
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, September 10


The Loopy-O
Today is a "relax day."
Really, it will be.
I promise!

*snorts in amused laughter and sarcasm*

I don't know if it is possible at this point. At the very least, I don't know if it is possible to get through the day without my phone blowing up with people asking if I need help or having questions needing my help. Either way, it is all good! Just about everything I've been dealing with is either good info or will be pushed aside until next week.
Yesterday's texts were mostly from my brother asking me for advice about their new puppy. (Did I tell you that they got a new puppy? I think I did) Christopher was at school and my SIL is away on business so my brother who has absolutely no experience with dogs is left home with a 9-week-old fluffer. He was so worried that the dog didn't eat/drink/pee/poop/acting too crazy/acting too lethargic/possibly teething/vomited a small amount. Seriously, that is an accurate rundown of everything he asked about. I reassured him- attempted to anyway- by saying that he raised a kid, and puppies are a lot like babies and toddlers. Just go with that!

My other happy surprise that took more time than it should have was I got paid yesterday and I thought they made a mistake and gave me a lot more hours than I had. I contacted the person in charge and she sent me a photo of my hours in the book. I forgot that I had worked the property at the very beginning of the month. So I had 10 more hours than I thought I did! That was a really awesome development since the wedding expenses are piling up.

So yes, I'm declaring today to bea "relax day." What are the bets that it will stay that way?
I know I wouldn't take that bet. :hahano:

Wishing everyone a day full of love! :cloud9:


The Loopy-O
OOOH! I forgot that another bit of wonderful news - texts from my dad. He had an appt with the urologist yesterday morning and there is no evidence of cancer ATM and he doesn't have to go back for six months!! dance4
Told him to take some deep breaths and get ready to celebrate at his grandaughter's wedding

Morning everyone! A quiet peaceful morning for me! DH is back to work and I might actually have a restful day of just doing what I want to do . I actually need to vacuum and wash the floors, clean the bathrooms and finish the laundry :sad2: not what I want to do, but what needs to be done. We spent the better part of yesterday in the yards again, trimming bushes, pulling weeds and then doing the same over at the In-Laws. FIL and my Gary did the run to Bings Creek and I did some baking and made a batch of bone broth, cooked an apple pie that was in the freezer for the In-Laws and also baked a batch of Keto muffins for DH's breakfasts during the week. We had a nice visit with the In-Laws and SIL Linda and her and I might be getting out for a Kayak at some point this morning, I have yet to hear from her, but should soon.
Your restful days sound about as restful as mine. Maybe today you can get some crafting time in. Or kayaking if you didn't get out yesterday. Or do it again! Take advantage of the weather if it is still nice.

If it's not one thing it's another it seems... the IBS has been better this weekend but this head cold is whooping me!
It's never too hot for soup!
How are you feeling, hope that you did get some soup for lunch and that you're doing well!

No... I don't use boxed M-n-C... make mine from scratch with Velveeta cheese and shells macaroni. Made enough for a couple more meals - so no cooking for a few days.
That's how I make mine too- Velveeta, milk, and butter- but with elbows. :D
Have fun at the Brown Bag Lunch today!

Sorry Chris, I'm sitting here at 51*. Still raining but its not that cold yet.
Man, that is wild that NJ was colder than AK! It's better this morning, 56*- is that warmer than you this morning?
I'm sorry that the kit won't be out until Sept 30 (IIRC) but it will be worth saving up for it.
Hope that chiro and laundry didn't keep the pain levels high. Can you rest today?

that guy was her second marriage, and she met him online. He seemed like the perfect man. The episode is called "Smoke and Mirrors".
Bonkers. Utterly bonkers.

