
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, December 20


The Loopy-O
:brrr: :windy1::brrr:

It is cold and windy out there!!
This is how my morning started:
Rolled out of bed around 5.30. Whisky immediately wants to go out. Throw on slippers and go to the door. J comes to the baby gate next to the door, paws at it. I hook W up on her lead. Get the leash and sling to take J out. Realize I need my long coat. Got to the closet and put it on. It is actually Cailtyn's (too tight). Whatever. Chase J around to the room to get her collar/leash on. Let W back in. Get leash in one, hand, sling in the other. Open the door, try to squish us both out which is difficult because forgot to take the cone/donut off her head. Get outside, my coat is really tight ("I can't put my arms down!" a la A Christmas Story), realize I have slippers on and don't want to walk on the muddy lawn in the pitch dark. Get J to pee while standing very carefully on a grassy section of the lawn. Drag her back inside, shivering my butt off. Got her settled and made a beeline for the coffee pot!

It can only get better from here. ;)

I was unreasonably optimistic yesterday. I thought that I could perhaps scrap for fun. :hahano: I decided that I needed to clean the bathrooms and kitchen first. Lunch/shower/blow-dry hair. Headed to TJ Maxx, and found an interactive chew toy and stuffed toy. I came home and wrapped them with W giving me the eagle eye the entire time. Literally sat at my feet and stared. How do dogs know when something is for them?
I finished the recipes and made a few labels. Then I had to cook dinner. No time for much else.

I am cleaning for my friend this morning. Gary has to take our other friend grocery shopping when I get back. While he is out, I can wrap his gifts. Maybe today I can scrap for fun? (doubtful but it's nice to dream)

Did you all see the page Miki that I gave a GSO to?

Sums it up for me!

Hugs to you all!


The Loopy-O
It occurred to me that the best part of my day -- the least stressful part for sure-- is cleaning someone else's house. :lol23:

@vickyday that's the truth, you know the roads are bad when the police are making jokes. Sections of that highway are still closed this morning.
You and Abby must have so much fun together, such a special thing. ♥
Good luck with your Medicare appt today.

@taxed4ever I hope your stomach is all better today. Sending some nice clear broth for you~~~
Yes, please-- I would love any other appetizer suggestions you want to share in that thread if your stomach is up to it. :)

@BrightEyes It's not surprising that no one remembered doing the signature cards, but at least you know it is all taken care of.
I hope that you and DD#1 stay healthy and that DD#3 is back on her feet soon.

@Cherylndesigns How many more visits will Chuck get from the nurse?
Hope everyone is doing well on the compound :)

@bcgal00 Such a smart move to keep Christmas low-key. The dinner sounds really delish, even better that you don't; have to do anything other than reheat!

So sorry that this is so brief. I read everything you wrote and am sending hugs to you all.


Here I am ....got up at 4:05 AM. DD#1 and her DH had to leave the house by 4:30 and they were both still asleep. Woke them up and then fixed my coffee while they got up, dressed and and loaded the rental car. Hugs to both of them and they were out the door at 4:35. Hated to see them leave but Son-in-Law has to be at work tomorrow. Yesterday afternoon, I hear some banging and loud noises shortly after they had come home after lunch with their son. When I asked DD#1 what was going on, she kind of snickered then LOL and said that when she took a shower in the main bathroom that morning there was a bit of spray hitting the back wall just over her head. She reached up to adjust the combo shower head and handheld spray attachment and it broke and came loose in her hand and was spraying water all over!!! Without saying anything, they bought a new combo shower head and he was installing it!!! In a way, I feel bad that he ended up doing so many repairs while he was here but am so glad he was here to take care of them for me. It is a good thing they are going home early today as one front is coming around noon then the big storm will be here this weekend.

I decided to not go to Sam's yesterday but did make it over to the library to get my 'on-hold' hardback book. Was reading it last night and about halfway through came across a page that was only a half page (the half that was attached to the spine). The edges of the half page look like the end of a roll of paper as both sides had a flattened slightly round-pointed edge. It doesn't look like a torn edge at all. It a fairly new book so have a feeling that I might the first one to read it and see the missing half page. Will take it back today as I have finished it but will point out the missing half page to the librarian. They should be able to contact the manufacturer and get a replacement book. I will be ordering a paperback of it as it is latest in "The Other" series by Anne Bishop and I have all the rest of them.


Love my O Family!
It occurred to me that the best part of my day -- the least stressful part for sure-- is cleaning someone else's house. :lol23:

@vickyday that's the truth, you know the roads are bad when the police are making jokes. Sections of that highway are still closed this morning.
You and Abby must have so much fun together, such a special thing. ♥
Good luck with your Medicare appt today.

