
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, December 13


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-fam! how is everyone doing today?
I have good news to share-- Sam and Scott officially have a new niece. Her name is Sophia and she is beautiful! Sam sent me a picture of her in the afternoon and I am in awe. :lovey3:

I still haven't found much time to breathe and it isn't looking very promising for today either. I *did* look at my fingers and toes and they aren't any more blue/grey than usual so I must be getting enough oxygen to keep me going LOL!!!
I am currently at the point where I am trying to do too many things at once and I am making silly mistakes. I am not sure what I did wrong with the ricotta cookies but they ended up spreading instead of staying round. After I tasted one, I realized that this isn't the cookie recipe *at all!* The ones my grandma made were hard, more biscuit-like. These were soft and cakey. I never liked the ones my grandma baked, I preferred the strufoli.

(Ahhhhhh I made a typo and it was two words that should never be together, ever. Instead of "grandma baked," I typed "grandma naked" :notinfrontofthekids: And if I had to see it, you all have to see it)

So-- anyway--
I am not sure what I am doing with the cookies I made yesterday. I might glaze them and sprinkle chopped almonds, maybe some shaved chocolate, on top. I wanted to make an almond cookie so this can be it. Which leaves me stuck on what I want to make for my parents. ugh ugh ugh.
The candied almonds came out good-- the spicy ones are too spicy for me but probably not for normal people. And the herb salts are adorable. I dehydrated the leftover lemon and lime -- what should I do with them?

Off to pick up groceries and to the pharmacy. Social Security Deposit Day - which means I'll be paying bills. Cleaning for my friend this afternoon. Cook. dinner-- I was going to make tomato gnocchi soup but the gnocchi was out of stock on my order. Not sure what I am going to make instead. I tried to leave love in the gallery yesterday. I opened 5 LOs in new tabs and then the phone rang and I needed to order something online for my mom. Poof- my window of opportunity closed up. pfft. Maybe today.

I asked Caitlyn about the apt and they decided against it. The landlord was being difficult about something and they found out she had turned down 4 other applicants. They decided it wasn't in their best interest at this point to apply.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and productive day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes You beat me by an hour of being up and out of bed. That's not true, I have been waking at 4.30 or so but I don't get out of bed until 5 when the coffee pot turns on. I have my page done for your challenge, I have to get it uploaded and on social media. The pages I have seen are so pretty.
I haven't heard the sump pump so it must not be too bad in the basement. I think it will stay dry for the next couple of days too. It's been so cold so at least it's not snowing.

@vickyday I know, I have to slow down and take some deep breaths, I do this to myself every darn year. You'd think I'd learn!
It's too bad that your new-found cousin doesn't live nearby but that is the benefit of having email. :)
How is your wrist feeling today? And your head? I hope you rested yesterday and are back on track today.

@taxed4ever That's weird that you can't find Skor bars. Can you sub Heath bars instead? The dessert sounds incredible so I hope you can find what you need.

@Cherylndesigns it's going to be strange with everyone gone for a few days. Quiet, too quiet.
Who is taking care of all of the dogs? The tree and lights sound really pretty!
Yuck. The area around Newark airport is yucky. It's called the armpit of NJ for a reason. Lots of reasons. LOL
Glad that the medical team is happy with Chuck's progress!



I managed to sleep a tad bit later today... woke up at 4:15 but nodded off and on until almost 5AM. Popped in the Day 12 challenge and found lots more LOs...Took me awhile to get the commenting done. Like VickyDay... the wrist/hands are aching from all that typing. So this will be short and sweet. :floorlaugh: Well... not so sure about the sweet.

I made up for waking up so early yesterday - ended up taking a nap mid-morning and another one in the afternoon. Those weren't planned - I was reading and fell asleep both times. Didn't feel like cooking so had a sandwich with chips for supper. Really should put something out to thaw for supper tonight. I plan on staying in today and tomorrow as the cold/snow front will be hitting here around noon and last until tomorrow night sometime. We will be getting the fringe of the storm while the northeast of the state will be get the brunt of it.

@faerywings I just about spit my coffee out when I read about "grandma naked"...:giggle4::lol23::rotfl: Sorry the cookies didn't turn out the way they should have. Like your solution of topping them with something. Personally, I like soft cookies rather than hard ones. Congrats on the new niece...newborn babies are so precious. Sounds like Cait and Tom were wise to not put an application in on that apartment as the owner doesn't sound like she would be nice at all.

