
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, November 28


The Loopy-O
It's the Faery is Slightly Less Stressed Out Edition! dance3
I was excused from Jury Duty. WHEW!!!!! The first part of the Zoom stuff was fine, intro and orientation. I'm thinking to myself "I can do this" if I get picked, worst case scenario. Then, the judge came on and explained that there was a new calendar and an updated Questionnaire emailed to us. He then states that the trial is scheduled for at least a full week, with the possibility of it running until Dec 15.
I continue listening and my heart rate is spiking and I realize there is absolutely no way that I can do this. Logistically and/or emotionally. There is no way that I can take the car every day for the next three weeks for 10 hours a day. I live about an hour from the courthouse, Gary's not going to be able to drop off/pick up. Gary has several Drs appts plus the one(s) for Jaida. All of that info was too much for my brain to handle. My anxiety levels were going off the charts at that point.
Since we needed to resubmit the hardship questionnaire I had a chance to explain the situation. I called my LLMD and asked for medical documentation and had that sent to the court clerk by noon. I got the official dismissal notice right before dinner.
I am somewhat disappointed in myself. I thought that I would have handled the anxiety better than I did. :(

Well, now I get to focus on the stress caused by Jaida. That girl is gonna be the death of me. After dinner last night, she was trying to get W to run around the stairs with her- which is what we think triggered the injury to begin with! Before that, I had her on the leash when Caitlyn pulled into the driveway and she was trying to jump up on Cait. *smacks forehead* Dumb dog is going to trash both knees! Iy yi yiii!

I have my grocery order to be picked up today and then I don't even know what I need to do. Maybe I'll run over to TJ Maxx for some Christmas shopping. I did a little online shopping over the weekend. But overall I don't have a clue what to get anyone. I also need to get in touch with Anne from Weis. I still haven't gotten any paperwork for the job. I was going to do that yesterday, it's on my to-do list but that flew out the window. Anxiety is exhausting.

welp, I think I rambled enough and all over the place today. :giggle4:
Big hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Sleeping late is a good habit to have. Unless you have somewhere you need to be. LOL Not the best way to wake up thinking that the doorbell was ringing though.
It's cold here too, 28* right now. Wind chill/Real Feel in the teens. Blech!
Is Inheritance a new NR book? I watched the first couple of seasons of Designated Survivor post one of my surgeries. I liked in at first, but then I lost interest, too many plotlines to follow for my pain-medicated mind LOL

@vickyday That is the same with me, my mom would take one look at my face before I even said a word, and she knew I was going to lie. :blushing1:
I don't have that ability. I am 100% gullible and my kids know it.

@taxed4ever It sounds like the weather was appropriate for all of the sad news, so sorry to hear about Linda's MIL. :(
I hope that your hands aren't too bad today, the cold and damp are the worst. Mine have been bad too.

Vicky- that sounds painful for Mark, the acid reflux really does some damage. :( Hope he feels much better soon!

@Su_Sanne The Zoom meeting was for Jury Duty Selection. Since Covid, they have been doing it online instead of gathering everyone at the courthouse. My computer doesn't have a camera/mic so I had to buy an external camera and I hadn't used it before. I was nervous that I wasn't going to get it to work properly in front of the Judge.

@Cherylndesigns That's great that Chuck has been enjoying the smoothies. Is his appetite getting any better? Any idea when the Dr thinks it will be back to normal?

I should get myself going, the Shop Rite App just told me that my order will be ready by 8.30 :)



Love my O Family!
It's the Faery is Slightly Less Stressed Out Edition! dance3
I was excused from Jury Duty. WHEW!!!!! The first part of the Zoom stuff was fine, intro and orientation. I'm thinking to myself "I can do this" if I get picked, worst case scenario. Then, the judge came on and explained that there was a new calendar and an updated Questionnaire emailed to us. He then states that the trial is scheduled for at least a full week, with the possibility of it running until Dec 15.
I continue listening and my heart rate is spiking and I realize there is absolutely no way that I can do this. Logistically and/or emotionally. There is no way that I can take the car every day for the next three weeks for 10 hours a day. I live about an hour from the courthouse, Gary's not going to be able to drop off/pick up. Gary has several Drs appts plus the one(s) for Jaida. All of that info was too much for my brain to handle. My anxiety levels were going off the charts at that point.
Since we needed to resubmit the hardship questionnaire I had a chance to explain the situation. I called my LLMD and asked for medical documentation and had that sent to the court clerk by noon. I got the official dismissal notice right before dinner.
I am somewhat disappointed in myself. I thought that I would have handled the anxiety better than I did. :(

Well, now I get to focus on the stress caused by Jaida. That girl is gonna be the death of me. After dinner last night, she was trying to get W to run around the stairs with her- which is what we think triggered the injury to begin with! Before that, I had her on the leash when Caitlyn pulled into the driveway and she was trying to jump up on Cait. *smacks forehead* Dumb dog is going to trash both knees! Iy yi yiii!