Just curious, how long will the photographer be with you all for Cait's wedding? This was Ava's first wedding and maybe that many hours are normal.
Cailtyn's photographers will be at the venue at 1 pm to set up. It's a husband and wife team. First Look photos will be around 2 or so. Then the family/wedding party photos are at 3. The ceremony is at 4.30 and they will stay until almost the end which is 10 pm. I don't know how much she is paying for them. I can ask Cait how much if you want although I can guess it is more than her budget was for. LOL

*** Please keep your fingers crossed that her bouquet comes today. It was supposed to be here yesterday and I am scared to ask her when it will arrive now****

@JeanneMN I looove the new avatar and siggie! So cute and autumn-y

Cheryl- if Ava is planning on doing more wedding photography, I'd suggest that she gets a basic legal contract written, just to protect herself if nothing else. That way if it runs long or there are that many people, she isn't working for practically free.
That also takes the pressure off of feeling she has to say yes at the event itself-- everything is written up and agreed to ahead of time. If the bride wants more photos than what is in the contract, then Ava can legally say no, or if she says yes, it will be compensated for.
tell Ava that Aunt Chris is being a busybody but does not want her to be taken advantage of even if it is "in the moment."

I see that Tracy said the same thing! Great busybody minds think alike- GBBMTA :lol23:



Well-Known Member
Wow wedding almost here...so exciting. I hope all goes well and am looking forward to seeing some pages.

This morning I got the tickets for all of us to go to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on Saturday after the concert Friday. So excited...I have been there but I look forward to seeing it again. I am really excited to take DD, DIL and especially granddaughter (music fan) One more day and a wake up.

All you cold weather Ladies are getting prepped for winter- I do not miss it at all!

@taxed4ever I hope the day goes as planned

Cailtyn's photographers will be at the venue at 1 pm to set up. It's a husband and wife team. First Look photos will be around 2 or so. Then the family/wedding party photos are at 3. The ceremony is at 4.30 and they will stay until almost the end which is 10 pm. I don't know how much she is paying for them. I can ask Cait how much if you want although I can guess it is more than her budget was for. LOL

*** Please keep your fingers crossed that her bouquet comes today. It was supposed to be here yesterday and I am scared to ask her when it will arrive now****
No scrimping on photos--one picture is worth a thousand words...
I was lucky with the flowers because DD wanted silk so I was able to make them all far before so I had no problem with that stress.

Have a great day everyone.


Love my O Family!
Today is a "relax day."
Really, it will be.
I promise!

*snorts in amused laughter and sarcasm*

I don't know if it is possible at this point. At the very least, I don't know if it is possible to get through the day without my phone blowing up with people asking if I need help or having questions needing my help. Either way, it is all good! Just about everything I've been dealing with is either good info or will be pushed aside until next week.
Yesterday's texts were mostly from my brother asking me for advice about their new puppy. (Did I tell you that they got a new puppy? I think I did) Christopher was at school and my SIL is away on business so my brother who has absolutely no experience with dogs is left home with a 9-week-old fluffer. He was so worried that the dog didn't eat/drink/pee/poop/acting too crazy/acting too lethargic/possibly teething/vomited a small amount. Seriously, that is an accurate rundown of everything he asked about. I reassured him- attempted to anyway- by saying that he raised a kid, and puppies are a lot like babies and toddlers. Just go with that!

My other happy surprise that took more time than it should have was I got paid yesterday and I thought they made a mistake and gave me a lot more hours than I had. I contacted the person in charge and she sent me a photo of my hours in the book. I forgot that I had worked the property at the very beginning of the month. So I had 10 more hours than I thought I did! That was a really awesome development since the wedding expenses are piling up.

So yes, I'm declaring today to bea "relax day." What are the bets that it will stay that way?
I know I wouldn't take that bet. :hahano:

Wishing everyone a day full of love! :cloud9:
That was certainly a nice, welcome surprise on your pay check, eh?!
RELAX!!! Only a few more days!


Love my O Family!
OOOH! I forgot that another bit of wonderful news - texts from my dad. He had an appt with the urologist yesterday morning and there is no evidence of cancer ATM and he doesn't have to go back for six months!! dance4
Told him to take some deep breaths and get ready to celebrate at his grandaughter's wedding

Your restful days sound about as restful as mine. Maybe today you can get some crafting time in. Or kayaking if you didn't get out yesterday. Or do it again! Take advantage of the weather if it is still nice.

How are you feeling, hope that you did get some soup for lunch and that you're doing well!

That's how I make mine too- Velveeta, milk, and butter- but with elbows. :D
Have fun at the Brown Bag Lunch today!

Man, that is wild that NJ was colder than AK! It's better this morning, 56*- is that warmer than you this morning?
I'm sorry that the kit won't be out until Sept 30 (IIRC) but it will be worth saving up for it.
Hope that chiro and laundry didn't keep the pain levels high. Can you rest today?

