaGranny I AM IN LOVE! I never heard of George before and now I am in :love: What cute photos and the family that takes care of them seems adorable as well. Thank you so much for thinking of me and sharing ♥
BTW-- so nice to see you here, pop in and say hi anytime!

@Cherylndesigns Yes! "Go you" for cooking. Pat yourself on the back girl, that's a big step. :cheer:
I know it's in no way comparable but after Leah and Scott broke up (sounds so quaint when I say it like that LOL), we cheered him on when he took a shower.
Drat-- I kept wanting to post a few of the new vegan/vegetarian recipes I've been making in the recipe thread and I keep forgetting. Def. share the tofu ones if you have time.

ugh, I am running late. I'd better get dressed so I can pick up the groceries and not still in my PJs :D
I wish the doctors would warn you of the possibility of the mouth problem! I would not have been so freaked out! It certainly is not pretty! The doctor prescribed Nystatin Oral Suspension, USP that I am to swish and swallow 4x a day.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out today. I've got to get ready to go pick up my grocery order this morning. I could probably get by with wearing my warm, fuzzy jammies, but the way things have been going lately, I would probably get caught! So, I'll put some real clothes on before I go!

The doctor put me on Nystatin Oral Suspension, USP for the white tongue syndrome I have developed due to the antibiotic I'm taking! OY VEY!

Lord willing we are going to get to go back to church tonight! YAY!

We had a BOGO free coupon for Ruby Tuesday last night, so Mark and I went out to eat for a change! It was good to get out!

Tomorrow we drop the car off to have the engine light checked out. Praying nothing serious or expensive is going on and that something just needs to be reset!

Sunny but freezing here this morning. Currently 31 degrees feels like 25!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've not been online much lately but wanted to pop in and say hi. D and I are going for couples therapy and hopefully will smooth the waters. I don't think he is handling retirement as well as I thought he was and needs a little help but he is willing to work on things so I feel confident that things will be ok.

I want to be on the computer a bit less and be more physically active so have joined a pickleball group. I'll play once or twice a week. I also have met more women in our community group and we'll be having mexican train dominos game night every month, aside from our Thurs night game night and bingo on Mon night. So I have activities 4-5 days a week now, some with D and some by myself. I think this will be a good balance for me.

I'm off to a new park with the group, leaving in a few minutes. I'm excited because its one I've not been to yet. The group yesterday got photos of an owl so hopefully we see them today. I've not often seen owls so I am fascinated by them.

Hope everyone is well. I'll check in again later, maybe have an owl photo to share :)


Morning, all. The sun was trying to peek through the top edge of the huge gray with white edged cumulous clouds overhead. This is part of the storm that hit California so badly a few days ago. It is snowing in the mountains but looks like we will get scattered rain showers for the next couple of days. The Pest Control guy is suppose to come tomorrow but will delay it if it is raining. It is past time to get a haircut so that is on the agenda for this week along with taking books back to the library.

Guess I am on a nostalgia kick lately. Watched "The Tower Infernal" on DVD last evening. Wow.. so many famous stars in it who are no longer with us. Decided I should be watching some of the DVDs I now own. :floorlaugh: I wasn't ready to start binge-watching "The Outlander" on Netflix but it is on the agenda for later. I am now re-reading "Angel Falls" by Nora Roberts.

@bcgal00 Glad to see you popping in. Hope the couples therapy will smooth the waters. Glad you have become engaged with groups there and are getting out and about.

@faerywings Glad J's vet visit went well and she is progressing as expected. Sorry that Gary ended up back on the couch during the night. I keep hoping that this bout of Lime is over soon. Sounds like a good plan for Cait and Tom to move in with you and give them time to save up and hopefully find a place for them later on. Yes, once a teacher... always a teacher!! Hope you found your way out of the 'rabbit hole' looking for the right format to use for the lesson plan.

@vickyday Glad you are both feeling up to going out. Sorry about the 'white tongue episode.

