
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, September 17


The Loopy-O
Good morning and Happy Tuesday!

I think I am still flying on adrenaline and dopamine excesses. Can I somehow store some of it away for the winter when I know I will be cranky? I wish I could because I am so happy and optimistic right now. What a fantastic day I had yesterday. Everything was awesome. For me at least, not for Gary, but I could do nothing to help with that.
The day got off to a wonderful start with sharing rat pictures with Caitlyn on FB, they are having an amazing time. Caitlyn and Tom, that is. Although come to think of it, the rats got spoiled with extra treats too. ;) I went to the local McDonalds to ask if I could harvest some of the other giant sunflower heads for Homeschool. The poor kid at the register looked at me like I was nuts but the manager said it was ok "as long as he didn't see it" *wink wink* Then he said they were dying anyway, take as much as I wanted. Dang, those things weigh a ton! I took four and my bag was so heavy it felt like it was filled with rocks.

Next up, I dropped off the marriage license and messaged the newlyweds they were "official."

I went to work, spread out the first couple of lesson plans, rummaged through the storage cabinet, and went upstairs to scout out supplies. When I was up there, I could see why a lot of people would get creeped out. Scotty had a ghostly encounter there when he was an intern and some people don't like to be upstairs by themselves. Scott stopped in for coffee in the afternoon and I told him I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't see "Mr. Weis," the name we jokingly called the ghost. I hiked the trails and made notes of where to show the kids certain things, where some good leaves/rocks/mushrooms/potential animal dens might be. I brought a bag and collected some mushrooms and rocks and leaves. I was in my glory! :lovey3:

After I got home, I scrapped another page for Foxeysquirrel and uploaded both pages for her CT. Scott came by to visit. Played with the rats and then reheated leftovers for dinner. Fab day all around!

Today I have to clean the rats' cage and Scott and Sam are coming for dinner tonight.

Have a great one!!


The Loopy-O
I knew that I had talked about the "Mr. Weis" ghost before and had to search for it:
Ghost Stories
My son saw a ghost the other day. He is an intern at an Ecology Center and was in the main building alone. He was upstairs and saw a man walking down the hallway which surprised him because the building wasn't open to the public and no one else was on the schedule. He called out to him and got no response. He looked again and he was alone.
Being a chatty kind of guy, my son was talking to the ghost because, why not? He had some music playing and he asked the ghost if he liked what was on since he was playing Grateful Dead. Asks if you do, give me a sign or I can change it.

A small bottle rolls across the floor.
He picks it up, wondering where it came from.
There is writing on it- the word "ripple."
Guess what Grateful Dead song was on?


He pinky-promised me that the entire story was true. The building has been known to have ghosts and he had another very strange occurrence there over the summer that was witnessed by several other people. There is a box of the little bottles somewhere else in the building but not the room he was in.
Very, very strange.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning everyone, quick check in here! Our excitement last week was a neighbor found a lost homing pigeon on the ground in our neighborhood. The neighbor who found it got another neighbor asking what to do with it - that neighbor said "Take it to Amy!!" So they did - we set it up in our garage, seemed a little thin but otherwise healthy. He had a band, we located the racing club he came from, and they said Keep it!! :eek3: Yesterday the neighbor who found it bought him a cage, and took him to be her forever pet! It makes my heart so happy.

@JeanneMN Your comment about my grey hair made me laugh out loud! :) I colored it exactly once, and I was so uncomfortable and it was so not me I've never colored it since. I earned every one of those grey hairs and proud to show them off! :flower:

@faerywings So glad your joyfulness is lingering and that you've had a great couple of days!

Off to get ready for work - see you all later!


The Loopy-O
Anyway, she was being inducted into the hall of fame at our hs this weekend and inductees were introduced at halftime.
Congrats to your friend's DD! And how awesome that you spent so much time photographing their games for years and watched them grow as people and as athletes, so cool!
My bedtime is around 9 pm too. When the kids were in school, I *had to* be awake and caffeinated before they got up. Even younger than that, if they wanted a sane mommy, I had to have at least one cup of coffee in me. It was worth it for everyone's sake that I woke up before them. I guess that messed me up for life since I am almost always awake around 5-5.30.

