
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 2


The Loopy-O
This has to be the hottest and most humid week of all summer and all we are doing is getting ready for school. Bah humbug!

I have to make this quick, I want to get in the shower and do my IV before I head off to the supermarket. Cait is coming with me so maybe that will make it more fun?

The Birthday Bash got sort of all figured out, so that is good. I got the nail polish off of my toes, maybe today I will slap some new color them today.

And last day before school starts tomorrow. Cait's schedule is still messed up, and she always hates going back to school, so every time I talk to her she complains how uc she hates school. :(

Tip on Tuesday


Well-Known Member
Chris, i just said to my Hubby this morning: well, NOW we get summer! this weather is pretty disgusting. unbelievable humidity and heat, and now they're forecasting severe storms. one of my most vivid memories of the time when i was a teacher was going back to school, THEN the heat ramped up (no AC...), then the bees all showed up right in time for the kids going out for recess. weather in the Northeast. genesis of The Weather Bitch.

going to the chiropractor this a.m., then coming back home and hiding from the heat and storms indoors. i should be going food shopping, too, but we'll see. i'm not in the mood for carryng grocery bags in a downpour.

Happy Tuesday. no, really. it isn't Monday. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies, its just the opposite weather from what you are both having today. It is chilly and feels very much like Fall has arrived!! At least for the next couple of days anyway and then we should be back to some more summer weather :D

Chris - That is too bad that Cait hates to go back to school so much, hopefully it will change once she gets there. My DD hated high school too, but only after we had to move to a new town because of hubby's job posting. Grade nine was hell for her, she was bullied and did not have any friends there. We ended up having to send her back to the previous town that we lived in to finish school, she lived with friends, we missed her terribly and only saw her on weekends but she was happier and finished school. At least you get to see Cait at the end of each school day!!

Phylis - Ugghhh I hate humidity!! So not fair that your summer weather decided to arrive now!! Hope the storms are not too severe for you today. Food shopping can wait until the weather is better!

Yesterday was busy with trying to get our new shed built, we thought we might be able to put on the gravel piece in the corner of our backyard, but it is not going to be level enough no matter how much we try to make it that way. So off to Home Depot again to get lumber to make a frame for it to sit on. Got that done and now we are waiting for the :rain: to stop and for hubby to be home from work to get it finished and the doors put on. I can't wait to get all the rakes and shovels etc. out of the garage and into that shed!! Not much else going on for me today, some laundry and hopefully some scrapping and a visit on Skype with Mason and Heather :love: Enjoy the day everyone! :wave: