
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, November 7


The Loopy-O
Ooh, boy, I really had to take my time with the day/day. I thought it was Wednesday and almost typed October again. After triple and quadruple-checking, I am positive that it is correct. I know that Kay is relying on me :D

Thankfully I slept "normally" last night and the dogs didn't wake me up at some ungodly hour. They are still all messed up with eating but that shouldn't last too long. I was dragging by 11 a.m. and couldn't get much else accomplished. But the big thing- the mammo appt is set for Dec 2. I finished plastic-insulating three windows and have two more to do today.
Still no news on the tax rebate. I tried calling twice more yesterday and there is no way to connect to a human. I think I am going to call a different department and see if I can get transferred. I don't know what else to do. I was going to use the rebate to cover the escrow shortage on my mortgage. I *need* that rebate! :waiting:
The rest of my day was texting with my brother and my SIL about my dad's birthday. Then on the phone with my mom and my dad about more stupid stuff. Can I tell you how fabulous it was to be at Coloring Crew and not have to make any decision other than what color pencil I want to use?
It. Was. Fabulous.

One reason that I thought today was Wed. was that I am picking up my groceries today since I am cleaning for my friend tomorrow. I have to spend some time with the rats since Cait isn't around. Cait and Tom went to PA last night to meet up with Scott and Sam. Scott and Sam took a little mini-vacation of a few days up there. Caitlyn is off for Election Day so the two of them went up last night after work and will be home late tonight. I'm so happy when my kids (all 4) are together and having a good time.

My big project today is the Annual Dusting of the Disney Cabinet. It's a glass cabinet for our Disney figurines and snow globes. I dust it once a year before the holidays. Some of you old-timers here will remember the story of the time that all of the glass shelves crashed down on each other and I had smashed Disney characters all over my floor. Needless to say, I go very slowly when I do this. BTW- I had nothing to do with shelves falling. I was in the kitchen when it happened.

Wishing everyone a truly lovely day and don't forget to vote!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday hahaha! The targeted ads on the computers are super creepy. I can always tell when Caitlyn is searching for wedding things. I'll end up with ads for purple flowers or men's wedding rings.
Did you end up with a PJ day? I am very glad that you have been taking it easy while you heal.

@BrightEyes What a lovely surprise to have your DD visit. I bet you were just as happy passing the clothes along to her as she was to get them. It makes it easier for me when I know that something of mine is going to a good home instead of a landfill.
Sounds like you have some beautiful weather, I hope you get some time to enjoy it!

@taxed4ever You sure got a lot done in the house and yard this weekend. And your chicken sounds delish! I have made similar but without the ham, I should try that. I cooked chicken florentine last night.
How did the Halloween photos/page work out? I haven't been in the gallery yet today but I will look for it.
What a sweet time you had talking to Sadie one-on-one. ♥

@bcgal00 So sorry that you and Jen aren't feeling the best and hope you are both all better today. How has D been feeling after his surgery, I hope that the Crohn's didn't act up while he was on vacation.
I bet you are really glad that you did a lot of purging in the house over the summer, three weeks to be out is going to go by quickly, isn't it?
My heart is melting at Remi waking you with kisses. And Taz too!

@pachimac Mmmmm, your au gratin potatoes sound really good! Do you like winter squash? It's not what I would call"fun" but I am making acorn squash for Thanksgiving. Roast it, then mash it with butter and brown sugar. I'll use vegan butter and sugar so Tom can eat it. Trudy mentioned asparagus and I adore it-- you could blister asparagus in a cast iron pan, if you have one, with sliced garlic. Ooh- sauteed broccoli rabe would go perfectly with a ham.
I wouldn't consider them as fun or distinct, but not the typical veggie dish like corn.
I am really sorry to hear about your nephew. :( It's hard to see someone you love go through that pain. BTDT with Scott. It took him a while to get through that but he is in a much better relationship-- with himself and with Sam (his SO). I hope that Dillion is the same.

@Cherylndesigns Thank you for the reminder! keep it coming! Just say no:protest: to :mopping: :housekeeping: :vacuuming:

Your grandma's saying is the best! Do you think there is any way I can take that advice to heart?
I want to, just not sure how my follow-through will be LOL

@BrightEyes So glad that you got your haircut and scored well at the Kohls's sale.