Bonkers. Utterly bonkers.

Cailtyn's photographers will be at the venue at 1 pm to set up. It's a husband and wife team. First Look photos will be around 2 or so. Then the family/wedding party photos are at 3. The ceremony is at 4.30 and they will stay until almost the end which is 10 pm. I don't know how much she is paying for them. I can ask Cait how much if you want although I can guess it is more than her budget was for. LOL

*** Please keep your fingers crossed that her bouquet comes today. It was supposed to be here yesterday and I am scared to ask her when it will arrive now****

@JeanneMN I looove the new avatar and siggie! So cute and autumn-y

Cheryl- if Ava is planning on doing more wedding photography, I'd suggest that she gets a basic legal contract written, just to protect herself if nothing else. That way if it runs long or there are that many people, she isn't working for practically free.
That also takes the pressure off of feeling she has to say yes at the event itself-- everything is written up and agreed to ahead of time. If the bride wants more photos than what is in the contract, then Ava can legally say no, or if she says yes, it will be compensated for.
tell Ava that Aunt Chris is being a busybody but does not want her to be taken advantage of even if it is "in the moment."

I see that Tracy said the same thing! Great busybody minds think alike- GBBMTA :lol23:

I think I was actually running a bit of a fever yesterday but we don't have a reliable thermometer so I couldn't check it. I felt pretty rough until the Tylenol kicked in. I kept some in me yesterday and even took quite a long nap in the afternoon! I felt much better afterwards, but guess who didn't sleep last night! So I am sure tonight will be an early night!
I did drink some chicken bone broth before I laid down for my nap yesterday and then for supper had some veggie soup one of the ladies sent home with Mark from the Sunday dinner on the church grounds. It was so good! Today I am drinking more of the chicken bone broth. The throat tickle has started so I'll be eating the cough drops all day, too! I'm just thankful I feel better today than I did yesterday!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... it is cloudy and much cooler here today. Yesterday was a great day SIL Linda and I got out on the Lake and it was like glass most of the day. We had a lovely paddle and chatted a lot, she is pretty much done with her boyfriend Mark and is ready to move on (at least for now). I try not to comment on that subject as I don't want it to blow up in my face if she gets back together with him again. I got home and got my bathrooms cleaned and floors vacuumed and washed. Spent some time in my craft room and made a sweet little gift box. Its a design from a lovely designer called Rickety Snippets and she does all kinds of lovely paper creations.
I love to make gift boxes, not sure what my obsession with them are, but I love the process of putting them all together. Anyway I ran across the street after that and got FIL's hair cut, it really was getting quite long. Well long on the sides as he is bald as an eagle on the top of his head :giggle4:. He was very happy to have that done! MIL was not so happy as she found out that one of the ladies in her "Seekers" (church) group had a major stroke and has been in hospital for a couple of weeks and none of them knew about it. I think it made her really think about her own mortality!! So I stayed and chatted with her for a bit about it and then went home to get dinner started. DH had a Zoom meeting to attend when he got home from work, so I sat out on the front deck and enjoyed a quiet glass of white wine while I waited for him to be off my computer. Today will be a me day and I hope to start up my photoshop and get some scrapping done, finally!

My other happy surprise that took more time than it should have was I got paid yesterday and I thought they made a mistake and gave me a lot more hours than I had.
Wow a great day filled with great good news!! How wonderful! Nice that you got some extra $$'s that is always a bonus! Happy news for your Dad also, he will enjoy the wedding to the fullest now! I hope that you get to have a relax day, but for some reason I think you will do anything but :giggle4:.
This morning I got the tickets for all of us to go to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on Saturday after the concert Friday. So excited...I have been there but I look forward to seeing it again. I am really excited to take DD, DIL and especially granddaughter (music fan) One more day and a wake up.
How exciting to go to the concert and then the Hall of Fame! Enjoy every minute with your family of music lovers!!
I think I was actually running a bit of a fever yesterday but we don't have a reliable thermometer so I couldn't check it. I felt pretty rough until the Tylenol kicked in. I kept some in me yesterday and even took quite a long nap in the afternoon! I felt much better afterwards, but guess who didn't sleep last night! So I am sure tonight will be an early night!
Aww Vicky I am sorry you are still not feeling well!! Hope that the bone broth helps and the delicious soup that your DH brought home for you is comforting too! Hopefully you will have a great sleep tonight! I think you need it!

