
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, December 17


The Loopy-O
Good news to report form Faeryland!
I had a (relatively) successful day yesterday, but in spite of some of the issues, I am putting this one in the "Win" column.

Work was ...work. It is always hard to clean during the holidays, since there is much less room to move around, things are arranged differently, and its generally more chaotic. But I saved some time by not mopping the floors because I could not find their mop! heh!!!

I got home and Scott said he thinks that he passed his math final. He is now officially done with his first semester of college and I was literally jumping up and down, clapping, telling him how proud I was. Just awesome!!!:humble:

We went to the little local gift shop and I found the Swarovski ornament I needed for the gift basket that needs to be finished today. There was nothing there that he liked for Leah, so I suggested we go up into Warwick, NY. It's a cute little upscale town and I thought we might find something unusual for her. And oh yes we did!!! We wandered around a bit, not finding anything and both of us were discouraged. I suggested that we go into this jewelry shop and saw some neat, unusual things. There was one case that had these cool pendants that were made from bark, ginko leaves, or bamboo. Pretty darn cool. Then he found exactly what he was looking for.
There was a case of pendants and earrings made from Rainforest butterfly wings. Now, before you say, "Hey Faery! That is awful!!," they were collected carefully after they die, and are Rainforest sustainable. Leah has always liked the framed butterflies, but thought that was cruel. Not these!! The colors on them are just stunning! He picked out a teal (her favorite color) and black one, and it is dark green and black on the underside, so she can wear it either way.
We were both so excited to find this, a truly one of a kind gift. He found some cool incense and a snail incense holder for Cait and I found a river rock engraved with the word More on it for Gary. Since we first started dating, eons ago, we had the corny joke of who loves who more and for Christmas I always tried to find/make something that says "more." I even had a bar of chocolate made into the word more years ago.

I got home and then made a batch of lotions, then dinner, where I almost fell asleep at the table. For real. I could not keep my eyes open.

Today I have to find a basket for the one that is just about finished. Then get everything labeled and packed. Work this afternoon. Collapse again. (Lather rinse repeat:p)

I wish it was December 26. That is all.

Do you have a favorite holiday Christmas song? I love Transiberian Orchestra and their first album is beautiful. There are a few tracks on it that I really love, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
What is yours?


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- when I have minute I am going to turn my speakers on and listen to that clip!
yes, I am asking for help -- in fact, I put a sign on my fridge saying that I was overwhelmed and needed stuff to be done. Lest they ignore it, I added the word STILL in dark blue marker the other day. Gary is making dinner tonight too.
I think I have some photos of the baskets that I have done in the past, but I'll make sure that I take some for this years batch too. I have to say, as much as I compalin about doing them, I am always so pleased with how they come out.

Enjoy your day with your sister and wine tasting.

Nancy- it's all electronics, they have a mind of their own and like to torment us! I am glad that I am not the only one feeling not ready for Christmas!

Trudy- I hate fasting tests too, becasue of the coffee. As it gets closer to my surgery date, I am sure I will be complaining quite a bit because it is scheduled for 12pm. Hope your tests go great.
In The Fiery Cross, they just found the newborn baby. I don't know what i would do without those 2:)

Jean- if you have time and don't mind getting sucked into a long series, Outlander is really good. Time traveling, Scotsmen in kilts, just love it!
I knew you would says birds as a favorite animal:D
I hope you are able to get into the spirit soon too.

Shar- I hope that you make a page with that quote, that would be fun and fantastic!

Gotta fly!!!!!!!!


That was me stumbling and tripping. Not flying... not today...LOL


Well-Known Member
:love:CAT PEOPLE!! another reason to love you ladies!!

Trudy,i haven't heard about the non-fasting test thing. i DO know, that if i can eat something when i get up, then have my bloodwork done a few hours later, my glucose reading is LOWER than it is when i fast. i have this thing called "Dawn Phenomenon," where waking up causes my blood sugar to keep going up after i get out of bed, unless i eat right away. more weird ;"!/ by me.:? you are the only person i know who has their eyebrows tinted! looking forward to the link to your calendar!

Chris, Outlander IS wonderful. i'm sure it keeps you moving while you work. i haven't watched the new TV series, because it's on a cable chanel we don't get. have you? i will eventually buy it and binge watch when it comes out! glad you got so much done. i have to admit to not being able to visualize the butterfly stuff. But it IS so great to find a gift you just KNOW is meant for a certain person.

Jean, the dog comment cracked me up, too. pretty apt, i must say! here's one i've always liked:
Mark Twain — 'the more I know about people, the better I like my dogs.'

Christmas faves:

today is Feed the Sister and Taste Some Wine Day. it's also Clean the House a Bit so the Sister Doesn't Think I'm a Slob Day. so off i go to do the cleaning part. have a really good Wednesday! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - Yesterday was nice - got in a good walk downtown and found there are many cool gifts in various stores so I am sure I will be able to find gifts. I am much calmer now that I have that sorted out. The sad part is that I went downtown to get a sympathy card. My son's friends who were my hockey companions for 3 seasons before they got married and had a baby, well they announced this summer they were expecting their second child only to tell us in Oct that the baby had no kidney's. They had to complete the pregnancy and the funeral was while we were in Dallas. This is so sad. You think in this day and age this won't happen. What does one say?

Chris so glad your day went so well. I love shopping in local stores. You tend to find such unique items. I have read all the Outlander books and Jamie and Claire are so fun to read about. And if you get the chance you should watch the TV series. They two stars are perfect. On Facebook there is an Outlander page go there and look at some of the clips and photos of the characters and listen to Jaime talk. Men in kilts!

Phylis have fun feeding the sister and drinking wine!

Trudy never heard of non fasting. Trudy I got your card!

QOTD - I keep forgetting to do this so here are some answers.
I am a cat person for a home animal but love birds the best.
Song is Do you hear what I hear.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Nancy, that is such a tragedy! how difficult it must be for the whole family, but especially for the parents of that little one.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... mild and misty here today. I have not been very active here at the "O" lately, but by the looks of things neither has anyone else!! I keep wanting to leave more love in the gallery but get sidetracked by all of the other junk in my life. Yesterday was mostly spent on the phone after getting my brows done. I invited my brothers and sisters to our house for Chinese take out on Saturday night and an evening of just visiting and catching up. It was very last minute so I really did not expect them all to make it. Well it seems it will just be my two sisters and their hubbies that will be coming. I have one brother in Australia visiting his grandkids so of course he would not be here. One sister who lives in Vancouver and she would never get on the ferry and spend money to come for a visit. Oldest brother is 20 years older than me and he is in a financial mess and is depressed (we won't open that can of worms) and then another brother who lives in Naniamo and is having a party of his own that same night. Oh well no one can say I didn't try. Since our Mother has passed on we don't seem to see much of each other, large families are weird and some siblings very jealous of others. I keep telling them all to grow up :rant: Perhaps its better this way and the tension in room will be very much less!!

Chris - Glad you had a successful day of shopping and cleaning and so happy that Jamie and Claire are keeping you company :becky: That gift that Scott found sounds so unique!! I bet she will love it!! Its so nice when you find that perfect something for someone you care about!! I would also love to see your baskets that you make, I keep thinking how wonderful your house must smell when you make them.

Phylis - LOL my brow lady says she actually does quite a bit of brow tinting, but she can't believe how much my brows just seem to disappear they lighten so much but do not go grey they just seem to fade away LOL. There is lots of brow there, just turn blonde for some reason. I have never actually had blonde hair in my life. :noidea: Your blood sugar problem is something I have never heard of, guess we are all a bit strange in our own ways :pound:
Love your Christmas Fave's!!!

Nancy - I got your Christmas Card yesterday too!! Thank you! How tragic for your son's friends! Their hearts must be broken, poor precious little baby!! Hope you manage to purchase all the gifts that you have in mind for your guys!! Try to enjoy your day !

Jean - Love your comment on the dog :becky:, oh I received your card yesterday also, beautiful!! Thanks!

QOTD - There are so many beautiful Christmas Songs, but I think I have always loved "I'll be home for Christmas" probably because there were so many Christmases that I did not get home for while we lived in Saskatchewan, so many years missed with my parents !

Ok gotta get ready for swimming and make the bed. I am late!! Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Oh here is the gift that I gave to my brow lady yesterday... she seemed to really love it!



Well-Known Member
Nancy and Trudy, thanks for your cards! (Actually you can see them in my day 16 LO). Love Fong's birds and colors, Trudy!

QOTD: I don't really have a fave song, but always play the Kingston Trio's (very old) "Last Month of the Year" which is really seasonal folk songs. But, you can see my LO of this year's take on the topic. Or in an old blogpost.

Trudy, those jars look fabulous! Now I'm wondering about what's in them. :)
Too bad about your siblings, but families can be a challenge.

Speaking of which, Phylis, I'm sure your house is sparkling for your sister and a good time will be had.

Nancy, too sad about your friends! Hope they have lots of loving support.

Chris, you did have good things happen yesterday. About butterfly wings, some jewelry is made with wings from deceased butterflies in exhibit collections too. I have a pendant claiming that as their origin. Look forward to seeing your wonderful sounding baskets.

And, Shar, I too hope you scrap my words! That would be so funny.

I guess I have heard of Outlander. In fact, I think I tried to read the first one but never finished. Must be something wrong with me to be so in the minority. :behindsofa:

And I too am pleased to see all the cat ladies we are! As a birder, I only like indoor cats, but some can be trained (or just get too old) to not chase birds.