
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, November 29


The Loopy-O
I must have been *exhausted* last night, I feel like I actually slept in decent chunks of time. Typically, I wake up a million times during the night. The first time I was consciously aware I was awake was 3 am. That's astounding. I'm glad cuz I'm gonna need it today. You all know I *adore* my mom but sometimes it's difficult, shall we say, to get her to understand how online shopping works. Yes, even after allll these years I have been helping her.

Side note: I realize that I am the same way when it comes to using camera phones. When I was trying to take picture of Caitlyn trying on wedding dresses, she had to grab the phone from me and do it herself. LOL!!

I feel like I got a lot done yesterday- all of the baking ingredients are organized and inventoried. Depending on what final cookie recipes I use, I should only need to buy some butter, cream cheese, and flour. I also ordered that board game (shhh, don't tell the family, it is from Santa)
I also made the dogs their favorite sweet potato treats. I doubled the recipe and made some from now and then some are in the freezer to go with the Christmas cookie trays I give out. Those got to the dog bone shape cut out. Does that mean I started my baking?
Say yes, please say yes!

Before my mom gets here I have to drink a gallon of vodka. hehehe. Naaahh-- just a few shots will do.
I'm kidding!
I know all of the deep breathing and eye-roll prevention techniques to use.
Before she gets here I have to make an avatar for the party here! And I have to finish my food order, no ideas on what to cook for dinner-- still/again/always.



The Loopy-O
Does my intake of 4-5 mugs of strong coffee each day kinda cancel out the ketchup effect on my psychopathy???
Sorry, @tanteva but no. The coffee helps take the edge off of the psychopathy but doesn't cancel it out.

@LSlycord That is really funny, that you *feel* like there is more to do for Christmas than actually needs to be done. A few years ago I realized that almost 10% of the year is "getting ready for/cleaning up after Christmas"- and that flipped me out!
Any new news from Shaun's Dr? I really hope so and that it is alll good.
Here is a link to Edith! on Apple Podcasts
I listened to two more episodes yesterday and was cracking up. If Brian enjoys history podcasts I have a few others I can recommend.

@BrightEyes that sounds like my night's sleep the night before last-- I was dreaming that BFF and I were "reverse menopausing" Ack!!! :eek: No wonder I keep waking up. How did you sleep last night, hopefully, much better?
Glad to hear you were spreading out the chores, and very smart to listen to Momma Chris :D

@scrap-genie lots of easy healing vibes to you, I hope that you will be able to enjoy solid food again soon. Felis will be happy to hear/see the poinsettia is looking good! (LOL-ing at BIL's evil cat, somethings don't change do they?)
No need to bite my tongue with my mom, I got mah vod *hic* kuhhhhh o_O

@tanteva HAHAHAHA!!!
Lesson of the story: if drunk, don't attempt to fly.
I better put my wings away when my mom gets here

@bcgal00 The parade pics were very pretty and festive. I can't believe Remi is already and only 2 at the same time. If that makes sense-- time has been very strange the last few years. I was shocked when I realized that Covid has been around for 3 years now.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for no snow and ice on Jen's trip home

@Cherylndesigns That is fantastic news about Steph's dr appt. Sounds like you had a nice meal together too. I know it's going to be rough saying goodbye to her. Bigs hugs to you both! And of course, lots of safe travels and easy flight vibes to you

Hugs to everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Oh my goodness...I didn't realize that the 12 Days event was kicking off. The gallery is hopping with the bright and shiny avis. I am so impressed at how quickly everyone has gotten them done. I think that I'm a very slow scrapper.

Yesterday...Shaun made it to the doctor. They are certain that the blood was just a leftover remnant from the surgery...and it hasn't happened again. They say that the cyst hasn't filled up again and that it's very, very tiny. They do have a plan if it happens again...but for now, fingers crossed, we are hoping that is behind us.

It's chilly out this morning...only 55...so the fire is going on the lanai. However, it is sunny and will reach a high in the upper 70's today so that's good news! Both our nutcracker and our Santa (pool floaties) lose air in the cold over night and wind up face down in the pool. Frosty remains upright so he is my favorite. ;) As it warms up this morning, they will both stand back up and begin floating around the pool.