Just looked out as the room got dark.... yes... it is raining! We need the rain so won't complain about it. Just hope it doesn't flood. Well, the coffee cup is empty and I need some breakfast. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. The sun was trying to peek through the top edge of the huge gray with white edged cumulous clouds overhead. This is part of the storm that hit California so badly a few days ago. It is snowing in the mountains but looks like we will get scattered rain showers for the next couple of days. The Pest Control guy is suppose to come tomorrow but will delay it if it is raining. It is past time to get a haircut so that is on the agenda for this week along with taking books back to the library.

Guess I am on a nostalgia kick lately. Watched "The Tower Infernal" on DVD last evening. Wow.. so many famous stars in it who are no longer with us. Decided I should be watching some of the DVDs I now own. :floorlaugh: I wasn't ready to start binge-watching "The Outlander" on Netflix but it is on the agenda for later. I am now re-reading "Angel Falls" by Nora Roberts.

@bcgal00 Glad to see you popping in. Hope the couples therapy will smooth the waters. Glad you have become engaged with groups there and are getting out and about.

@faerywings Glad J's vet visit went well and she is progressing as expected. Sorry that Gary ended up back on the couch during the night. I keep hoping that this bout of Lime is over soon. Sounds like a good plan for Cait and Tom to move in with you and give them time to save up and hopefully find a place for them later on. Yes, once a teacher... always a teacher!! Hope you found your way out of the 'rabbit hole' looking for the right format to use for the lesson plan.

@vickyday Glad you are both feeling up to going out. Sorry about the 'white tongue episode.

Just looked out as the room got dark.... yes... it is raining! We need the rain so won't complain about it. Just hope it doesn't flood. Well, the coffee cup is empty and I need some breakfast. HAGD
Thanks, Kay! It was good to get out of the house!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! I am off to my hike right away so will just pop in to say :wavinghello: I did get out to Stoney Hill yesterday but not with my sister Wendy, she had a luncheon date so I called SIL Linda to see if she wanted to join me. She was thrilled to go and we had a lovely hike with lots of chatter LOL. There was a whale watching group in the channel that we could see from up above, so we were hopeful that there were some orcas out there, but sadly we did not see any :sad2:. The weather was gorgeous and the sun was nice and warm, it was a beautiful hike! Today I am off to Osborne Bay, another hike that will be along the ocean, so maybe we will see some wildlife on this hike.The clouds have moved in, but it isn't supposed to rain at all today, just lots of gloomy grey! I need to pack my bag and then get a move on, so I will catch up with all of you tomorrow! Have a wonderful Wednesday!! :cowwaving:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon. Just polished off one of Nancy's chicken salad sandwiches with grapes in it. Ava and Roger brought it to me - they go there for lunch every day. I was teasing Nancy the other day about Roger keeping her in business. He never misses going there for lunch unless he's out of town. I think today is meatloaf day. If I get that, I have to come home and take a nap.

Chris @faerywings good news about J. Bad news for you with Gary and the two dogs in bed with you. I have one dog in bed with me now and we're getting our boundaries worked out, finally. The cat was sleeping with us too but he's too unpredictable. I'll wake up and he'll be laying on top of me with his paws on my face. He's out a lot at night now that it's getting warner but seems to be happy on the couch.

I sure get it about Scott - we have to take small victories. Ava gave me an air fryer several months ago and I still have trouble working it, so she made a video for me today about all the steps I have to take. She's too much. I was talking to my sister on the phone last night and she has the same problem with a couple of her countertop appliances. She'll crack up with I show her the video.

Rae @bcgal00 I remember when Chuck retired - he stayed home for a few months, then finally got a job at an auto store that was right down the road from us. He worked there for several years. (He initially retired after 48 years at the same job.) Glad you're going to couple's therapy. If he's able, he might want to think about getting maybe just a part-time job now.

I'm going to get off of here and try to set a timer again today and try to get some stuff done. I need to do laundry first and foremost. I have a load in the dryer and a load in the washer.

Hugs to everybody.