
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, September 3


The Loopy-O
:brrr: It is so COLD! It took every last bit of effort to drag myself out of bed this morning. I was freezing. It was warm in my room when I went to bed so I had the window open a few inches. It is now 45* and I can't get warm.
I'm in that weird headspace where I refuse to give in to Autumn but in another week or so, it's going to be full-on Spooky Season. That always gets me excited. I guess we will decorate after Cait and Tom get back from their honeymoon. I usually decorate for the Sept/October b-day bash but I am *not* that this year. :no:

Did everyone enjoy their long weekend? I had a decent day yesterday, got a little of this and that done and I made it outside for some yardwork. Swatched out 10 lipstick colors and narrowed it down to two. I thought about taking photos of my forearms with the stripes on them but figured that you didn't need to see that too. LOL
Scott was able to stop by for dinner again-- 3 nights in the past week ♥ One of his coworkers asked him if I would be interested in meeting up to hike occasionally- I told him to go ahead and give her my cell #. That will be cool!

I'm not sure what I have planned for today other than steam cleaning one section of the carpet near the kitchen. There was a chocolate syrup incident there last night that needs to be dealt with. ;)

Wishing you all a fantastic day! :hug4:


The Loopy-O
A quick good thought/prayer request for today- if you can keep Sam and her family in your thoughts, it is the third anniversary of her brother's passing and I cannot imagine how awful it is for them. :brokenheart:
Thank you!


The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN Your nails are awesome, they match your tie-die workout wear :p
I have tooooo many lipsticks. I used to be a makeup queen, I even sold Avon and Mary Kay. Now I can't be bothered.
Oh, you asked about lips, not lipsticks. I have a negative # of lips, they are so thin they have disappeared. :giggle4:
I am sending out some really big hugs to you and your DH. It's really hard when the people you love and live with are giving off that cranky vibe and you can't help. Gary's bad moods put me on edge too.
Rule #1: NO STRESS ALLOWED. :shakingsense:

You got this, sweetheart! And we got you too. ♥

@BrightEyes I love the page of DD#1s album!
Awwww look at the teeny bun! We had a mom and baby on our lawn last week and we watched them eating the long grass for ages. They are so funny how they eat and how quickly the leaves disappear in their mouths. I've been noticing a lot of changes in the birds were have here too, everything is getting ready for fall. :/

Jeanne, you couldn't get me to the State Fair with that many people - eep. How long does it take to drive from one end of MN to the other? I am so used to NJ where you can cross east to west in an hour and a half and north to south in 4 hours. (No traffic of course, so you know we are in fantasy land)

@AK_Tracy You must be exhausted with the kiddos not sleeping and a cold on top of it. Please take it as easy as you can today. Since I know you need more :coffee1: here's an extra pot just for you :coffeedrinker:

Whisky is whining at me like crazy even though she was just outside. Let m,e see what she needs, BRB!


The Loopy-O
Yikes it is soooo cold out there!

@Terri M I bet the temps are amazing for biking and hiking. :) Good luck with the bridge repair and I hope you enjoyed your nap!

@mimes1 How are you feeling, back to normal(ish) yet? :praying2:

Jeanne, I think Caitylyn and I used that technique on our nails when she was younger- that is, before she switched over to only black nail polish. It was fun!

@vickyday I typically like darker colors on my nails when I wear polish. Thanks! The foundation post was about me putting 6 different foundation colors and formulas on the side of my face to pick the one that matches best. I did nails, foundation, and lipsticks.
Wow!! What a difference in your house! It looks amazing and open. I bet you'll have so much more light inside too. I hope it helps the gutters and water in the basement.

