
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, May 14


The Loopy-O
GoooOOd morning, my lOves! How is everyone today?
So glad it is a sunny day today- we have a *big* field trip coming in this morning. 107 5th graders. Plus teachers and chaperones. And lemme tell you, some of the teachers are harder to deal with than the kids :lol23: . If it is rainy, we have some limited spaces to get out of the rain but not enough for that amount of people.

How was your Monday? Mine flew by and I am still not feeling like I am accomplishing anything.
The best news of the day: Gary's retinopathy hasn't changed. Whew. I had a bit of a fright when he was checking out. I thought the receptionist scheduled him for a three-month recheck instead of his usual 6 but it was another receptionist who was on the phone making that appt. Thank goodness. After that we went to BJs- we hadn't been there in ages and we got stuck wandering around looking for the 4 things on our list. LOL!
Still plugging along on the ATCs and started bagging up the Hershey Kisses to go with them. next thing I knew it was time to start dinner. :/

I'd love to finish up the ATCs/candy bags today after work, but I have a feeling by the time I get home, I'm going to be stick-a-fork-in-me-done.
I'm working in the stream today so at least I know how that runs and it's always a lot of fun for the kids. The school is from the town where my BFFs lives. I asked if she knew any 5th graders but all of the kids she knows are grown-ups now.

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
@A-M Did you do the Fantasy challenge? That is one of my favorites!

@JeanneMN My BFF has a very complicated relationship with her mom so I understand how that can be difficult. I am so sorry that your DS believes that about you. But even so, good for you for pulling yourself out of the dark places and being who you are now. That's not easy-- and shows what an amazing and strong person you are. Big hugs and love sent your way~~~~~
I hope that the air quality improves and you can breathe again, or at least without feeling like your throat is all sandpaper and itchy.
BTW-- my family plays games like you do- dinks and games and we make up rules as we go.

@BrightEyes How are you feeling today, you didn't move too many boxes on your own, did you?
I love your advice for Cheryl.
I didn't touch the washing machine yesterday but Cait ran a load last night and I didn't hear her cursing at it so that's good. Meanwhile, a section of the burner on the stove burnt out. The 1-year warranty ended in March :(

@taxed4ever I know that you would have preferred to see all of the kids and grandson person but I'm happy that you got to Facetime with them.
Did you and Linda make it out on the lake?
Your poor sister, but what a trooper sticking it out on the hike. Each time it should get easier for her and more fun too. I have some of the same issues with a few of the teachers/parents on the field trips. I'll take the "sweeper" role and hang back and coach them up or down. Some of them are very embarrassed and I feel for them.
Vent away, it is hard when you see the people you love not take care of themselves!!

@AK_Tracy I am the same-- the coffee helps *me* as much as it helps *them.* :rotfl:
hahah!! You could do a challenge that is "easy" like a recipe or clean and simple. Just sayin' again...


@Cherylndesigns you know we are by your side. ♥
I am in awe of Roger. I hope that you are taking lots of photos so we can see the progress too.
LOL at the Italian restaurant owned by Bulgarians. Scott worked at an Italian restaurant owned by Albanians and if you think it sounds a little suss, it's because it was.

@AK_Tracy and @JeanneMN
You are the Wonder Twins!

@MariJ It has to be frustrating to think this site works the way you are used to at SG and then it doesn't. Glad that you are all getting the hang of it!

@mimes1 (((((((hugs))))))))))) I can't imagine how hard it was on Mother's Day. If I am honest with myself, I think that is what I wanted to go and visit when my plans fell through, who knows what next year will be like :(
I'm glad that you had your girls and church friends with you.
Big hugs too for your DD and the grand. How long will SIL be deployed?
Wrenching day for you all.

@AK_Tracy Welcome to my family-- all of the Campbell men have cut off bits of fingers and 1.5 of them in my BIL's case (they were re-attached). When Scott cut the tip of his finger- we were relieved, it was official and not very serious.
Hope that you don't need stitches, although we found that butterfly bandages are a must-have in my house.

I am trying to type as fast as I can and still make sense - FWIW, since I can't do that on a day when I have plenty of time. Anyway, I have to get ready for work. Love you all! ♥


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Oh darlin' I hear you on dealing with the tall people. I taught computer classes to the tall people and they wouldn't allow their students to behave the way they behaved. Paint that smile on your face and sharpen up the evil eye.

