
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, August 20


The Loopy-O
Finally making it to the shore, the weather is going to be awesome!!!
But that means this has to be very short. I have to get in the shower and get ready. Showers are never quick with all of the saran wrapping and such. Blech. And then I have to do my IV before we leave which takes forever. Double blech.
But woooo hoo! I am gonna have my feet in the ocean today!:dance: :p:p:p:dance:

The other sort of "good" news is that I made the appt with the Gyn. and I am going to beg to have her help me. The irony of the appt is that in this group, this is the dr who delivered Caitlyn and I haven't seen her since--almost 16 years to the day. I hadn't seen her before the delivery and was not thrilled with her after it. She said "Push really hard, I promise I won't let you tear." And guess what? I did push and I freaking tore-- very badly. 3rd degree tear. I still have issues with my scarring. (Sorry TMI!!!). But this will be her opportunity to redeem herself :eyebrows:

Have a wonderful wonderful Wednesday!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning - it is a grey start here but should get sunny as the morning progresses. Yesterday my DIL did not need me as all the outside contractors are busy in the house. Just so you all know I paint very slowly and so not sure I would be a lot of help but it would be fun to see you all IRL. I got out an rode my bike a little over 10 miles. That made me feel good. Got some scrapping done. But my main accomplishment was deleting over 2000 photos from my main computer. I have them backed up on my EHD and these are from 2011 and I had used most of them on pages. It is so hard for me to delete but it has to be done. As I was deleting I got a txt from verizon telling me that one of my family plan members called 911. Everything was fine but it was more that I did not know that verizon did this. Kinda cool they give a heads up. My son also showed me Spotify (a music app). I usually hear a song I like and then try and decide if I want the CD. But as my son showed me you can listen to a whole CD. But it will also give you artists who are in the style. For though the best was being able to find really old songs and create playlists. I found a song I have been looking for for more years than you can imagine. It is one my Aunt and Uncle played for me, The albino pink eyed stallion. Never made the 10 ten but I always loved it. Yes it cost $10 a month but I spend that much on CDs so now I don't have to but we will see how it goes as I have a month for free.

Chris have fun at the beach! I hope you gyno gets all your problems solved! I am very lucky to have not had many problems.

Phylis hope you get rid of those hornets. And I know what you mean about Apple being so calming! I think you will love your new Apple!

Trudy seems so strange to hear you want rain. My sister lives in Phoenix and the city was just swamped with rain and there were 14 fast water rescues. She was fine as there are no washes near her. They got more rain in one day than they expect in one year. Hope you get your appts for those hot stones and your hair.

Sara so sorry the start of your school year has you down. My youngest is going back to college this fall and I while he is only taking a couple of classes to get his feet wet I just dread the homework. And for your son 2 hours a night seems too much!

Sabine hope your back and muscles are feeling better.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
I am doing better. I was better by the end of the school day. I saw this quotation I have hanging up in my office and had to remind myself why I put it up there.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I wish I had time to read and catch up this morning, but I don't. I hope you all have a good day!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies!! A cloudy day here this morning and a bit cooler. Not sure what the day will bring, perhaps its time to quit procrastinating and get my darn fridge cleaned out. :mmph: Yesterday I cleaned the oven and got the downstairs bathrooms all cleaned again. So now all of my house is back to normal and it makes me sad to have no more sticky handprints on my windows and no more safety latches on my kitchen cupboards. Silly I know, but it will be a long time before I see those sweet little faces again.

Chris - Have a great time at the seaside!! Hope it lifts your spirits and makes you feel well again! Don't take no for answer with your gyno!! Tell her if she won't do it then you will just go to another doctor who will!! Its time to stop torturing yourself with all that pain and suffering!! :hug:

Nancy - Wish I could go for a nice long bike ride with you!! But first I would have to go out and actually buy a bike!! LOL Where I live is not a good area to ride bikes, the hills are killers and the highway that is close to us is not made for bike riders and I am sure I would get hit by some stupid driver going waaaayyy too fast on the road. DD and I have thought about getting bikes again as we used to ride a lot when we lived on the prairie, we have some beautiful areas and trails to ride a short distance from us, but it would mean we would have to pack the bikes onto the car and drive there. Who knows maybe when he actually stops working it will happen. Spotify sounds interesting I might have to look into that!

Sara - Glad to hear that you are feeling better today, I hope you continue to improve!! That quote is amazing!! I will have to remember that one!!

Phylis - lucky you for getting your son's Mac!! You will love it!! No more fighting with Windows 8!! :becky:

Sabine - Hope you are able to get more mobile soon!! Also hope you are right about the waiting for the good things, I am really needing my massage, my back is getting very stiff and sore!

Hope everyone has an amazing day! I have some pictures to go through and get printed out to give to my MIL for her birthday along with some e-books that I have to get for her. Any suggestion for a list of really good books?? I am so caught up with the Outlander Series that I have no idea what else is out there. Any suggestions would be very helpful!! Thanks! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
my blood pressure is through the roof. more dealing with Government Agencies. USCIS and a scam company that charged me $149 for printing out a form. i can't take it. too much to go into here, so i'll just let it go. ha. like hell i will. i will be furious all day.

Sara, hopefully i can take Emerson's advice and start out new tomorrow. that quote is first rate.

Chris, YAY for the beach. have a happy, relaxing time. and walk out if the gynie is rude or unhelpful. find another one who will listen.

Nancy, even a SLOW painter would be welcome!

Trudy, your topography is like ours. i think about riding a bike and say: nope. if the crazy drivers don't get you, the hills will!

Sabine, it's great to have a reason NOT to paint the ceiling! but hoping you feel better soon.

wow. i'm steamed. furious. damned annoyed!! i think a sit in a corner and some deep breathing is required. so here i go.

have a great day. don't call and government agencies.


Feeling at hOme!
Hi there,
Another quiet day for me and I think I've seen the silliest TV movies !! French TV is such a PITA during the months of July and August: I don't know why they think everyone is on vacation for 2 months?! Specially when the weather is so aweful...
But the good thing is that I am slowly recovering and that I also spent two hours watching France 24 News channel in English this afternoon and felt like I learnt a few new words :) I still haven't received the results of the English test I took in June and sent them a letter to ask for these. Fingers crossed ;)

Chris, hope you'll have a better feeling with your doctor this time! I have the same gyneco since my 17 years old and I hope she'll be practising for another couple of years. It is so important to have someone valuable for these things. Glad you can put your toes in the ocean today.

Nancy, I'd love to go for a bike ride too. I haven't for ages, cycling in Paris seems too dangerous for me with all the traffic.

Sara, just love that quote you have at home. I need to find one in French to hang on my kitchen wall too, that's such a good way to start the day.

Trudy, can understand how you feel now that the house is empty. I have read 'The blood detective' by Dan Wadell and really enjoyed this story around the genealogist character.

Phylis, sorry to hear about the bad day with the administration. Don't know how it is for you in the US, but here in France it's always very complicated with all the stuff from the state agencies, the formulars are always so unclear...

It's not very late here (10.30 pm) but my eyelids are beginning to close. Going to bed and read a few pages. Have a great end of the day!