
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, February 25: It is Safe to Come Inside Edition


The Loopy-O
I am trying... really I am.

I am Little Miss Faery Sunshine!!! (honestly , there is only a touch of sarcasm there.). It is 4* right now but the sun is shining and it is supposed to get up to 30* So that is what I am focusing on. The days are starting to get longer and that also makes me happy/hopeful. Not to mention if I get any more into Weather/Life Bitch Mode, no one will ever talk to me again *wink*

Yesterday went OK. Surgeon's visit went well, so that was good. Then Cait texted me that she was in a sad mood and wanted to tell me that she loved me. She then went to her Senior Year scheduling appt with Guidance, and last fall, they changed the Science requirement to have 3 lab sciences in order to graduate. She has two lab sciences and 1 "regular" science, and that isn't enough. She is now going to be in Freshman Level Geoscience and b/c she needs to take that she can't take the electives that she had been "saving up" for a fun Sr. year. I looked to
see if there was any exemptions/summer/online classes that would work, but I can't find a darn thing.
I did bake banana bread to cheer her up and that made her happy.

Today will be my first day going food shopping with Gary. It is a small trip, esp since I have no clue as to what I need to make for dinners. Nothing new there....

So in light of my Little Miss Faery Sunshine Attempt-- I am sending you smiles and flowers and waves of joy!!!




Well-Known Member
yeah. i might actually make it through today without being Intensely Grumpy. sun makes a lot of difference, doesn't it? also, it's not 10 below zero now, like it was at this time yesterday. i think i'll go out and buy myself a frying pan today!
you can tell how thrilling things have been around here?

Chris, good luck with the shopping trip. don't be lifting heavy stuff, even now!!
i can't believe what a MESS kids can get into these days with scheduling. it used to be a lot easier when there weren't so many CHOICES!! hope Cait gets it all straightened out. is her school guidance counsellor any help with this?

Shar, you are making my brain hurt with all this new software and stuff. i am really running in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION from you. (or "TO" you, if i'm doing the US media thing of trying to be British....) i am SO not interested in any more new LEARNING CURVES.
these constantly "updated" software things are making me crazy, and i've drawn a line.
actually, i need a smiley that shows ME punching the COMPUTER!

Trudy, LUCKY YOU to have fog!! that means you have at least ONE thing that is warm-ish: either the ground or the air. no chance of fog around here.... looks like 11 a.m. swimming is a good idea, except it cuts your day right in half!

Nancy, bummer on the milk accident! what did you do? is it just a frozen milk puddle by your house? or was it in your garage?

I am just so tired of the cold!

my Big Day includes going to Walmart and buying some kleenex. oh, yes. and finding a new frying pan somewhere. :yawn:

have a happy day! :becky: things could always be worse. you could have a woodstove to pay attention to all day....


Well-Known Member
good morning - yesterday was a nice rest day. Nothing had to be accomplished so that was sweet. But I am doing my good deeds as a mom. Yesterday was the coldest day so far this winter so I let my son take my Escape with the heated leather seats and the boys were happy happy boys. For my oldest son he found a truck he wanted so my DH and I said we would buy it for him. Well of course he found one that 25 K that was not too bad but that one sold so now he found another and of course it is more expensive. But he is such a good kid that I don't mind. Tonight I have a Devils vs Calgary Flames game so that should be a good test of how well my team is playing. And I will be out walking today.

Chris and Phylis I totally agree that the sun makes a world of difference. It will be warmer soon!

Phylis I left the broken milk container in the plastic bag next to the garbage can in the snow to freeze and then tomorrow I will put it in the trash as a frozen mess. But at least it was in the snow melting and blended in very nicely LOL. Luckily being in the winter I don't have to worry about spoiled milk smells.

Trudy I bet the fog is a pain but bet you get some really cool photos. Hope you are learning a lot with CreativeLive. I like there classes.

Shar sounds like you are having such fun with all your learning.

Have a great day all!


Phylis, the new stuff IS daunting. I'm having buyers remorse...sort of. So today is an Analog Day for me....Wednesday With Clara! Between my trip to Utah, coming home with a cold, then Clara's family going to Hawaii, it's been WEEKS since we've seen her. And DH is calling, so I'm outta here. Maybe I'll get back later. Enjoy the sun!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... No fog this morning but it looks like the :rain: clouds are moving in at a fast pace, so it will be dark and gloomy here today. I went for a nice long walk yesterday afternoon and was going to stop to take some photos with my iPhone of the cherry blossoms and the pink Rhodos that are in bloom, but I thought that you would not appreciated me rubbing in what an early spring we are having out here. :sorry: Opps I just did didn't I
that was mean wasn't it!!

Chris - What a ray of sunshine you are today! It truly is amazing what a bit of the sun can do to improve the mood!! So happy that today will be warmer for you and hopefully soon all that dam snow will melt and the green grass will start to grow again. You gotta love springtime!! Poor Cait! What a disappointment to find out at this stage of the game that she doesn't have enough credits to graduate!! I would never be able to keep up with all that has changed since I was in high school! (that was back in the stone age)

Hope your day continues to improve as well as the weather!!

Phylis - Your day sounds like it will be about as exciting as mine. I have to go out and get some wine making supplies after I hit the pool. I can go a bit earlier on Wednesdays as the pool is not so busy today. I don't like having to go at 11ish as it really does screw up the day!! But oh well its not like I have much else to do anyway
hope you find a good frying pan today!

Nancy - I should be taking more photos of the fog shouldn't I , but I haven't been darn it! Now that I am watching all these great lessons on Lightroom I really need to get more photos to work with! It really is amazing what you can do in Lightroom and Photoshop!! Loving these courses!! Glad you had such a nice day yesterday and you and your DH are very generous to buy your son a new truck!! He is a lucky man to have such giving parents!! I hope he knows it!!

Ok I need some breakfast and for some reason I feel like having toast with peanut butter, honey and sliced banana on top, yummy!!! Have a great day everyone!! :wave:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi Shar :wave: we cross posted again!! We must have the same morning schedule ! Hope you enjoy your new purchases, yes there will be some learning to do, but once you get the hang of it you will love it I am sure!! I am so enjoying these classes!!


The Loopy-O
Hiiii!!!! I am back, we survived the supermarket. We spent $140 and I have no idea what we bought. 2 bags of ice melt was part of it. I am on Tindmax this week and omg- I feel like I am drunk. Punch drunk really. I didn't sleep well last night, and walking around the supermarket, trying to choose "stuff" - I couldn't get my brain to work at all. What else is new!?;)

Gary just hooked me up to my brand spanking new rolling IV poll so I am able to get the Ringer's bag in me now and will do my abx IV after dinner. I am so happy that I can be at the computer or watching tv and even go to the bathroom now! :whoo:

Quick ones from yesterday:

Nancy- when the wind chills are that cold, it doesn't even matter anymore what the actual degrees are. It is either Cold, Really Cold, or Freaking Really Cold!
Congrats on the 4- game win streak!! I hope they keep it going.
Ugh about the milk. There was a truck accident (Rt 80 maybe) yesterday that was carrying milk. Gary and I had to make puns up about crying over milk/ice milk etc. We should have saved them to share with you :)

Trudy- you know I will almost never, ever complain about it being too hot :target: <~ me in the summer!
Hope that you didn't have to drive anywhere in that fog and that you enjoyed your lazy day!

Shar- Thank you for the good prayers-- they worked as you can see from my first post today:love:
We are so lucky that neither of our dogs bark(ed). Before we had Scott, we naively thought it would be cute to teach Harley to bark, but she never did, unless UPS or a bear came to the door. Ray- never barks and when on the off chance she does, it surprises all of us. Sorry that you have to deal with the dogs barking all of the time, it is very frustrating to hear.

Oh Jean, I feel your cold and pain too. Such a pain!Hope that you had a nice time out with your sister!

Sharon- oooh the classes and new software sounds awesome! Good luck with it all!



Chris! Thanks for the sunshiny bouquet. It is cold and rainy here today, so much appreciated. So sorry about Cait's science class. Hope there's a work-around. But school is not Photoshop, so there probably aren't multiple ways to do something. :(

Clara was a little shy with us this morning, but finally warmed up. I watched parts of a couple of Creative Live seminars while she was napping, and also knit a couple of rows.

The 2nd week of Emil's iPhoneography Academy began today. It was a talk about seeing photo opps whereEVER you are...not just at national monuments. So today I had the idea that I was going to ask myself, everywhere I went, "where is the photo in this scene?". So I took shots at DS's house, McDonald's, and the grocery store. I'll probably post them on my FB page...maybe Instagram, and even the class FB page. Should I be brave and try to edit them in Lightroom? =:O

What has really made me happy this week is that Pacific Rose apples are in! They are just the best apples in the world. I think they're from New Zealand. Crisp, SWEET and flavorful, with a TENDER SKIN. They're not around very long each year. Since Washington is like the Apple Capital of the Universe, I'm hoping one of the orchards will start producing them so the price comes down and they're more readily available. I don't like mushy apples, or sour apples, or flavorless apples, or apples with bitter, tough skin. So mostly, I don't eat apples because almost all of them fall short in one category or another...yes, even honey crisp, and gala...I've tried them all. That's probably more than anyone cared to read about apples.

I think it must be mocha time. There should be a coffee mug smilie here, but I don't know how you all get all those smilies in your posts.



Well-Known Member
Lots of upbeat posts today to go with Chris's sunny images. Thanks for them all! I had a nice day. We went to a luncheon with assigned seats. I wound up next to a lady who is married to my 2nd cousin. I last spoke with her about 20 years ago. I think we'll get together in some manner. Then my sister called and I got to tell her all about it. She actually remembers the cousin as they are close in age.

Chris, that is just mean about Cait's science requirements! You'd think they could "grandfather" in when they change requirements. Glad you survived the shopping. Amazing how a small thing like the new IV pole can make a big difference.

Shar, I don't think I've ever heard of those apples but they must be nice. I'll eat most varieties but have favorites. Your photo opp approach can make things very interesting. When doing a photo a day, I had to carry a camera all the time and resort to some unusual images. Taking this year off I like the freedom from the camera, but also sometimes miss it.

Phylis, I just hope you found a frying pan but aren't planning to use it on anyone. Too bad you can't use it on the weather!

Trudy, post the pictures! Like today's cheery images, we need something nice to look at.

Nancy, those heated seats sure seem popular with your DS. The other one sounds like a very lucky fellow to get a truck. Hope the Devils keep it up.

Since it's late, hope everyone has a lovely tomorrow.