
Daily Ooos: Tuesday,October 31: Spooooky Edition!


The Loopy-O
Arrrhhh! I be hearin' theyrz candy out thar tonigh'

(Yup, I spent way too much time looking and pets in Halloween costumes this morning)

Gary and I were talking yesterday about how uninspired we are this year. I can't say if there's a specific reason or it's just too many other things going on. But it's a spooky day which I love and I hope that we get some trick-or-treaters. Although the dogs barking will make me batty.

How was my day yesterday? Hmm. Let's just say that going to Walmart was the best part of it. :thud:
I *am* exaggerating but not by much. I made the mistake of calling my mom to see if she needed anything from BJs since she doesn't have a membership anymore. By the time I got off the phone, I was so upset I was almost in tears. My brother texted me a little while later and must have talked to our parents after I did. It's an utter mess. We need to talk face to face, lay everything on the table, and figure out what in the world to do. He is actually off from work today (that was good timing!) and is coming up here this morning. I had to bail on Scott and Sam but he understood.
Please send me strength and calm today. My brother and I are on the same page but we are both frustrated.

Scott asked me again if I had ever checked in with his old boss about my resume because I had been dragging my feet. I finally did and she said she never got my resume. I sent it again so we'll see.

My dad got his biopsy results and it is low-grade cancer. The Dr had burned off the tumors and will recheck in three months. If he doesn't have any new cancer cells, then he will go for rechecks every three months. If he does, then 6 weeks of the internal chemo.

Needless to say, I bailed on Coloring Crew, I needed to decompress here. Which I did by vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms LOL

Happy Halloween and last day of October!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Did you get to see Ilene? Hope she was able to stay for a visit too. That's smart not going on the bike for now. One bump and that would be bad. :(
I hope that you don't need to be on the heating pad today but if it's cold as it is here, it might feel good anyway :)
"Today Is The Best Day To Do Nothing, Rest Up, Take A Nap, Enjoy!"
Excellent advice!

@BrightEyes It's in the 30s right now too. This is the time of year when I get very aggravated when my dogs whine to go outside but then refuse to while I stand with the front door open freezing my butt off and begging them to make up their minds. (yup, that is a run-on sentence and I meant it that way LOL)
Has the doctor been keeping an eye on your weight after what happened earlier in the year? Funny how noticeable it was when you pulled out your winter pjs from last year.
It's fab that you and your sister are making your Thanksgiving plans, they sound wonderful and comforting. ♥
In NJ we can renew online every other time and our's are good for 3 years I *think.* I honestly don't remember other than my photo looks more like a mugshot than anything

BTW- Walmart checkouts are the *WORST*!
The lines with cashiers were 5-6 people deep. The self-checkouts were only a few. We only had 5 things but waited forever for the woman in front of us to get through. She had a problem and the Walmart employee was only making it worse. Blergh

@taxed4ever Ahhhhhh!! Your FIL and my dad. Stubborn!!! One of the (many) things my mom was mad at my dad was that he bagged up leaves this weekend and started bleeding a little bit.
Hope the sun came out for you later on. Never did here and it was foggy too. Blue skies today for the kids, however. :)
It makes me happy to see Scott happy in his house, it sure makes it easier for me

@Cherylndesigns Oooh you look very spooky today!
Poor Adrienne must have been wiped out after that trip but it did work out for Chuck, didn't it? :D
I hope that everyone is feeling better today
Hahha! I do remember that story and yes, I would do the same thing- fall right over.

I have to get going, my brother is going to be here soon and I am still in PJs.
Whatever. pfft.
My floors are clean. That's good enough.

@tanteva That photo is the scariest thing I have seen all day.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning and Happy Halloween!

Chris @faerywings I'm also feeling very underwhelmed about Halloween this year, so I decided to change my avi. Everybody I talk to feels this way. I feel bad for the kids, and do hope that all the little ghosts and goblins have a fun night. I knew you'd remember that story.

We had a really good visit with Chuck last night; at least WE did. He's still insisting that he doesn't want us coming to visit. We're going back this evening. LOL We asked him if ANYTHING sounded good to eat or drink and he said a malt. We have a place in town that makes THE best malts, so we're taking him one tonight. We went out to eat after our visit, to a place called Raffa - they have "bowls", wraps, Taco-like food. I got a cheese and chicken quesadilla, and Adrienne had a rice and chicken bowl. We split a bowl of Mexican corn, too.

I'll keep good thoughts coming your way as you and your brother figure out how to do what you need to do with your parents. They still want to be independent, and it gets harder the older you get. Some take it better than others. :( I will also be sending healing vibes to your dad that he doesn't have to have that internal chemo.

BTW: I do HATE the checkouts at Walmart now. I will not do self-check out but the girls do and I make them do mine, if they insist on going that route. Ava and I went the other night, and I did get in a short line with a cashier, and she did the self-check-out. I just hate them! We better get used to waiting for a cashier because it's not going to get any better.

Oh, I found the picture of my flamingo skeletons - so just in time for Halloween, here they are.


Happy Tuesday and Happy Halloween.
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It was 27* when I got up at 6 AM. :brrr::brrr::brrr: Looked outside and the moon light was shining brightly. No clouds so that allowed the temps to drop even more. So glad that the heater was running when I got up but I kicked it up a notch to 68*. Not quite ready to pull out the cuddle-duds - long-johns and tops. Debating whether I should go shopping for better fitting winter PJs now or wait a bit. Yes, Chris... I was surprised when the winter PJs were too big but then remembered that the weight drop happened in the summer. It has been stable for the past several weeks so I am not concerned about it. I am happy with it where it is at and hope to stay there. Guess I will be winnowing down my long pants, too. I know several of them are too big now. My sister and I were both laughing over it as she has also dropped some weight - not as much I did - we both weigh the same now.

