Oh, I'm always having extra of everything too. I hate if I run out of everything. E.g. if I cook, and the salt by the stove runs out ... I get NUTS if I don't have 2 extra packages in the cupboard. If anything happens, I'm prepared. Well ... actually, the only time anything did happen ... just a short outage of water due to a minor problem at the central water station thingy-whatchamacallit ... I didn't have any extra water at all. We usually have a couple of bottles in the fridge, cuz we like our water to be cold ... but not this time. Do I need to tell you that DJ laughed at my preperdness? LOL
I'm not an all-in crazy survivalist-prepper (though others might think I am), but I do like to know I'm covered if something happens. It doesn't have to be anything major like a storm or something ... who knows ... next week we might be sick, and can't get to the store. Extra food for a couple of days. Extra toilet paper. Things so I can cook if the electricity goes down, and things like that. It usually never happens, we been without electricity once during the 2 years we lived in the house, but I prefer to be prepared than sorry.
It's really interesting to see how dependent we are on electricity. I read once a list of things that was the first things to disappear from stores in Sarajevo, when the war started. This was a modern town - in just a short time turned into a war zone. All the things you first come to think of was at the top - like fuel and stuff. But really close at the top was a plain old tin opener. People used electrical ones, and didn't have ordinary tin openers. Not much use of a tin of food if you can't open it.