Better get going-- Love to everyone!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Jeanne, you couldn't get me to the State Fair with that many people - eep. How long does it take to drive from one end of MN to the other? I am so used to NJ where you can cross east to west in an hour and a half and north to south in 4 hours. (No traffic of course, so you know we are in fantasy land)
There aren't enough deep fried whatever and all of the varied whatevers on a or stick to get me there, not even for my grands. Expensive, parking is a nightmare, and even without those things, PEOPLE:sick::sick::sick: I have disappearing lips and eyebrows, I don't bother with makeup anymore and honestly I'm bad about moisturizing. If you were to go from the southern border to the pokey out top point about 9 hours, without traffic through the Cities :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: road construction :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: about 9 hours, if you go from the very widest point by Lake Superior to Grand Forks it's about the same amount of time. Traffic isn't the issue up there other than there isn't a straight shot from one to the other.
Oh, you asked about lips, not lipsticks. I have a negative # of lips, they are so thin they have disappeared. :giggle4:
I am sending out some really big hugs to you and your DH. It's really hard when the people you love and live with are giving off that cranky vibe and you can't help. Gary's bad moods put me on edge too.
It's bad because it's the 4 a------- that are pretty much blackmailing the other 6. The two worst out of the 4 are about as Type A as you can get and one says, whatever X says is what my vote is. The 6 are basically not speaking to the 4 and vice versa. Actually I'm more the cranky one trying not to be cranky, hubs has been in a really good place with me, other than the petty things I'm not being cranky about. I've seen 3 out of those 4 for what they are for 46 years now, and he's beginning to see what I do. It's really a shame because they were always close other than the spoiled brat. I scrap so I don't have to think about it, and I just listen when he's venting because I totally agree with him. Thank you for the hugs. I'm just going to leave my dirty laundry info for when my underwear drawer is empty, not that anyone cares:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

We are going to donate platelets today and tomorrow and probably prepay the dentist so we get a 5% discount, round 1 of dental work is Thursday. I need more coffee.


Whooo-whoo!!! It is on 57*F right now!!! Hasn't been in the 50's since June. Yes... fall will be here before we know it. NM State Fair starts this weekend. I have no plans for going out into the crowd... too many people and Covid numbers are rising rapidly.

@faerywings my mind is spinning and I am LOL over what the 'chocolate syrup incident' must have been. I can see you doing a slip/slide dance while squeezing the chocolate syrup container and it going everywhere!! :floorlaugh: Sorry... I have a crazy sense of humor and that popped into my head.

Thanks for the nice comments on DD#1's title page. And to round it all out..... THE WEDDING ALBUM IS FINISHED!!! Got the photo frames cut out and all the pages done yesterday afternoon. And to finish it off, I made the Album's front cover and side cover from this fabulous "Love - Wedding" paper. I also used the same paper as a divider between each of the weddings. There was just enough room to fit all 5 of the weddings into the 3" binder. I ran out of steam so I still have to clear off the island and put all the scrapping supplies away today. I always forget how much stuff it takes when doing paper scrapping. But I have to admit that I am very happy with how this project turned out.


Do I have another big project (paper scrapping one) waiting in the wings, you asked??? Yes... I have several years of our All School Reunions photos waiting in the wings. I already have 2 full albums that I finished just before hubby passed away. I just ran across 10 more large photos from those years yesterday... to add to the 50+ photos in the box I already have. Thank goodness everything I need for the pages are already in the crate. I lost the Route 66 stamp so need to look for one. But... that will make a good project to work on during winter. :floorlaugh::rotfl::floorlaugh:

The coffee cup is empty and I need to check out the challenges. BBL


Well-Known Member
I'm with you ladies about the fairs...I haven't been to one it 10 years or so...greasy food -no way, rides-no thank you, animals are ok, truck & tractor pulls ok...most other stuff ok Too many people impossible parking so not going and not missing it.

More travel for me!!!! I leave next Thursday to go to Cleveland for long weekend to go to concert. Meeting Dearest Daughter, Grand daughter and Daughter in Law. Rod Stewart (my fave-9th time to see him) and Billy Joel (second fave-3rd to see him in concert but saw him 2 times on his boat on Long Island) Southwest has changed our flight 3 times but this morning I was able to get on same flight as them for our return --all to Baltimore/Washington then they go Hartford and I go Tampa. This will be so much fun...Saturday we are all going to Rock N Roll Hall of Fame...I have been but it will be fun going with them.

@faerywings brrr. I remember those cooler temps sneaking up on us when we lived in CT. I hope you got warmed up. LOL I used to sell Avon too. Now I hardly wear any make-up...funny how that works.

Have a great day ladies, got to go do something constructive even though this is more fun.