I have my grocery order to be picked up today and then I don't even know what I need to do. Maybe I'll run over to TJ Maxx for some Christmas shopping. I did a little online shopping over the weekend. But overall I don't have a clue what to get anyone. I also need to get in touch with Anne from Weis. I still haven't gotten any paperwork for the job. I was going to do that yesterday, it's on my to-do list but that flew out the window. Anxiety is exhausting.

welp, I think I rambled enough and all over the place today. :giggle4:
Big hugs to everyone!
Glad you were dismissed from jury duty! I hope they keep the doctor's paperwork on file and never call you again!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Sleeping late is a good habit to have. Unless you have somewhere you need to be. LOL Not the best way to wake up thinking that the doorbell was ringing though.
It's cold here too, 28* right now. Wind chill/Real Feel in the teens. Blech!
Is Inheritance a new NR book? I watched the first couple of seasons of Designated Survivor post one of my surgeries. I liked in at first, but then I lost interest, too many plotlines to follow for my pain-medicated mind LOL

@vickyday That is the same with me, my mom would take one look at my face before I even said a word, and she knew I was going to lie. :blushing1:
I don't have that ability. I am 100% gullible and my kids know it.

@taxed4ever It sounds like the weather was appropriate for all of the sad news, so sorry to hear about Linda's MIL. :(
I hope that your hands aren't too bad today, the cold and damp are the worst. Mine have been bad too.

Vicky- that sounds painful for Mark, the acid reflux really does some damage. :( Hope he feels much better soon!

@Su_Sanne The Zoom meeting was for Jury Duty Selection. Since Covid, they have been doing it online instead of gathering everyone at the courthouse. My computer doesn't have a camera/mic so I had to buy an external camera and I hadn't used it before. I was nervous that I wasn't going to get it to work properly in front of the Judge.

@Cherylndesigns That's great that Chuck has been enjoying the smoothies. Is his appetite getting any better? Any idea when the Dr thinks it will be back to normal?

I should get myself going, the Shop Rite App just told me that my order will be ready by 8.30 :)

Mark's acid reflux bothered him mostly at night, sometimes to the point of choking him! But since the doc put him on omeprazole, he has only had a couple of flare ups, especially with being on ozempic now, too, cause he can't eat late like he used to.


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out. I'll be heading out the door soon for the graveside service for our church friend. He was such a sweet old guy! Personally, I don't care to live to be 98!
I got a page done using the new collar, so I guess I'll work on getting that posted today.
I've got checkbook stuff to work on today! BLECH!


Morning, all. Yes - I slept in again!!! The body is telling me it needs the rest. Yesterday ended up being a PJ day. I did get the guest room sheets done - now I need to make the bed. Just looked and the temp is 23* - it was at 19* when I got up!!! :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: Going to be even colder tonight. I am waiting for the house to warm up before I get my shower. Will be bundling up when I do my errands today. Need to have them done before Thursday when the next snow storm comes in.

Wow... loving all the fun avatars that are popping up today!!! What a great kick-off for the 12 Days of Decembers event. I couldn't resist - made a new siggy for the holidays.

@faerywings Glad you got dismissed for jury duty this time around. Yes, "Inheritance" is the latest Nora Roberts book - the start of a 3 book series. I am 3/4 the way through it and enjoying it alot. The hard thing will be waiting until the next 2 books come out. I hear you about Designated Survivor... there are a lot of plot lines to keep track of. Doing in when recovering from surgery would not be easy.

