
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, October 22


The Loopy-O
Good morning, my lovelies! How is everyone doing today? My weather app says it is going to be 80* today. It was in the 70s when I was out raking the leaves yesterday and I was sweating. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of rain in the 10-day forecast and we have been having some small wildfires in the area. Total fire restrictions are all in place. Although, that didn't help the house down my street yesterday afternoon. There was yet another house fire on my 1/2 mile-long street. When my friend texted me about it (it was three houses up from us), I asked how many it was up to, and she said she lost count. I think that was the 6th one since we moved here. Like I said-- 1/2 mile long street, kind of crazy.

What did you do yesterday? What did *I* do yesterday? :thinking2:
I worked on my grocery order and cleaned out the fridge. Raked leaves. Scrapped a page for a new kit coming out soon. Cooked dinner. Think that was about it.
Today I am picking up the groceries and will most likely cry at how little $150 gets ya these days. :crying1: Then I'm off to work at 12. We are talking about animal shelters and dens today. We are going to hike and look for some different places animals can burrow/den. Then we are going to build a tarp shelter and some blanket forts. If there is time, we are going to come up with a pretend animal and create a habitat for it.
Should be a fun day! :D

HAGD too!


The Loopy-O
Traveling home today. Left Michael and Jessica about 7:21 their time. We lose an hour since we're traveling east from Alabama. Had a good, relaxing time, even with a bump along the way.
Hope you had a safe trip home and aren't too stiff after sitting in the car after falling and hurting yourself again :D
*gentle hugs*

Good Monday Morning everyone! It is another grey and rainy day, but I think today will be the last of the heavy rainfall for a few days! We survived the Atmospheric River and so far have had a total of 101mm that is about 4inches of rainfall and high wind gusts, so we now have a lot of cleanup to do in the yards Ugh!! However the across the way from us in West Vancouver they saw double the amount of rainfall and lots of flooding, one person missing after their house was washed away in a mudslide.
I'm glad that you are ok and no crazy flooding! I wish we could have taken some of that rain from you and West Vancouver.
We all had a tea leaf reading and that was fun too. Apparently my sister's daughter is supposed to find the love of her life and the granddaughter is supposed to have another baby, a boy. I am supposed to go on 4 trips over the next year lol wouldn't that be nice!!
:rotfl: Where do they come up with some of that stuff? Do your 4 trips include those you make to Costco with your Gary?
Once I had a tarot card reading and was told I would have twins-- *after* I had my tubes tied bwuahahah!

One more dr. appt. what for now?? Seems you have spent a lot of days getting poked and prodded, but I guess its a good thing to know that you are doing so well!! BTW I love that photo of you as a cute little bat!! Great costume! Hope you get to do some scrapping today!!
The one this week is a follow-up on the DEXA scan. I read my 24-hour Holter results on My Chart yesterday and there was a lot of gobbledygook about arrhythmias -- my quick Dr. Google search (yeah yeah, I know you should never do that! LOL) says that they could be nothing or something. I'll have to wait and see if that cardiologist wants a follow-up or not. All of the other tests he did were good.
I am so grateful I vote in NJ. Easiest thing ever. Fill in the dots, pop it in the mail, postage paid, and it's done. 100% trackable. I know that Scott and Tom haven't mailed their ballots back yet because they got sample ballots yesterday. Anyone who prefers to vote in person can do so on election day. It's such a great system.

@Terri M Welcome back!! How did you and your wrist hold up on the trip? I hope that everyone carried all of your bags for you so you didn't hurt yourself anymore. Because you know-- you wouldn't want to injure the other wrist too from overuse. LOL!!
How neat to come home with some new cooking skills too!
You sure have a busy few weeks coming up but I bet seeing the grands makes all of it worth it!
Thanksgiving? me~~> :lalala:

@BrightEyes What a PITB to get to the base and not be able to pick up your Rxs. :/
Sorry to hear about the construction and traffic. I'd need a nap after all of that too! I hope that today is an easier one for you!



