
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, February 11


The Loopy-O
oh wow, I am getting a really late start here. I had popped on here around 8 am, but then I had to work on the online food shopping list. When I went to check out, the promo code I had been shopping off of was expired. I had to empty my cart-- you can Save to a List, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been- then go through a different promotion to get the $10 off to offset the shopping fee. I ended up stocking up on dog food to get it, but it really ended up being extra work than I wanted to deal with.
After I was done with that, it was Social Security day and then I had an absolute *blast* paying bills. It is so depressing on the face of it, but then I had to fight with several websites and all that much fun. /major snark

Three hours later and I am checking in here. I hope that your morning went a bit more smoothly than mine.

Dr's appt went ok, although not very pleasant. The office is 40 mins away (of course!!!hahah!!) and there was so much traffic heading down because of the slippery roads. And potholes! So many potholes!!!! By the time we got there, I was achy and pooped out. Being poked and prodded in an area that really didn't want that done made the ride home even better.The dr said that I am healing nicely and wants to see me again in two weeks. I am allowed to start resuming regular activities, although Super Faery Activities are going to have to wait.

Next week I see Lyme dr and I have to get this PICC out. It and of itself, it is fine, but I am so done being poked and prodded, and connected to tubes. I am supposed to get blood drawn today and I just don't have it in me to go.

I am feeling pretty cranky. Poor Gary is down for the count too. He has been off abx again for 2 months and it is all hitting him at once. It is really hard for him- the abx don't make him better, but off of them he gets so much worse. We really don't know what the answer is for him.

Guess I should post this up and then get into the shower (and yes, I am totally DONE with the saran wrap).

Hope that everyone has a great day- and for those who pray- can I just get a little boost today? My family and I could really use it! :pray:
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The Loopy-O
Phyllis- the junk aisles at TJ Maxx and Home Goods are fun. Way better than vacuuming:)
Did you get snow last night? We are supposed to have two more storms coming in from Thurs to Sun. I think that adds to the general achiness and pains that all 4 of us are experiencing here. bet you are too.

Nancy- how are you and your son feeling today? Hope that you are both much better. What a bummer about having to have the game, but it sounds like it was for the best for both of you.

Trudy is back!!!! Welcome back sweetie! I am so happy that you had such good weather and I can't wait to see your pics!



I'm at the airport again...on my way home. See my Facebook for the view I enjoyed this morning while waiting for the train.

Praying for you and yours, Chris.

More details when I get home.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies!! Yes I am back and have been busy trying to get a few layouts done from my vacation, but I am not really happy with the photos :( Oh well it is what it is I guess.
Today I am back to swimming and I know it will be hard to get back into it!! After a week of laying around and doing nothing but eating and drinking I am sure I have gained about 10lbs ugh!!

Chris - Sending you and your family everything I have in the way of good vibes sweetie!!! Also sending you some of the mild weather that we are still getting out West, that pineapple express is still hanging around and although the rain has stopped for the time being, it is truly hard to believe that we are still in winter here and the rest of the country is knee deep in snow and cold temps! Its rather scary actually, we need some snow on the mountains!!!

Hi Phylis - hope you had fun wandering around the junk aisles?

Nancy - Watched hockey last night and could not believe what a horrible show the bruins had last night!! Its like none of them even want to be there playing hockey!! Another disappointing loss, so we are joining you in the crying section!!

Shar - I would love to see the photo you posted on Facebook, but I am not your friend there, sure would love to be though!!

Ok ladies I have so much to catch up on here at the O and hope that all of you take a look at Paula's shop and buy some goodies so she can get her eye surgery that she so desperately needs!! https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?p=473707#post473707


Well-Known Member
TROOOOOODEEEEEEE!!!! you're back!! :cheer2: welcome home, though i'm sure you would have liked to have at least another week on the beach! did you ever find that cute little sundress you would need a strapless bra for?

Chris, sending prayers and good vibes eastward to you. i was happy to read this:
Super Faery Activities are going to have to wait.
take it easy for as LONG as you can. this awful weather certainly doesn't help the attitude, does it? a little sunshine goes a long way. we're supposed to get some snow overnight and into Thurs., i think, but nothing like what the East Coast has been hit with.

Shar, i'm going to head over to Facebook after this to see your photo! hope you had a great trip.

Hi, Jean! Hi, Nancy! Hi, lurkers!

Spent the day at my aunt's house, just visiting. she's my mom's youngest sister, 82. she's fun to talk with, and we like to complain about the same sort of stuff, so there's always lively conversation. in my mom's family, no one loses a step, intellectually, as they get older. wow, is that a blessing.

i'm even more boring than usual today! :becky:
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Welcome home, Trudy. I am a dunce at Facebook, but I think I just sent a friend request to you.

I'm home with The Cold poor little Corbin came down with. Hope mine doesn't get as bad as his.

Pluses and minuses about being home. My heart really is in Utah.

I wrote a big long post on my tablet the other day that disappeared before I sent it. It was mostly in response to Phylis' concern about spending so much time with the DGKs. When I am living with them for days at a time, I just become part of the family, not someone whom they expect to entertain them. I DO spend time with the 2 little guys who are happy to have me in the play area to drive their cars and planes over me. And I DO play games with the older ones (they have some VERY cool games that are great for kids AND adults..."Spot It," "Sleeping Queens," "Qwirkle," to name a few). But I also just sit and visit with their parents, and knit with their mom (my DD). I try to give DD and DSIL some Date Time when I'm there, as that is about the only time they do stuff without at least some of the 5 kids with them. Another thing I love to do is the kids' KP duties. I clean up after dinner for the oldest, and I unload the dishwasher for the 9 and 7-year olds. I think it will give them a wonderful memory...that whenever Gran came, she did the dishes for us.

Easiest plane trip EVER today. Not only did I have the row I was in all to myself, but the gal across the aisle did too! I took some cold meds which knocked me out, and slept the entire trip. It was wonderful to be able to stretch my legs into the space of the seat next to me. I haven't been on a plane with empty seats for YEARS. I'm glad, not only for me, but that no one had to get near my germs. I feel so germy even I don't want to touch the things I've been touching!

Chris, I hope your day improved.

Trudy, I know how a week off makes returning to exercise difficult. Hope you are able to overcome.

Back to The Sick Chair for me.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar... what a wonderful time with your grands!! I too love to just do the things that the mom and dad are sick of doing for a bit and to just be a part of the family!! I don't try to take over or to tell them what they should be doing. I just want to be a part of their lives and to have them remember me as a fun Grandma!! You must have been in heaven with all of your Grands!! Sorry that you ended up with such a bad cold, comes with the territory I guess! I always had a bad cold after visiting with my Grands too!! What a nice treat to have the whole row to your self!! DH and I paid extra to have the emergency row, so that DH could have the extra leg room, it was the best money we ever spent!! Hope you feel better soon and I will check out Facebook to see if I have a friend request LOL