
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, August 27


The Loopy-O
Holy exhaustion this morning! And boy oh boy, am I moving slowly. Well. I guess that is a typical morning for me, isn't it? haha!!

I worked my butt off at my client's house and was able to get to the lake for about 2 hours or so. The weather was just great.
Came home to do laundry and dishes and get ready for the food shopping today. My kids are still at my mom's and will be coming home today.

Other than that, I guess I am good to go. I have to go food shopping and finally get blood drawn since I never made it there last week. :oops:

My three thankfuls:
1. Long sleeve t-shirts of Gary's that are so comfy on cool mornings
2. My parents for being such amazing hands-on g-parents. And my IL's too. My kids are *blessed* with amazing extended family
3. My pets who give me such love even as they scatter fur everywhere!

Tip on Tuesday:
If you are looking for recipes or a place to store recipes online:
It's like pinterest but just for food

ETA: Bwuahaha!! :rofl:
I am such a date-challenged DORK! I did a Tip on Tues even though I *just* typed that it is Wed. So I had to double check myself. And it is Wed.

I wish I had a clue as to days/dates/times/numbers and so forth!
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The Loopy-O
Super quick before I get into the shower and get rolling for the day:

Laurie! Soooo good to see you here! Congrats on 34 years!!

nancy- 10 miles-- that is just awesome!! Do your legs hurt at all after that? The weather has really been good for outdoor exercise.
That is funny about Waze out west. Do you think it b/c there are lest roads and congestion than here?

Phyllis- I didn't see anything on the news about you, how did the Govt Agency BS turn out? I hope today you can just *breathe*

Trudy- Hope that you got some beach time in as well! I love your gratitudes!!

Love and hugs and happy confetti to all of you who read this!!!


Well-Known Member
well, the Government came to heel yesterday, and not only did we get good service at NCIS, but Hubby and DD got the Social Security confusion fixed, too. (ha. it helps when you know the head of SS in our city, who met them in the office and took care of everything. i hate that, though. why should you have to KNOW someone to avoid Government Nonsense?) i still wasn't able to get an official copy of DD's naturalization certificate. SHE has to go in, even though we brought every document known to man to prove we were her parents. i'd love to know the stats on how many work hours are lost to having to take off work to deal with The Government. but, anyway. it's all finished and dealt with. until the NEXT time some dope sitting in a government office hits the wrong key and creates chaos.

Chris, glad you got to the lake. just hearing about you working so hard at your client's makes me hurt. i'll never understand HOW you do all this!! be good to yourself today! (and every day!)

Nancy, wish there was an easy way to bike around here. in order not to just be doung hills and hills, i'd have to pack up a bike a GO someplace. then it would be just round and round. you must really be getting in shape!

Trudy, did you get to the beach? i really loved that family photo you posted on Facebook!!

Happy Anniversary, Laurie!

today, it's a trip to a new optometrist to see if i can get contacts that fit and glasses that i can see out of. then to the Apple Store to pick up the (repaired) computer i got from my son. then it's me trying to figure out what's for dinner. man, am i sick of thinking about food. maybe i'll visit Yummly, Chris, and see if i can get inspired.:mmph:

have a Happy Wednesday! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - going to get hot today! Which is how it should be in August but the morning are cool so that is nice. I did get in my bike ride yesterday. Don't know how much in shape I am getting as I don't race I do it at a pace where I can see the scenery too and of course birds! Got home and my son went over to help his brother move some heavy furniture and then I got called to bring lunch. I stayed once we ate and we got the furniture in the den set up, then the two bedrooms set up so they are very happy now. They have to wait for the FIOS to be set up as they have to change boxes so they came over to our house to get my youngest son's PS3 which plays movies and games. But at least things are getting more normal at their place. Now today is hopefully another bike ride and then just scrap.

Chris so glad you got to the lake. Hope you make it there today!

Phylis so glad the "government" solved the problems which they created in the first place.

Trudy hope you made it to the beach.

Laurie congrats on the 34 years!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Yes I did make it to the Lake yesterday and gave MIL a lesson on how to use her Kobo Arc that she got for her birthday. But FIL kept interruptting us and wanted to know how to get it connected to the wireless. :mmph: He is very irritating sometimes!! So I had to finally tell him that I would do that after MIL figured out what she needed to learn. Not sure if she will ever use it though, she is so tech challenged and FIL does not help as he makes her feel stupid when she can't figure things out. Anyway that's another can of worms and I won't bore you with the details :becky:

Chris - hope you get moving a bit faster soon! I am off to do some shopping later today also, I hate grocery shopping, but then I really don't know anyone that does like it do you?? I am going to check out that link for the recipes too, I am always looking for something new to add to the menu.

Phylis - So happy for you that you did not have a problem with the NCIS!!! Nothing worse than dealing with a bunch of idiots that are supposed to know what they are doing!! Have fun at the Apple Store hope you enjoy your new computer!! Good luck with the optometrist appointment!

Nancy - I heard on the news that you are in for some very warm temps today, as is my DD it was hot and very humid there yesterday too. She misses our warm but not humid weather here in B.C. and finds the humidity very hard to deal with! That's why we fly her and Mason home for the summer. Ever since she got ill she has a hard time with temp changes and gets very nauseous with humid weather. Wish they could move out this way permanently! Sounds like you are enjoying your bike rides!! Wish I could join you!

Today I finally get my Hot Stone Massage
I hope I am very relaxed afterwards!! So groceries might have to wait until tomorrow :becky: Enjoy the day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I love you gals so much. But I do have to say, after stats last night and my other class tonight, I know I am doing the right thing by taking a break for the next couple of months. I'm going to just try to hold on and try to get all my homework done and not fail my students and teachers at school!


I'll be thinking of you!! :)