
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, August 13


The Loopy-O
Good news, bad news?
Bad-- no shore for us today. Rain all day. :Cry: We have a tentative date set for next week so hopefully it won't rain then.
Good (?) news? I am going to get my house cleaned. Yeah, I know. I have been saying that every day for the last several years. But I have no major plans, nowhere I need to go, so that is what I will do today. In fact, I should probably start soon while Gary is sleeping. I can get the Living room done while he is not in it.
Actual good news-- it is Social Security day, so I have $$ to pay bills. :D The money is the good part, not the bill paying partLOL

How are all of you today?

Sara- is Ben feeling any better? And you?
Robin Williams' stand up and improv was amazing. That is where his genius shined!

Trudy- oh my, I would have been bawling along with you about Mason crying on Skype. Heart wrenching!!!
Right after Cait was born, I was struggling a lot (Postpartum depression) and my friend suggested we go see a movie to make me feel better. The local theater was showing "What Dreams May Come" and we thought, Robin Williams, has to be funny right?? OMG-- I *sobbed* through the entire thing. Could not stop crying. Ironic, for sure.
Sometimes is is just as nice to stay low key and just love on the kiddos. Hope you have a great day. And woo hoo on losing the weight!!!

Love to all!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my "O" friends!! Woke up to the sounds of :rain: not nearly enough rain yet, but keeping my fingers crossed that we get the levels that we need! I get my grandson and grandaughter again for a few days starting this afternoon. So I am happy Grandma today. I went out in search of some colouring books yesterday as they both love to colour and paint. Do you know that it is almost impossible to find colouring books now?? I went to every store I could think of and finally found two at Walmart. I had to get a lady to help me and she was shocked that there were only the giant kind that you can lay on floor and colour on. Guess kids just don't colour anymore?? WTH??

Chris - Glad that you are having a day where you can get your house all cleaned up, but it sucks that you won't get to the Lake!! Hopefully next week?? Yes it is hard to just see Mason on the screen now, but DD seems happier and is finding it a bit easier to take care of him now that he is getting around better and is starting to understand what his mommy is saying. He is a bright little guy and seems to learn everything very quickly! I just hope that she accepts that she is living in Ontario and needs to embrace her life out there and just be happy, sending every powerful and positive thought her way everyday!

Well gotta get showered and ready for the kids, it should be a busy but fun day! Have a great one everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Ben is better, but we still kept him home. I debated with myself. But he was still coughing and sneezing enough that no teacher wants that going on in their room. LOL
My ear is better too. The ear canal is infected, but not the ear drum or behind it. So I got drops. Yay.

Chris - sorry about the shore. Yay for cleaning. It's nice when it is done.

Trudy - I found a lot at Walmart when stocking up for the road trip. Some were in the books department and some were in with the school supplies. Target had a bunch too with the books. It would make sense to put them with the colors though. Have fun with the kids.

Gotta go work!!



Well-Known Member
what a weird day. i'm feeling all out of sorts. there seems to be so much bad news floating around the world. i think i'm going to stop reading and listening and put on "Pride and Prejudice" while i make lunch. a good dose of Mrs. Bennett always cheers me up.

Chris, wish i could say that i was sending you some good weather, but...no. although the sun just came out a bit. it's pretty cold out there, and it had been raining most of the morning. NUTS to cleaning!! although i'd better do something around here besides baking zucchini bread or my house will be condemned soon.

Trudy, do you guys have dollar stores where you live? maybe they have coloring books there! maybe there are some pages online that you could print out? how weird. it's one of those things you don't think about, and then when you try to get some, there ARE none! hope the empty spot i your heart will be filled by having two of your Grandpeople with you again!

Sara, did you go swimming? that external infection often comes from going swimming. "Swimmer's Ear?" hope everyone is back to 100% soon.

Jean, you must be a Genealogy Expert!! do people hire you to find out stuff for them?

OK. time to get my shower and make some lunch. then, i will follow Chris' shining example and (try to) do some clean-up.

have a happy day! :becky: