
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 25


The Loopy-O
Tell me how it went from summer to deep Autumn in a matter of a week?? Really really cold!! I wore a sweater coat all day in the house yesterday. pretty soon I am gonna have to break out my terrorist hat. (I wear a ski-hat-- a coupalina as my grandma would say-- all the time in the winter b/c I always so cold, my kids say I look like a terrorist).

I had a great day yesterday! Nothing exciting whatsoever, but I had a few hours to just scrap and I got 3 pages done. 3!!! One is for an October Challenge, but I am pretty happy with the 2 in the gallery.
It was so quiet here and with the house pretty much put back after the party I didn't feel like I was being lazy or anything!

Oh! I lied!! I scrapped 4 pages yesterday- 2 are for challenges!! I was on a ROLL!!!! :roll:

Today is working and babysitting and all that good stuff.

What are all of you up too? Hopefully good, relaxing and fun!!

Tip on Tuesday:
This is for Phyllis, mostly. She asked how I get my house to have the illusion of being clean. Lysol Wipes. It is so easy to grab a wipe and just wipe down the bathroom, the kitchen, fingerprints on the walls, etc with them. If I wipe down my bathroom every day with one- sink, toilet bowl and the floor around them, it never looks too bad.

And there ya have it!



The Loopy-O
personals from you busy talkers yesterday!

OMG- how fun would it be to all hang out at Nana's house?? Nana, I promise you it wouldn't be quiet any more, but it would be fun!

Nana- too finny about Jaiden- When Cait was little, she would threaten to run away, she would get a bag and walk to the door and look at me like "Hey, I am going, Really. I am. On my way. Right now. So, yeah. I am out the door. .... Oh fine!" *stomps upstairs*

HELEN!!!!!!!! get back here!!!!!! We have missed you so much!

Hi Linda S!

Eva-Good thoughts for a speedy week for you. How is John doing this week, any better?

Laurie- excellent job on the Boot Camp!!

Bwuahahah!! Eva!!!! Papa smear... how could is possible get better than that?!

Phyllis- I hope you like the soup- we had the last of it for dinner last night, It reheats well. I adore soups as meals. Best (only) thing about winter!

Hi Kim! How was your lunch? I meet up with my BFF once a month for coffee and it is the nicest thing. Hope yours was great too and that Isaac was good for you as well.

Terry! *waves hi*

Jen- I would pay good money to see you and Nana hanging around upside down. Hmmm, where could I have seen that pic before??? See, I *knew* that FB pic reminded me of both of you!
So what is the male/female break down of your kids so far? Did you find out if you saw what you think you saw on the u/s?

Brenda- welcome to the Ooo's! How old are your little ones?

And it is that time again for me to brave the cold, dark bus stop with the kids. ugh!



lOve the O!
another bootcamp morning and my internet cut out, so I finished up on my own-last day of work this week- I am attending continuing ed for the rest of the week- vacation from work, not vacation from learning however- my brain will be very tired!!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Brenda. :wave: i'm new-ish, so if you were here before, i missed it!

Nana and Jen: waiting for the possum smiley!

Chris, i got a recipe for the soup off the internet. probably not the one YOU use. i really hated it!! i think they didn't tell me to cook the cauliflower long enough, so the texture of the soup was like Cream of Wheat after i put it in the blender. my husband liked it, but i only took a few spoonsful and then QUIT. the rest of it went down the sink. does your recipe use Cream of Celery soup? i picked the recipe that DIDN'T. everything was from scratch. that was apparently a mistake. i think i'll be SAFE and make French Onion tonight....

Laurie, is there a website for your bootcamp? i'd like to see what it's like. i don't exactly understand what it is.

wow, it's cold in here! 62 degrees. i have the thermostat set really low to avoid having the furnace coming on and drying up my nose. (even though we have a humidifier on the furnace. i don't get it....) i've cracked out my winter UNIFORM: Land's End fleece tops, and i wore one yesterday. i wonder if this cold weather is going to last, or if we're going to get more 80 degree weather before it all goes to hell in November. WAHH!!!! i want to SKIP WINTER. :hurt:
today i might actually DO some of the housework i keep talking about. or not.

Happy Tuesday. Wear your favorite sweater. unless you're Terry. :Becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Laurie, I am so impressed with your bootcamp. As a matter of fact, I'm so impressed that I'm going to shutdown the internet and take a short walk myself!


lOve the O!
Phylis I joined an 8 week bootcamp from the no excuses workout website. There is not a link to it now, but I am sure they will be running another one- it is all about doing daily things, positive attitude and doing what you can. I have the no excuses system, lost the cd in the flood- I will find it eventually- I like that they give alternatives for the less than fit and praise you constantly. This week I must add in RAF- random acts of fitness- some of which I already do- park in the furthest spot at work, take the stairs not the elevator, others- moving while brushing teeth- lets just say I already have to wear a bib when I brush. I am feeling so much more energized and haven't really changed my eating patterns so I think I may have finally hit on a "gym" that works for me. LindaS- go team!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!

chris--four LO's done in a day. Now that would be a record for me. I don't even get 4 done a week. I can only imagine how much you enjoyed those few hours to do nothing but scrap. I'd love to have that time--maybe in a few weeks. My schedule is packed for the next few weeks.

Laurie--what kind of work do you do? I have to attend continuing ed for my profession also. Actually, I don't like going unless it is some new place that I haven't been. Then I take my camera and go on photo walks.

Phyllis-sorry you had to break out your winter uniform. I love fleece tops--we just don't have cold weather very often. While you were breaking out the winter uniform, I was trying to figure out if I should wear shorts or capris.

Need to get busy--want to work on a layout before I start work.


lOve the O!
Terry- I am a physical therapist with a specialty in pediatric therapy- my motto- drool happens- on the floor with the kiddo's keeps me young! This conference is on reflex integration the Masgutova method-


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies.

I can't believe y'all are complaining about fall weather! It's been so stinking hot here all summer, I could hug fall. It's my favorite season anyway, but it is so welcome. I just hope it sticks around for a bit before plunging into winter.

I'm supposed to have a staff meeting this morning, but my sister can't watch Isaac so I think we're just going to hang at home. I've taken him before, but it never seems worth it. He gets overtired and I'm distracted the whole time.

He's been working so hard on rolling over and right now he is lying on the floor 3/4 of the way there. In fact, I'm trying to decide if this counts as rolling over for the first time! He's basically got his butt over, but still has his torso turned to the side. He's sooooo close.

Anyway, I've been working on my bloggity-blog the past day or so, but now I need to, you know, actually post things on it. :) Of course, I stayed up super late scrapping last night, so a early morning nap is also tempting. We'll see.

Chris- Lunch with my friend was great, but went by sooo quick. She was on her lunch break so she had to run back to work. I hope I get to hang out with her again soon!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi Ladies :wave: just popping in quick while I still have wifi we are in Reno now heading home. Yesterday was the most boring day!!! Driving through the desert, not my idea of a good time! Not sure where we are going today? Just a couple of nomads! Lol. Well hubby has my coffee ready so gotta go not much fun posting on my phone! Love ya all !! :wave:


Well-Known Member
TROOOOODY!!! i love that you're checking in. i can DREAM, can't i? have fun just wandering around. sounds like FUN!

Kim, where i live it goes from 90 degrees to 39 degrees overnight. and then, sometimes, back again. GRADUAL would be nice. i just gotta say that Isaac is SOO cute!

Teri, this time of year i wish i were where YOU are! i just put all my capris away for the year.

Chris, that's the one i DIDN'T use, because i thought i'd be a smarty pants and not use the canned Celery soup. i definitely am using YOUR recipe next time. the 45 minutes cooking time makes a whole lot more sense than the 15 minutes the stupid recipe i used told me to do.

Thanks, Laurie. i'm going to do some searching about this!

Linda, i'm impressed that you turned off the C and went for a walk. i'm trying to decide whether i feel like going out to do my roundandround patio walk in 45 degrees.....


Well-Known Member
ok girls... i've been a bit pre-occupied lately so sorry about that. Totally gonna whine my head off here so be prepared... maybe send over some cheese with this whine... LOL

So the visit with the doc yesterday didn't go well. So this is going to be my last baby because they did an emergencey c-section with the last baby and now my risk is if I go into labour I could rip and bleed to death so the doc wants to do another csection as it's safer at this point, but the other dr I had last time never told me about any risks and I would have gotten my tubes tied if I was aware of what can happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I'm really really scared that I might go into labour and something bad will happen. sniff sniff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and last night I woke up at 2 with a charlie horse in my leg and FRICK DID THAT EVER HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I pulled a stomache muscle from weeding in my garden and and and... well I'm ok!!!!!!!!!!!! just being a big baby right now!


Well-Known Member
Jen, I would maybe consider getting a second doctor's opinion. I know that for a long time if you had a C-section it was always C-sections for you because they thought there was a big risk with going into labor after C-sections, but it turns out there's not. So for a long time doctor's were doing a lot of unnecessary C-sections.

I had an emergency C-section with Isaac and my OB said that she would be happy to let me labor next time.

Anyway, even if you don't look for a second opinion, maybe just take that doctor's words with a grain of salt (or a slice of cheese... :) ). Lots of women labor after C-sections and deliver happy healthy babies. So, whatever you do, don't worry and just trust that this babe will be OK however it makes it into the world.


Well-Known Member
Well Kim.. see he said if it was like 5 kids ago he'd be ok with it... seeing as how this is baby #10 the risks are much greater, and I think I'd have to agree with him. I'm just really not wanting to take that kind of risk of my uteris tearing... I could bleed out in min. And he did say this may not happen, just that the chances are much greater of this happening now, and labour can really be hard on that cut. It's like a balloon see... you can only blow it up so many times and it has a cut that weakens it and after so many babies well... ya, It's like playing russian roulette. No thanks LOL


Well-Known Member
aw Linda... I'm alright, thanks though :love: was just sitting on my deck watching the rain drizzle down and man that makes me happy!!!!! There's this smoky haze hovering for the last week so hopefully the rain washes that all away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but man... could really use a night where I'm not getting up to pee every 5 min LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ah, Jen, I see. :( Well, I hope everything goes well with this little one! Forgive me for jumping in like that, but what you're saying makes sense. I just know a lot of ladies get told they have to have C-sections when they don't. But, I will be praying instead of offering errant advice. :) I'm much better at praying.


Mistress of Mayhem
Jen - I had a planned c-section with John. It was a nice experience. I guess an emergency c-section is quite different - the stress, the panic, the fear. The planned c-section wasn't anything like that. The team was so nice. You could really feel that this was something special for them too. They talked me & DH through everything and everything was just great.