Love my O Family!
Good morning, my lovelies! How is everyone doing today? My weather app says it is going to be 80* today. It was in the 70s when I was out raking the leaves yesterday and I was sweating. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of rain in the 10-day forecast and we have been having some small wildfires in the area. Total fire restrictions are all in place. Although, that didn't help the house down my street yesterday afternoon. There was yet another house fire on my 1/2 mile-long street. When my friend texted me about it (it was three houses up from us), I asked how many it was up to, and she said she lost count. I think that was the 6th one since we moved here. Like I said-- 1/2 mile long street, kind of crazy.

What did you do yesterday? What did *I* do yesterday? :thinking2:
I worked on my grocery order and cleaned out the fridge. Raked leaves. Scrapped a page for a new kit coming out soon. Cooked dinner. Think that was about it.
Today I am picking up the groceries and will most likely cry at how little $150 gets ya these days. :crying1: Then I'm off to work at 12. We are talking about animal shelters and dens today. We are going to hike and look for some different places animals can burrow/den. Then we are going to build a tarp shelter and some blanket forts. If there is time, we are going to come up with a pretend animal and create a habitat for it.
Should be a fun day! :D

HAGD too!
Love your creativity for your HS group!


Love my O Family!
Hope you had a safe trip home and aren't too stiff after sitting in the car after falling and hurting yourself again :D
*gentle hugs*

I'm glad that you are ok and no crazy flooding! I wish we could have taken some of that rain from you and West Vancouver.

:rotfl: Where do they come up with some of that stuff? Do your 4 trips include those you make to Costco with your Gary?
Once I had a tarot card reading and was told I would have twins-- *after* I had my tubes tied bwuahahah!

The one this week is a follow-up on the DEXA scan. I read my 24-hour Holter results on My Chart yesterday and there was a lot of gobbledygook about arrhythmias -- my quick Dr. Google search (yeah yeah, I know you should never do that! LOL) says that they could be nothing or something. I'll have to wait and see if that cardiologist wants a follow-up or not. All of the other tests he did were good.
I am so grateful I vote in NJ. Easiest thing ever. Fill in the dots, pop it in the mail, postage paid, and it's done. 100% trackable. I know that Scott and Tom haven't mailed their ballots back yet because they got sample ballots yesterday. Anyone who prefers to vote in person can do so on election day. It's such a great system.

@Terri M Welcome back!! How did you and your wrist hold up on the trip? I hope that everyone carried all of your bags for you so you didn't hurt yourself anymore. Because you know-- you wouldn't want to injure the other wrist too from overuse. LOL!!
How neat to come home with some new cooking skills too!
You sure have a busy few weeks coming up but I bet seeing the grands makes all of it worth it!
Thanksgiving? me~~> :lalala:

@BrightEyes What a PITB to get to the base and not be able to pick up your Rxs. :/
Sorry to hear about the construction and traffic. I'd need a nap after all of that too! I hope that today is an easier one for you!

My butt was flat by the time we got home after 9 hours with very few stops! But, even though the wrists are both sore and I have to use both hands to pick up my glass, the swelling in the right wrist is down! My ribs still hurt when I bend over and try to breath at the same time, LOL! I will survive!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out. I have lots to catch up on today after being gone.
Laundry first and foremost.
scrapping my ATCs second.
Scrap a spread about our weekend.
That should take me all day!
Hopefully Mark will take me out to eat at some point since he took the rest of the week off! He is in the woods right now! I know, you are surprised about that, right? ;)
I'll pop in and out through the day.
Have a wonderful day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Warm, sunny day forecast for central Virginia, too. We visited a new winery a couple days ago (now I have 11 within biking distance!) and I think we'll be at peak color in a week or so. Article in this morning's paper said that all the winemakers are pleased with the hot, dry summer we had because the grapes are good and they were able to harvest before we had the monstrous floods. Apparently a lot of water before harvesting dilutes the flavor of the grapes. I guess that makes sense.

I tried to make dinner by myself -- David's been doing the cutting since my broken wrist but he was taking a nap -- and I got so frustrated with stuff dropping and bouncing all over the kitchen that I was in tears by the time he woke up. Simpler dinner tonight, and I will ask for help with the 2-handed stuff. On the other hand (heh!) I can take off the brace for short periods of time and I can actually knit for about a half hour. So last night I finished off a pair of socks. Tonight I'm going to take out the sweater I have had in hibernation for several weeks and try to get it done before our Thanksgiving trip.