Love my O Family!
Ooh, boy, I really had to take my time with the day/day. I thought it was Wednesday and almost typed October again. After triple and quadruple-checking, I am positive that it is correct. I know that Kay is relying on me :D

Thankfully I slept "normally" last night and the dogs didn't wake me up at some ungodly hour. They are still all messed up with eating but that shouldn't last too long. I was dragging by 11 a.m. and couldn't get much else accomplished. But the big thing- the mammo appt is set for Dec 2. I finished plastic-insulating three windows and have two more to do today.
Still no news on the tax rebate. I tried calling twice more yesterday and there is no way to connect to a human. I think I am going to call a different department and see if I can get transferred. I don't know what else to do. I was going to use the rebate to cover the escrow shortage on my mortgage. I *need* that rebate! :waiting:
The rest of my day was texting with my brother and my SIL about my dad's birthday. Then on the phone with my mom and my dad about more stupid stuff. Can I tell you how fabulous it was to be at Coloring Crew and not have to make any decision other than what color pencil I want to use?
It. Was. Fabulous.

One reason that I thought today was Wed. was that I am picking up my groceries today since I am cleaning for my friend tomorrow. I have to spend some time with the rats since Cait isn't around. Cait and Tom went to PA last night to meet up with Scott and Sam. Scott and Sam took a little mini-vacation of a few days up there. Caitlyn is off for Election Day so the two of them went up last night after work and will be home late tonight. I'm so happy when my kids (all 4) are together and having a good time.

My big project today is the Annual Dusting of the Disney Cabinet. It's a glass cabinet for our Disney figurines and snow globes. I dust it once a year before the holidays. Some of you old-timers here will remember the story of the time that all of the glass shelves crashed down on each other and I had smashed Disney characters all over my floor. Needless to say, I go very slowly when I do this. BTW- I had nothing to do with shelves falling. I was in the kitchen when it happened.

Wishing everyone a truly lovely day and don't forget to vote!
OH MY! Like the walls of Jericho came tumbling down! Have you replaced the broken Disney characters? Did any of the snow globes break in the crash?


Love my O Family!
@vickyday hahaha! The targeted ads on the computers are super creepy. I can always tell when Caitlyn is searching for wedding things. I'll end up with ads for purple flowers or men's wedding rings.
Did you end up with a PJ day? I am very glad that you have been taking it easy while you heal.

@BrightEyes What a lovely surprise to have your DD visit. I bet you were just as happy passing the clothes along to her as she was to get them. It makes it easier for me when I know that something of mine is going to a good home instead of a landfill.
Sounds like you have some beautiful weather, I hope you get some time to enjoy it!

@taxed4ever You sure got a lot done in the house and yard this weekend. And your chicken sounds delish! I have made similar but without the ham, I should try that. I cooked chicken florentine last night.
How did the Halloween photos/page work out? I haven't been in the gallery yet today but I will look for it.
What a sweet time you had talking to Sadie one-on-one. ♥

@bcgal00 So sorry that you and Jen aren't feeling the best and hope you are both all better today. How has D been feeling after his surgery, I hope that the Crohn's didn't act up while he was on vacation.
I bet you are really glad that you did a lot of purging in the house over the summer, three weeks to be out is going to go by quickly, isn't it?
My heart is melting at Remi waking you with kisses. And Taz too!

@pachimac Mmmmm, your au gratin potatoes sound really good! Do you like winter squash? It's not what I would call"fun" but I am making acorn squash for Thanksgiving. Roast it, then mash it with butter and brown sugar. I'll use vegan butter and sugar so Tom can eat it. Trudy mentioned asparagus and I adore it-- you could blister asparagus in a cast iron pan, if you have one, with sliced garlic. Ooh- sauteed broccoli rabe would go perfectly with a ham.
I wouldn't consider them as fun or distinct, but not the typical veggie dish like corn.
I am really sorry to hear about your nephew. :( It's hard to see someone you love go through that pain. BTDT with Scott. It took him a while to get through that but he is in a much better relationship-- with himself and with Sam (his SO). I hope that Dillion is the same.

@Cherylndesigns Thank you for the reminder! keep it coming! Just say no:protest: to :mopping: :housekeeping: :vacuuming:

Your grandma's saying is the best! Do you think there is any way I can take that advice to heart?
I want to, just not sure how my follow-through will be LOL

@BrightEyes So glad that you got your haircut and scored well at the Kohls's sale.

I had a pj day, just not in my pjs, lol! I had to go to the mailbox and I didn't dare step outside in what I wore to bed! I also placed a grocery order which was almost immediately ready for pickup! So I had to drive the 3 miles there and 3 miles back. I wouldn't want to be seen in my pjs if something were to happen!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
What a beautiful day we had yesterday! Low to mid 70s with all sunshine!
I did have a pj day, just not in my pjs. I had to put on some real clothes to go to the mailbox and pick up my grocery order. But the clothes I put on were as comfy as my pjs!
I am really itching to get back to knitting, but at least 2 more weeks to go in this cast before I see the doctor again. Hopefully the wrist will be ready for the cast to be removed. I just don't expect I'll be ready to do any knitting at that time until my wrist limbers up. We shall see.
In the meantime, I've been getting some challenges done! I've got one I need to get posted before I move on to more challenges.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. My sleep is still spotty, I napped for 3 hrs yesterday before dinner and then was awake quite a bit throughout the night. I got up at 6:30 feeling rested, my throat isn't as sore and the chest congestion is less. D got his mole cut off, right now his face is swollen and red with 4 stitches but he said it's not too sore. Today I'll work on paperwork and will start putting camera/computer stuff into bins to put in the car when we move. I will let the movers take the PC and monitors but I'll keep all my HD's, memory cards, chargers/batteries, laptop, etc with me.

I need to contact my eye doctor to ask for a copy of my file to take to Calgary and will look for a new specialist there. I am supposed to get a checkup in January so I'm going to start checking around and set up an appt. I also need to look for a vet/groomer for the dogs.

So much to do but I am trying not to get overwhelmed, just tackle each thing one at a time (isn't that what I always tell you to do Chris?).


Quick in and out this AM... been working on a CT LO since I got up. I decided to go ahead and post the journaling challenge LO. It is about Veteran's Day - November 11. I was going to wait until the 11th to post it but have been seeing posts on FB about it coming this weekend. Decided to change the FB cover and photo to DH's retirement from the Navy. They bring back so many wonderful memories of DH and his time in the service.

Need to get dressed and off to WM to exchange the sweat pants and top. Hope they have them in the size/style/color I want. Have a couple of other stops to make while I am out... and to get them done before the weather takes a plunge in temps late today/tonight.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies!! There are patches of blue sky out there this morning! Hooray!! I can't believe how beautiful the trees still are, they are really taking a long time to lose their leaves and it is a sea of gorgeous orange and red. So pretty!! I spent the better part of the day working on my October Calendar page and its only half done :sad2: . Lots of fussy extraction to do, but I found a great kit to use for it and I hope to get it finished today and put it in the gallery. I might not post it on my own facebook page though, I don't want the family to see it until they open it on Christmas Day. I finally finished off my Junk Journal and will film a flip through of it so you can all see my crazy obsession with this Junk Journaling LOL. My craft room is a bit more tidy, but still working on organizing all of the ephemera that I now have. My next project will probably be making a folder for storing all of that ephemera. I have to get a card made soon for my SIL Veronica, her birthday is coming up and we are all going to go out for dinner. That should be fun! Not hiking tomorrow, but will be going to the pool to get some laps in. DH and I are looking at going somewhere warm this winter, but wow the prices have increased so much!! Maybe we will find a good deal in the next month or so?? Not much else happening here.

@faerywings - Glad you slept better last night! Will you be hosting a party for your Dad's birthday?? Or are you letting someone else do that? My Gary's Dad will be turning 90 in April, wonder who will be having that party?? Hope you get through to the proper people for your tax rebate today! So frustrating when you can't talk to a real person!! :rollingpin1:. Be careful while you are dusting all of your precious items in the glass cabinet! I hope one day that you will return to Disneyland/world so you can put a few more items in that cabinet!! Although I can't imagine how much that would cost these day LOL. So special that your kids are spending some time away together, I love when that happens with my kids too!! :lovey3:

@vickyday - Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday! It makes the soul feel so much better when the sun is shining and the temps are mild!! Hope that you hear good news soon about your arm and that you will be able to pick up those knitting needles again! Enjoy scrapping more challenges today!

@bcgal00 - Sorry to hear that you and Jen were not feeling all that well, hopefully you will be feeling much better soon! Glad that your Darrell's removal of his mole went well and that it heals quickly! You have so much to do before your move, sure hope you have better luck with finding Drs. in Calgary than you did in Kamloops!! It will be another climate change for you all, but Calgary gets those lovely Chinook winds and lots of sunshine in the winter! Good idea to keep all of your camera equipment and HD's with you for the drive. Yes remember, one thing at a time, it will get done!