@taxed4ever I hope your stomach is all better today. Sending some nice clear broth for you~~~
Yes, please-- I would love any other appetizer suggestions you want to share in that thread if your stomach is up to it. :)

@BrightEyes It's not surprising that no one remembered doing the signature cards, but at least you know it is all taken care of.
I hope that you and DD#1 stay healthy and that DD#3 is back on her feet soon.

@Cherylndesigns How many more visits will Chuck get from the nurse?
Hope everyone is doing well on the compound :)

@bcgal00 Such a smart move to keep Christmas low-key. The dinner sounds really delish, even better that you don't; have to do anything other than reheat!

So sorry that this is so brief. I read everything you wrote and am sending hugs to you all.
Yes, I'm going to enjoy all the time she gives me! For, this, too, shall pass!.....too quickly! She will be 13 in April and it will go down hill from there, LOL!
The weird thing for this Medicare appt. is the lady told me they would probably do blood work but they weren't requiring me to fast after midnight. Never heard of that before, so I'm fasting, LOL! Sometimes I wonder "if doctor knows best!" ;)


Love my O Family!
27* at 8:30! BRRRRR!!!!:brrr::brrr::brrr::brrr::brrr:

No plans except to go to the Medicare Wellness appt then take Abby to lunch. I might call Ilene and ask her if she wants to go with us. She was Abby's SS teacher for the time her mom and dad lived with us in the parsonage when they were transferring from WV to NC. That was 10 years ago! And Abby still loves her Ms Ilene! Since I lived with Ilene after Tim died all of my kids and grandkids treat her like another grandma! Ilene loves it!

I also got a call yesterday afternoon that I will be starting PT for my back tomorrow. I could have sworn that he told me he didn't need to see me anymore unless my back started giving me problems and that I wouldn't need PT because it will basically heal on its own over the next year! So, I'm not sure what I will be doing tomorrow, LOL!

The pre-teen in the house is still in bed, so I think I'll go ahead and get ready for my appt.:sleeping::showering2:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone :wavinghello: I had a restless sleep last night and had a go-zillion dreams. I can't remember any of them, but I know that they kept waking me up and I feel like I never got into that nice deep sleep that makes you feel rested. Today I need to send my calendar to the printer, that should not take me too long. I am meeting up with a friend to pick up an order I placed with her and then I will hit the grocery store to get the supplies I need for all the things I have to make for the weekend. I got all of my place cards made and they turned out good, I even made one for baby Sophia who will not be sitting at the table most likely, but how could I leave her out?? I still have to make cards for my SIL's and MIL and FIL. That needs to get done today!! The neighbours were planning a get together with a few of us on Saturday (potluck) but now a few have been ill and not sure if they should go. My guess is it will get cancelled. So I won't make anything for that day until I know for sure its going ahead. I don't want to be around any sickies either, we don't want to get sick before Christmas!! Anyway I will do some personals and then get a few things done around the house before I head out to meet my friend.

@faerywings - What a way to start your day!! :giggle4:. Hope that the rest of the day is less chaotic! I will get those recipes posted this morning for you, I would love to make them for our potluck, but the neighbour is horribly allergic to shellfish darn it!! I offered to make them for my Gary's potluck lunch on Thursday at work, but one of the guys he works with can't even be in the same room with shellfish :eek2: that must be horrible!! I will have to dig through some other favs for Christmas too and find some without the shellfish.

@BrightEyes - Uggh thats a horrible time to have to get up to travel!! Good thing they had you there to wake them! How nice that your DD#1 and her hubby were able to do some repairs for you, so nice that they replaced the shower head. I am sure my son or Son-In-Law would have done the same for us! How strange about the missing half page of the book!! Hope the library can get it replaced!

@vickyday - Strange that you will be having PT on your back when the Dr. told you that you would not need it!! Enjoy your lunch with your pre-teen and Ilene today! Sure hope the weather gets a bit warmer for you! We are having an unusually warm December here, hence the horrible fog everyday! Sometimes it doesn't clear up until late afternoon.

Ok I best get in the shower and get on with my day, hope you all have a great Wednesday! :xmas-sheep:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I am on a new inhaler so fingers crossed it helps. I still can only drink 1-1.5 cups of coffee a day b/c it is upsetting my stomach. My gut flora is totally messed up from the fast food/restaurant food during the last month, plus from being sick. Today I'll pick up some probiotics and peppermint tea. I am slightly nauseous off and on throughout the day so this should help. I have more energy (thankfully) so the virus I had is improving, it's just the residual effects that I'm dealing with (chest infection and gut, plus blowing my nose all the time). It was fun to do a bit of scrapping yesterday. Today I go to apply for my Alberta drivers license and get new car plates. D and I are going to Marks (sale) to look at winter boots for him and maybe another pair for me (can't ever have enough footwear, right?).

Took Remi to the dog park yesterday and walked the whole perimeter of it, didn't time myself but I think it took about 30-40 min. We walked with another woman and her two dogs. They all enjoyed being together. The deer are keeping us entertained. They are often out front of the house and jumping in and out of the backyards, as well as being on the other side of the little highway behind us and holding up traffic as they cross over. So fun to watch. Everyone keeps their dogs on leashes to keep them safe.

My tummy is starting to feel better, time to head out for errands. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

No plans here until about 4 o'clock. The girls and I are going out to run errands. We're going to Walmart and UPS so wish us luck. LOL

Chris @faerywings what a way to start out your day. I had to laugh at your mention of the tight coat in Christmas Story. That was one of the funniest scenes. I think all dog toys have a certain smell. Daisy always knows when I have something for her in a bag after I've been out. She literally tries to get the bag open. I always tease her about it. It's pretty quiet on the compound. Alyssa (and Braden) will be home late tomorrow night. I'm not sure if I ever answered your question about when Adrienne would be home. She's home but has been so busy catching up with work that we haven't seen too much of her. Today will be fun. The nurse came yesterday and said she wouldn't be back for probably two weeks. I'm assuming that she'll come for awhile. We really haven't discussed that. It's nice to know that I can call her if anything comes up, though. I made noodles, with sauteed chicken bites, butter and shredded cheese sprinkled on top for dinner last night. Chuck loved it! Bingo! One more thing (food wise) that he loved. (My teriyaki stir fry wasn't a huge hit last week.) The noodle combo was very bland, but yummy.

Vicky @vickyday that's so sweet about Ilene being the SS teacher and all the bonds you have with her. I'm sure she does seem like another grandma to the kids.

Kay @BrightEyes well, you got a new shower head. It's nice to have somebody that's handy around. I know you'll miss having the kids around. Hugs

Trudy @taxed4ever hope you're feeling better. You still have some Christmas things to finish up, so you have to feel better. Glad the placecards turned out well.

Rae @bcgal00 hope you're feeling better. Sending hugs to you too.

I'd better get going. HAGD everybody.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone :wavinghello: I had a restless sleep last night and had a go-zillion dreams. I can't remember any of them, but I know that they kept waking me up and I feel like I never got into that nice deep sleep that makes you feel rested. Today I need to send my calendar to the printer, that should not take me too long. I am meeting up with a friend to pick up an order I placed with her and then I will hit the grocery store to get the supplies I need for all the things I have to make for the weekend. I got all of my place cards made and they turned out good, I even made one for baby Sophia who will not be sitting at the table most likely, but how could I leave her out?? I still have to make cards for my SIL's and MIL and FIL. That needs to get done today!! The neighbours were planning a get together with a few of us on Saturday (potluck) but now a few have been ill and not sure if they should go. My guess is it will get cancelled. So I won't make anything for that day until I know for sure its going ahead. I don't want to be around any sickies either, we don't want to get sick before Christmas!! Anyway I will do some personals and then get a few things done around the house before I head out to meet my friend.

@faerywings - What a way to start your day!! :giggle4:. Hope that the rest of the day is less chaotic! I will get those recipes posted this morning for you, I would love to make them for our potluck, but the neighbour is horribly allergic to shellfish darn it!! I offered to make them for my Gary's potluck lunch on Thursday at work, but one of the guys he works with can't even be in the same room with shellfish :eek2: that must be horrible!! I will have to dig through some other favs for Christmas too and find some without the shellfish.

@BrightEyes - Uggh thats a horrible time to have to get up to travel!! Good thing they had you there to wake them! How nice that your DD#1 and her hubby were able to do some repairs for you, so nice that they replaced the shower head. I am sure my son or Son-In-Law would have done the same for us! How strange about the missing half page of the book!! Hope the library can get it replaced!

@vickyday - Strange that you will be having PT on your back when the Dr. told you that you would not need it!! Enjoy your lunch with your pre-teen and Ilene today! Sure hope the weather gets a bit warmer for you! We are having an unusually warm December here, hence the horrible fog everyday! Sometimes it doesn't clear up until late afternoon.