So glad to hear Gary's retinopathy hasn't changed, that has to be a huge relief. I must say a scavenger hunt at BJ's seems like an unusual way to celebrate the good news, of course I have no idea what BJ's is :lol23: :floorlaugh:

Track meet tonight, I hope the smoke is better today. My coffee is getting low, ahhhhlllllllllll be baaaackkkkk


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out before I leave to pick up the widows to take them to the last meeting until the fall.
I've been pretty much mia and busy. I'm looking forward to being able to sitting in my recliner and catching up and catching my breath. But that's not today!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, Tracy how is your finger today? Been there/done that - hope you are ok! @AK_Tracy
Oops - didn't realize you'd added "AK" here and I got worried when your tag didn't come up. Take care, friend. :beatingheart:

Thank you Chris. It's nice to be understood. @faerywings


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! DD#1 (Belle) left her iPad out for me when she went to work so I’ve hijacked it and can check in a little more frequently! Hah - in a couple short weeks I’ve learned to not only hijack my own thread but now the iPad!! Bwahahahah!
Today the goal is just to be with DD#2 (Erinn) as she adjusts to her DH (Paul) being gone for an extended time. @faerywings My SIL will be gone for 9 - 12 months. We never know until we know. This is the second deployment since they’ve been married. The last one was extremely hard on my daughter. We’re praying that this one will be a little easier for her. My job today is to just be with her and quietly support her in whatever way she needs. It’s supposed to rain big rain today so i’ll go pick up the dog poop and she’ll mow behind me, then we’ll make up any steps after that. Hopefully before the rain comes!

@AK_Tracy I’m so sorry to read about your finger!! That’s sounds so painful!! What is the kitchen tool you cut it on? I’ve never heard of that before. Glad to hear you can still scrap and chat though!

@vickyday Hope you have a nice time out with your lady friends!

Reading through everyone’s comments just makes my heart warm. You all are so supportive and encouraging of everyone. I just love it here So much. I know we’ve said it many times but thank you for the warm and inclusive welcome. :heartpumpred:

Off to go pick up poop ;):mowing: Talk to you all in a little while!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning ladies... another quick in and out for me today as the Lake is calling my name and I will be heading out in the Kayak in a couple of minutes. I really wanted to get a layout done yesterday, but my poor old iMac is complaining too much and working with Photoshop is just too much for it, so I can only be on it for a few minutes at a time. What a PITA!! I did get some work done on my painting though, but that is going to take me a very long time and many layers of paint before its completed. Oh well it is what it is and I will continue scouring the stores and the internet for a good deal on a new iMac. This next week is going to be hopefully quiet for us and then the week after will be the final few days of packing and moving into the new house for the In-Laws. Anyway I better get off of here before the computer starts complaining again. Wish me luck on finding a new one! I hope you all have a lovely day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm heading out to get a physical and PAP exam done this morning, first one in about 7 years. It's so weird to finally have a doctor. I'm getting my mammo next week. Blood work has all been done.

I'll take the dogs with me and go to the dog park on the way back from my appt. Need to make my buddah bowl sauce today and will air fry salmon for dinner.

I am going to try to switch my digi stuff over to a new EHD (the replacement from the new one that crashed a few wks ago). I don't think my computer likes me having so many EHDs plugged in, they keep turning off by themselves. I hope that if I get all my digi kits onto one big drive that it will work better.

@faerywings Have a good class today.

@mimes1 That reminds me, I need to do yard duty today too. Hope your daughter fares better this time around, that's a long time to be without her hubs. I'm sure having you there helps a lot.

I'm getting out of here, I'd better shower and get on with the day. Have a good day everyone.


Quick in and out for me this morning. Have a few last minute things to do before the gals get here for the brown bag lunch. I did get the peach cobbler made yesterday afternoon and set up the coffee and ice tea stations. The table is set up, too. Got a call yesterday afternoon that 1 of the gals is sick and won't make it.

Boy, was yesterday busy!!! My friend and her daughter (who wasn't suppose to arrive until late yesterday but arrived on Sat) came over with lots of boxes. DD#3 arrived just after them so we had some coffee then went to work on packing up the stamp sets. Dottie taped the bottom of the boxes, her DD assembled the banker boxes and tops, while DD#3 and I filled the boxes. I was a good gal and could stand while I unloaded the tall bookcase. Had a small chest that boxes could sit on so no bending over. DD#3 packed the sets that were on the wood shoe stand - had to kneel on her knees to get to them. Then both the DDs carried the boxes out to the car. Took 6 banker boxes and 12 smaller boxes!!! Then DD#3 dusted the empty shelves for me. I will start storing the books that will go into the bookcase and shoe stand tomorrow or Thursday. Will weed out the books that I need to donate.

And I had a wonderful surprise in the late afternoon... DSon-in-law#1 came by. They live in Phoenix but he comes back here to do eye exams for under-privileged kids every month. He was on his way to Taos and stopped in to say Hi.

Time to finish up getting ready for lunch. CYL


Well-Known Member
I'd love to finish up the ATCs/candy bags today after work, but I have a feeling by the time I get home, I'm going to be stick-a-fork-in-me-done.
Yep, I think after that many 5th graders you will be fork done!! And my guess is spoon-less. I dont know how you do it. Oh wait, yes I do, you love it. That's me and cooking. Not hiking or nature LOL
@AK_Tracy I am the same-- the coffee helps *me* as much as it helps *them.* :rotfl:
hahah!! You could do a challenge that is "easy" like a recipe or clean and simple. Just sayin' again...
HEHE Knew I liked you! Another coffee girl just keeping others alive dance4 Now stop being mean and telling me to host a challenge, it freaks me out! Those scrap police......... what would they say :lol23::dance2:
@AK_Tracy Welcome to my family-- all of the Campbell men have cut off bits of fingers and 1.5 of them in my BIL's case (they were re-attached). When Scott cut the tip of his finger- we were relieved, it was official and not very serious.
Hope that you don't need stitches, although we found that butterfly bandages are a must-have in my house.
Yes, I am always getting hurt. Thankfully butterfly style is helping lots. It looked less traumatic at bed time. The worst part is as hubs was saying "just dont get hurt" the pickle slipped and my finger hit the blade. Like hello! I was fine till ya said something. So in a way its all his fault.
Quick in and out before I leave to pick up the widows to take them to the last meeting until the fall.
I need more coffee. I wont admit how many times I read that line before I realized it wasn't windows :rotfl:
Good morning, Tracy how is your finger today? Been there/done that - hope you are ok! @AK_Tracy
Oops - didn't realize you'd added "AK" here and I got worried when your tag didn't come up. Take care, friend. :beatingheart:
Yes, just Tracy was taken and said ya need a better name. So I went with my state. Cause my other name was just too different and no-one would know Space Case was me!!! LOL My dad's BFF in the 70's named me Space Case Trace and it stuck for years and years.
Hah - in a couple short weeks I’ve learned to not only hijack my own thread but now the iPad!! Bwahahahah!
:yesmaster::gotcha:We've corrupted you!!!! WOO WOO job well done! :drinkbuddies: No more sweet innocent scrapper Amy its Hijack Amy!
@AK_Tracy I’m so sorry to read about your finger!! That’s sounds so painful!! What is the kitchen tool you cut it on? I’ve never heard of that before. Glad to hear you can still scrap and chat though!
Things are better today but still very much bandaged. A mandolin if a wonderful piece of kitchen equipment but it does tend to fight back. It has a large razor blade that cuts things, even me. :rotfl:
This is what I have and its razor sharp! The cheese grater blade was the other one I got bit by. The cheese slipped and my thumb going went across the blade. Oh it was pretty. Once a year hit seems to bite me. So far only #4 hasn't been bit but he also wont use it.

Beautiful day here today. Got to sit in the sun some yesterday and it felt amazing to be in shorts and thawing out. And its shaping up to be another gorgeous day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
We came home yesterday from our great biking trip - total of 307 miles on the Ohio to Erie trail, which ends up being a diagonal across the state of Ohio. We only had one rainy day, since the group decided to move Saturday's ride, the final leg from Akron to Cleveland, to Sunday. Which worked out great, but meant we were a day later getting home than planned. But, hey, we're retired so who cares!

So now I'm working on four fronts of scrapbooking:
1. Try to get my first month of challenges on Oscraps done. It's a little dicey, as I don't have so much material to work with, and keep having to check some of my ScrapGirls kits with whether the designers have added them to the Oscraps store
2. Catch up on my Project Life weeks pages
3. Make the Disney trip book I've promised my granddaughters. You probably won't see a lot of those pages, because I bought several products in preparation before I knew ScrapGirls was going, so most of those pages won't meet the 50% Oscraps limit
4. Scrap the photos from our bike trip.

It's a rainy day here in Virginia, so I may make some progress. Except I'm sure my husband will expect something for dinner so I better go to the supermarket!


Well-Known Member
We came home yesterday from our great biking trip - total of 307 miles on the Ohio to Erie trail, which ends up being a diagonal across the state of Ohio. We only had one rainy day, since the group decided to move Saturday's ride, the final leg from Akron to Cleveland, to Sunday. Which worked out great, but meant we were a day later getting home than planned. But, hey, we're retired so who cares!

So now I'm working on four fronts of scrapbooking:
1. Try to get my first month of challenges on Oscraps done. It's a little dicey, as I don't have so much material to work with, and keep having to check some of my ScrapGirls kits with whether the designers have added them to the Oscraps store
2. Catch up on my Project Life weeks pages
3. Make the Disney trip book I've promised my granddaughters. You probably won't see a lot of those pages, because I bought several products in preparation before I knew ScrapGirls was going, so most of those pages won't meet the 50% Oscraps limit
4. Scrap the photos from our bike trip.

It's a rainy day here in Virginia, so I may make some progress. Except I'm sure my husband will expect something for dinner so I better go to the supermarket!
Welcome home Terri!!!! What an adventure that must have been, 307 miles. I love to bike but man my backside hurts just thinking of that many miles! Cant wait to see the pages youre able to share!!! And tell hubs the phone works, order dinner, cause your busy scrapping happy! :giggle4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning everybody.

It's kind of dark and dreary here and only 65 degrees. Yesterday was rain then sun, then more rain and it finally cleared up by evening. I walked up to Adrienne's again for dinner - got my steps in before filling my tummy. LOL Braden, Alyssa and her BFF Sarah were there too. What a fun group they are. Chris @faerywings I had forgotten that Scott worked at a similar "Italian restaurant". I think that's so funny. Their sign even says "Italian food". Who knew??? 107 5th graders??? My eyes bulged out when I read that. That;s a lot of kids. You'll have fun with them, though.

Yes, I loved the advice I got from Kay @BrightEyes and I intended to get back in here and thank everybody personally and never did make it. I loved ALL of the love that I got for this past weekend. I needed it - I had some rough moments and lots of tears. My next big "anniversary" is coming up - Chuck's birthday is May 30th. I'm listing to some great audio books on dealing with grief. One PhD says to be "prepared" for the day and have some alternative plans. I wanted to do a Celebration of Life, but Steph won't be here. They're coming for the Memorial Day weekend, but she can't stay through the 30th because of work. We'll do something while she's here, but it won't be on his actual birthday. He always said his birthday was on "the real Memorial Day".

Kay @BrightEyes thanks for your always wonderful advice. I know you're still missing Bill every day and I love hearing how you're getting along. Vicky @vickyday, you too. You're so lucky that Mark came into your life (well, he was already in it, but you know what I mean).

Ray @bcgal00 good luck with your new doctor and I know how long you've been looking for one. Your dinner sounds good too, I'm hungry right now, so it sounds extra good.

I'll try to come back and do more personals, but Chris @faerywings I did take pictures - I knew you girls would want to see them and I wanted to document the progress. I'm in awe of Roger too. He's an amazing man and always has a project going on. I just can't believe he's doing this - it is going to be so beautiful and such a wonderful place to go and sit and meditate. I have three pictures, the first one was taken from my front porch to show you how close the pond is, the second one is a little more close up and the third one is very close up so you can see those huge stones that weigh 1200 pounds, He told me last night that some of them weighed more than that.



There will be a waterfall on the other side of the pond, that will flow down into a ravine that he's cleared out. I have pictures of that ravine (somewhere) and it was just totally wild.


Well-Known Member
Oooohhhhh @Cherylndesigns I love the photos!!!! So glad we can see the progress. I love how close it is to your porch so that even when youre not sitting on the benches you can still look and see and meditate. Those are some huge stones!!!


Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns This is shaping up so nicely. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. It is really special to have people in your life to help you through this journey. I am glad that you have that with friends and with your O family. It is extra special to have advice from others who have experienced grief of their own.


Well-Known Member
We came home yesterday from our great biking trip - total of 307 miles on the Ohio to Erie trail, which ends up being a diagonal across the state of Ohio. We only had one rainy day, since the group decided to move Saturday's ride, the final leg from Akron to Cleveland, to Sunday. Which worked out great, but meant we were a day later getting home than planned. But, hey, we're retired so who cares!

So now I'm working on four fronts of scrapbooking:
1. Try to get my first month of challenges on Oscraps done. It's a little dicey, as I don't have so much material to work with, and keep having to check some of my ScrapGirls kits with whether the designers have added them to the Oscraps store
2. Catch up on my Project Life weeks pages
3. Make the Disney trip book I've promised my granddaughters. You probably won't see a lot of those pages, because I bought several products in preparation before I knew ScrapGirls was going, so most of those pages won't meet the 50% Oscraps limit
4. Scrap the photos from our bike trip.

It's a rainy day here in Virginia, so I may make some progress. Except I'm sure my husband will expect something for dinner so I better go to the supermarket!
Glad you're back safely, Terri and had a good time. I can't wait to see photos and layouts. :)


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Well, the name threw me for a moment, but you can't escape me, I found you quickly enough!
I'm glad your finger is doing a bit better, mandolins are real weapons for fingers. I smiled at the butterfly bandage. When we were little my Dad would make his own from bandaids - he learned about it in the Army where he was a medic. And, now you can buy them already made! :)


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Well, the name threw me for a moment, but you can't escape me, I found you quickly enough!
I'm glad your finger is doing a bit better, mandolins are real weapons for fingers. I smiled at the butterfly bandage. When we were little my Dad would make his own from bandaids - he learned about it in the Army where he was a medic. And, now you can buy them already made! :)
I would never hide from you! :heartpumppink: But yeah I did have to change the name up a little. This is why I made sure I had the same photo!

I giggled at the butterfly bandage and your dad as my husband was army too. Not medic but his dad was a doc. So when my stitches from appendectomy started to pop open he made me a butterfly out of gauze and tape the doc told him it looked like one the ER would have done. Like he needed the encouragement to make homemade bandages and skip medical treatment :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oooohhhhh @Cherylndesigns I love the photos!!!! So glad we can see the progress. I love how close it is to your porch so that even when youre not sitting on the benches you can still look and see and meditate. Those are some huge stones!!!
Thanks so much, Tracy. Roger is my son-in-law, in case you missed that. He's such a wonderful, hard working man and I'm so touched that he's doing this. He hasn't been working on it very long, he gets things done. He has the equipment to do things with. I can't believe how fast he's getting this so far along.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns This is shaping up so nicely. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. It is really special to have people in your life to help you through this journey. I am glad that you have that with friends and with your O family. It is extra special to have advice from others who have experienced grief of their own.
I'm very fortunate and blessed, that's for sure. I know my "lifestyle" is complicated, but my oldest DD Adrienne, her husband Roger, two of their youngest kids still live at home. My granddaughter, Ava, lives on the property too and we're all within walking distance of each other's homes. We also have an adopted family member, Aly, who lives on the property, too. Our property (the compound as we call it in here) is fifty acres, but we live right in the middle of it. I'm trying to keep everybody updated on our "ranch life".

I'm so blessed to have my O family, too. I'm so glad you like the pictures I posted.:heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
We came home yesterday from our great biking trip - total of 307 miles on the Ohio to Erie trail, which ends up being a diagonal across the state of Ohio. We only had one rainy day, since the group decided to move Saturday's ride, the final leg from Akron to Cleveland, to Sunday. Which worked out great, but meant we were a day later getting home than planned. But, hey, we're retired so who cares!