Tomorrow is the Brown Bag Lunch with the girls. Need to decide what to take for my lunch. It will be at my friend's that is only a couple of miles away... so glad she is up to having it again.
Enjoy your brown bag lunch today Kay! It seems like its been quite awhile since you have attended one!
Today is chiropractor and laundry day. And cleaning and yeah yeah yeah. I missed first Monday of month so need to do that today and clean all the appliances and dust the tv. Gonna have to have some help. Back feels much better but it still twinges now and again. But I can move without grimacing so its an improvement.
Sounds like you need a cleaning lady!! Wish I had one!! But then I would never get off my computer and the rear end would just keep getting larger LOL.
I'm going to try to do a little housework today. UGH. I've been running around all weekend, plus working outside. It doesn't take much to sidetrack me from cleaning. LOL
Yup I hear ya, anything is better than having to get the house cleaning done!
The weather rollercoaster is on its way up again, 55 this morning I supposed to be in the 80's most of the week.
We have had crazy weather here also, so warm but today it is finally a bit cooler and feels more like fall.
Time. Only reason I cant make ice cream. However I had the time I just didn't know it. Fruit was still frozen :floorlaugh: Had to put it back in the oven to finish cooking. Oh well, no ice cream means less fat on my hips :floorlaugh:
Ha, Ha yes I love homemade ice cream too, but have to make the sugar free Keto stuff or else I would weigh a ton!! Hope you enjoyed your fruit crisp!!

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get my bed made and hop in the shower :showering:I hope to get a page posted to the gallery today! Wish me luck!! :waving1


Well-Known Member
Good Morning my lovely O's

Today is a "relax day."
Really, it will be.
I promise!

*snorts in amused laughter and sarcasm*
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Not taking that bet :floorlaugh:
texts from my dad. He had an appt with the urologist yesterday morning and there is no evidence of cancer ATM and he doesn't have to go back for six months!! dance4
This is wonderful news!!!!!!!!
Man, that is wild that NJ was colder than AK! It's better this morning, 56*- is that warmer than you this morning?
I'm sorry that the kit won't be out until Sept 30 (IIRC) but it will be worth saving up for it.
Hope that chiro and laundry didn't keep the pain levels high. Can you rest today?
Guess its back to normal! I'm 50 still so youre warmer.
Rest? what's that? Its a relax day like yours :giggle4: not really. Have to work.
I see that Tracy said the same thing! Great busybody minds think alike- GBBMTA :lol23:
Oooohhhhhh I knew acronym I wont remember! But I like it!!!! not just GMTA but GBBMTA!!!!! Woooo hoooo!!!! I'm not crazy! Chris thinks like me too!!!! Oh wait, that might just make us both crazy.
I sat out on the front deck and enjoyed a quiet glass of white wine while I waited for him to be off my computer. Today will be a me day and I hope to start up my photoshop and get some scrapping done, finally!
This sounds blissful!!!
Sounds like you need a cleaning lady!! Wish I had one!! But then I would never get off my computer and the rear end would just keep getting larger LOL.
Yep, cleaning lady would mean flat butt that expands from scrapping all day. :giggle4: And she would probably quit as she wouldn't clean it right and I would have to constantly tell her.

Chiro yesterday was good but he could tell I spent a lot of time on my feet and making a few wrong moves. Yep its called cooking at church. The adjustment felt great but today I am sore. I'm sure its from being out of alignment that now in alignment it just feels off. Tomorrow should be better, just in time to cook again and tweak it all back out. Have to remember not to lift/twist and ask for help getting things out of the ovens. This week I have to work so I am glad I got challenges and AJ done. But I am sad they're done too. September is a slow photo month so not much to scrap personally either.

Chris I really hope you can relax today. I know Thursday will be busy and stressful and I hope you can relax today. Praying Friday is amazing and perfect weather. :heartpumppink:

Off for more :coffeedrinker:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... it is cloudy and much cooler here today. Yesterday was a great day SIL Linda and I got out on the Lake and it was like glass most of the day. We had a lovely paddle and chatted a lot, she is pretty much done with her boyfriend Mark and is ready to move on (at least for now). I try not to comment on that subject as I don't want it to blow up in my face if she gets back together with him again. I got home and got my bathrooms cleaned and floors vacuumed and washed. Spent some time in my craft room and made a sweet little gift box. Its a design from a lovely designer called Rickety Snippets and she does all kinds of lovely paper creations.
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I love to make gift boxes, not sure what my obsession with them are, but I love the process of putting them all together. Anyway I ran across the street after that and got FIL's hair cut, it really was getting quite long. Well long on the sides as he is bald as an eagle on the top of his head :giggle4:. He was very happy to have that done! MIL was not so happy as she found out that one of the ladies in her "Seekers" (church) group had a major stroke and has been in hospital for a couple of weeks and none of them knew about it. I think it made her really think about her own mortality!! So I stayed and chatted with her for a bit about it and then went home to get dinner started. DH had a Zoom meeting to attend when he got home from work, so I sat out on the front deck and enjoyed a quiet glass of white wine while I waited for him to be off my computer. Today will be a me day and I hope to start up my photoshop and get some scrapping done, finally!

Wow a great day filled with great good news!! How wonderful! Nice that you got some extra $$'s that is always a bonus! Happy news for your Dad also, he will enjoy the wedding to the fullest now! I hope that you get to have a relax day, but for some reason I think you will do anything but :giggle4:.

How exciting to go to the concert and then the Hall of Fame! Enjoy every minute with your family of music lovers!!

Aww Vicky I am sorry you are still not feeling well!! Hope that the bone broth helps and the delicious soup that your DH brought home for you is comforting too! Hopefully you will have a great sleep tonight! I think you need it!

Enjoy your brown bag lunch today Kay! It seems like its been quite awhile since you have attended one!

Sounds like you need a cleaning lady!! Wish I had one!! But then I would never get off my computer and the rear end would just keep getting larger LOL.

Yup I hear ya, anything is better than having to get the house cleaning done!

We have had crazy weather here also, so warm but today it is finally a bit cooler and feels more like fall.

Ha, Ha yes I love homemade ice cream too, but have to make the sugar free Keto stuff or else I would weigh a ton!! Hope you enjoyed your fruit crisp!!

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get my bed made and hop in the shower :showering:I hope to get a page posted to the gallery today! Wish me luck!! :waving1
Thanks, Trudy! Hope you get some scrapping done today!


I am back... had a wonderful lunch with the gals. It was good to just sit and get caught up on how everyone is doing. Got sad news about one of our gals... sounds like her dementia and her memory is getting worse. She was not able to come as she gets lost and confused and no one else was able to drive the 40 miles to get her today.

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and picked up milk and lots of different fruit. Been craving some tangelos so was happy that they were on sale. But, I was pooped out by the time I got home. Going to have a tangelo and read/rest a bit.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening.

More shenanigans. Adrienne came in the front door with her dogs (I already had Ava's dog, Baillee) and announced that we had to go down to the lower level and get our Amazon deliveries (we had both gotten notices that we had them). We hopped on the golf cart (she was driving) and somehow, she drove over the railroad ties and the four wheels were suspended. LOL She said, let's walk up to my house and get my side by side. We did and nada - it was gone. She said that Ava/Drake must have it, so we walked up to Ava's house. NO side by side. She said "let's just jump in Ava's truck and run down there and then go up to the mailboxes. OK - we did that and when we got to the lower part of the property, there sat Ava and Drake in the side by side. Ava wanted to know what we were doing in her truck - :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Adrienne told them to get up to my house and get the golf cart off the railroad ties. Never a dull moment on the ranch. :spinningchair::spinningchair:

Bad news - her package was nowhere to be found - it's in "the black hole of the ranch" and will show up. My "cute" top I ordered looks like cr*p and I managed to order the wrong bra - I'm usually so careful about re-ordering on Amazon. But this time, I goofed up. I have since re-ordered the correct one. UGH.

Tracy @AK_Tracy what a sweet visitor. The dogs were going crazy the other afternoon and we looked out and there were deer walking right in front of my windows.