Need to rest the hands... will try to pop back in later.


Love my O Family!
Hey there, O-fam! how is everyone doing today?
I have good news to share-- Sam and Scott officially have a new niece. Her name is Sophia and she is beautiful! Sam sent me a picture of her in the afternoon and I am in awe. :lovey3:

I still haven't found much time to breathe and it isn't looking very promising for today either. I *did* look at my fingers and toes and they aren't any more blue/grey than usual so I must be getting enough oxygen to keep me going LOL!!!
I am currently at the point where I am trying to do too many things at once and I am making silly mistakes. I am not sure what I did wrong with the ricotta cookies but they ended up spreading instead of staying round. After I tasted one, I realized that this isn't the cookie recipe *at all!* The ones my grandma made were hard, more biscuit-like. These were soft and cakey. I never liked the ones my grandma baked, I preferred the strufoli.

(Ahhhhhh I made a typo and it was two words that should never be together, ever. Instead of "grandma baked," I typed "grandma naked" :notinfrontofthekids: And if I had to see it, you all have to see it)

So-- anyway--
I am not sure what I am doing with the cookies I made yesterday. I might glaze them and sprinkle chopped almonds, maybe some shaved chocolate, on top. I wanted to make an almond cookie so this can be it. Which leaves me stuck on what I want to make for my parents. ugh ugh ugh.
The candied almonds came out good-- the spicy ones are too spicy for me but probably not for normal people. And the herb salts are adorable. I dehydrated the leftover lemon and lime -- what should I do with them?

Off to pick up groceries and to the pharmacy. Social Security Deposit Day - which means I'll be paying bills. Cleaning for my friend this afternoon. Cook. dinner-- I was going to make tomato gnocchi soup but the gnocchi was out of stock on my order. Not sure what I am going to make instead. I tried to leave love in the gallery yesterday. I opened 5 LOs in new tabs and then the phone rang and I needed to order something online for my mom. Poof- my window of opportunity closed up. pfft. Maybe today.

I asked Caitlyn about the apt and they decided against it. The landlord was being difficult about something and they found out she had turned down 4 other applicants. They decided it wasn't in their best interest at this point to apply.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and productive day!
Well, I hope today's products turn out better for you without the "naked" part! ;)
Sounds like Cait and Tom made the right decision about the apartment!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes You beat me by an hour of being up and out of bed. That's not true, I have been waking at 4.30 or so but I don't get out of bed until 5 when the coffee pot turns on. I have my page done for your challenge, I have to get it uploaded and on social media. The pages I have seen are so pretty.
I haven't heard the sump pump so it must not be too bad in the basement. I think it will stay dry for the next couple of days too. It's been so cold so at least it's not snowing.

@vickyday I know, I have to slow down and take some deep breaths, I do this to myself every darn year. You'd think I'd learn!
It's too bad that your new-found cousin doesn't live nearby but that is the benefit of having email. :)
How is your wrist feeling today? And your head? I hope you rested yesterday and are back on track today.

@taxed4ever That's weird that you can't find Skor bars. Can you sub Heath bars instead? The dessert sounds incredible so I hope you can find what you need.

@Cherylndesigns it's going to be strange with everyone gone for a few days. Quiet, too quiet.
Who is taking care of all of the dogs? The tree and lights sound really pretty!
Yuck. The area around Newark airport is yucky. It's called the armpit of NJ for a reason. Lots of reasons. LOL
Glad that the medical team is happy with Chuck's progress!

Wrist is better so far! I still used it more than I should've yesterday.
My new cousin lives in southern IN. A day's drive, so not actually that far away!
My head is good so far, thank the Lord! Hopefully I'll see Ilene today so will be resting!


Love my O Family!
I managed to sleep a tad bit later today... woke up at 4:15 but nodded off and on until almost 5AM. Popped in the Day 12 challenge and found lots more LOs...Took me awhile to get the commenting done. Like VickyDay... the wrist/hands are aching from all that typing. So this will be short and sweet. :floorlaugh: Well... not so sure about the sweet.

I made up for waking up so early yesterday - ended up taking a nap mid-morning and another one in the afternoon. Those weren't planned - I was reading and fell asleep both times. Didn't feel like cooking so had a sandwich with chips for supper. Really should put something out to thaw for supper tonight. I plan on staying in today and tomorrow as the cold/snow front will be hitting here around noon and last until tomorrow night sometime. We will be getting the fringe of the storm while the northeast of the state will be get the brunt of it.

@faerywings I just about spit my coffee out when I read about "grandma naked"...:giggle4::lol23::rotfl: Sorry the cookies didn't turn out the way they should have. Like your solution of topping them with something. Personally, I like soft cookies rather than hard ones. Congrats on the new niece...newborn babies are so precious. Sounds like Cait and Tom were wise to not put an application in on that apartment as the owner doesn't sound like she would be nice at all.

Need to rest the hands... will try to pop back in later.
Glad you "accidentally" caught a couple of naps yesterday! You can keep the snow! The birdbath water has been frozen here the last couple of days, including today! That's too cold for me!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out for me again today. Don't want to tax my wrist too much.
I got the baby shower book done and ordered yesterday from Persnickety! Their prices are really reasonable!! And they have quick turn around!
Hopefully will be heading to visit with Ilene today but I haven't talked to her yet.
So that's it for me right now. I did get a kit to do Kay's Day 12 challenge but I'll probably work on that after church tonight.
Have a great day! Waving to everyone who pops in! :waving1


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is very foggy out there this morning! I will not be hiking, its too damp and chilly for me, besides if that fog doesn't lift we wouldn't be able to see where we are going anyway. So instead I am spending the day on this computer and getting my Calendar done (hopefully). I will try to get a layout done for one of the challenges today also. I breathed a big sigh of relief yesterday when I got all my cards out in the mail to the kids/grandkids. I had to stand in line for 45 mins to do it though :angry4:. The only reason was so that I could get tracking on them. Oh well it really wasn't all that bad as we all chatted in the lineup and laughed when others came to the post office and looked at the size of the line, the look on some of their faces was priceless :giggle4:. Everyone was very understanding and in a good mood, it was nice to see! So now that is done, I can concentrate on finishing off some other projects. Oh and I did find the Skor Bars I needed at the dollar store :yesss: so I am all set for making the dessert!

@faerywings - Congrats on the new arrival of baby Sophia!! She has the same name as my nephew's new baby girl. Hope everyone is Happy and Healthy!! It does sound like Cait and Tom made the right decision to not get the apartment ! They are so smart!! Too bad the cookies did not turn out the way you wanted, but sounds like a great solution to top them with some other goodies!! I am like Kay and like soft cookies better than hard ones. Not that I eat cookies anymore. I will miss making sugar cookies with Sadie this year though!

@BrightEyes - Glad you snuck in a nap or two yesterday! Hope your wrist isn't too sore after all that commenting you are going to have to do on your Challenge, sounds like it is really hopping!! Remember to take something out for dinner tonight, you don't want a sandwich and chips for supper again tonight LOL.

@vickyday - Happy to hear that the headache is not still with you this morning and I hope you and Ilene have a great visit!! Hope that the temps warm up a bit for you, no fun when its that cold outside!

Ok I am off to the shower and then opening up my photoshop to get going on my Calendar, have a great day everyone! :elf5:.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

It's 54 and very sunny here - fingers crossed that it stays mild for awhile. Yes, it's too quiet around here. I'm so used to Adrienne coming down every day and it seems like she's been gone for a week. It's gone so slow that I thought yesterday was Wednesday. Now, I don't want to get anybody confused, but I did. Today is Wednesday December 13th.........today is Wednesday December 13th..Funny thing is I usually know the DATE, just not the DAY. I have to many dates in my head - when pre-releases go live, blog posts, ets. you all get that, I know.

Chris @faerywings congrats on the new addition! Sophia is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl! I'm happy that all went well and I know you can't wait to snuggle her. Good call for Cait and Sam to say no to the apt. Sounds like the landlord is a PITA and if they're acting that way at this point - huge red flag! I missed Grandma naked. :floorlaugh: You asked about the dogs; our little adopted family member, Aly is going to stay at Ava's and watch Bailee and Marley and we're watching Lila Thursday and Friday all day and all night. I haven't told Chuck yet - we're just back at the point where Daisy sleeps with him again. I may end up with two dogs in MY bed. YAY. Daisy has her "spot" at the end of my bed, in the far corner, we established that while he was gone. But Lila is a "snuggler". I don't like to snuggle with animals when I'm trying to sleep. Chuck could sleep on a rock but as you all know, I can't. As far as your "cookies that weren't right" I'm sure somebody can "choke them down" especially if you doctor them up with icing and shaved chocolate. Chuck would eat cookies anway anyhow - pieces, whatever. He's the Cookie Monster though. And Adrienne hates flying into Newark and going to HQ. I'm sure she'd agree with "the armpit of NJ".

Kay @BrightEyes I also got my layout done for your challenge. I just need to upload it. What a unique challenge it was I just love all of the different "takes" on one photo.

Trudy @taxed4ever glad you conquered the line - I can't stand that - I have a box to mail to Steph but it's not Christmas, so it may wait. Asher left his fleece jacket here, but his dad bought him another one, so she said not to be in a hurry so I haven't been. Besides, the zipper would zip up. Boys - how DO they manage to break zippers so much? I ordered all of his gifts from good ole Amazon. :xmas7:

Vicky @vickyday hope you get to spend the day with Ilene and don't overwork your wrist today.

Hugs to all and HAGD.


Popped back in to check on my challenge... :wow::wow::wow: It is on fire! Think there is around 30 LOs already! Glad I took a break to let the hands rest so was able to comment on the latest ones.

It is looking cold, gray, and cloudy outside. I got the notice that one of my 'on hold' books was ready at the library - so decided to make a quick trip over to pick it up before the storm hits. Saw a few snowflakes as I was heading home. The main cross street in the development and our street now has the orange construction signs up and down it. Looks like the city is putting in new lines for something as they are opening up square access points between sidewalks and curbs up and down the street and pulling some type of lines through them. They have started work by the entrance where the bank of Post Office boxes are - so looks like it will be awhile before they get our street.

Yes, I did get out a steak for supper... will have a cubed and seasoned Gold potato and fruit for supper. Right now, I need a warm cup of coffee and one of the library books to snuggle up with. CYL


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes I hope to get your challenge done sometime today.

Hubby and I have been busy decorating inside and out. Finally finished and can sit back and enjoy them.
Now we are winter-proofing one of the patio doors as it lets in far too much cold air.
After that we will hang a few new pieces of art in the newly painted living room. Some watercolours from my second cousin need to be hung in the guest bedroom.
My daughter wants to bake gingerbread houses for a party she is hosting. There are a number of families coming and this is supposed to be a family activity to keep the kids entertained. It should be interesting as I have never baked gingerbread.
We will have the house pieces ready for construction at the party. I really don't think DD has a clue as to what this will entail as she has never done this before. :elf5:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... It is very foggy out there this morning! I will not be hiking, its too damp and chilly for me, besides if that fog doesn't lift we wouldn't be able to see where we are going anyway. So instead I am spending the day on this computer and getting my Calendar done (hopefully). I will try to get a layout done for one of the challenges today also. I breathed a big sigh of relief yesterday when I got all my cards out in the mail to the kids/grandkids. I had to stand in line for 45 mins to do it though :angry4:. The only reason was so that I could get tracking on them. Oh well it really wasn't all that bad as we all chatted in the lineup and laughed when others came to the post office and looked at the size of the line, the look on some of their faces was priceless :giggle4:. Everyone was very understanding and in a good mood, it was nice to see! So now that is done, I can concentrate on finishing off some other projects. Oh and I did find the Skor Bars I needed at the dollar store :yesss: so I am all set for making the dessert!

@faerywings - Congrats on the new arrival of baby Sophia!! She has the same name as my nephew's new baby girl. Hope everyone is Happy and Healthy!! It does sound like Cait and Tom made the right decision to not get the apartment ! They are so smart!! Too bad the cookies did not turn out the way you wanted, but sounds like a great solution to top them with some other goodies!! I am like Kay and like soft cookies better than hard ones. Not that I eat cookies anymore. I will miss making sugar cookies with Sadie this year though!