Have a few things CT-wise I need to take care of this morning. CYL


Love my O Family!
Arrrhhh! I be hearin' theyrz candy out thar tonigh'

(Yup, I spent way too much time looking and pets in Halloween costumes this morning)

Gary and I were talking yesterday about how uninspired we are this year. I can't say if there's a specific reason or it's just too many other things going on. But it's a spooky day which I love and I hope that we get some trick-or-treaters. Although the dogs barking will make me batty.

How was my day yesterday? Hmm. Let's just say that going to Walmart was the best part of it. :thud:
I *am* exaggerating but not by much. I made the mistake of calling my mom to see if she needed anything from BJs since she doesn't have a membership anymore. By the time I got off the phone, I was so upset I was almost in tears. My brother texted me a little while later and must have talked to our parents after I did. It's an utter mess. We need to talk face to face, lay everything on the table, and figure out what in the world to do. He is actually off from work today (that was good timing!) and is coming up here this morning. I had to bail on Scott and Sam but he understood.
Please send me strength and calm today. My brother and I are on the same page but we are both frustrated.

Scott asked me again if I had ever checked in with his old boss about my resume because I had been dragging my feet. I finally did and she said she never got my resume. I sent it again so we'll see.

My dad got his biopsy results and it is low-grade cancer. The Dr had burned off the tumors and will recheck in three months. If he doesn't have any new cancer cells, then he will go for rechecks every three months. If he does, then 6 weeks of the internal chemo.

Needless to say, I bailed on Coloring Crew, I needed to decompress here. Which I did by vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms LOL

Happy Halloween and last day of October!
Well, the good news is the low-grade cancer can be watched instead of invasive surgery having to be done ... right now, at least! Praying you have peace and calm as you and your brother meet!


Love my O Family!
It was 27* when I got up at 6 AM. :brrr::brrr::brrr: Looked outside and the moon light was shining brightly. No clouds so that allowed the temps to drop even more. So glad that the heater was running when I got up but I kicked it up a notch to 68*. Not quite ready to pull out the cuddle-duds - long-johns and tops. Debating whether I should go shopping for better fitting winter PJs now or wait a bit. Yes, Chris... I was surprised when the winter PJs were too big but then remembered that the weight drop happened in the summer. It has been stable for the past several weeks so I am not concerned about it. I am happy with it where it is at and hope to stay there. Guess I will be winnowing down my long pants, too. I know several of them are too big now. My sister and I were both laughing over it as she has also dropped some weight - not as much I did - we both weigh the same now.

Have a few things CT-wise I need to take care of this morning. CYL
Our temps are supposed to drop very low this week, too! Brrr!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
@faerywings Yes, Chris, I got to spend the whole day with Ilene yesterday! But I did too much and am paying for it today! She and Mark fussed at me, so I am taking the Almanac's advice for yesterday and doing nothing but computing in my recliner on a heating pad and taking Tylenol!

Yesterday before Ilene came over I wanted to start some laundry. I had to open a new pack of Tide pods. I cut the top off but couldn't get the stupid zipper pushed down enough to get the pouch open. So I decided to wait for Ilene to help. Instead I started sweeping the floors with my Dyson...until the battery died. it died in the bathroom where my washer and dryer are. Hmmm....maybe I should've taken the hint to stay out of that room! ;). But I didn't, lol! Ilene couldn't work the stupid zipper, either. So I just cut the whole zipper off and the pouch will just have to stay open! (I just noticed how hard I was pounding on the keyboard thinking about that stupid zipper, lol!)

Anywho, I was able to get a couple loads of laundry done and Ilene helped with the folding and hanging. We left the bed linens for Mark to put back on the bed, however, .....but I ended up helping him at bedtime....I am a little OCD when it comes to the tidiness and smoothness of the sheets!

Ilene and I played Qwirkle at the dining room table, but I had to move back to the recliner after each game to rest my back. In between games of Qwirkle we watched Christmas shows on the Hallmark channel. After Ilene fixed our ham sandwiches, which included slices of delicious tomato from our over-achieving plants, we sat down to watch TV and Ilene promptly took a nap, lol! I was totally ok with that as I rested in my recliner and she stretched out on the couch.

When Mark got home from work she helped me fix supper. We played one more game of Qwirkle after supper before she left for home. It was a fantastic day spent with my dear friend!

After she left Mark helped me into the back brace so I could apply the ice packs and also helped me with the ice therapy to my wrist as my fingers and wrist were pretty swollen! And he fussed at me some more, lol!

Ilene called this morning to see if I would like to go to her house or did she need to come here. I told her I was going to stay in the recliner on a heating pad as Mark wanted me to. I told her maybe we could plan on going to see Carolyn on Thursday.

So here I sit! I ordered some Color play product and plan to do some scrapping with those today and finish up some CT stuff. Right now its time for some more Tylenol and brunch!



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good afternoon everyone! I have been MIA this morning, but did manage to do a couple of behind the scene things here and then Heather called and then our Son Jason LOL. I have been a chatty Mom this morning. Now I have to get my Gary's lunch ready and then off to the Post Office and the grocery store. I went to make zucchini cheesy bread, but discovered that one of my zucchini's was actually a cucumber :oops2:. I got all the treat bags ready to fill and finished off some stickers to put inside of them this morning. Here is how they turned out.

Now I have no time to do personals, but will catch up with all of you tomorrow and I hope that you all have a wonderful Halloween!! :flyingwitch::spider1::grimreaper: don't eat too many of the goodies!! :giggle4: