
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, February 4


The Loopy-O
Hey hey! I slept soooo good last night, and didn't wake up until 6.30. So nice to be able to do that. (Very sorry for those of you who can't :()
I hit a "milestone" yesterday. I drove home from the lab. It is literally around the corner, but I did it! :cheer2:
Gary and I might head over to the library this afternoon too. Our next door neighbor is an amazing artist and he has some work being displayed there. That will be another little adventure for me.

Other than that, I get to call the County about some heating assistance I had reapplied for and never heard back if we are still eligible. I usually hear by mid-January at the latest. If we don't get the assistance, I am going to cry. But it all works out in the long run.

Gary was very cute this morning. he is always cute but this was funny. He and Cait were trying to catch up on laundry yesterday and mixed clean, unfolded clothes with dirty clothes and had to rewash 2 huge loads. Then the dishes from the last 2 nights were still in the sink, and he did them this morning before he took Cait to the bus stop and dragged all of the recycling to the curb. When he got back inside, I thanked him for doing a great job in the kitchen and he groaned and said he was just getting started. I laughed and said, Its not easy keeping up with all of that, is it? And you aren't even doing everything that I would normally do!!(said playfully heh!) He agreed and groaned again.
He really is a Keeper, even when he makes me crazy.:love:

QOTD I am looking at some of my plants who aren't getting enough sun ATM, - some are ok, others not so much. I wish I had a better green thumb. Do you have a green thumb? What kinds of plants do you care for best?
I love outdoor flowers, and Gary is in charge of the veggies. Houseplants are hit or miss with me.

Hope you have some warmer and sunnier weather!



The Loopy-O
Oh!!! I was just looking through what I posted yesterday and saw Cait had texted me, which reminded me that she got into the Preschool Internship at the HS for next year. Right now she is in Child Development (hence the Flour Baby :D), and they can apply for an Internship that runs at the HS and they learn teaching techniques as well as running a preschool. I did a version of this when I was in HS but I went to a Vo-Tech school for that. I loved it and I know she really wanted to get into it so I am very happy and excited for her.

Phyllis- you saw the sun??? What does it look like? Colors? Shape??? I haven't seen it in so long that I cannot remember it. Oh yeah, Reign is very different than the Tudors. How is that one on historical "accuracy?" Reign is totally inaccurate as you saw. I don't know much about the Tudor Dynasty except the deal with Henry and his wives. And the start of the Church of England.
How did you do with shopping? The roads were ok? Ours was a *mess* but once we got off of it, the main roads were fine.
If you find a place that does rentals like that, will you bring me too? haha!!!

Sharon- that is the same kind of convo Gary and I have too.LOL
What a FAB day you had planned for yesterday!! I love the wedding album idea, so much fun! How was the visit with your Grands? My mom is coming up on Friday (more food too! yay!) and she is really bugging that she hasn't seen my kids in so long. 2 weeks, maybe? That is forever for her.
Good luck decluttering. Maybe Laurie can share some of her decluttering mojo with you.

I think my mom would also say the 1950's. She has very happy memories of that era and will share stories to anyone who will listen. (See where I get that trait from?)

Jean- so funny that you are anti-1950s. Any reason in particular?
Oh to be a virtual fly on the wall- I would love to see the Egyptians, and maybe some of Rome at its height.
That eagle sounds amazing! Do you have photos? I would love to see one.

OK, guess it is time for me to get some b-fast and a shower.


Well-Known Member
good morning - I am sorry I missed yesterday but my girlfriend son's tried to commit suicide. It is just horrible. Not much you can do except let her know that you are there for her and her family! It makes me feel that I am blessed that the problems I have are nothing like this. I know my life goes on. Yesterday my son calls and asked me to go over and check on his puppies for them. Well after the ice storm our second car was frozen in but my DH got a lot of the ice off so I did the rest. Well they have the two dogs separate when no one is watching them. So I get there an the newest baby Sidney has escaped her pen and is with Gizmo. So I played for a good hour with them and then they were tired so home I went. I am so glad I went because coming home the sun was shining and the sun through the ice made everything sparkle. I got home ate and then went out with my camera and down to the river. OMgosh I saw mallards, a kingfisher, Canada geese and a red tailed hawk. And the sparkle was every where. Then my son and DIL decided not to go to the game to stay home with their puppies so I took the train to the Rock and my other son and his friend came from work to take the tickets. So I got to sit close and take more photos. Had a fun ride home with the boys as have gotten into old BeeGee songs and love to do the falsetto. Too funny but I worry that they are singing not paying attention to driving. My son informed me he has never had an accident but quickly informed him that he has ruined 2 of our cars LOL. He tried to gun a 4-cylinder car and ruined the transmission and he left the Fusion park on the street not in the drive way. So got in good walks. Still though all day my girlfriend lies heavy in the back of my mind. Today more walking and hopefully scrapping some of my photos.

Chris so glad you made your lab visit! Little steps! Always nice to have hubbies that help no matter how they can bug you.

Phylis glad you did not get too much snow but it sounds that we are in some kind of clipper systems coming one after the other! Can Pittsburgh please up a stop sign!

Shar I so need to declutter my computer room. My son has so much of his stuff in there that I don't know where to start. Hope you had fun with the grandkids and your lunch out.

Jean don't you hate it when you have to wait for others to do their job! Hope you are plowed out now and got to your meeting.

Hope you all have a great day!


Well-Known Member
CHRIS!!! SIX WEEKS before driving!!! did you have medical approval for that? driving is one of the WORST things you can do when recovering from abdominal surgery!!! ask the Doc. in the meantime, NO driving. STOP IT!!!