@taxed4ever I am sorry for your ex-BIL but mostly for SIL Sharon. That's horrible news and seems unfair that she has to deal with it. (I know that sounds cold and I don't wish anything bad for him, just sad that she is left holding the bag. He doesn't sound like he was a nice person to her. YKWIM?)
Did you finish the concert LO? I have to spend more time in the Gallery, I see all of these amazing pages in the HAPS, intend to get in the Gallery and then never seem to make it. The Gallery has been taking forever to load lately too, is that happening for anyone else?
Today is the day Chris. Today I turn my phone off. I've done it before and its amazing. All I am doing is laundry, dishes, dinner and vacuuming (dog hair is crazy). So a low key not much going on day. Might d/l photos and see about scrapping some September layouts for my personal books. But yep, I set the auto notification and will put the phone in the bedroom and leave it all day. (and night)
So this is what you call a "nothing" day? :rotfl:
Coffee=nice mom
And it looks like we never outgrow that role HA!!

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for the week 3 AJ link! I need to work on that one and finish prepping week 4.

The concert was AMAZING!!! I have seen Rod 9 times and Billy 3 times now and I have to say it was one of my favorites ( Best was when I caught the RS soccer ball). Granddaughter cried she was so happy to see Billy Joel. 50,000+ people attended. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was really crowded but still fun. Spending time with the girls of my family was so much fun, I am so lucky to have them all. Now back to real life again.
What a wonderful weekend!! How old is your G-DD? Did you get photos of the weekend (silly questions LOL)? Can't wait to see what you scrap :D

No bike riding! We've had drizzle/rain for 2 days. Maybe that is what we are getting from whatever storm is out and about, LOL! I do not listen to the news, so I don't even know.
My cold is better. The tickle/cough is hanging on, but other than the headache that is probably caused from the rainy weather I'm good!
That's too bad about the weather. Caitlyn said that their FL port stop was canceled due to bad weather and that the water had been rough. I hope that you don't get anything more than some drizzle. I hope the tickle goes away soon.

Jeanne!!! The Snoopy meme is hysterical!! :lol23:

Now I am going to sit in the chair with the massager going and feet propped up... after I take some meds for the knee. May have a bowl of cereal for supper and go to bed early.
Glad to hear that you are off your feet, you had a really busy day, especially starting out with your knee acting up. Hope its a lot better today



Love my O Family!
Good morning and Happy Tuesday!

I think I am still flying on adrenaline and dopamine excesses. Can I somehow store some of it away for the winter when I know I will be cranky? I wish I could because I am so happy and optimistic right now. What a fantastic day I had yesterday. Everything was awesome. For me at least, not for Gary, but I could do nothing to help with that.
The day got off to a wonderful start with sharing rat pictures with Caitlyn on FB, they are having an amazing time. Caitlyn and Tom, that is. Although come to think of it, the rats got spoiled with extra treats too. ;) I went to the local McDonalds to ask if I could harvest some of the other giant sunflower heads for Homeschool. The poor kid at the register looked at me like I was nuts but the manager said it was ok "as long as he didn't see it" *wink wink* Then he said they were dying anyway, take as much as I wanted. Dang, those things weigh a ton! I took four and my bag was so heavy it felt like it was filled with rocks.

Next up, I dropped off the marriage license and messaged the newlyweds they were "official."

I went to work, spread out the first couple of lesson plans, rummaged through the storage cabinet, and went upstairs to scout out supplies. When I was up there, I could see why a lot of people would get creeped out. Scotty had a ghostly encounter there when he was an intern and some people don't like to be upstairs by themselves. Scott stopped in for coffee in the afternoon and I told him I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't see "Mr. Weis," the name we jokingly called the ghost. I hiked the trails and made notes of where to show the kids certain things, where some good leaves/rocks/mushrooms/potential animal dens might be. I brought a bag and collected some mushrooms and rocks and leaves. I was in my glory! :lovey3:

After I got home, I scrapped another page for Foxeysquirrel and uploaded both pages for her CT. Scott came by to visit. Played with the rats and then reheated leftovers for dinner. Fab day all around!

Today I have to clean the rats' cage and Scott and Sam are coming for dinner tonight.

Have a great one!!
WOW! You DID have one terrific day! Sorry your DH is not feeling well, however.


Love my O Family!
Congrats to your friend's DD! And how awesome that you spent so much time photographing their games for years and watched them grow as people and as athletes, so cool!
My bedtime is around 9 pm too. When the kids were in school, I *had to* be awake and caffeinated before they got up. Even younger than that, if they wanted a sane mommy, I had to have at least one cup of coffee in me. It was worth it for everyone's sake that I woke up before them. I guess that messed me up for life since I am almost always awake around 5-5.30.