@pachimac - So sorry to hear about the divorce papers being served to your nephew!! What a sad thing for him, she sounds like a piece of work and maybe he will be better off without her in his life. Still a tragic thing to happen for him! Hope you figure out what to make with your Ham this thanksgiving I love to serve devilled eggs with a Ham they are always a big hit. Not a veggie however LOL.

@BrightEyes - I will have to check out your latest layout! I should be making a layout for the upcoming Remembrance Day also, not sure if my DH will be marching this year, he did last year, but he only goes now if they have trouble finding RCMP members to march. So proud of our son and DIL as they are both in the Air Force and usually take part in the Ceremonies in Ottawa.

@Cherylndesigns - So you are back to one dog. It will seem very quiet for you now! Poor Daisy all tuckered out from the youngster. Did you go to the get together with Adrienne last night?? If so I hope you had a great time!

I am off to get the bed made and empty the dishwasher, what an exciting life I lead :spinningchair:!! Hope you all have a fabulous day!:waving1


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning, all.

I think it's morning - every time I look at my phone, I'm confused about the time. Haha That's what I get for bragging that I had NO effects from the time change. :lol23:

Chris @faerywings darn it that you haven't gotten your tax rebate yet. Hope you get an answer today and aren't bots fun to talk to? I thought you'd like my grandma's philosophy. I tried to carry that on when my grandkids were little. There was NO use in doing too much before they came. It's not easy to do though and I know you'll still knock yourself out. Just don't break that glass ever again - I know you didn't do it, but let's don't ever have that happen again.

Trudy @taxed4ever Daisy is exhausted today! She had to "keep that pup in line" for a week and she's wiped out. It does seem quiet around here, but a good quiet. No, I didn't go last night. I laid down with the 2 dogs and the cat and took a long nap, then they decided to leave earlier than expected and there was no way I could hurry yesterday. Adrienne said I didn't miss anything. Haha Last night, after I fixed myself some dinner, I sat down on the couch to watch TV and fell asleep again. I took two naps yesterday.

Kay @BrightEyes good luck returning your clothes today. Hugs to everybody. I'm going to cut this short. I finished a prerelease and did another challenge and want to get those posted. Oh, it's 75 and gorgeous here. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies!! There are patches of blue sky out there this morning! Hooray!! I can't believe how beautiful the trees still are, they are really taking a long time to lose their leaves and it is a sea of gorgeous orange and red. So pretty!! I spent the better part of the day working on my October Calendar page and its only half done :sad2: . Lots of fussy extraction to do, but I found a great kit to use for it and I hope to get it finished today and put it in the gallery. I might not post it on my own facebook page though, I don't want the family to see it until they open it on Christmas Day. I finally finished off my Junk Journal and will film a flip through of it so you can all see my crazy obsession with this Junk Journaling LOL. My craft room is a bit more tidy, but still working on organizing all of the ephemera that I now have. My next project will probably be making a folder for storing all of that ephemera. I have to get a card made soon for my SIL Veronica, her birthday is coming up and we are all going to go out for dinner. That should be fun! Not hiking tomorrow, but will be going to the pool to get some laps in. DH and I are looking at going somewhere warm this winter, but wow the prices have increased so much!! Maybe we will find a good deal in the next month or so?? Not much else happening here.

@faerywings - Glad you slept better last night! Will you be hosting a party for your Dad's birthday?? Or are you letting someone else do that? My Gary's Dad will be turning 90 in April, wonder who will be having that party?? Hope you get through to the proper people for your tax rebate today! So frustrating when you can't talk to a real person!! :rollingpin1:. Be careful while you are dusting all of your precious items in the glass cabinet! I hope one day that you will return to Disneyland/world so you can put a few more items in that cabinet!! Although I can't imagine how much that would cost these day LOL. So special that your kids are spending some time away together, I love when that happens with my kids too!! :lovey3:

@vickyday - Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday! It makes the soul feel so much better when the sun is shining and the temps are mild!! Hope that you hear good news soon about your arm and that you will be able to pick up those knitting needles again! Enjoy scrapping more challenges today!

@bcgal00 - Sorry to hear that you and Jen were not feeling all that well, hopefully you will be feeling much better soon! Glad that your Darrell's removal of his mole went well and that it heals quickly! You have so much to do before your move, sure hope you have better luck with finding Drs. in Calgary than you did in Kamloops!! It will be another climate change for you all, but Calgary gets those lovely Chinook winds and lots of sunshine in the winter! Good idea to keep all of your camera equipment and HD's with you for the drive. Yes remember, one thing at a time, it will get done!

@pachimac - So sorry to hear about the divorce papers being served to your nephew!! What a sad thing for him, she sounds like a piece of work and maybe he will be better off without her in his life. Still a tragic thing to happen for him! Hope you figure out what to make with your Ham this thanksgiving I love to serve devilled eggs with a Ham they are always a big hit. Not a veggie however LOL.

@BrightEyes - I will have to check out your latest layout! I should be making a layout for the upcoming Remembrance Day also, not sure if my DH will be marching this year, he did last year, but he only goes now if they have trouble finding RCMP members to march. So proud of our son and DIL as they are both in the Air Force and usually take part in the Ceremonies in Ottawa.

@Cherylndesigns - So you are back to one dog. It will seem very quiet for you now! Poor Daisy all tuckered out from the youngster. Did you go to the get together with Adrienne last night?? If so I hope you had a great time!

I am off to get the bed made and empty the dishwasher, what an exciting life I lead :spinningchair:!! Hope you all have a fabulous day!:waving1
Do you actually use the junk journals you make? I hope you post a link to the video here since I don't have a Facebook account now. The next arm appt. is 2 weeks from tomorrow, so I just have to be patient with the knitting urges, lol!


Love my O Family!
Good morning, all.

I think it's morning - every time I look at my phone, I'm confused about the time. Haha That's what I get for bragging that I had NO effects from the time change. :lol23:

Chris @faerywings darn it that you haven't gotten your tax rebate yet. Hope you get an answer today and aren't bots fun to talk to? I thought you'd like my grandma's philosophy. I tried to carry that on when my grandkids were little. There was NO use in doing too much before they came. It's not easy to do though and I know you'll still knock yourself out. Just don't break that glass ever again - I know you didn't do it, but let's don't ever have that happen again.

Trudy @taxed4ever Daisy is exhausted today! She had to "keep that pup in line" for a week and she's wiped out. It does seem quiet around here, but a good quiet. No, I didn't go last night. I laid down with the 2 dogs and the cat and took a long nap, then they decided to leave earlier than expected and there was no way I could hurry yesterday. Adrienne said I didn't miss anything. Haha Last night, after I fixed myself some dinner, I sat down on the couch to watch TV and fell asleep again. I took two naps yesterday.

Kay @BrightEyes good luck returning your clothes today. Hugs to everybody. I'm going to cut this short. I finished a prerelease and did another challenge and want to get those posted. Oh, it's 75 and gorgeous here. HAGD
Hope your resting yesterday helped you feel better today!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. My sleep is still spotty, I napped for 3 hrs yesterday before dinner and then was awake quite a bit throughout the night. I got up at 6:30 feeling rested, my throat isn't as sore and the chest congestion is less. D got his mole cut off, right now his face is swollen and red with 4 stitches but he said it's not too sore. Today I'll work on paperwork and will start putting camera/computer stuff into bins to put in the car when we move. I will let the movers take the PC and monitors but I'll keep all my HD's, memory cards, chargers/batteries, laptop, etc with me.

I need to contact my eye doctor to ask for a copy of my file to take to Calgary and will look for a new specialist there. I am supposed to get a checkup in January so I'm going to start checking around and set up an appt. I also need to look for a vet/groomer for the dogs.

So much to do but I am trying not to get overwhelmed, just tackle each thing one at a time (isn't that what I always tell you to do Chris?).
Are they going to biopsy the mole? Glad he isn't too sore!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I got my AJ blog post up today and I'm really enjoying it! The blog allows me to be as verbose as I need to be, and I get to talk AJ - how lucky is that???

Meli still hasn't heard from any of the jobs she applied to. She's asking me all the time why they don't want her, and I'm trying to explain to her that it's not personal. It's hard to find a job, and honestly, I have NEVER looked for a job in my. life. Every job I ever had was offered to me and every job I left was by my choice. I have my husband's experience of being unemployed 2 times with both over 2 years in length, but that's as a supportive spouse, not going through it myself. I've told Michael about how she's feeling and he's going to have a talk with her about sticking in there and not to lose heart.


Whew... I am wiped out! Left before 10 and didn't get home until 2 PM!!! I swear it is like everybody and their brother is out shopping today. Several stores are running "Black Friday Sales" so that may have something to do with the crowds. I took the pants/top back to WM#1 but could only find 1 pair of sweatpants in the style/size I wanted. They are black so I was happy to get it. Did a quick stop at the dollar store and got some snacks... cookies, peanut brittle and chocolate balls. Went to Target but nothing like what I wanted... so drove around the corner to the Used Books/DVD store. Ended up with 2 HC books by Nora Roberts (one is the same as the library book I am reading now :nod1::cheer::dance2: and I wanted to add it to my collection) and 5 DVDs!! Whoo-whoo!!! 2 of the DVDs are brand new... still in the wrapping and are special anniversary editions with lots of specials about the movies! Decided to run back down to WM#2 - and ended up driving through construction on 2 of the roads going and coming! When I got to the ladies dept where the sweatpants are, an employee was scanning the labels on them. So I wandered around for about 15 minutes - came back to find they had been marked down $2 for Black Friday Sale. The bad part is I only found 1 black and 1 navy pair in my size and style.

Stopped and picked up the mail and was so happy to get my Drivers License! And I got a sales flyer from Kohls with a 30% off coupon that is good next week. Hope they have the other style of PJs on sale. They are heavier than the 2 I just bought. @faerywings , I got the tax statement on my house yesterday... thank goodness they only went up $100 from last year. I was afraid they would be much higher this year. I will drive over and pay them in person. 3 years ago, I had mailed them but the PO boxes got broken into and the county never received them. So it is worth the 20 mile drive over to pay them in person. Hope you get hold of a person to find out about where your rebate is.

I forgot to eat something before I left so had a snack and will be having what the kids called "lupper" - lunch/supper - in just a little bit. I had taken the eggplant/zucchini casserole out to thaw in the fridge yesterday so will eat soon. Debating between lettuce/greens salad or coleslaw.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I got my AJ blog post up today and I'm really enjoying it! The blog allows me to be as verbose as I need to be, and I get to talk AJ - how lucky is that???

Meli still hasn't heard from any of the jobs she applied to. She's asking me all the time why they don't want her, and I'm trying to explain to her that it's not personal. It's hard to find a job, and honestly, I have NEVER looked for a job in my. life. Every job I ever had was offered to me and every job I left was by my choice. I have my husband's experience of being unemployed 2 times with both over 2 years in length, but that's as a supportive spouse, not going through it myself. I've told Michael about how she's feeling and he's going to have a talk with her about sticking in there and not to lose heart.
I wish I was as "verbose" as you. My posts always feel like "bare bones". :floorlaugh: Hope Meli hears something soon. That first job is super hard to get.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Whew... I am wiped out! Left before 10 and didn't get home until 2 PM!!! I swear it is like everybody and their brother is out shopping today. Several stores are running "Black Friday Sales" so that may have something to do with the crowds. I took the pants/top back to WM#1 but could only find 1 pair of sweatpants in the style/size I wanted. They are black so I was happy to get it. Did a quick stop at the dollar store and got some snacks... cookies, peanut brittle and chocolate balls. Went to Target but nothing like what I wanted... so drove around the corner to the Used Books/DVD store. Ended up with 2 HC books by Nora Roberts (one is the same as the library book I am reading now :nod1::cheer::dance2: and I wanted to add it to my collection) and 5 DVDs!! Whoo-whoo!!! 2 of the DVDs are brand new... still in the wrapping and are special anniversary editions with lots of specials about the movies! Decided to run back down to WM#2 - and ended up driving through construction on 2 of the roads going and coming! When I got to the ladies dept where the sweatpants are, an employee was scanning the labels on them. So I wandered around for about 15 minutes - came back to find they had been marked down $2 for Black Friday Sale. The bad part is I only found 1 black and 1 navy pair in my size and style.

Stopped and picked up the mail and was so happy to get my Drivers License! And I got a sales flyer from Kohls with a 30% off coupon that is good next week. Hope they have the other style of PJs on sale. They are heavier than the 2 I just bought. @faerywings , I got the tax statement on my house yesterday... thank goodness they only went up $100 from last year. I was afraid they would be much higher this year. I will drive over and pay them in person. 3 years ago, I had mailed them but the PO boxes got broken into and the county never received them. So it is worth the 20 mile drive over to pay them in person. Hope you get hold of a person to find out about where your rebate is.

I forgot to eat something before I left so had a snack and will be having what the kids called "lupper" - lunch/supper - in just a little bit. I had taken the eggplant/zucchini casserole out to thaw in the fridge yesterday so will eat soon. Debating between lettuce/greens salad or coleslaw.
Yay for the new driver's license. I know the stores are busy here, too. Glad you got so much done today.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I wish I was as "verbose" as you. My posts always feel like "bare bones". :floorlaugh: Hope Meli hears something soon. That first job is super hard to get.
It’s a curse to be so verbose. I was reading my blog post today and I was unsure if I pit too much in it.


Jenn :)
Ooh, boy, I really had to take my time with the day/day. I thought it was Wednesday and almost typed October again. After triple and quadruple-checking, I am positive that it is correct. I know that Kay is relying on me :D

Thankfully I slept "normally" last night and the dogs didn't wake me up at some ungodly hour. They are still all messed up with eating but that shouldn't last too long. I was dragging by 11 a.m. and couldn't get much else accomplished. But the big thing- the mammo appt is set for Dec 2. I finished plastic-insulating three windows and have two more to do today.
Still no news on the tax rebate. I tried calling twice more yesterday and there is no way to connect to a human. I think I am going to call a different department and see if I can get transferred. I don't know what else to do. I was going to use the rebate to cover the escrow shortage on my mortgage. I *need* that rebate! :waiting:
The rest of my day was texting with my brother and my SIL about my dad's birthday. Then on the phone with my mom and my dad about more stupid stuff. Can I tell you how fabulous it was to be at Coloring Crew and not have to make any decision other than what color pencil I want to use?
It. Was. Fabulous.

One reason that I thought today was Wed. was that I am picking up my groceries today since I am cleaning for my friend tomorrow. I have to spend some time with the rats since Cait isn't around. Cait and Tom went to PA last night to meet up with Scott and Sam. Scott and Sam took a little mini-vacation of a few days up there. Caitlyn is off for Election Day so the two of them went up last night after work and will be home late tonight. I'm so happy when my kids (all 4) are together and having a good time.

My big project today is the Annual Dusting of the Disney Cabinet. It's a glass cabinet for our Disney figurines and snow globes. I dust it once a year before the holidays. Some of you old-timers here will remember the story of the time that all of the glass shelves crashed down on each other and I had smashed Disney characters all over my floor. Needless to say, I go very slowly when I do this. BTW- I had nothing to do with shelves falling. I was in the kitchen when it happened.

Wishing everyone a truly lovely day and don't forget to vote!
Oh, Chris...I don't usually jump into the Daily Oh's, because I know that trying to follow what is going on and comment on everything is TOO much for my brain, so I just stick with what I know I can possilbly handle! lol Is your plastic insulating for both cold and noise, possibly? We have the original glass windows from 1911 in the front of this house, and we have both COLD and NOISE through both. If it isn't the train that is running about every 45 minutes through here which we are only one block away from...we can see it passing by through the neighbors' trees, or the loud neighbors blasting music directly across this little road from us, there is a lot of stuff you don't want to be hearing at night, especially. I have seen some inserts for windows to block sound and cold, but they were at least $250-$350 each, a few years ago. I am just wondering what you are doing with these? I LOVE this house, but there are SO many holes, crevices, where the cold and MICE can get in, insects, as well, that we cannot see!! It is a constant battle every year.......lol


Love my O Family!
I got my AJ blog post up today and I'm really enjoying it! The blog allows me to be as verbose as I need to be, and I get to talk AJ - how lucky is that???

Meli still hasn't heard from any of the jobs she applied to. She's asking me all the time why they don't want her, and I'm trying to explain to her that it's not personal. It's hard to find a job, and honestly, I have NEVER looked for a job in my. life. Every job I ever had was offered to me and every job I left was by my choice. I have my husband's experience of being unemployed 2 times with both over 2 years in length, but that's as a supportive spouse, not going through it myself. I've told Michael about how she's feeling and he's going to have a talk with her about sticking in there and not to lose heart.
I WOULD HATE TO BE LOOKING FOR A DECENT JOB IN TODAY'S MARKET! Sorry about the all caps. Forgot I had the lock on. And since I'm one-handed I'm not going back to change it, lol!