Love my O Family!
:brrr: It is so COLD! It took every last bit of effort to drag myself out of bed this morning. I was freezing. It was warm in my room when I went to bed so I had the window open a few inches. It is now 45* and I can't get warm.
I'm in that weird headspace where I refuse to give in to Autumn but in another week or so, it's going to be full-on Spooky Season. That always gets me excited. I guess we will decorate after Cait and Tom get back from their honeymoon. I usually decorate for the Sept/October b-day bash but I am *not* that this year. :no:

Did everyone enjoy their long weekend? I had a decent day yesterday, got a little of this and that done and I made it outside for some yardwork. Swatched out 10 lipstick colors and narrowed it down to two. I thought about taking photos of my forearms with the stripes on them but figured that you didn't need to see that too. LOL
Scott was able to stop by for dinner again-- 3 nights in the past week ♥ One of his coworkers asked him if I would be interested in meeting up to hike occasionally- I told him to go ahead and give her my cell #. That will be cool!

I'm not sure what I have planned for today other than steam cleaning one section of the carpet near the kitchen. There was a chocolate syrup incident there last night that needs to be dealt with. ;)

Wishing you all a fantastic day! :hug4:
It is pretty chilly here this morning, too.....but not THAT chilly! 40's! WOW!


Love my O Family!
Yikes it is soooo cold out there!

@Terri M I bet the temps are amazing for biking and hiking. :) Good luck with the bridge repair and I hope you enjoyed your nap!

@mimes1 How are you feeling, back to normal(ish) yet? :praying2:

Jeanne, I think Caitylyn and I used that technique on our nails when she was younger- that is, before she switched over to only black nail polish. It was fun!

@vickyday I typically like darker colors on my nails when I wear polish. Thanks! The foundation post was about me putting 6 different foundation colors and formulas on the side of my face to pick the one that matches best. I did nails, foundation, and lipsticks.
Wow!! What a difference in your house! It looks amazing and open. I bet you'll have so much more light inside too. I hope it helps the gutters and water in the basement.

Better get going-- Love to everyone!
I like wearing darker colors, too. Not black, but maroon-ish mostly. I had a blue or purple color once that was almost black but I didn't care for it. If I go light the only color I wear is icy white/pearly, and usually only in the summer.
Yes, the living room was much lighter even in the overcast/stormy weather we had yesterday! The only problem is, since I have sheers up at the windows and the house faces the road, at night people will be able to see right into our living room. I may have to get curtains to pull closed at night. We will see.


Love my O Family!
Whooo-whoo!!! It is on 57*F right now!!! Hasn't been in the 50's since June. Yes... fall will be here before we know it. NM State Fair starts this weekend. I have no plans for going out into the crowd... too many people and Covid numbers are rising rapidly.

@faerywings my mind is spinning and I am LOL over what the 'chocolate syrup incident' must have been. I can see you doing a slip/slide dance while squeezing the chocolate syrup container and it going everywhere!! :floorlaugh: Sorry... I have a crazy sense of humor and that popped into my head.

Thanks for the nice comments on DD#1's title page. And to round it all out..... THE WEDDING ALBUM IS FINISHED!!! Got the photo frames cut out and all the pages done yesterday afternoon. And to finish it off, I made the Album's front cover and side cover from this fabulous "Love - Wedding" paper. I also used the same paper as a divider between each of the weddings. There was just enough room to fit all 5 of the weddings into the 3" binder. I ran out of steam so I still have to clear off the island and put all the scrapping supplies away today. I always forget how much stuff it takes when doing paper scrapping. But I have to admit that I am very happy with how this project turned out.

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Do I have another big project (paper scrapping one) waiting in the wings, you asked??? Yes... I have several years of our All School Reunions photos waiting in the wings. I already have 2 full albums that I finished just before hubby passed away. I just ran across 10 more large photos from those years yesterday... to add to the 50+ photos in the box I already have. Thank goodness everything I need for the pages are already in the crate. I lost the Route 66 stamp so need to look for one. But... that will make a good project to work on during winter. :floorlaugh::rotfl::floorlaugh:

The coffee cup is empty and I need to check out the challenges. BBL
Your albums are made with such love and care, Kay! And they are beautiful!


Love my O Family!
I'm with you ladies about the fairs...I haven't been to one it 10 years or so...greasy food -no way, rides-no thank you, animals are ok, truck & tractor pulls ok...most other stuff ok Too many people impossible parking so not going and not missing it.

More travel for me!!!! I leave next Thursday to go to Cleveland for long weekend to go to concert. Meeting Dearest Daughter, Grand daughter and Daughter in Law. Rod Stewart (my fave-9th time to see him) and Billy Joel (second fave-3rd to see him in concert but saw him 2 times on his boat on Long Island) Southwest has changed our flight 3 times but this morning I was able to get on same flight as them for our return --all to Baltimore/Washington then they go Hartford and I go Tampa. This will be so much fun...Saturday we are all going to Rock N Roll Hall of Fame...I have been but it will be fun going with them.

@faerywings brrr. I remember those cooler temps sneaking up on us when we lived in CT. I hope you got warmed up. LOL I used to sell Avon too. Now I hardly wear any make-up...funny how that works.

Have a great day ladies, got to go do something constructive even though this is more fun.
I second the fair business! I can do without all of it!
The concert sounds wonderful! Especially Rod Stewart. I don't remember much about Billy Joel's songs. Mine and 1st DH's favorite group was Chicago. We did go to one of their concerts. Probably back in the early 70's in Cincinnati.


Well-Known Member
I second the fair business! I can do without all of it!
The concert sounds wonderful! Especially Rod Stewart. I don't remember much about Billy Joel's songs. Mine and 1st DH's favorite group was Chicago. We did go to one of their concerts. Probably back in the early 70's in Cincinnati.
That must have been an amazing concert their music is awesome.


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
The holiday has my days all messed up. Thought this was Monday!
It was pretty chilly walking this morning. Low 60s and the wind was blowing enough that it was giving me an ear ache, so I packed it up and came home after a mile! Now I'm doing laundry and waiting for it to warm up a bit so I can wash the windows outside. Especially the front of the house where Mark took down the bush trees. It faces the road and they are filthy and spider webby where I couldn't get to them. I will probably have to buy curtains to go over my sheers since there are no longer bushes to hide the view into the house from the road, too. But it is so much brighter in the living room where I spend most of my time during the day. Loving it!
Ilene, her daughters and I are going to try to go see The Forge tomorrow at another theater about 45 minutes from here. Hopefully we will be able to get in! It starts at 1 so we will probably do lunch while we are out. I will probably go ahead and dress for church because it will be suppertime by the time I get back home tomorrow.
That's about it for me. Getting ready to work on my daily ATC and see what other challenge I can get into while waiting on the laundry and waiting on it to warm up outside. I did Anna's Lift challenge yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All!
It is currently NOT raining!!! WOO HOO!

It was warm in my room when I went to bed so I had the window open a few inches. It is now 45*
Our window has been open since June but now its just two inches as yeah temps are falling. You're (were) almost as cool as us, 41* but we wont close close the window yet. Soon. but not yet.
@AK_Tracy You must be exhausted with the kiddos not sleeping and a cold on top of it. Please take it as easy as you can today. Since I know you need more :coffee1: here's an extra pot just for you :coffeedrinker:
I slept so hard! Thank you for the extra pot of coffee. I'm off to get some as soon as I finish typing. Today is not a rest day.
We are going to donate platelets today and tomorrow and probably prepay the dentist so we get a 5% discount, round 1 of dental work is Thursday. I need more coffee.
Yeah for dental work. Means its will be over soon. I'm sorry your hubs family is going through the wringer. That's so hard.
I can see you doing a slip/slide dance while squeezing the chocolate syrup container and it going everywhere!! :floorlaugh: Sorry... I have a crazy sense of humor and that popped into my head.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I too was imagining a funny. And how dare Chris leave up hanging with no story or photos :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
This is stunning Kay! I love the paper you used for the album. That is super cool they all fit in one binder too.
More travel for me!!!! I leave next Thursday to go to Cleveland for long weekend to go to concert. Meeting Dearest Daughter, Grand daughter and Daughter in Law.
What a fun time this will be!
But it is so much brighter in the living room where I spend most of my time during the day. Loving it!
Lots of natural light is awesome!

Its not raining, as mentioned above. I'm hoping my car is dry and I dont have issues with it today. Have PT and then a coffee date. Will be a fun day but not a restful day. I can hear DS blowing his nose. Camping trip full of teens and he came home sick. Not surprised but was hoping. Guess were gonna be a house of snotties for a bit. Just what I dont need since tomorrow will be super busy. I'm looking forward to Sunday. My least busy day this week.

Off to get that coffee Chris brewed for me.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@BoatLady that will be a fantastic trip.

I'm glad to hear there are others who don't bother with makeup. I have blond eyebrows and eyelashes and I spent decades trying to make them visible but anymore I just go pfffft.... unless it's some important affair I get dressed up for. Funny, when I retired I thought I would need all these different kinds of clothes for various events I would be going to, and it ends up basically I need jeans, khakis, a few polo shirts, and a nice white blouse. I've been tossing things out of the closet for 10 years.

We got one bridge built this morning! Granted, it was the small, flat, easy one, but still, it counts as progress in recovering from the storm. We will start work on another one this afternoon. I'm anxious to get these finished.

Almost caught up on my Project Life weekly pages. I was doing so well until the kids came to stay, but a week or two of quiet has been productive. Every so often I go look at my albums from other years and get motivated to stay on top of it, since I enjoy having them so much. I also have to get back into working on our photos from our Disney trip in April. I promised the kids a book , at this rate it will be a Christmas gift!

Sounds like lots of good weather, so everyone have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... it was a busy long weekend! DH and I finished off cleaning out the garage and shooing all of the little spiders and three crickets out from under the big freezer. Yuck I do not like bugs! As I was sweeping them all out of the garage I was yelling "GET OUT, GO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO LIVE"!! :rollingpin1: MOMMA DON'T ALLOW NO SPIDERS IN HER GARAGE! :giggle4:. I am sure the neighbours all thought I was nuts! It is nice not to listen to all those crickets chirping while I am scrounging through the freezer! We spent the afternoon at my brother's place on the river, it was his birthday yesterday and we had a lovely time sitting on their dock and watching the last of the tubers floating down the river. We ordered pizza and chatted the evening away. We always have such a good time with my brother and his wife. SIL Linda is still sick with Covid, however FIL must be feeling better as I saw him drive away in his car yesterday, so we are hoping that he is testing negative and not spreading his germs to everyone he sees. I am thinking that MIL is still sick, she was probably happy to have him out of her hair for a bit!! I will call later this morning to see how everyone is doing today. We took burgers that my Gary had BBQ'd over to them the other night and MIL was very happy to not have to cook! Wish they would pick up the phone once in awhile to order delivery, but they just don't quite understand the concept of doing that. It's frustrating:banghead:. Oh well all we can do is offer to help out. Heather and the boys are off to the city to pick up Hunter's new glasses and a few other things before they start school, sure hope that they are finally getting some sunshine, they have had such a wet summer!

It is so COLD! It took every last bit of effort to drag myself out of bed this morning. I was freezing. It was warm in my room when I went to bed so I had the window open a few inches. It is now 45* and I can't get warm.
Brrrr!! It is cooler here also, but not that cold!! Hope it warms up for you today! I was way too warm all night long and kept throwing the covers off, can't have my bedroom window open as the neighbours have wind chimes and they drive my Gary nuts!!
A quick good thought/prayer request for today- if you can keep Sam and her family in your thoughts, it is the third anniversary of her brother's passing and I cannot imagine how awful it is for them. :brokenheart:
Sending lots of prayers and good wishes to Sam and her family, it must be so sad for them!!
There aren't enough deep fried whatever and all of the varied whatevers on a or stick to get me there, not even for my grands.
I am with you!! You couldn't pay me enough to go to those dam fairs!! They are such a ripoff!! Too many people, crappy food and too noisy. I sound like a grumpy old lady :giggle4:
I always forget how much stuff it takes when doing paper scrapping. But I have to admit that I am very happy with how this project turned out.
Yes so much clean up with paper scrapping, but I still love to work with all the beautiful papers etc. Digi is much easy to put away for sure. You album turned out so beautiful!! I am sure the next project will be equally beautiful!
More travel for me!!!! I leave next Thursday to go to Cleveland for long weekend to go to concert. Meeting Dearest Daughter, Grand daughter and Daughter in Law. Rod Stewart (my fave-9th time to see him) and Billy Joel (second fave-3rd to see him in
Lucky you to see Rod Stewart and Billy Joel!! I just love both! We just saw ELO and what a great concert that was!!
Now I'm doing laundry and waiting for it to warm up a bit so I can wash the windows outside. Especially the front of the house where Mark took down the bush trees.
Hope you get your windows cleaned I need to do that job also, but on the garage door they are a mess! Sounds like you might have to get those curtains for some privacy now.

I can hear DS blowing his nose. Camping trip full of teens and he came home sick.
Oh dear, hope that it isn't Covid!!

Ok SIL Linda is txting me, she needs a few groceries, says the In-Laws are both testing negative so that is good, bet they are driving each other crazy being cooped up in the house for so long!! We are thankful that we are still healthy in this house!! Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday!!


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, hope that it isn't Covid!!
Nope, just a head cold from being out in nature four days, 50 teenagers, tired, and run down. Just a stuffed up head. Will stuff him full of Vitamin C and I am sure he'll be right as rain as soon as he catches up on sleep. :heartpumppink: Happens every year when he does the youth group camp out.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning All!
It is currently NOT raining!!! WOO HOO!

Our window has been open since June but now its just two inches as yeah temps are falling. You're (were) almost as cool as us, 41* but we wont close close the window yet. Soon. but not yet.

I slept so hard! Thank you for the extra pot of coffee. I'm off to get some as soon as I finish typing. Today is not a rest day.

Yeah for dental work. Means its will be over soon. I'm sorry your hubs family is going through the wringer. That's so hard.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I too was imagining a funny. And how dare Chris leave up hanging with no story or photos :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

This is stunning Kay! I love the paper you used for the album. That is super cool they all fit in one binder too.

What a fun time this will be!

Lots of natural light is awesome!

Its not raining, as mentioned above. I'm hoping my car is dry and I dont have issues with it today. Have PT and then a coffee date. Will be a fun day but not a restful day. I can hear DS blowing his nose. Camping trip full of teens and he came home sick. Not surprised but was hoping. Guess were gonna be a house of snotties for a bit. Just what I dont need since tomorrow will be super busy. I'm looking forward to Sunday. My least busy day this week.

Off to get that coffee Chris brewed for me.
Hope your household feels better soon!
Yes, I love natural lighting!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone... it was a busy long weekend! DH and I finished off cleaning out the garage and shooing all of the little spiders and three crickets out from under the big freezer. Yuck I do not like bugs! As I was sweeping them all out of the garage I was yelling "GET OUT, GO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO LIVE"!! :rollingpin1: MOMMA DON'T ALLOW NO SPIDERS IN HER GARAGE! :giggle4:. I am sure the neighbours all thought I was nuts! It is nice not to listen to all those crickets chirping while I am scrounging through the freezer! We spent the afternoon at my brother's place on the river, it was his birthday yesterday and we had a lovely time sitting on their dock and watching the last of the tubers floating down the river. We ordered pizza and chatted the evening away. We always have such a good time with my brother and his wife. SIL Linda is still sick with Covid, however FIL must be feeling better as I saw him drive away in his car yesterday, so we are hoping that he is testing negative and not spreading his germs to everyone he sees. I am thinking that MIL is still sick, she was probably happy to have him out of her hair for a bit!! I will call later this morning to see how everyone is doing today. We took burgers that my Gary had BBQ'd over to them the other night and MIL was very happy to not have to cook! Wish they would pick up the phone once in awhile to order delivery, but they just don't quite understand the concept of doing that. It's frustrating:banghead:. Oh well all we can do is offer to help out. Heather and the boys are off to the city to pick up Hunter's new glasses and a few other things before they start school, sure hope that they are finally getting some sunshine, they have had such a wet summer!

Brrrr!! It is cooler here also, but not that cold!! Hope it warms up for you today! I was way too warm all night long and kept throwing the covers off, can't have my bedroom window open as the neighbours have wind chimes and they drive my Gary nuts!!

Sending lots of prayers and good wishes to Sam and her family, it must be so sad for them!!

I am with you!! You couldn't pay me enough to go to those dam fairs!! They are such a ripoff!! Too many people, crappy food and too noisy. I sound like a grumpy old lady :giggle4:

Yes so much clean up with paper scrapping, but I still love to work with all the beautiful papers etc. Digi is much easy to put away for sure. You album turned out so beautiful!! I am sure the next project will be equally beautiful!

Lucky you to see Rod Stewart and Billy Joel!! I just love both! We just saw ELO and what a great concert that was!!

Hope you get your windows cleaned I need to do that job also, but on the garage door they are a mess! Sounds like you might have to get those curtains for some privacy now.

Oh dear, hope that it isn't Covid!!

Ok SIL Linda is txting me, she needs a few groceries, says the In-Laws are both testing negative so that is good, bet they are driving each other crazy being cooped up in the house for so long!! We are thankful that we are still healthy in this house!! Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday!!
I'm OK with bugs as long as they are not touching me!
Yes, I think I am definitely going to have to order curtains. I have $40 in Kohl's cash. I wonder how far that will take me? Need to check that out!


Love my O Family!
@BoatLady that will be a fantastic trip.

I'm glad to hear there are others who don't bother with makeup. I have blond eyebrows and eyelashes and I spent decades trying to make them visible but anymore I just go pfffft.... unless it's some important affair I get dressed up for. Funny, when I retired I thought I would need all these different kinds of clothes for various events I would be going to, and it ends up basically I need jeans, khakis, a few polo shirts, and a nice white blouse. I've been tossing things out of the closet for 10 years.

We got one bridge built this morning! Granted, it was the small, flat, easy one, but still, it counts as progress in recovering from the storm. We will start work on another one this afternoon. I'm anxious to get these finished.

Almost caught up on my Project Life weekly pages. I was doing so well until the kids came to stay, but a week or two of quiet has been productive. Every so often I go look at my albums from other years and get motivated to stay on top of it, since I enjoy having them so much. I also have to get back into working on our photos from our Disney trip in April. I promised the kids a book , at this rate it will be a Christmas gift!

Sounds like lots of good weather, so everyone have a great day!
I'm doing good to do my monthly reviews (of which I am behind on August)....I can't imagine doing it weekly! And to think I used to do the Project 365 layouts every day! Even now that I am retired I could not handle that!
I usually only put a little bit of blush and lipstick on if I'm going to lunch with Mark or going to church. Too much work!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening all,

I'm not sure if I made it in here yesterday and I'm too tired to look. Yesterday I was WIPED OUT!! TOO much fun, but I was exhausted. We walked SO much and then returning the next day to find me a Tshirt (Thanks Kay @BrightEyes for your sweet comments - and being happy I got a Tshirt.) It's very cool and commemorated the event, so I had to have one. Thanks to ALL of you for sharing my joy at being able to attent my very first powwow. It's going to be such a wonderful memory.

I didn't tell you that we also celebrated Ava's 24th bd over the weekend. There were so many people at Adrienne and Roger's and we had a great time. Ava's bd is actually tomorrow, but we usually celebrate over the Labor Day weekend. It was cloudy all weekend and still is today, and as you know, we sat outside in the rain for two hours at the powwow. Our temps have really dropped, too. It got into the mid seventies today and feels amazing.

Chris @faerywings thinking of Sam and her family today. Anniversaries are tough. Sending love and hugs.

Kay @BrightEyes your albums are just wonderful - I'm sure your kids are going to treasure them, as well.

I've been working on the blog post today. I'm still very tired and haven't even felt like scrapping. So, I'm puttering with my post and it's revealing the new August Color Play palette, plus some gorgeous layouts that some of you have been adding to the thread "Come show us your layouts". (Shameless plug.)

Trudy @taxed4ever sounds like you had a lovely day with your brother. It must be beautiful where you live.

Well, I'm worn out for now, but hopefully, I can pop back in and do more personals. My sister is calling me in a bit and we'll probably talk for a couple of hours.

Hugs to ALL and I hope you're having a good day. XOXO