@taxed4ever I am sorry for your ex-BIL but mostly for SIL Sharon. That's horrible news and seems unfair that she has to deal with it. (I know that sounds cold and I don't wish anything bad for him, just sad that she is left holding the bag. He doesn't sound like he was a nice person to her. YKWIM?)
Did you finish the concert LO? I have to spend more time in the Gallery, I see all of these amazing pages in the HAPS, intend to get in the Gallery and then never seem to make it. The Gallery has been taking forever to load lately too, is that happening for anyone else?

So this is what you call a "nothing" day? :rotfl:

And it looks like we never outgrow that role HA!!

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for the week 3 AJ link! I need to work on that one and finish prepping week 4.

What a wonderful weekend!! How old is your G-DD? Did you get photos of the weekend (silly questions LOL)? Can't wait to see what you scrap :D

That's too bad about the weather. Caitlyn said that their FL port stop was canceled due to bad weather and that the water had been rough. I hope that you don't get anything more than some drizzle. I hope the tickle goes away soon.

Jeanne!!! The Snoopy meme is hysterical!! :lol23:

Glad to hear that you are off your feet, you had a really busy day, especially starting out with your knee acting up. Hope its a lot better today

It ended up raining ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG!!!
The tickle is less and less everyday. It is the worst in the mornings after I get up and the drainage begins! But it is getting better!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Today is a play day with Ilene and her cousin, Jo, who is down from WV for a couple of weeks. I have a sinus headache from the rainy weather, so I may not be over there as long as she wants, lol!
I don't think I ever did make it back in here yesterday like I planned on. I got stuck in genealogy mode.
I'm behind on my daily ATCs...again! I really need to do some regular challenges, too. My scrapbooking has been off this month. My mojo is somewhat lacking.
Haven't made any FB marketplace sales in quite awhile. I think I am going to donate the adult coloring books to an assisted living facility or nursing home or maybe both. Maybe do the same with the magazines and books. I just want them out of the house!
OK, time for my shower as I need to leave in an hour.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone it is super foggy this morning and SIL Linda and I are supposed be out in the kayaks in about an hour from now. Sure hope the fog lifts soon! I spent a lot of time in my kitchen again yesterday as I realized I needed to make cauliflower wraps, but of course I was out of frozen cauliflower rice, so off to the store I went but none there either :no:. So I ended up buying a really big cauliflower and made my own rice, what a PITA!! Oh well the wraps are done and in the fridge ready for DH's lunch for work. Tomorrow is hike day and hopefully the weather will be nice, its a hike that my friend Pat is going to lead, so I promised her I would be there for her. I worked on my double page layout yesterday, but still need to do a bit of tweaking to it, why does it take me so long to get a layout completed?? I used to whip them up in no time at all, now it takes me forever!! Well I need to hop in the shower and get dressed for the cooler temps out on the Lake, I will pop in later on and hopefully catch up with everyone, but you know me ... SQUIRREL!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning everyone, quick check in here! Our excitement last week was a neighbor found a lost homing pigeon on the ground in our neighborhood. The neighbor who found it got another neighbor asking what to do with it - that neighbor said "Take it to Amy!!" So they did - we set it up in our garage, seemed a little thin but otherwise healthy. He had a band, we located the racing club he came from, and they said Keep it!! :eek3: Yesterday the neighbor who found it bought him a cage, and took him to be her forever pet! It makes my heart so happy.
That is so wonderful. My dad had racing pigeons when we were kids. He would race them from Upstate NY to CT. I had a while female named Nancy, she did ok. It was always exciting to see them come home.
Good morning and Happy Tuesday!

I think I am still flying on adrenaline and dopamine excesses. Can I somehow store some of it away for the winter when I know I will be cranky? I wish I could because I am so happy and optimistic right now. What a fantastic day I had yesterday. Everything was awesome. For me at least, not for Gary, but I could do nothing to help with that.
Yup I remember that feeling too relief it all went well, excited, let down, etc. but I tried to keep busy. I packed away all the stuff I made for the wedding to store in our attic because they didn't have room at their house and we had a huge walk up attic.

You asked how old my granddaughter is--22 and is a music fan. I made a page and posted it in my personal gallery if you want to see all of us on our way to the concert.

@JeanneMN Neil Diamond yes a wonderful talent !!! Our 50 year old son's middle name is Neil after him because we were/are such fans. Once we saw him from nosebleed seats in Hartford the next time we were 4 rows back on the floor. So sad he is so ill.

@AK_Tracy - a little off subject here--Do you use a ulu? My husband made me one and I use it all the time with the curved board when cutting my fresh herbs. I've seen- on TV- people use then for everything up North.

My friend came over at 6 this morning so we had coffee and made lunch plans, then I went out to rake up the seed pods-(like grenades) from the magnolia tree I almost filled an outside trash can with them.....beautiful huge tree but so messy.


Slept in again this morning... almost 8AM before I woke up. I am with the rest of the 'early to bed' crowd. Usually turn the light off by around 9 PM unless I am reading a book that I can't put down!!! :lol23: This will be a quick in and out... have some errands I "have to run"... bills that need to be paid before Thursday and stops at the libraries. Have my knee brace laid out so I won't forget to put it on.

@faerywings I was LOL over your asking to take a few huge sunflower heads at the fast-food place. Wow.... that is a spooky story about the ghost that Scott saw. So glad you are having fun with the job.

@mimes1 Sorry that the homing pigeon got lost - but how wonderful that a neighbor took it and gave it a forever home.
I am like you... I decided to "gray gracefully" many years ago.... I had played around with coloring my hair when I was younger but it was a PITA and expensive. My natural blond streak in the front began going gray a few years ago but the back is still brown with some gray.

@BoatLady So happy you got to the concert. I got to see Neil Diamond twice... once was in a small club so we were up close to him... wow, what a voice!! So sorry to hear he is ill. We lived in San Diego - so a lot of the singers performed there at the state fair and Wild Animal Park had concerts every weekend in the summer. We were Zoo Members so attended most of the concerts.

@JeanneMN What an honor for your friend!!

Need to get my shower and get my errands done. BBL


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies!!!!
Beautiful sunrise this morning. Not at dark red as last week but still just stunning. Love September for being able to see those colors at sunrise and I didn't have to get up earlier to see them.

I hiked the trails and made notes of where to show the kids certain things, where some good leaves/rocks/mushrooms/potential animal dens might be. I brought a bag and collected some mushrooms and rocks and leaves. I was in my glory! :lovey3:
This sounds like a perfect day for you! :heartpumppink: I cant wait to hear how the homeschool curriculum goes and how much everyone loves it. It sounds like such fun I wish we lived closer.
@JeanneMN Your comment about my grey hair made me laugh out loud! :) I colored it exactly once, and I was so uncomfortable and it was so not me I've never colored it since. I earned every one of those grey hairs and proud to show them off! :flower:
I had to go find it and see what was said :giggle4: I think its surprising that youre grey because your profile photo isn't grey. I go back and forth on coloring hair. I do it for fun, not to be young. I colored back in ............ I dont know December or January? Just highlights and lowlights and it was super fun. But I dont keep it up. It had been over 4 years since I colored my hair. I dont feel the need to color my grey as so many women I know do but I do have fun every couple years or so.
So this is what you call a "nothing" day? :rotfl:
Yep. This is a do nothing day. it was awesome. I didn't look at my phone other then for my daughter who I reminded I was taking the day off. Had 8 texts when I went to bed and didn't look until this morning. I did the laundry slowly, made dinner, and sat down when I needed. Never left the house except to take dog potty and that was just once LOL rest of the time I sent the kids out in the wind.
I think I am going to donate the adult coloring books to an assisted living facility or nursing home or maybe both. Maybe do the same with the magazines and books.
This is a wonderful idea. I bet they would love it too. The residents would love to color and have fun and feel like a kid again. Plus it gets it out of your house.
SIL Linda and I are supposed be out in the kayaks in about an hour from now
Hope the fog burned off and you were able to go and have an amazing paddle.
@AK_Tracy - a little off subject here--Do you use a ulu? My husband made me one and I use it all the time with the curved board when cutting my fresh herbs. I've seen- on TV- people use then for everything up North.
I do not use an ulu but that is because I cant hold on to it well enough to not get hurt. They are used up here for everything! Filleting fish is a big one. Skinning animals and cutting the meat. Yep, super popular and razor sharp. The way you grip the handle and then rock it is really hard for me and I would end up cut so I use a butcher knife that has a thick handle and if it slips, my hands not in the way at all and I can use my other hand to hold the blade in place.

Today is back to the semi-grind. Have PT and then have to stop at church and pick up some stuff for tomorrow dinner. Then grab the mail and back home to make dinner. Will attempt to do minimal so I have all my spoons for tomorrow and cooking. Some of my check boxes for insurance (to get approved for surgery) mean I cant loose weight or they will see the stupid PT worked, which it isn't, so I cant do what I want and need which is go back to my diet plan of Trim Healthy Mama and I cant walk like I need. November 6 cant get here soon enough for that part of life. When I can get back on track and not worry about loosing a pound or two and loosing surgery approval.

Off and running. Have a wonderful day!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I think I am still flying on adrenaline and dopamine excesses. Can I somehow store some of it away for the winter when I know I will be cranky? I wish I could because I am so happy and optimistic right now. What a fantastic day I had yesterday. Everything was awesome. For me at least, not for Gary, but I could do nothing to help with that.
The day got off to a wonderful start with sharing rat pictures with Caitlyn on FB, they are having an amazing time. Caitlyn and Tom, that is. Although come to think of it, the rats got spoiled with extra treats too. ;) I went to the local McDonalds to ask if I could harvest some of the other giant sunflower heads for Homeschool. The poor kid at the register looked at me like I was nuts but the manager said it was ok "as long as he didn't see it" *wink wink* Then he said they were dying anyway, take as much as I wanted. Dang, those things weigh a ton! I took four and my bag was so heavy it felt like it was filled with rocks.

Next up, I dropped off the marriage license and messaged the newlyweds they were "official."

I went to work, spread out the first couple of lesson plans, rummaged through the storage cabinet, and went upstairs to scout out supplies. When I was up there, I could see why a lot of people would get creeped out. Scotty had a ghostly encounter there when he was an intern and some people don't like to be upstairs by themselves. Scott stopped in for coffee in the afternoon and I told him I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't see "Mr. Weis," the name we jokingly called the ghost.
You are amazing! I soaked up some of your adrenaline this morning, but I doubt I'll be able to hang until winter without a supplement. I am so glad you explained who "Mr. Weis" was. We have a lot of Weis's around here, not sure where their ancestors ghosts settled. The next time Mr. Weis shows up could you ask him if he has relatives who are dairy farmers?
Your comment about my grey hair made me laugh out loud! :) I colored it exactly once, and I was so uncomfortable and it was so not me I've never colored it since. I earned every one of those grey hairs and proud to show them off! :flower:
That's funny, when my hair started "tarnishing" I didn't like the color it tarnished to. I put up with it through high school and college and the early years of my teaching, because I had no options and no money. After a while I started having highlights put in, and then more highlights and more highlights, until my stylist said, it would be easier to color it all so she did, and I didn't feel like myself with that dishwater brown hair, like what it looks like when you scrub a pot with whatever you burned on it and the water is icky? I feel like me with blonde hair, tried red for awhile, but that was impossible to maintain, and again, I did not feel like myself. I've had purple hair when I'm in Key West and totally feel like me, but purple hair in Minnesota around around Mayo Clinic people in navy and gray, I don't feel like myself.

Today is a play day with Ilene and her cousin, Jo, who is down from WV for a couple of weeks. I have a sinus headache from the rainy weather, so I may not be over there as long as she wants, lol!
Everything sounds fun except for the sinus headache. I get them if I'm out in the dense humidity like we're having today and they are not even a little bit of fun.
I will pop in later on and hopefully catch up with everyone, but you know me ... SQUIRREL!!
If you're missing your squirrel, it's at my house, but it came with luggage, so I'll never be rid of it.
@JeanneMN Neil Diamond yes a wonderful talent !!! Our 50 year old son's middle name is Neil after him because we were/are such fans. Once we saw him from nosebleed seats in Hartford the next time we were 4 rows back on the floor. So sad he is so ill.

My friend came over at 6 this morning so we had coffee and made lunch plans, then I went out to rake up the seed pods-(like grenades) from the magnolia tree I almost filled an outside trash can with them.....beautiful huge tree but so messy.
OMG, I can't even imagine being 4 rows back, I would be like Quickdraw McGraw's dog floating up in the air. He was mesmerizing from the mid, but not quite nosebleed section, I can't imagine that close. All of my favorite singers and actors are passing away, it makes me feel chronologically challenged instead of chronologically advance. Tony Bennett was a tough one, I paid for his final performance with Lady Gaga and they were magnificent, I need to watch it again.
Slept in again this morning... almost 8AM before I woke up. I am with the rest of the 'early to bed' crowd. Usually turn the light off by around 9 PM unless I am reading a book that I can't put down!!! :lol23: This will be a quick in and out... have some errands I "have to run"... bills that need to be paid before Thursday and stops at the libraries. Have my knee brace laid out so I won't forget to put it on.
I used to read all night on the weekends and sleep most of the day, but after I got married and then had a kid, those days disappeared. That knee brace sounds lonesome, so it needs more personal time with you, they have been known to get cranky when they feel neglected.
Will attempt to do minimal so I have all my spoons for tomorrow and cooking. Some of my check boxes for insurance (to get approved for surgery) mean I cant loose weight or they will see the stupid PT worked, which it isn't, so I cant do what I want and need which is go back to my diet plan of Trim Healthy Mama and I cant walk like I need. November 6 cant get here soon enough for that part of life. When I can get back on track and not worry about loosing a pound or two and loosing surgery approval.
You hang on to your spoons better than a whole lot of people considering what you deal with daily. I have some pounds I could give you for backup, where we you like me to send them? Seriously, kudos to you and your perseverance, lesser people would have given up.

Well, I downloaded my first Lynne Anzelc collection today. I have an idea I'd like to try and if I host that challenge in November, I need to start training now. Grandson plays with pep band at Cross Country meet at 3:45 (when he told me that, he & I both rolled our eyes, but they're doing the National Anthem and Rouser before the start. We'll come back for a quick supper and then head to volleyball at 5:45. I'm going to take my good camera with me and see if I can get some good action shots, and then it could be bedtime. I won't get up and go to the gym tomorrow because I have a dental appointment at 1:00 that's going to last at least 3 hours and I don't want to make two trips to Rochester in one day, saves gas and mileage on the car. I'm looking forward to it, the last appointment was 2 1/2 hours and it was actually fun, my new dentist is soooooo amazing.


Well-Known Member
You hang on to your spoons better than a whole lot of people considering what you deal with daily. I have some pounds I could give you for backup, where we you like me to send them? Seriously, kudos to you and your perseverance, lesser people would have given up.
Awwww thanks. I try to hold mu spoons but some days they fly away before I can grab them. And thank you so kindly for the offer of backup pounds but really youre too kind. I couldn't take that away from you. I think mine are attached to me well enough they dont allow others to invade :floorlaugh: As for giving up, I do that too. Somethings I just get so frustrated with and I have my toddler tantrums and give up. But I try not to. Hard headed comes in handy at times. :heartpumppink:


Well-Known Member
I downloaded my September photos. I need to start scrapping my personal book. But dont ya know, instead I made week four of the AJ theme. I know how I want to wrap it up, but darn scrap police, will they tell me I'm wrong. LOL I just know what I need to make the three other weeks come together. I will wait and see what they post for the suggested ideas. Maybe I'll have five for this month.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh well, I haven't checked in here all day.

What have I done? No clue - one of "those days". Why do I have days that I can't account for getting anything accomplished? I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I think I did myself in with my Week 3 AJ Challenge. I feel like I gave birth to that one. :floorlaugh:

I have started my Wednesday Color Play blog post - still not done but I have the rest of the evening to get it done, or Heaven forbid, tomorrow. I hate to go to the limit with it.

I just made me some dinner. I finally mastered the air fryer. You all know that I couldn't figure it out until Ava made me a video. I don't know why that darned thing is so intimidating to me. Anyhoo - I made fish tacos tonight. Finally I figured the danged thing out. They were SO good. I put them on carb free roll ups, and I have been able to make them very crispy and then put shredded lettuce and shredded cheese on it. SO good.

Well, my brain is trying to shut down just one portion and I'm going back and forth between here and the blog. I think I'd better focus on the blog and get that ready to auto post in the morning.

Hugs to all. XOXO


Well-Known Member
Oh well, I haven't checked in here all day.

What have I done? No clue - one of "those days". Why do I have days that I can't account for getting anything accomplished? I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles. I think I did myself in with my Week 3 AJ Challenge. I feel like I gave birth to that one. :floorlaugh:

Well, my brain is trying to shut down just one portion and I'm going back and forth between here and the blog. I think I'd better focus on the blog and get that ready to auto post in the morning.

Hugs to all. XOXO
After that layout for week 3, yeah you deserve a rest. Take a "maternity break" from here for an hour or two. :giggle4: I cant give you days off as I (and everyone else) would miss you too much!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
After that layout for week 3, yeah you deserve a rest. Take a "maternity break" from here for an hour or two. :giggle4: I cant give you days off as I (and everyone else) would miss you too much!
Honestly, that really took it out of me. I need a "maternity break" after that. But I feel better after I got it done - I think it was meant to be born. :hug4: :hug2::hug3: