
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 27


The Loopy-O
Its snowing in NJ. waaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! I don't like snow. *stomps foot and pouts*
Well, to look on the bright side, all of my leaves are done, so it can snow and I can ignore it all. My dad came up yesterday and wow, he helped sooo much. We have a good routine. Before he comes up, I try to get the majority of leaves raked to the back yard. He comes and cleans it up, then we get all of the leaves in the back on a tarp and bring them back to the woods where they return to the earth. We get into a good rhythm and knock it all out n a couple of hours. I have trees on three sides of my house, all forest in back so they get pretty deep. But today I am sore. And i have to clean, but maybe that will loosen me up a bit.

I am almost done with my mom's heritage album (Thank you for all of your CC and suggestions!! :love:) which means Step Two-- fight with Shutterfly making sure that nothing important gets cut off in the binding/printing process.

Does anyone have good tips on how to make that job easier??

I did scrap some photos on MIL/FIL when they were in Paris and printed that out as an 8x10. Just need a frame and they will be somewhat done.

Well, I;d better post this and get on to my next thing to do....

hugs and hugs!!!!!
Laurie- good luck today-- hope work is an easy one for you. Hope that the scales head back down quickly. I bet they will, since you are so good about being healthy.

Trudy- I am holding your hand and we can baby step together. I am with you, I have no idea what normal is. I'd go with the phrase "New Normal" but by the time I get used to the New Normal, it goes and changes on me LOL
I hope that your job stays calm during the holiday season. How has the boss been with keeping your hours shorter?

Phyllis- what a beautiful song. Thank you for posting :hug:
Even though I am not Christian its always good to find inspiration and strength. I had Rent songs in my head all day, they always are good for a mental boost. Hope the snow stays away from you, looks like it is mostly in the North western part of NY, Poconos.

Sally-- happy happy! You just ooze it!! xoxo!

EVA!!!!!! :rofl:

Nancy- I was thinking of you yesterday. I saw in the newspaper that some of the NHL players did a charity game for Sandy. Did you get to see any of it? Your weekend sounds fun!

Hi Linda!! Hope that you have a calmer stay at home night tonight.

Love to you all!!
Morning O fam- back to work it is, work out is done and I am off- yes to the shower- my alarm did not go off this am- even though it was set proper and everything- grr- good thing my body alarm keeps going off at 4:53! Oh and for excitement last night right before bed the lighted make up mirror in the bathroom which was on, decided to blow up- well the light inside anyways and pu did it stink. Guess I will be taking it off the wall to see if it is salvageable to replace the bulb.
so far, not too much snow. but it's still dark, so i can't completely tell what happened overnight. i don't want winter to be here. let's just skip the whole thing and jump right into Spring.

Chris, the message is universal, i think. at least it's a positive way to think when you're knee-deep in crap!

Laurie, did your smoke alarm go off and scare the heck out of you? there's almost no smell as bad as melting plastic....

laundry, floor scrubbing, ironing and Heaven knows what else today. nothing fun, i know that much. right now i have some gluten free, low-carb-ish "granola" in the oven. it has to be in there for 8 hours, so all day my house will smell like CINNAMON!! it'll probably turn out to be terrible, but at least it SMELLS GOOD!!

enjoy Tuesday. do something you love.

Morning "O" friends ... Oh it is so dark outside!! The moon is out, but its so foggy that you can hardly see the darn thing. It will be so nice when the winter is over and we an get up to daylight instead of this blackness! Now i am wishing the days away and they go by to quickly as it is, so enough of that!! :tape:

Chris - thanks for taking my hand! These days we can use all the help we can get, just to get through this Christmas Season and be ready for the big day! LOL My boss has been pretty good lately, I only work three days a week usually, they are full days but, they go by so quickly because I am so busy so its ok! This week I have a few more hours, because my friend that I work with is on vacation for a week, so I am helping out with some of the things that she usually does. Its all good! They have hired more people so I am sure my hours will stay short and sweet!!

Laurie - Back to work :mmph: Its always hard to get back out there again after such a nice time away! Except if you are my MG he couldn't wait to get back to work?? He just loved his job so much! Maybe he just needed to get away from me??? LOL

Phylis - Hope your granola turns out good, I bet your house smells heavenly!! Want to come over and get my Christmas Cards done for me?? LOL I sure could use some inspiration to get it done!! Hopefully I will start tomorrow, its my day off.

Well off to the shower I go, and then breakfast for MG and myself. Today is only a four hr day, Hooray!! Back home to scrap something hopefully. Enjoy your day everyone! :wave:
Trudy, i think the trick to getting your Christmas cards done is waking up at 3:20 a.m. several days in a row....:hurt:

sigh....i just tasted a bit of my "granola." so far, it's a disappointment. but what do i expect from something made from, among other things, nuts and baby food carrots. i think it needed to have more Splenda. it tastes salty at this point!
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good morning, everyone!!! I'm getting my coffee on so I can do all of my "chores" today!! Those chores include sewing up two table runners and 12 placemats for a friend, make a cute little upcycled dress or skirt for Lillian (I'm slowly increasing her wardrobe by hand this year!), meet my mom at lunch to give her her glasses she left here last night, run by the grocery store and pick up those things I always forget on my Monday run, and finish filling out my Christmas planner!!! :) Doesn't that sound like an awesome to-do list???

I just love reading y'all's posts. I may not comment on each individually, but know that I read them and take them to heart. You gals are the best, and I've missed not being in here everyday!! love you all!!

stay warm today!! (It's in the 50s here right now...what???? LOL!!!)
Good morning girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I've been a bit scarce lately... have so much to do! But I'm feeling great so far and I past the scary time when I've had a few babies way to early and they ended up in the NICU! So I have 4 weeks 5 days left till my due date which is awesome cuz... well maybe this time I can make it to the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never have yet and the doc said he'd schedule a c-section around 38 or 39 weeks but you never know! I'm still freaking out though, you'd think with this being baby #10 I would not worry, but yet I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and Noah... SIGH he's into everything he's been a holy terror lately and can't leave him alone for a min without him getting into anything! Grrrrrrrrr I'm at my wit's end with him!

As for my blood sugars... Chris can you explain something to me? For the past week my morning blood sugar has been low ( a good low about 4.8 first thing whereas before it's always been about 5.8-6.8) Last night just to see I had a pile of junk food right before bed and I still tested low this morning... odd
Hello ladies. Syd's coach didn't finish practice until 9:12...seriously, they are only 3rd and 4th graders. So, by the time we get home and ready for bed, it's 9:45.

Tonight was swim practice for Shaun but it is so dark and so cold (it was 14 degrees this morning) that I couldn't bring myself to take him. I think that we are going to wait until second season when he is finished with basketball. I just don't have the energy. :-( Makes me feel sad and a little guilty but I have to face that I have my limits.
Chris, sounds like you had a good time with your dad! And accomplished a bunch! Hope that you didn't hurt too bad today!

Trudy, hope that this week doesn't exhaust you too much! Hang in there...almost hump day!

Phylis, you do such a good job of eating well. Hope you were able to get the saltiness adjusted in your granola.
Laurie, hope you managed to get through vacation aftermath successfully.

Jen, that's the thing about blood sugars...so unpredictable! Glad that you have passed the NICU stage. Not much longer!
Sally, I am so envious of your sewing. I would love to sew. But I can't ever get the sewing machine to cooperate. I have a terrible time with the tension. How I'd love to do some quilting...well at least creating the quilt top!
Jen, trying to make sense of morning blood sugar readings is a losing battle. as long as they're good, i wouldn't worry!