Ok I best get in the shower and get on with my day, hope you all have a great Wednesday! :xmas-sheep:
I hate those restless nights! Hope you were able to catch a nap today!
I'm not sure what is going on with the PT. I'll find out tomorrow. It may be the last session I take!
We had a great lunch with Ilene today! She loves Abby!


Love my O Family!
Good morning all.

No plans here until about 4 o'clock. The girls and I are going out to run errands. We're going to Walmart and UPS so wish us luck. LOL

Chris @faerywings what a way to start out your day. I had to laugh at your mention of the tight coat in Christmas Story. That was one of the funniest scenes. I think all dog toys have a certain smell. Daisy always knows when I have something for her in a bag after I've been out. She literally tries to get the bag open. I always tease her about it. It's pretty quiet on the compound. Alyssa (and Braden) will be home late tomorrow night. I'm not sure if I ever answered your question about when Adrienne would be home. She's home but has been so busy catching up with work that we haven't seen too much of her. Today will be fun. The nurse came yesterday and said she wouldn't be back for probably two weeks. I'm assuming that she'll come for awhile. We really haven't discussed that. It's nice to know that I can call her if anything comes up, though. I made noodles, with sauteed chicken bites, butter and shredded cheese sprinkled on top for dinner last night. Chuck loved it! Bingo! One more thing (food wise) that he loved. (My teriyaki stir fry wasn't a huge hit last week.) The noodle combo was very bland, but yummy.

Vicky @vickyday that's so sweet about Ilene being the SS teacher and all the bonds you have with her. I'm sure she does seem like another grandma to the kids.

Kay @BrightEyes well, you got a new shower head. It's nice to have somebody that's handy around. I know you'll miss having the kids around. Hugs

Trudy @taxed4ever hope you're feeling better. You still have some Christmas things to finish up, so you have to feel better. Glad the placecards turned out well.

Rae @bcgal00 hope you're feeling better. Sending hugs to you too.

I'd better get going. HAGD everybody.
Hope your errands were a success!
Yes, we all have a very special relationship with Ilene! She is a very special person, for sure!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hope your errands were a success!
Yes, we all have a very special relationship with Ilene! She is a very special person, for sure!
That's so wonderful, Vicky. I can tell how close you and Ilene are, but to think about your granddaughter fr=feeling like she's her other grandma makes my heart warm. It's so funny how all of the kids' friends call me Cici. I have tons of adopted grandchildren and a few adopted children. :heartpumpred:

Errands turned into going to Walmart. I can hear some of your groans right now. :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
Good morning all.

No plans here until about 4 o'clock. The girls and I are going out to run errands. We're going to Walmart and UPS so wish us luck. LOL

Chris @faerywings what a way to start out your day. I had to laugh at your mention of the tight coat in Christmas Story. That was one of the funniest scenes. I think all dog toys have a certain smell. Daisy always knows when I have something for her in a bag after I've been out. She literally tries to get the bag open. I always tease her about it. It's pretty quiet on the compound. Alyssa (and Braden) will be home late tomorrow night. I'm not sure if I ever answered your question about when Adrienne would be home. She's home but has been so busy catching up with work that we haven't seen too much of her. Today will be fun. The nurse came yesterday and said she wouldn't be back for probably two weeks. I'm assuming that she'll come for awhile. We really haven't discussed that. It's nice to know that I can call her if anything comes up, though. I made noodles, with sauteed chicken bites, butter and shredded cheese sprinkled on top for dinner last night. Chuck loved it! Bingo! One more thing (food wise) that he loved. (My teriyaki stir fry wasn't a huge hit last week.) The noodle combo was very bland, but yummy.

Vicky @vickyday that's so sweet about Ilene being the SS teacher and all the bonds you have with her. I'm sure she does seem like another grandma to the kids.

Kay @BrightEyes well, you got a new shower head. It's nice to have somebody that's handy around. I know you'll miss having the kids around. Hugs

Trudy @taxed4ever hope you're feeling better. You still have some Christmas things to finish up, so you have to feel better. Glad the placecards turned out well.

Rae @bcgal00 hope you're feeling better. Sending hugs to you too.

I'd better get going. HAGD everybody.
Hope your errands were a success!
Yes, we all have a very special relationship with Ilene! She is a very special person, for sure!
That's so wonderful, Vicky. I can tell how close you and Ilene are, but to think about your granddaughter fr=feeling like she's her other grandma makes my heart warm. It's so funny how all of the kids' friends call me Cici. I have tons of adopted grandchildren and a few adopted children. :heartpumpred:

Errands turned into going to Walmart. I can hear some of your groans right now. :floorlaugh:
Yes! Wally World is one of those Necessary Evils to me! HA!