Need to get the checks made out for the bills then it should be warm enough to take my shower. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! I was up very early with my Gary this morning and got him some soft boiled eggs and avacado for his breakfast. We were both exhausted and were in bed by 9:30 last night. We both slept right through the night and had a great sleep. I am up and ready for the day LOL. I wanted to share a little project that I have been working on for Baby Sophia for Christmas, she won't be able to use it until next Christmas but that's ok. Hopefully she will have it for many years to come.
IMG_3485.JPGIMG_3486.JPGIMG_3487.JPGIMG_3488.JPG I had a lot of fun making this and wish I would have made a couple more to give to Mason and Hunter. Guess its not too late?? They wouldn't get them in time for December 1st but that would be ok right?! I also decided to just take a few pics of my Junk Journal and hopefully I don't bore you too much with all of these photos :giggle4:

These are only a few of the pages and I can't load any more images so might have to load a few more another day. So today I will work on my calendar, I now have 6 pages done and 6 more to go, but hopefully they will come together quickly. I will be running out to do some errands later this morning and hopefully the fog will have lifted by then. We only got about an hour of clear sky yesterday, the fog just doesn't seem to want to leave us. Ok I will post this and then come back in a bit for personals.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
@faerywings - So glad that you got dismissed from jury duty! That was way too much stress for you to handle for one day!! I think I heard the sigh of relief all the way over here when you got the dismissal notice :giggle4: . Hopefully you don't stress too much about Jaida, she sounds like she is one stubborn dog!! Good luck with the Christmas gift shopping today, I am in the same boat and not sure what to get everyone this year, especially my oldest grands, it might just be gift cards in a Christmas Card. Not much fun to open, but probably what they would prefer to get.

@vickyday - Sounds like you are going to have a busy day today, how nice that you are going to visit the gravesite and ITA I don't think I want to live to be that old either.

@BrightEyes - It must be the weather that is making us have such good sleeps?? Love your new AVI and Siggie!! You are all dressed for the Christmas Party! You look fabulous in Red!! It's bill paying day today in our house too, gotta get that done before I go anywhere.

Well the bed needs to be made and I need to hit the shower :showering:Hope to get lots accomplished today, but you never know what will come up to distract me once again. Have a wonderful day everyone! :greengrin:


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes Sleeping late is a good habit to have. Unless you have somewhere you need to be. LOL Not the best way to wake up thinking that the doorbell was ringing though.
It's cold here too, 28* right now. Wind chill/Real Feel in the teens. Blech!
Is Inheritance a new NR book? I watched the first couple of seasons of Designated Survivor post one of my surgeries. I liked in at first, but then I lost interest, too many plotlines to follow for my pain-medicated mind LOL

@vickyday That is the same with me, my mom would take one look at my face before I even said a word, and she knew I was going to lie. :blushing1:
I don't have that ability. I am 100% gullible and my kids know it.

@taxed4ever It sounds like the weather was appropriate for all of the sad news, so sorry to hear about Linda's MIL. :(
I hope that your hands aren't too bad today, the cold and damp are the worst. Mine have been bad too.

Vicky- that sounds painful for Mark, the acid reflux really does some damage. :( Hope he feels much better soon!

@Su_Sanne The Zoom meeting was for Jury Duty Selection. Since Covid, they have been doing it online instead of gathering everyone at the courthouse. My computer doesn't have a camera/mic so I had to buy an external camera and I hadn't used it before. I was nervous that I wasn't going to get it to work properly in front of the Judge.

@Cherylndesigns That's great that Chuck has been enjoying the smoothies. Is his appetite getting any better? Any idea when the Dr thinks it will be back to normal?

I should get myself going, the Shop Rite App just told me that my order will be ready by 8.30 :)

OK, I can understand that. I would have been nervous too! I'm just imagining how Charly Chaplin would have "saved" the situation when the camera fails, the sound fails or you put on your lipstick because you feel unobserved. OMGosh!! :thud:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon. The PT nurse just left and gave Chuck a glowing report! She said she didn't even need to come back unless he felt like he needed it. Great news! The Visiting Nurse will be here at 2:30, so we'll see how that third visit goes.

I'm still getting re-organized from Steph and Asher and I found one of his winter jackets today tucked in with the sheets. How the heck? I'm going to mail it back to him. Adrienne and I are going out about four so maybe I can stop by the UPS store.

Chris @faerywings what awesome news that you got out of jury duty!!! :xmas9: :xmas7: The timing would have sucked so I'm glad your dr got you excused. I would do just about anything to get out of that. I've heard people say "well, it's my civic duty" and I say to them "Have at it"!!! :bowdown3: Do MY civic duty, while you're at it. :floorlaugh:

Trudy @taxed4ever those cards and junk journals are gorgeous!!! I can't believe you find time to do everything you do. :bowdown2:

Hugs to everybody. The Pre-Party Avatar Challenge is booming and I know it's going to keep me busy for the next few days. :xmas7::xmas8::xmas9:

Oh, I forgot to tell you girls that it's 55 here!! :hammock:
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Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! I was up very early with my Gary this morning and got him some soft boiled eggs and avacado for his breakfast. We were both exhausted and were in bed by 9:30 last night. We both slept right through the night and had a great sleep. I am up and ready for the day LOL. I wanted to share a little project that I have been working on for Baby Sophia for Christmas, she won't be able to use it until next Christmas but that's ok. Hopefully she will have it for many years to come.
View attachment 407711View attachment 407712View attachment 407713View attachment 407714 I had a lot of fun making this and wish I would have made a couple more to give to Mason and Hunter. Guess its not too late?? They wouldn't get them in time for December 1st but that would be ok right?! I also decided to just take a few pics of my Junk Journal and hopefully I don't bore you too much with all of these photos :giggle4:

View attachment 407715View attachment 407716View attachment 407717View attachment 407718View attachment 407719View attachment 407720View attachment 407722View attachment 407721
These are only a few of the pages and I can't load any more images so might have to load a few more another day. So today I will work on my calendar, I now have 6 pages done and 6 more to go, but hopefully they will come together quickly. I will be running out to do some errands later this morning and hopefully the fog will have lifted by then. We only got about an hour of clear sky yesterday, the fog just doesn't seem to want to leave us. Ok I will post this and then come back in a bit for personals.
Did you make the advent box from shoe boxes? I'm trying to get an idea of the size! It is beautiful!
As is the junk journal! Will you use it or give it or sell it?
Beautiful work!


Love my O Family!
@faerywings - So glad that you got dismissed from jury duty! That was way too much stress for you to handle for one day!! I think I heard the sigh of relief all the way over here when you got the dismissal notice :giggle4: . Hopefully you don't stress too much about Jaida, she sounds like she is one stubborn dog!! Good luck with the Christmas gift shopping today, I am in the same boat and not sure what to get everyone this year, especially my oldest grands, it might just be gift cards in a Christmas Card. Not much fun to open, but probably what they would prefer to get.

@vickyday - Sounds like you are going to have a busy day today, how nice that you are going to visit the gravesite and ITA I don't think I want to live to be that old either.

@BrightEyes - It must be the weather that is making us have such good sleeps?? Love your new AVI and Siggie!! You are all dressed for the Christmas Party! You look fabulous in Red!! It's bill paying day today in our house too, gotta get that done before I go anywhere.

Well the bed needs to be made and I need to hit the shower :showering:Hope to get lots accomplished today, but you never know what will come up to distract me once again. Have a wonderful day everyone! :greengrin:
It was cold and the wind was blowing! I ended up with a bit of an ear ache until I got out of the wind! I told the pastor to keep it short, lol! He obliged because he was cold, also!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon. The PT nurse just left and gave Chuck a glowing report! She said she didn't even need to come back unless he felt like he needed it. Great news! The Visiting Nurse will be here at 2:30, so we'll see how that third visit goes.

I'm still getting re-organized from Steph and Asher and I found one of his winter jackets today tucked in with the sheets. How the heck? I'm going to mail it back to him. Adrienne and I are going out about four so maybe I can stop by the UPS store.

Chris @faerywings what awesome news that you got out of jury duty!!! :xmas9: :xmas7: The timing would have sucked so I'm glad your dr got you excused. I would do just about anything to get out of that. I've heard people say "well, it's my civic duty" and I say to them "Have at it"!!! :bowdown3: Do MY civic duty, while you're at it. :floorlaugh:

Trudy @taxed4ever those cards and junk journals are gorgeous!!! I can't believe you find time to do everything you do. :bowdown2:

Hugs to everybody. The Pre-Party Avatar Challenge is booming and I know it's going to keep me busy for the next few days. :xmas7::xmas8::xmas9:

Oh, I forgot to tell you girls that it's 55 here!! :hammock:
And the birdbath water was frozen again here today!