
Daily Ooo's Wednesday April 22


The Loopy-O
Happy Earth Day!
Yes, you guessed it- I do like Earth Day! It is somewhat like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. I don't think we should have to have a day devoted to taking care of someone or something. But, I guess until people have the time and energy (ha ha!!) to do all that stuff every day, it helps to have a day dedicated.
Every year the kids and I participate in Beautification Day in our Town. We clean up the litter on some of the local roads. We might even try to make it to the picnic afterward. They give prizes for oldest, oddest and most valuable trash you find. I usually find beer bottles and cigarette butts.....:rolleyes:

Other than that, I am off cleaning today. It was funny, in Shop Rite yesterday this couple walks past me, and I am thinking "I know them." We kinda look at each other, like hmmm- its the people I clean for. I know them better than they know me- I dust their pictures every other week LOL

Dawn, that really really bites..... I hope that you are enjoying your time off at least.

How was your b-day Sandra? The Movie Tavern sounds cool.

Kristin- sounds like you need a good massage! Hope your muscles are not screaming today :)

Kat- I can't imagine how hard it must be. I am thinking of you! How did everything go?

Tali- that would be awesome if you could get into a trial. And ITA- insurance sucks :(
BTW- I don't have what you have with your eyes, but I have had a lot of cornea swelling. I wear my contact lenses way too long, both during the day and for too long a period of weeks. My eye dr told me that I am depriving my corneas of oxygen which causes the cornea to swell. I had to do that weird eye test where you look into that cone-thingy and it maps your eye.... Anyway..... I am sure you aready know all this...
But I wear B and L Pure Vision lenses- used to wear AccuVue. These lenses are made out of some super oxygenating space agey material that helps my eyes "breathe" as well as really helping keep the swelling down.
You should ask your dr if that lens might be better for you. It must suck knowing that you have soemthing wrong with your eyes and then have to not be able to see. Your insurance may cover an eye exam if it is for a medical reason- check your policy- I know mine did as long as it was medical "emergency", not routine.

Sally- how did your cleaning before cleaning go? LOL That's too bad that you can't get a rebate of sorts or a grant to help pay for your books. I voted for the budget and I hope that it passed. I also voted for 2 new people for the BOE- hope if they get in, they can shake things up a bit. They were campaigning on getting rid of the waste... so we'll see.
And forget Cozumel- I am coming to visit you (after Dumpty and Linda P! LOL) Your house and yard just sound heavenly!

Clara- you are just such a sweetheart! I love reading your posts- they are always (usually LOL) so cheerful. I am glad you had a great day at the park. I do hope that something helps your headaches.
I def recommend that book. If you need more info on it, let me know. I didn't sleep as well last night, my head started to race and I was having really wacky dreams-- but I still slept better than I had been.
Sorry that you are having issues at work too- I swear some "adults" just aren't. Vent away!!

Jen- oh how was that??? Totally awesome!!! I would love to go there- sounds just fab! There is one about 1 1/2 hrs from us. Good for you scrapping too!

Kat- reading your update. poor guy!! But- he will feel so much better off in the long run. I am sure it is going to be way harder on you than him. Sending you lots of hug and love!

Saraaaaaaaa are you in there???????? *digs through piles of paper to find her*

Dawn- have a wonderful trip! Thinking good cushy-thoughts for your butt and no pian thoughts for your head!

I wish that everyone in the world would celebrate Earth Day! Even in a small way- to say thank you toour Earth.
I want to be able to clean fast today.
I wish/want my drs office would call in my authorizations for meds w/o me having to call them three times and counting to do so....

Good morning O's ;) Happy Earth day ..... it's raining here this morning ... ugh... sick of rain right now .... longing for warmer days so the girls can play outside and I can sit outside with my laptop ;) Soon enough though I suppose I will be complaining about it being too hot and wishing to be inside ;)

I'm off to work this morning ... the girls have a PA Day today so they are all home from school ... ;)

Love you all .... life is becoming a little more manageable so hopefully I will be around a little more soon ;)
good morning! today is crazy day... with ballet at 1:15 in the afternoons it always makes my day so weird! Gabe and I had a nice time at The Movie Tavern last night... they have the best fish and chips, so even though we found several new things on the menu that we wanted to try since the last time we went, we still went with the fish and chips LOL... the movie was really good too... I LOVE Russell Crowe - although I like the sleek one from Gladiator better than the one in last night's movie!

Not much going on today... I did like NO cleaning yesterday, so I've got to try to finish up the family room today so I can steam clean the carpet tomorrow night... and I need to work on the kitchen... tomorrow evening and Friday evening, Gabe will have to work on the yards so the kids can play outside! We're getting 80-ish degree weather for our party!

Anyway, Piper is balking at going to ballet today... so I've got to talk to her about..

Chris - birthday was great! even though I have serious problems with getting older LOL

hi Krista!

have a great day everyone!
Another busy day! But, things are getting better.

It is supposed to be 84 degrees here today! SO. The first thing I did today was get up before the twinks (which I never do!) and take a shower and shave my legs so I could bust out some shorts! YESSSS!!!

I have dance class tonight. Good thing. I need some stretching.

Lemme see. Chris - lol your story about the people at Shop Rite cracked me up. I can totally see that!! As for the contacts, he switched me to O2 Optix in February. At first the difference was incredible - they were so comfortable. But now I'm having some trouble. It is driving me nuts. I used to be so bad about leaving my contacts in b/c I couldn't get them in my left eye. Now I'm taking care of them like I should, but I'm still having trouble with it. ugh. Anyway. Good luck finding interesting and weird trash!

Sandra - the movie sounds like it was fun. I love fish and chips as well - I had the best ones when we were in Vegas. Yum! I'm glad you will have nice weather for your party!

Krista - Miss you chickie. :) I'm glad life is getting a little better. We miss you around here!!

I'm going to scrap a page for the amazing designer spotlight this week! Yay!!! And, I got my week 5 page for SUTUCS done last night. This was a hard challenge for me.
hey girlies!!

i've got a full day today, too...i have to get my weekly stampin' newletter out (feel free to sign up on my BLOG <=== shameless pimping!!) and send an invite out for my workshop on Thursday. (omgosh...that's tomorrow!! yikes!!) Then i have to sit down and do samples for tomorrow...and take care of the laundry that I stilll have not sorted through!!! omgosh!! it's like 20 loads!! i think i'll take a picture cause it's so unbelievable! LOL!!

Then tonight we are going out for dinner to celebrate our pastor's birthday and then on to a Bible study meeting...which reminds me...omgosh!! again...i have 4 chapters to do for tonight's study! yikes! I'm such a procrastinator..someone fix me!! LOL!!

Tali, i'm sorry about your eye mess! I've sorta been there...i have a bad astigmatism and my eye changes shape and so it took four different visits in one weekend to get the right contact for my left eye. AND i was out of town, so it was even more nuts...and i finally just had a contact that changed the shape of my eye...*sigh* needless to say, I wear glasses! LOL!! and i totally forgot last week to do my sutucs..so i'm out...good luck, darling!!

Ohhh Sandra, you have inspired me to want to go to our Alamo Draft Theater. i wonder when I'll have a free night to take Mr Gorgeous out for that! LOL!!! Glad your birthday was fun!! :) Happy day after your birthday!! :)

OHhhh momma k...i'm having serious withdrawls!! big time...miss you, love!!

Chris!!!! ohhhh let us know how the "cleaning" went!! both for the earth and for your job! :) We were successful to get everything off of the floors yesterday, so our house is kinda sparkly! heehee...i still have this immense pile of laundry that is driving each and everyone of us crazy!! but hopefully by tomorrow, it will be sorted and folded! yay!!

happy earth day and happy assistant's day (if you are an assistant...)!!

love you all!! :)
Good afternoon!!!! I've had a productive day, maybe a bit of nesting going on, cleaned the bathroom, mopped the kitchen, some laundry and the grocery store :). Now the little monkeys are down for naps and I think I am going to take one too! I am so relieved to have my class over with but now the waiting game is on. I was 1cm yesterday at my appt and his head is very very low (didn't need them to tell me that as I have to pee every 30 mins...sorry TMI). I don't really get into the cm countdown though, I was only 1cm the morning I had Sadie and when she decided to come out she did so in a hurry!

I need to get some meat browned for dinner and then I am going to take a snooz! Have a great day O's.
Good morning Lady O's!!

It is not sunny today but it is not raining either so I'll take it. I really don't mind these type of days...it is overcast but not dark, actually kind of bright. Work is okay today. I really need to get myself motivated to do some scrapping. I want to I just can't seem to get myself going. All I have to do is get my laptop out but...

So, I have decided I need to make a work change. I don't know about immediately but I don't like not getting home until 6 and I don't like having to work around silly medical providers and their intricacies. i don't mind dealing with the radiologist intricacies because their protocols actually make sense. I really need to go the Mammo conference so that I can start looking for a mammo job. Most x-ray techs have zero interest in Mammo but I always have. I have a thing for women's health...especially breast health between breast feeding and breast cancer. I would absolutely love to be a lactation consultant but that would be like going to school again. A lot of work.

So, after all my venting yesterday i had to explain to my husband how he was supposed to reply to me. He did the typical husband thing and analyzed then tried to make sense of it all. I wasn't mad at all it just wasn't the reaction I really wanted...so I broke it down for him and told him you are supposed to say "Yes Clara she really is a (fill in any word or phrase you find appropriate for the scenario). That sucks you have to work with her." And then I will feel all better and be able to move on. He laughed and said he'd try and remember that next time. It was funny.

We got to go to the park again yesterday. Addie of course decided to have a yucky diaper as soon as we left the house so me and her had to walk back. So then I had the brillian idea that I should take the dog in the car to the park. Not being the one to take care of the dog in general I didn't think this through and didn't bring a leash. this wasn't a big deal until Gryffe saw two little dog and ran over to them and tried sniffing them. he is harmless but can knock a little kid down quickly and can be a little scray. He is a huge dog. I think he is part moose or something. Derek had rope in the car so it worked out. We had fun at the park. there were some guys that were playing with those really expensive gas powered remote control cars and that was kinda cool. Ethan and Addie were both really enjoying that.

Tonight I have small group and amazingly I am actually caught up on my reading...even ahead a little bit. Amazing. We have had to cancel our group a lot because of illnesses and stuff so it will be nice to finally be able to get together. There is one girl in our group that I get frustrated with. She doesn't ever do her reading, she is awkwardly random, very young, and thinks the Old Testament is not relevant, which we read out of a lot. It is frustrating because you can't decide if you want to kick her in the rear or take her under your wing. She's a nice girl just a little strange.

So...everyone sounds like they have busy days.

Chris - I celebrated Earth Hour. Does that count? Last year Ethan wanted to do something so bad for Earth Day and we all forgot about it until the last minute so he ended up picking up trash around our neighborhood and did pretty good. I was really proud of him. I hope you find something cool.

Hi Krista! I hope you get some sunshine soon and hopefully you'll get less busy and we'll see more of you soon.

Sandra - Yay for no cleaning on your birthday. I hope you get everything done and i hope you get that awesome weather for your party. i want to go to a movie tavern. We have one not too far but I don't know if I would want to drive home afterward. It is about 45 minutes away.

Tali - Yay for shorts. I need to do a little tanning first and finish losing some weight. I don't know how long it has been since I wore shorts. I might brave a pair of capris though.

Sally - busy busy bee!! You have so much to do and you will get it all done I'm sure. Awesome. Good luck with that laundry.

Joslyn - lots of walking and you know what to get that baby out. Wow!! You must be getting so anxious. I'm excited for you.

Everyone else I hope you have great sunshiney days.
Chris (((hugs)))) Thanks you! I am dreading it because I know he will be in pain, but I am going to focus on vacation now and just have a great time with the family :) 2 weeks....and beach here I come!!!

Krista!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah there's Krista! Missed ya! ((hugs))

Sandra - So glad you had a great time last night :)

Tali - 84 degrees!!!! Awwwww....blow some of that warm air my way please ;)

Jos - sooooo excited for you!!!!! Keep us updated!

Sally (((hugs))) Have fun tonight! I am feeling like we need a power lift soon ;)

Clara - too funny about your hubby!!! I am glad that you have a plan about work and that is a great thing that you are interested in women's health :)

Well from my corner of the world.....HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!
Hey ladies, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I haven't completely disappeared just losing my mind slowly over here.

Miss you all. I'll make a longer post later.