How did you and your wrist hold up on the trip? I hope that everyone carried all of your bags for you so you didn't hurt yourself anymore.
The wrist didn't hold me back at all, Thanks for asking! A couple times it was an advantage, like when there weren't enough seats on the tram and I was the last one to board, three gentlemen offered me a place. We actually used taxis for trips between airport & hotel, when we normally will take public transit. Google Pay and Google Translate made traveling very simple.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone, its a foggy morning and very chilly, but I think the sun is supposed to show up today. Today I will be running a few errands and not much else going on for me today. Of course I will try to work on my calendar again, it is slow going and I need to go through photos and pick what I want for each month. Same thing as every year I think I should stop making them, but the family does love to get them. One month at a time, I can do it!! :spinningchair:. I should really start working on some Halloween Treat Bags for the neighbour kids, soon they will all be too old to go out Trick or Treating, then that project will be put away :sad2:. I always have fun doing the treat bags! MIL is having her sister come for an overnight visit on Thursday, so she has asked us to dinner and wants my help preparing the food. Of course I said I would be happy to help her out, she never asks for anything so this is a big step for her! The colours are at their peak right now and it is so pretty, I do love this time of year!

Good morning, my lovelies! How is everyone doing today? My weather app says it is going to be 80* today. It was in the 70s when I was out raking the leaves yesterday and I was sweating. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of rain in the 10-day forecast and we have been having some small wildfires in the area. Total fire restrictions are all in place. Although, that didn't help the house down my street yesterday afternoon. There was yet another house fire on my 1/2 mile-long street. When my friend texted me about it (it was three houses up from us), I asked how many it was up to, and she said she lost count. I think that was the 6th one since we moved here. Like I said-- 1/2 mile long street, kind of crazy.
Wow you are having a long summer!! You must love it!! I would be happy to send you some of that moisture that we have had! As I look out the window, it has started raining again!! Oh well its Fall on the Wet Coast, we shouldn't expect anything different lol. Yikes on the house fire on your street again!! Any idea what would have caused it?? I just love the things you come up with for the kids and your HS !! I bet the kids love it too! :lovey3:
My butt was flat by the time we got home after 9 hours with very few stops! But, even though the wrists are both sore and I have to use both hands to pick up my glass, the swelling in the right wrist is down! My ribs still hurt when I bend over and try to breath at the same time, LOL! I will survive!
Ughh, nine hours in a car, not my idea of a good time! Is your Mark, like my Gary and you only stop if you need gas, or have to use the toilet??? No wonder your butt was flat!! Sorry you are still hurting and hope that the swelling goes down for you soon!
Warm, sunny day forecast for central Virginia, too. We visited a new winery a couple days ago (now I have 11 within biking distance!) and I think we'll be at peak color in a week or so. Article in this morning's paper said that all the winemakers are pleased with the hot, dry summer we had because the grapes are good and they were able to harvest before we had the monstrous floods. Apparently a lot of water before harvesting dilutes the flavor of the grapes. I guess that makes sense.
Sounds lovely where you are right now and I would be in heaven with being able to bike to all the wineries around us!! My DH makes his own, but we sure love going to some of the local wineries for an afternoon of good wine, food and conversation!! The scenery is wonderful too and a few have live entertainment, which is nice!

Well I suppose I should get in the shower and get busy with my day of running errands, hopefully the fog lifts so I can see where I am going :giggle4: . Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Beautiful ladies.
You'll never guess what last nights high winds did! What? You guessed? Yep, power went out. Thankfully we were all asleep when it went off so I say it didn't really count :floorlaugh: Yesterday was a good busy day. Typical Monday, clean house and laundry. But I managed to sit a couple times. Today I have PT then work. Its crazy. Put in notice and then get asked to work lots more then normal. I'm sure its just happenstance but its funny to me. Oh you wanna retire, well, you gotta work an extra 40 hours a month :floorlaugh:

Off to get more coffee. Have a wonderful day.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone, its a foggy morning and very chilly, but I think the sun is supposed to show up today. Today I will be running a few errands and not much else going on for me today. Of course I will try to work on my calendar again, it is slow going and I need to go through photos and pick what I want for each month. Same thing as every year I think I should stop making them, but the family does love to get them. One month at a time, I can do it!! :spinningchair:. I should really start working on some Halloween Treat Bags for the neighbour kids, soon they will all be too old to go out Trick or Treating, then that project will be put away :sad2:. I always have fun doing the treat bags! MIL is having her sister come for an overnight visit on Thursday, so she has asked us to dinner and wants my help preparing the food. Of course I said I would be happy to help her out, she never asks for anything so this is a big step for her! The colours are at their peak right now and it is so pretty, I do love this time of year!

Wow you are having a long summer!! You must love it!! I would be happy to send you some of that moisture that we have had! As I look out the window, it has started raining again!! Oh well its Fall on the Wet Coast, we shouldn't expect anything different lol. Yikes on the house fire on your street again!! Any idea what would have caused it?? I just love the things you come up with for the kids and your HS !! I bet the kids love it too! :lovey3:

Ughh, nine hours in a car, not my idea of a good time! Is your Mark, like my Gary and you only stop if you need gas, or have to use the toilet??? No wonder your butt was flat!! Sorry you are still hurting and hope that the swelling goes down for you soon!

Sounds lovely where you are right now and I would be in heaven with being able to bike to all the wineries around us!! My DH makes his own, but we sure love going to some of the local wineries for an afternoon of good wine, food and conversation!! The scenery is wonderful too and a few have live entertainment, which is nice!

Well I suppose I should get in the shower and get busy with my day of running errands, hopefully the fog lifts so I can see where I am going :giggle4: . Have a great day everyone!
Yes, pretty much! I grew up with a dad that was like that (actually, so was my first DH.....maybe it's a guy thing?!) so my bladder is used to waiting and waiting and waiting!

I drove to get lunch today and realized what a hard time I was having turning the steering wheel! YIKES! Glad it was mostly a straight shot from our house to Wendy's! I told Mark if I had to drive any distance in the near future, I would probably have to let someone else drive! I hope I am much better by the second Tuesday of November because that's when I will be taking the widows back to their meeting an hour away! That is mostly interstate and highway driving, however, which is a good thing!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I had a fun time with my sister and her daughter and her granddaughter at the Calico Cat Tea House. We enjoyed a nice lunch and lots of chatting and laughter! We all had a tea leaf reading and that was fun too. Apparently my sister's daughter is supposed to find the love of her life and the granddaughter is supposed to have another baby, a boy. I am supposed to go on 4 trips over the next year lol wouldn't that be nice!! My sister gets mad every time she has a reading, seems all they talk about is her husband :mad:.
That sounds like such a fun time. What a hoot that you had a tea leaf reading done, I wonder how many other people are taking 4 trips and the baby boys in the next year? I tried watching Long Island Medium a few times, she was such a whack job and I read too many things about how she "does" business, but I also think there are people who do possess a different sense of things. Pretty funny that your siser's leaves, leave her out of the book.
Hi folks! Here I am, back from our vacation in Portugal and Spain. We had a fantastic trip. I am now totally spoiled, having spent a solid week on a luxury cruise ship. But I did learn that there will never be any reason for me to sign up for a drinks package, because even with all drinks included all day long, I still only wanted a glass or two of wine. The ice cream, though......

We got back Thursday night but it's taken me the weekend to get over jet lag and unpacking and catching up. Well, catching up isn't really done yet. I see that I have 2 more days to use my coupon from September challenges, so I better think about that. I also just made our plane reservations to fly to Seattle to spend Thanksgiving with the kids, and, holy cow! that's in only a few weeks. Plus I have jury duty next week. Maybe I'll be lucky and won't be called up.

