
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, December 24:Santa's on His Way Edition!


The Loopy-O

He's coming!! In some places, he has already come and gone on to the next! About 18 more hours until he gets here, and no matter *what* anyone tells you, I have been good all year!:angel: <~ Me!!!

So, here it is. Christmas Eve and for the most part, what is done, is done, it is what it is.
I have to wrap some soaps for my dad, then wrap his basket up. Make up cookie trays for tonight. Screw the house cleaning. I need to mop my kitchen floor and the rest of it. What-ev-er!!!!!

I have to thank all of you for helping me deal with this in this way. Who is coming to my house that I have to impress or doesn't know my situation, health and money, and sadly how the 2 are so intertwined LOL? So yes. It is what it is, and no one is going to judge me, so why should I judge myself?
I am trying, really hard, to get this into my head!!!

Yesterday was busy as usual. Shopping was crazy, even going at 8.30 am. Scott and I headed out to the dentist and good news, no cavities. Bad news-- his bottom wisdom teeth are impacted. I had a feeling that was it. Now the pressure is on, do we try to get him to an oral surgeon while his is on Winter break while I am trying to get my appt's all squared away before the 15th? Do we wait until he is done with the spring semester? When he turns 19 in May, he will no longer be eligible for FamilyCare/SCHIP health insurance, and I don't know whether he will be eligible for Medicaid or if I will have to add him to my plan. But either way, I don't know where he will be at with coverage and providers. he wants to wait, which is what my gut is telling me too, but damned if I want one more thing to think about.

Today we are making reindeer food with my neighbor across the street, and tradition we have done for so many years. Then off to my mom's, then to my BIL's tonight. I really am looking fwd to seeing my family, so that is a good thing.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
I have written about it before here, so I will make it short and sweet- My mom has hosted Christmas Eve at her house since forever ago, and Santa comes on my dad's fire company's fire truck. Always fun when I was a kid, when my kids were kids and now with my nephew!



The Loopy-O
Shar, you have a good man, bringing you coffee! When Gary was working and I was home with the kids, he would set out my mug for me. Now he makes sure the coffee pot is set to go on when I get up. Priorities :tea:
Too cute to have the ROMEOs out every week. My dad has his fire house and i know that it keeps him active. He is 76 (I think??) and still drives the truck to fires.
I am looking forward to Friday too, but at least now I not wanting to skip right to it.:)

Dusting: I don't like Swiffers either. I like to use Microfiber cloths. I still have not found a glass cleaner that doesn't streak. But a microfiber with a small amount of Endust is good for most surfaces and a microfiber with a vinegar based glass cleaner is good for glass.
At my house, I use olive oil and lemon juice for my wood but when I am working, I use whatever they have on hand.
Now vacuums-- OMG I want a DYSON!!!!!!!

Phyllis, last night I sat down with 2 glasses of wine and admired myself. Ok, not really, but I did forget about all of my worries for a bit. Gary, Scott and I are watching State of Affairs, which is actually done quite well. We had 2 episodes on DVR, which was perfect timing for those 2 glasses of wine :p
It is so funny how there is so much variation but so many similarities in Christmas traditions around the world. No sauerkraut in Italian families, but lots of fish.
We are supposed to be in the mid-50's and lots of rain which I will take over snow any day.

I really think that it is easier to be insulin dependent than type 2 diabetic. Scott's ex-girlfriend popped over yesterday (they stayed very good friends, which I love) with cookies and Gary just adjusted the amount of insulin coming through his pump.
Hope that all of your cooking went well!

Nancy- congrats on your son's new job!!!! That is a wonderful present for all of you!
So fun that you got to see another drill, and hopefully your devils won.

Shar-- you can *never* take up too much real estate here, that is what it is for!! What a story!!!!Thank goodness you found that vase! And how funny that your mind "heard" the glass.
Thank you for sharing this, who knows, maybe it will show up. Like I said my house has a tendency to steal things (for real) and sometimes gives them back in weird ways. Maybe the house likes Metallica? :noidea:
If not, I will order him another one, and then the house will return it and he'll have 2 of them :pound:

Oh Trudy!!! 2 am??? I thought it was bad when I woke up at 5 am today. I hope that you got much better sleep last night.
I hear you completely about wondering how is it possible to be exhausted and still not be able to sleep. It is insane!
Thank you for reminding me of baby steps too.

Hugs and love and happy Christmas wishes to all of you!


Well-Known Member
I'm just popping in today to say Merry Christmas to you all!

Chris - I agree with what it sounds like everyone else said. Don't worry about the house. :) I wouldn't put the wisdom teeth too far off, if you have issues in my May, you don't want to deal with insurance mess. Have you ever tried newspaper for cleaning glass? It's the perfect glass cleaner. No streaks. Sadly, we don't subscribe to the paper anymore, so we never have any! :) And we got a Shark vacuum that is awesome.

I didn't read previous days to be able to respond to anyone else, but Merry, Merry Christmas to you all! I worked my fanny off yesterday and the day before. Today, it's a little straightening, dusting, and vacuuming. Then church and out to my brother-in-law's house for a casual evening. I'm not feeling too stressed given how much I got done the last two days. :)

Have a great couple of days everyone! Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
good morning - we are busy getting ready for Christmas Eve dinner. Yesterday I sat at my son's home and Sears never showed up. My son claims they were there at 9am but they were not! There house is on a busy street with no parking on the street. There was no doorbell and the dog never reacted. So then my son spent the evening calling Sears to get it delivered today. What a shame! The game was more of the same - Devils lose 2-1 in a Shoot Out. I still enjoy going! It is harder for the kids as they have always seen a winning team so for them now to see them lose is not fun. I think every team goes through ups and downs so I am not worried. The rain has really has started! It will only be our family today and then my son and DIL go up to her family tomorrow.

Chris have a great time at your parents! How cool to have a fire truck bring Santa!

Shar I love the idea of ROMEOs. And how sweet he brings you your coffee! That is one funny story about the vase especially since it had a happy ending. Thanks for the smile!

Phylis how fun that you have all these shows to watch. There is a fun show I have started watching. The Librarians on TNT. It is also on Demand. I like the stars and the tongue in cheek attitude of the dialog.

Trudy wow 2 am is too early to get up. I set my alarm to get up early 6 am - heard it go off and promptly went back to sleep. I went to bed early too. Glad you are feeling better.

Have a great day and enjoy the Holiday!


Thanks for the dusting tips, Chris. It wasn't what I wanted to hear (I was hoping for some kind of magic chant that would make the dust go away!), but it makes sense.

The trifle (with hidden almond) is in the refrigerator. Cpt. Romance is peeling the eggs for the deviled eggs which I'll prepare in a little while. Then we pick up our friend (the one who fixed my computer) to drop off at the airport before heading over to our DS's house for our traditional Christmas Eve family dinner and gift-opening. Five of our 12 grandchildren will be there...including the oldest and the youngest.

Favorite tradition? There have been many. For over 20 years, a BFF hosted a dinner at her home, then we would go to Bronn Journey's harp concert (he is a well-known harpist in the Puget Sound region). He isn't playing locally this year, so that tradition ended. We used to go skiing on Christmas Day. Then we got too old! We used to get each of the kids an activity-related ornament for the tree each year. But then they grew up and moved away. I guess the one enduring tradition is the Almond in the Dessert Game, which I described in a previous post.

May each of you enjoy a blessed time with your families.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Christmas Eve everyone!! Or if you live in Australia Merry Christmas!!

I am happy to report that I slept through the night last night :becky: I went to bed at 9:30 and woke up at 7am!! HOORAY!! It feels so good to have a great sleep!! Now I am ready to tackle the day and get the food all prepared for the next two days. Face timing with my son and his lovely family tonight, the kids get to open their presents from us tonight, so we will watch. I can't wait to see their faces and sure wish we could all be together for the big day!

Chris - I am so proud of you for not worrying about the housework, everyone will be so busy having a fun time that they won't notice if your house is clean or not anyway!! What does it matter? Enjoy every single second with your family this Christmas! Life changes too quickly to worry about the silly stuff! I learned that the hard way!! I hope that you have the Merriest Christmas EVER!!

Phylis - I am sure that you are busy today getting things ready to take to your dinner with relations today! I sure hope that the weather is going to cooperate for you and that you get to have a nice visit with your Daughter and that you get to Skype with your Son and those sweet grandmen and grand girl!! I know how hard it is to be away from everyone, but at least we have these darn computers to keep in touch with them!! I often think of our poor ancestors, when they said goodbye to their children and other loved ones, they often knew that they would never, ever see them again and the chance of getting letters was slim also!! I don't think that I could handle that! We do not have any sauerkraut in our family Christmas either, or very much fish for that matter. Unless you count the smoked salmon and Shrimp rings for appetizers? Lots of other very fattening foods too so we will expect to put on a few extra pounds for the holidays!! :becky: I hope that wherever you are for Christmas you will have a wonderful time!

Sara - How nice to see you here this morning! You have been a very busy woman!! Sounds like you will be all ready, and I hope that you have a great time with your family tonight! Merry Christmas to you too!!

Nancy - Love how you set your alarm and then promptly went back to sleep!! Sounds like you don't have any trouble at all sleeping!! Too bad you sat at your son's house all day and no showed up!! Darn those delivery guys! It is hard to watch your team go downhill, but look at the Bruins they were Stanley Cup winners and now they look like they will not even make the playoffs this year. It happens and one day your team will be on top again! I hope that you have a fun time with your family today and hope that you have a great Christmas!!

QOTD - Favorite tradition is the fondue that we always have on Christmas Eve, I am preparing for ours tonight, it will be the first time we have had it for just the two of us this year.

Merry Christmas O Family!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar - We posted at the same time, sounds like my family with so many little things we used to do and now with everyone spread all over the place it is hard to keep those fun things going!! Hope you have a wonderful time with your grandchildren!! I am jealous!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!


Well-Known Member
taking a break from the cleaning and sauerkraut to fly by and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!! i'm so thankful for you guys. you are all very special gifts! xxx:becky:


Well-Known Member
Afternoon, dear Ozzies! We don't do much here for just the two of us. Over the years we've acquired the tradition of a certain dinner on Christmas Eve then wrapping each other's gifts to display until morning. We do enjoy our Christmas morning and gifts. We don't have dinner until the usual evening hour. Maybe a little birding if weather is OK.

Chris, sounds like everything is going to be just fine for you over the holiday! Glad you got to relax and enjoy the wine.

Sara, sounds about like that for you too after two days of working hard.

Nancy, what is it with sons that they have to be difficult? Sorry your Devils aren't adding to the holiday cheer.

Shar, you do seem to have everything working out well. I know you'll enjoy the festivities.

Trudy, fondue sounds delightful as does getting to see the grandkids open your gifts even at a distance. I did not live near my grandparents so find the close interaction of friends with their grandchildren fascinating but a little strange. But then I don't have any to experiment with! ;)

Phylis, good luck with the weather and all that sauerkraut!

Merry Christmas to all!