Shaun and I went to the AT&T store and got Apple watches yesterday. They had a deal on the watches if you bought two. I wanted it because it will allow me to track my heart rate...and if I go into Afib it will track that too. Anyway, it was supposed to be a Christmas gift but I wanted him to get the size he wanted...and the next thing I know, he is home and setting it up. I don't think that there will be much under the tree this year...the phones and the watches are really Christmas gifts...just early. I have a few small things for Christmas morning. Syd didn't want a watch so she is getting the newest generation of air pods instead.

The only other thing of note yesterday. Eggs were $9.22 for 18. I nearly fainted. I think that we will head to Aldi's for eggs today.


Mistress of Mayhem
I'm sooooooooooooo ANNOYED here :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Woke up this morning, had breakfast, registered it in my WeightWatcher app. Was tired, I sat down by the TV, watched some Medium & finished my hat. Then, time for lunch ... went to the kitchen, prepared the lunch, started register it in the WW app ........ only to notice they've CHANGED THE EFFING PROGRAM ... AGAIN. Just like that - no heads up at all. Most people seems happy, since they basically went back to the program before this, but I am not. NOT. NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! My lunch went from 1 point to 5 points in a second. Basically, they've changed the food that has zero points to have points again. For me this means potatoes & wholewheat pasta no longer are free, but instead I gained tons of points free meat. Yay! LOL

Well, my motivation is really low anyway. I mean: who wants to diet this time of year?! But making my program harder isn't making it easier. I actually cancelled my membership a couple of weeks ago, since the (don't know the English word here - but the period I have to stay a member stipulated when I signed up) ends on Jan 23. I sort of planned to stay on the program til Christmas, then enjoy Christmas & New Year's without diet - and then start on Veganuary and skip WW in January. Will talk to Urban when he gets home, and see what he says. Feels like we'll skip WW now.

At least we'll having tofu for dinner today. I'm gonna make it EPIC. (probably jinxed it now, and it will taste awful. LOL)

Now I gotta go kill Mårten - he's CRAZY.

No I won't. He's cute. That saves him every time he gets like this. He wants to play, and he's so intense, Discord gets scared and hides. Then Mårten starts SCREAAAAAMING for him to come play again.



Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns thinking of you as you say your good-byes this morning and endure the mania of the airports. Hoping that you have a nice trip back. Sounds like yesterday was a great way to finish off your trip. I know that will be a tough good-bye hug with Steph but I also know that there will be the best hugs on the arrival end!

@faerywings thanks for the link to the pod cast. I'm going to see if I can get Brian hooked on that today. He loves history...often talks about how Edith Wilson ran the country and how that wouldn't happen with our media today. Good luck with the shopping with your mom today. And Shaun just took my watch yesterday and said "I'll do it" when I was trying to set it up. So, while I can still handle the online shopping, I do see my kids looking at me in a very similar fashion to how I looked at my parents. Eeek...:rolleyes:

@tanteva I heard that they made some major changes to the WW program. I was thinking about trying it but when I heard that, I decided to hold off. I've heard really mixed reviews. But how awful to change it on your app in the middle of the day!!! Sometimes (most times) I just wonder what companies are thinking. They sure aren't thinking about their customers.

@BrightEyes I love your avatar! That photo of you is one of my favorites! You look totally ready for Christmas! Hope last night's sleep was restful!

@scrap-genie excellent advice about looking forward to Syd coming home rather than already dreading her departure. I'm so bad about that... Hope that when the pain pill wore off it wasn't terrible.

@bcgal00 I laughed about Remi calming down...someday. Hayden turned 3 in November and she has calmed down some...but she has a ways to go. She was in heaven when Syd was home because Syd really plays hard with her.

Ok...off to create an avi! But first, more coffee. #coffee Have a very good day all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It's a cold one here today. It's 10°F....brrr. Remi loves that the backyard is covered in frozen snow. I can't throw snowballs for her anymore though b/c I can't break the snow apart. We get a few inches of fresh snow later today and tomorrow. It's sure quiet without Jen and Bella here. Not sure when she'll make it back home. It depends on the weather conditions b/c there will be a lot of snow and ice in the mountain region so the roads may be blocked off. Her trip into Vancouver on Sunday took 8 hrs (instead of 3-4). The main hwy was closed off b/c of weather conditions when she hit Merritt (an hr from here). She got thru on a small highway but that quite possibly will be closed with all the snow that is coming. She may be stuck in a hotel somewhere for a few extra days. Fingers crossed that the plowing and road salting keeps the hwy open so she can get home on Wed.

I am going to head out for a few errands this morning but after that don't plan on going anywhere for a few days.

I'm going to work on organizing some photos later, maybe get a bit of scrapping done.

@faerywings Glad you found a family game for Xmas. We used to do that too, my mom and Bailey loved family games. Hope your mom's online shopping isn't too stressful. Good for you for getting the kitchen organized and your doggies are so lucky to have you baking for them.

@LSlycord New apple phones and watches, I would be ok with not getting much under the tree after that :) Enjoy! Remi will be happy when Jen and Bella return b/c they both use up a lot of her energy. Bella plays and Jen trains so that gives me more free time during the day. Since they left, she has been glued to me, wanting to do all the things, all the time, with me. I'm exhausted LOL.

@tanteva Not surprised that WW is doing a re-boot. They do that every couple of yrs. They keep tweaking the plan. I don't do WW anymore but did for years.

Remi is whining at me to go feed the birds. Gotta go. HAGD everyone.


Mistress of Mayhem
@tanteva Not surprised that WW is doing a re-boot. They do that every couple of yrs. They keep tweaking the plan. I don't do WW anymore but did for years.
Yes, I know. But this time the Personal Points system only lasted for about 6 month, now they more or less went back to the program before.

They have to "improve" the program from time to time, so that people can't learn it by heart and do it without them. WW is very much like a cult. You can't question what they are doing. LOL The system works - all diets work if you follow them.

Good thing I joined when it was supercheap. Not losing a lot of money from this. And as I said, I was about to quit anyway. Now it just happened a couple of weeks earlier.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I know. But this time the Personal Points system only lasted for about 6 month, now they more or less went back to the program before.

They have to "improve" the program from time to time, so that people can't learn it by heart and do it without them. WW is very much like a cult. You can't question what they are doing. LOL The system works - all diets work if you follow them.

Good thing I joined when it was supercheap. Not losing a lot of money from this. And as I said, I was about to quit anyway. Now it just happened a couple of weeks earlier.
That's crazy that they are changing after just 6 months. After all their research and testing before the start a new plan, they must have really messed this up.


Love my O Family!
I must have been *exhausted* last night, I feel like I actually slept in decent chunks of time. Typically, I wake up a million times during the night. The first time I was consciously aware I was awake was 3 am. That's astounding. I'm glad cuz I'm gonna need it today. You all know I *adore* my mom but sometimes it's difficult, shall we say, to get her to understand how online shopping works. Yes, even after allll these years I have been helping her.

Side note: I realize that I am the same way when it comes to using camera phones. When I was trying to take picture of Caitlyn trying on wedding dresses, she had to grab the phone from me and do it herself. LOL!!

I feel like I got a lot done yesterday- all of the baking ingredients are organized and inventoried. Depending on what final cookie recipes I use, I should only need to buy some butter, cream cheese, and flour. I also ordered that board game (shhh, don't tell the family, it is from Santa)
I also made the dogs their favorite sweet potato treats. I doubled the recipe and made some from now and then some are in the freezer to go with the Christmas cookie trays I give out. Those got to the dog bone shape cut out. Does that mean I started my baking?
Say yes, please say yes!

Before my mom gets here I have to drink a gallon of vodka. hehehe. Naaahh-- just a few shots will do.
I'm kidding!
I know all of the deep breathing and eye-roll prevention techniques to use.
Before she gets here I have to make an avatar for the party here! And I have to finish my food order, no ideas on what to cook for dinner-- still/again/always.

Sounds like you "sleep" like me, poor dear! :(
My mom aggravated me, too, but you will miss her when she is gone! Enjoy the day and make the most of it, as I'm sure you know! I wish I had told myself that, or wish I had been told.....or listened!


Love my O Family!
Good morning! Oh my goodness...I didn't realize that the 12 Days event was kicking off. The gallery is hopping with the bright and shiny avis. I am so impressed at how quickly everyone has gotten them done. I think that I'm a very slow scrapper.

Yesterday...Shaun made it to the doctor. They are certain that the blood was just a leftover remnant from the surgery...and it hasn't happened again. They say that the cyst hasn't filled up again and that it's very, very tiny. They do have a plan if it happens again...but for now, fingers crossed, we are hoping that is behind us.

It's chilly out this morning...only 55...so the fire is going on the lanai. However, it is sunny and will reach a high in the upper 70's today so that's good news! Both our nutcracker and our Santa (pool floaties) lose air in the cold over night and wind up face down in the pool. Frosty remains upright so he is my favorite. ;) As it warms up this morning, they will both stand back up and begin floating around the pool.

Shaun and I went to the AT&T store and got Apple watches yesterday. They had a deal on the watches if you bought two. I wanted it because it will allow me to track my heart rate...and if I go into Afib it will track that too. Anyway, it was supposed to be a Christmas gift but I wanted him to get the size he wanted...and the next thing I know, he is home and setting it up. I don't think that there will be much under the tree this year...the phones and the watches are really Christmas gifts...just early. I have a few small things for Christmas morning. Syd didn't want a watch so she is getting the newest generation of air pods instead.

The only other thing of note yesterday. Eggs were $9.22 for 18. I nearly fainted. I think that we will head to Aldi's for eggs today.
Oh, my! I might have to buy some chickens! We really don't use many eggs, but that is just a ridiculous price! And there is NO good reason for it! Unless it is a trickle-down effect! :eek:
I'm with you! After being gone all weekend and not on the computer, the 12 Days event snuck up on me! YIKES!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon! I'm baaack! And thankfully so! The 6 hour trip home turned into 8! The traffic was HORRIBLE!! I have NEVER seen it that bad going north and south! I was a nervous wreck by the time we got home! I'm just thankful the Lord allowed us to get back in one piece! At one point a truck following us was rear-ended in one of the many sudden stops! I'm so thankful it didn't end up in our rear!
I spent yesterday putting vacation "stuff" back where it belongs. I also got caught up on my Gratitude pages. Today I am doing laundry and posted my Gratitude pages and shared it all socially! Now I've got to work on today's page and work on my Avi for the party!
It is sooooo good to be home! My daughter had a full-sized air mattress for us to use to save hotel money! It was soooo noisy with every move that I didn't sleep the first night. The second night I slept more because I hadn't slept any the first night. The third night was about the same as the second night! The only reason I'm thinking the sleepless nights were worth it is because that gave us more family time! We had a great time with the family, but there's no place like home.......especially my own bed!
Have a great afternoon!


Mistress of Mayhem
That's crazy that they are changing after just 6 months. After all their research and testing before the start a new plan, they must have really messed this up.
They really annoyed me this time. They said it was sooo important to have individual programs, and now everyone has the same program again.


Well-Known Member
Feeling pretty good today - a good thing as we made arrangements to meet a friend for lunch thinking I'd be a week past the surgery. The restaurant's soup of the day was lobster bisque, so I still had a good lunch and we always enjoy being with the friend. The day started pretty gray but now the sun is shining further improving my mood.

Chris @faerywings hope you survived the online shopping with mom without too much vodka. I would likely lose my mind in your place. My sister was very competent on a computer, but somethings were still a mystery to her no matter how many times I tried. And it's not entirely an age thing as I'm only about 2 yrs younger than your mom! :rolleyes:

Eva @tanteva what a bummer with WW! I was interested in them once upon a time but never went into it. My only successful times have not been in any organized program. Hope you and Urban get a better way to go. Have you crocheted anything with the new yarns? Any LOs coming from the yarn bags?

Linda @LSlycord I can't be too jealous of your temps as it isn't very cold here now, but still... Good news (hopefully) from the docs must have made your day.

Rae @bcgal00 I'm just amazed at the hotter/colder climate you now live in. I thought you had great outdoors before but now (especially retired) it seems you, the dogs, and the birds are having the best time. Hoping Jen gets through without delay or difficulty.

Vicky @vickyday I see how happy you were over the holiday but happy to be home again. That is usually how I feel too.

Enjoying the new holiday avatars!


Well-Known Member
@tanteva Came across a good review for the ihealthe app which is very similar to WW. You get "bites" instead of points. You can pick from a few different plans that mimic WW. Don't know if it is available to you but I just bought it and paid under $30 for the year. I wasn't interested enough to pay the WW yearly fee but I do like tracking, it keeps me accountable.