:faint2: well. that outburst about did me in....:rofl: HERE is what the sun looks like. i think:
glad you got a good night's sleep.

you know, there's nothing like making The Men have to do some of your work to get them to have some sort of appreciation for all the "little nothings" we spend our days doing.
i keep warning my DH that, after he retires, he's going to be handling some of the housekeeping. i don't get to retire from THAT, so he will have new jobs to address next year.

Shar, who are "the other three Artsy Gals." are they scrappers? O-zies? sounds like fun, getting together in person with people you like and have common interests with. as far as clutter goes, i exist perpetually in a state of "semi-clutter." i keep trying to put stuff "away," but more stuff keeps showing up.

Nancy, what a terrible thing about your friend's son. do they know what drove him to that awful point? it is something that, as a mom, you just can't help thinking about, day and night. how old is her son? there's such a danger zone with young people between about 14 and 25, when mental health issues can manifest themselves, seemingly out of the blue. it's a terrible experience. just terrible. i hope they can find some help for him.

Jean, what's your gripe with the '50s? i had the BEST childhood on earth in the '50s and early '60s. then the world started unravel. and now here we all are, living with the results of
"peace, love, sex, drugs and rock and roll."
no wonder the '50s look great by comparison.

today, i think i have to go out and look for some nonexistent rock salt. we've run out, and i told DH that, now that i had to think of it, i can't remember seeing big bags of rock salt ANYWHERE in my vicinity. we really do have to put some salt on the glacier on my driveway, even though the concrete guy said NEVER use rock salt on concrete. where does this guy think we are? Miami? WTH are you supposed to do when everything is covered with ice? so, big fun in the 'Burgh today. off i go.:becky:


Mama 2 with a Driving After Abdominal Surgery Lecture, Chris. What Phylis said. !!!!!

Artsy Gals. Three of us were neighbors when our kids were little, and the 4th has been a friend for 35+ years. Among our many mutual interests was rubber-stamping and card-making. We still all do that, but in different forms. Two are still doing it totally by hand. One uses a card-making program, and I do it from scratch in Photoshop. We've all been involved in artsy/craftsy things one way or another all our lives. Our minimum number of get-togethers each year is 4...for our birthdays. But our guys join us from time to time for a barbecue or other dinner. Three of us also play golf, and are hoping to get together this summer for a few rounds. The subjects of conversation, however, are very seldom art-related. Just like all friends, we talk over what's been going on in our lives, laugh, and cry, and solve the world's problems. Very fun and therapeutic.

Dinner with DGKs: SO MUCH FUN. The 10-year-old started chopping veggies Monday night for his slow-cooker chicken curry. It was awesome. And the nearly-7-year-old couldn't be out-done. He (with help, of course) made peach cobbler! DH and I don't eat desserts, but of course, HAD to last night because Logan made it especially for us! Love how the boys like to show off for us...jumping on the trampoline...playing ping-pong. The 5-year-old is going thru a Pill Stage right now, so not pleasant to be around. We love him anyway. And Clara. sigh. What a sweetie. She's going to be one on Saturday, still doesn't crawl or walk, but at least she's finally getting hair.

Nancy, I grieve for your friend. We had this crisis just a little over a year ago with a grandchild. Praise God things have improved with her a huge amount since then, but it is always lurking in the backs of our minds. The parents were not only emotionally desolated, but the staggering expenses that have resulted are still haunting them (ambulance...a week in a "facility" required by law!...counseling, also required by law). She has since come to realize it was "the stupidest thing I ever did..." so we are confident that we are safely past this. We have seen her cheer up, participate in family activities, start being polite to her parents, becoming helpful, etc. She still dresses dark and seems to be drawn to dark subjects, so we're praying she comes out of that too. I have since learned that at least 3 grown women in my circle of friends did the same thing when they were about our DGD's age.

Jean! Regarding the 50s: What Phylis said! Even with the dysfunctional family I lived in, the 50s were innocent and simple for me! I know there were ugly things going on politically and socially we would not like to revisit, but on the whole..... !!! Seriously? The 60's??????? Woodstock? Promiscuity? Drugs? The 60s were tempered for me because I was In Love for most of them, with Captain Romance. We met in 1964 (the year I stopped listening to popular music), and were married in 1969 (hardly knew about Woodstock until it was over!). ....2 or 3 decades of bad movies and dumb TV.... ooops. I'm sounding grouchy! Better go have another slurp of coffee.

Just downloaded a gorgeous photo my niece took...uploading a Challenge page using it.

Go gently (especially you, Chris!)!


Well-Known Member
Guys, the 60s were wonderful for all the things you're griping about!! The 50s were repression, women downgraded back after the war and cultural stifling. How about remembering the Cold War? In high school I was always somewhere other than most. Started reading Kerouac, looking at art like Jackson Pollock in HS, and later, the music of 1968 was incredible. Not just rock, but exciting times in Jazz and even classical. Everything was SO alive. Obviously we're not going to agree about that! :argue: :mrgreen:

Nancy, so sorry for your friend. Hope the son is physically OK. Your getting out into the beautiful day had to help you deal. And no, I didn't get to the meeting. Grumble!

Chris, when I read what you did, I knew you were going to hear about it. Glad you're sleeping and feeling better, but look out for your friends here!!!

Phylis, I don't like all our snow, but glad we don't have that ice. Good luck with it.

Shar, what a super group of "artsy" friends. How lucky to all be in the same area still.

Hope it's a good day, everyone.


LOL...Jean, I'm thinking you must have a VERY colorful history if you think drugs, promiscuity, and Woodstock were wonderful! And the Cold War was still HUGE in the 60s! We really ARE on a different page. But I think we'd probably still enjoy joining Trudy for an adult beverage (with an umbrella and cherry) on the patio or beach in Mexico!