We took classes to learn how to make tagine in Tangier, and paella in Valencia. I am inspired and want to try both of those here at home. The tagine is really easy so maybe I'll start with that. You need special rice for the paella to be authentic; that may or may not make it past my limit of how hard I'm willing to work at it.
So glad you had a fun time and the wrist didn't hinder the fun and cookie classes for local cuisine, what a fantastic idea. Catching up is a bugger though, but it's the price of admission I guess, or maybe it's the tax.
What did you do yesterday? What did *I* do yesterday? :thinking2:
I got up early and went to the gym, got groceries, and dreading the fact that Wendell thought I needed to go over to sign paperwork at the lawyer while he read it to his mother and double checked that the changes had been made yadda, yadda. I told him it was ridiculous for me to spend that much time for something that I've been watching him deal with for months, and been his sounding post, and sharer of frustration and anger, I really don't need to understand the legaleze. Thankfully he listened to me and they went and it took over 2 hours, I would not have been a happy camper. We went back over (6 miles) after lunch so I could sign and then we got our flu shots and went home. In the time I saved in the morning I started laundry and started my November challenge layout. When we got home I did some more laundry. This morning I had my had my new front crowns put on so I spent over 2 hours at the dentist and came home with great teeth and a totally numb face. Have you ever tried to blow your nose when you can't feel it? They told me I was grinning, I have no memory of it because my lips felt overplumped. I had a runny nose when I got home and figured it was dental dust, but it hasn't stopped running, and I've been sneezing all afternoon, so I think I may be coming down with a cold and not dental dust bunnies. I was awake at 3 this morning, got up at 4 and finished up my challenge layout before I had to head to the dentist at 8. Just taking it easy this afternoon and getting caught up with y'all and sneezing and blowing my nose. It was upper 80s again yesterday, 'only' in the 70s today, weird, weird weather. We've had some years that we've had multiple inches of snow already, I'm not looking for that for sure, but cooler would be nice and after all the overabundance of rain all spring and most of the summer, we 've been dry as a bone here with no rain in weeks. Full burning bands re in effect.
Warm, sunny day forecast for central Virginia, too. We visited a new winery a couple days ago (now I have 11 within biking distance!) and I think we'll be at peak color in a week or so. Article in this morning's paper said that all the winemakers are pleased with the hot, dry summer we had because the grapes are good and they were able to harvest before we had the monstrous floods. Apparently a lot of water before harvesting dilutes the flavor of the grapes. I guess that makes sense.

I tried to make dinner by myself -- David's been doing the cutting since my broken wrist but he was taking a nap -- and I got so frustrated with stuff dropping and bouncing all over the kitchen that I was in tears by the time he woke up. Simpler dinner tonight, and I will ask for help with the 2-handed stuff. On the other hand (heh!) I can take off the brace for short periods of time and I can actually knit for about a half hour. So last night I finished off a pair of socks. Tonight I'm going to take out the sweater I have had in hibernation for several weeks and try to get it done before our Thanksgiving trip.
Wow, 11 wineries within biking distance? Color me jealous! Grape crops in Minnesota have been really good this season from what we've heard from our favorite wineries.
Today I have PT then work. Its crazy. Put in notice and then get asked to work lots more then normal. I'm sure its just happenstance but its funny to me. Oh you wanna retire, well, you gotta work an extra 40 hours a month :floorlaugh:
So torture before retirement, what a novel idea:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Take my word for it, it will be worth it.
I drove to get lunch today and realized what a hard time I was having turning the steering wheel! YIKES! Glad it was mostly a straight shot from our house to Wendy's! I told Mark if I had to drive any distance in the near future, I would probably have to let someone else drive!
Getting someone to drive you is a pain but a whole lot safer until you get more mobility with less pain. Need to figure out supper.


Quick in and out... Slept in until 9:30AM!!! That was 12 and a half hours of sleep!!! :eek: Just goes to show that I am not completely recovered. So I decided to make this a PJ day. I downloaded a pre-release kit and started working on it when the mouse hung up and stopped working. Thought I had too much opened so did a ESC and CTRL then had to use the arrows to get it to close down. Restarted it but had the same thing happen again!!! There was an update waiting so manage to get to it. But... still had a hang-up when it was done. Decided that it was the mouse but couldn't figure out how to get it open... Dug out the book and it just said 'change the batteries"!!! Finally after changing batteries in the keyboard - I looked closely and saw a very tiny arrow on the top side of the mouse. Pressed on it and the whole top of the mouse popped loose!!! Never had a mouse designed like this one so it was a big surprise on how this opened!!! Took over an hour to figure it all out. The good news is I managed to get the LO done. The bad news is I spent all day on this and missed both breakfast and lunch. Now the tummy is in revolt and yelling at me.


Well-Known Member
So torture before retirement, what a novel idea:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Take my word for it, it will be worth it.
I only work one day a week, so the extra 40 is torture. Not really but its funny to me that its happening this way. It will be nice but I wont officially retire retire until 2027 when I graduate the last kid!! Then I told hubs I wanted a retirement cruise!!