Chris @faerywings 5...........................4............................3.....................................2................................ACTION.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings Everything is going to go great, and I can't wait to see pictures! Having been at my nieces wedding last weekend, I've been thinking a lot about your daughters wedding. You're going to have so much fun. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

@BoatLady The concert is almost here! When you first told us about it, it seemed so far away! How exciting that you get to go back to the Rock n roll museum!

@AK_Tracy So fun that you got a picture of your visitor!!

@Cherylndesigns your adventure sounds like it was quite the comedy of errors! It sounds like one of those times when you'd laugh about it later, but you're laughing at it now! Did I see on FB that your grand-daughter got engaged?

@BrightEyes I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Dementia is such an insidious, non-discriminating disease. I saw my sister from Rio Rancho over the weekend at my nieces wedding. I told her about my new friend Kay nearby. I love all the connections here!

Tomorrow I'll be at church all day and Thursday is my neighborhood bible study in the evening, so I may not get back here until Friday. I'm trying to get back into my evening scrapping routine now that I've been at work for a couple months and supposedly finding a routine! Hah - it's harder to find that groove than I thought it would be! But I'll be home alone all weekend - Mark is going to see the girls again, and the following Friday Mark is having surgery again. Which means he'll be in his easy chair for a number of days and I'll be here at the computer keeping an eye on him. :rolleyes1: Hope you all have a good couple of days!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@faerywings Everything is going to go great, and I can't wait to see pictures! Having been at my nieces wedding last weekend, I've been thinking a lot about your daughters wedding. You're going to have so much fun. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

@BoatLady The concert is almost here! When you first told us about it, it seemed so far away! How exciting that you get to go back to the Rock n roll museum!

@AK_Tracy So fun that you got a picture of your visitor!!

@Cherylndesigns your adventure sounds like it was quite the comedy of errors! It sounds like one of those times when you'd laugh about it later, but you're laughing at it now! Did I see on FB that your grand-daughter got engaged?

@BrightEyes I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Dementia is such an insidious, non-discriminating disease. I saw my sister from Rio Rancho over the weekend at my nieces wedding. I told her about my new friend Kay nearby. I love all the connections here!

Tomorrow I'll be at church all day and Thursday is my neighborhood bible study in the evening, so I may not get back here until Friday. I'm trying to get back into my evening scrapping routine now that I've been at work for a couple months and supposedly finding a routine! Hah - it's harder to find that groove than I thought it would be! But I'll be home alone all weekend - Mark is going to see the girls again, and the following Friday Mark is having surgery again. Which means he'll be in his easy chair for a number of days and I'll be here at the computer keeping an eye on him. :rolleyes1: Hope you all have a good couple of days!
We're so crazy that it was actually funny at the time, like you said. We're always doing something crazy.

Yes, my oldest granddaughter Ava got engaged last week. We're all SO happy about it!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. Popping in to see how everyone is doing. I was up at the hospital everyday visiting Darrell for a week as he went in for Crohns abscess and needed surgery. Good thing this flared up and was dealt with before the cruise in 2 wks. Remi is recovering nicely so hopefully that will continue while we are gone. Jen will have the crate and pen in her apartment and Remi is used to being in them so shouldn't be a problem. I've been busy with my usual stuff...games, photography, walks, reading, binging Netflix and only a little bit of scrapping. This wkend I'm going with a friend to a fall harvest event at a local farm/store and it should be so much fun, they have over 80 vendors coming.

Finally did a drive through Kananaskis country with a few friends yesterday. Didn't see any bears or moose but beautiful scenery, sheep, cows, horses, hawks and birds and had a wonderful lunch at the lodge in the village. Jen wants to go, so next week she will lift Remi in and out of the back of the SUV so the dogs can come along on a day trip with us. I saw a grey jay for the first time but unfortunately didn't get a photo.

I miss being around so much and it is so weird to not be doing CT work here but for now it is the best thing for me not to be tied to the computer so much.

@faerywings Glad you dad is doing so well. I'll be watching for wedding pics soon :)

@taxed4ever I bet the paddle on the lake was lovely. The gift box is fabulous! You are so creative!

It's time to get Remi out for a (gentle) walk, with her carrying and playing with her little squeaky ball along the way. I'm off to Canasta later this afternoon.

Stay well everyone and talk again soon.