So now I'm working on four fronts of scrapbooking:
1. Try to get my first month of challenges on Oscraps done. It's a little dicey, as I don't have so much material to work with, and keep having to check some of my ScrapGirls kits with whether the designers have added them to the Oscraps store
2. Catch up on my Project Life weeks pages
3. Make the Disney trip book I've promised my granddaughters. You probably won't see a lot of those pages, because I bought several products in preparation before I knew ScrapGirls was going, so most of those pages won't meet the 50% Oscraps limit
4. Scrap the photos from our bike trip.

It's a rainy day here in Virginia, so I may make some progress. Except I'm sure my husband will expect something for dinner so I better go to the supermarket!
What an impressive ride you had, Terri. Wow, I don't think I could ever do that, but I'm not a biker. I just think that's wonderful that you do this, though. Glad you got home safely.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@Cherylndesigns The pond will bring you such peace and serenity. Chuck will be right there with you and a waterfall makes it even better. I spent hours out there every day last summer. I am so excited for you.

@AK_Tracy Been there done that and got the scars to prove it. I don't know if you're a quilter, but my rotary cutter has bitten me multiple times including the top of my foot when I didn't follow the rule of always closing the the blade protector and dropping it on my foot drove home the lesson.

@mimes1 I know it's probably little consolation, but please tell your daughter that I so appreciate his service and the sacrifices you all have had to make. Service men & women are near & dear to my heart & I will keep you in my prayers.I grabbed caffeinated coffee by mistake for my last cup, I usually only have 2 high test and then switch to decaf. My day was sort of unwound by it I think. I was in an eyelash of finishing another challenge and the 'puter started acting up. I had to reboot & apparently when I closed Photoshop I hadn't saved the layout I thought I had . There Photoshop started misbehaving so I checked for updates and the updates wouldn't install , so I had to uninstall & then reinstall Photoshop. Ain't technology grand . - . . . - .. .. when it works? Course my brain wasn't firing on all cylinders either apparently.

@Terri M What an amazing ride!! Popcorn makes a wonderful supper, take it from someone who practices what she preaches.

@faerywings If you do more than pouring a glass of wine & collapsing on the couch you are a better woman- than I am, which prob goes without saying.

I grabbed caffeinated coffee by mistake for my last cup, I usually only have 2 high test and then switch to decaf. My day was sort of unwound by it I think. I was in an eyelash of finishing another challenge and the 'puter started acting up. I had to reboot & apparently when I closed Photoshop I hadn't saved the layout I thought I had . There Photoshop started misbehaving so I checked for updates and the updates wouldn't install , so I had to uninstall & then reinstall Photoshop. Ain't technology grand . - . . . - .. .. when it works? Course my brain wasn't firing on all cylinders either apparently. I'm going to go walk around the garden & there see if I can reproduce that page . I started celebrating too soon that I'd made it in a couple hours.


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Been there done that and got the scars to prove it. I don't know if you're a quilter, but my rotary cutter has bitten me multiple times including the top of my foot when I didn't follow the rule of always closing the the blade protector and dropping it on my foot drove home the lesson.
I have quilted once upon a time. I didn't enjoy it. And my mom got my dads foot with her rotary cutter. It was to the pile of stuff he was taking upstairs for her and he tipped the pile. Cutter hit his foot. He almost passed out from the tiny drop of blood :giggle4: For a big burly manly man, blood did him in. Usually in the kitchen, I get burned, but cuts are normal too.


Well-Known Member
I'm very fortunate and blessed, that's for sure. I know my "lifestyle" is complicated, but my oldest DD Adrienne, her husband Roger, two of their youngest kids still live at home. My granddaughter, Ava, lives on the property too and we're all within walking distance of each other's homes. We also have an adopted family member, Aly, who lives on the property, too. Our property (the compound as we call it in here) is fifty acres, but we live right in the middle of it. I'm trying to keep everybody updated on our "ranch life".

I'm so blessed to have my O family, too. I'm so glad you like the pictures I posted.:heartpumpred::heartpumpred:
Enjoy your compound. Proximity can be such a blessing, especially at times like this. Because of your nearness to one another, everyone can enjoy Roger's beautiful work frequently. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Enjoy your compound. Proximity can be such a blessing, especially at times like this. Because of your nearness to one another, everyone can enjoy Roger's beautiful work frequently. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.