@BrightEyes - Glad you snuck in a nap or two yesterday! Hope your wrist isn't too sore after all that commenting you are going to have to do on your Challenge, sounds like it is really hopping!! Remember to take something out for dinner tonight, you don't want a sandwich and chips for supper again tonight LOL.

@vickyday - Happy to hear that the headache is not still with you this morning and I hope you and Ilene have a great visit!! Hope that the temps warm up a bit for you, no fun when its that cold outside!

Ok I am off to the shower and then opening up my photoshop to get going on my Calendar, have a great day everyone! :elf5:.
Glad you found the candy bars and that you got your cards out! I got all of mine out yesterday, too! It costs an arm and a leg anymore to send mail!


Love my O Family!
Good morning all.

It's 54 and very sunny here - fingers crossed that it stays mild for awhile. Yes, it's too quiet around here. I'm so used to Adrienne coming down every day and it seems like she's been gone for a week. It's gone so slow that I thought yesterday was Wednesday. Now, I don't want to get anybody confused, but I did. Today is Wednesday December 13th.........today is Wednesday December 13th..Funny thing is I usually know the DATE, just not the DAY. I have to many dates in my head - when pre-releases go live, blog posts, ets. you all get that, I know.

Chris @faerywings congrats on the new addition! Sophia is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl! I'm happy that all went well and I know you can't wait to snuggle her. Good call for Cait and Sam to say no to the apt. Sounds like the landlord is a PITA and if they're acting that way at this point - huge red flag! I missed Grandma naked. :floorlaugh: You asked about the dogs; our little adopted family member, Aly is going to stay at Ava's and watch Bailee and Marley and we're watching Lila Thursday and Friday all day and all night. I haven't told Chuck yet - we're just back at the point where Daisy sleeps with him again. I may end up with two dogs in MY bed. YAY. Daisy has her "spot" at the end of my bed, in the far corner, we established that while he was gone. But Lila is a "snuggler". I don't like to snuggle with animals when I'm trying to sleep. Chuck could sleep on a rock but as you all know, I can't. As far as your "cookies that weren't right" I'm sure somebody can "choke them down" especially if you doctor them up with icing and shaved chocolate. Chuck would eat cookies anway anyhow - pieces, whatever. He's the Cookie Monster though. And Adrienne hates flying into Newark and going to HQ. I'm sure she'd agree with "the armpit of NJ".

Kay @BrightEyes I also got my layout done for your challenge. I just need to upload it. What a unique challenge it was I just love all of the different "takes" on one photo.

Trudy @taxed4ever glad you conquered the line - I can't stand that - I have a box to mail to Steph but it's not Christmas, so it may wait. Asher left his fleece jacket here, but his dad bought him another one, so she said not to be in a hurry so I haven't been. Besides, the zipper would zip up. Boys - how DO they manage to break zippers so much? I ordered all of his gifts from good ole Amazon. :xmas7:

Vicky @vickyday hope you get to spend the day with Ilene and don't overwork your wrist today.

Hugs to all and HAGD.
We may have finally made it to 50 this afternoon, but the birdbath was frozen solid again this morning.
I was with Ilene today, so I was a good girl with my wrist, lol! But I'm on a heating pad for my back after sitting in her straight-backed chairs!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes I hope to get your challenge done sometime today.

Hubby and I have been busy decorating inside and out. Finally finished and can sit back and enjoy them.
Now we are winter-proofing one of the patio doors as it lets in far too much cold air.
After that we will hang a few new pieces of art in the newly painted living room. Some watercolours from my second cousin need to be hung in the guest bedroom.
My daughter wants to bake gingerbread houses for a party she is hosting. There are a number of families coming and this is supposed to be a family activity to keep the kids entertained. It should be interesting as I have never baked gingerbread.
We will have the house pieces ready for construction at the party. I really don't think DD has a clue as to what this will entail as she has never done this before. :elf5:
I hope your daughter at least practices with one of the houses!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
We may have finally made it to 50 this afternoon, but the birdbath was frozen solid again this morning.
I was with Ilene today, so I was a good girl with my wrist, lol! But I'm on a heating pad for my back after sitting in her straight-backed chairs!
Good to hear you're taking it easy on your wrist today. Your back is nother story. Heating pad _ = good. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:
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