
Daily Ooo's Tuesday March 31


The Loopy-O
Holy Calendar man! The last day of March! Wow! And for all of those people who say "in like a lion out like a lamb"- Ha! Not here. Yesterday is was freezing- in the 40's and the wind was whipping.
here to hoping April will finally bring spring to NJ!

Hehe Josly- I see you are felling the same, at least we didn't get snow- gotta be grateful for that! make sure that you take it easy ! No Pre-term stuff, ya hear? :)

Sara- how is Ben today? Hope he is better- woot on getting your Cheery O lo done!

Lia- hi there!!! Enjoy your week, but don't forget to breathe :)

Hugs Tali- You'll be fine!!!

LOL Kristin- my kids were outside in the mud all weekend too. Eh, like ya said, they wash!

So Stephie, how was your salad?? LOL

Clara- all men seem to be the same, I swear :( Its maddening! Hope that you are feeling great after your vaca!

Hi K-Bamm!!!!

Gah--- gotta run, Scott is running super late.... Be back for the rest of the personals :)


Well-Known Member
good morning, thought i'd try posting before leaving for work to make sure i got here to say hi. we are actually little bit ahead of schedule here in my house this am - rare, but i'll take it. :)

Chris - i can't believe march is over. where did it go??? aah! and next week is easter - we have good friday and easter monday off from work so i am super excited about this little spring break.

love to you all. okay, my little man is calling me.


The Loopy-O
Ugh ugh ugh! LOLOL! Why do mornings have to so difficult!?

I seriously don't get it......
I made Scott a cup of coffee to bring to-go- and he forgot it in the car. So here I am drinking it- and it is light and sweet -ick! I like my with a splash of half and half and no sweetener at all. But if it has caffeine.... :D

Back to the personals :)

Kelly MEN = OCCASIONAL HELPERS. :wink: LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! And so not into the whole stages and development stuff either ;)

jen- I hate that about house cleaning - it never actually gets a chance to look clean :) One thing I do like/hate about cleaning as a job is that I love walking out of a house that *is* clean. What happens to it after the family comes home, well- I don't have to see it! But onthe other hnad, I hate that I walk out of soemone else's clean house into my messy one *eye roll*

ME- hope life clams down for you!

Yay Steph! Salads rock! And so do you :)
and so do new cameras!

Hi Merkee- glad to hear that your family is all better!

KBamm - just an idea... try out for the Cheery-O's and if you make a guest spot, ask for it to be one of the later appointments....

OK, that is all from me.
Working for my MIL today YAY!!!! I am guessing it is going to be "as needed" for now, so I will take what I can get.
Plus I got an email form my boss-- she has a new budget and needs to tlak to me. *fingers and toes crossed that it is good news*


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone!

I completely didn't make it in here yesterday. I was working on Amanda's challenges and Davy's was under my feet begging for attention LOL. He comes up under my chair and licks my legs or whatever he can reach.

He's feeling better, I feel like he will be ok. I need to call his vet for a follow-up appt.

Chris-sorry you are having so much trouble with your ins over the PICC line. Enjoy your day, hope all goes well with your boss :).

MaryEllen-Good morning! Enjoy your upcoming mini-break, we could all use those now and then!

Kayleigh-I agree with Chris, try out!!

Merkee-did your kitty get all better?

Stephie-have fun with your new cam!

Tali-lots of slow, deep, even breaths, sips of water if they'll let you, look straight ahead, use ipod if you can. You should be ok after take off.

Everyone, running late, holler at you all later!!! Love n hugs :).


Well-Known Member
Hey girls!!
Just a quick one from me, have some running around to do but Ill be back at naptime!! I spent a while last night getting some LO's done for Amanda's spotlight and Im loving her freebies and I had such a god time although....I have exceeded my upload limit gggrrrrrr and I have to wait now to upload the rest of my pages!! Hate that!!!

Oh well! CHilly here today.......high 40's I think.......but sunny!!!:D

Be back later, hope everyone has a FAB day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi, good morning !

Yesterday was a crazy day, but so productive!

They start fixing the roof and I hope they finish the work until this weekend (because I don't like having strangers working in my house...I'm alone ith my son most of time).

We visited the new school (kinder)... adaptation period will start next week.

The good new is I Apple could recover my photos backup! Now I have tons a photos to continue scrapping. Yesterday I was so inspired by Amanda's challenges that I did 2 LOs at night. Aren't they great ?

Dawn, I hope Davy gets better fast.

See you girls,


Well-Known Member
Guess what...I'M BACK!!! Whew was yesterday a day from He double hockey sticks!! Work was crazy! If it could go wrong it did! And talk about Computers not liking me! They HATED me yesterday! So needless to say I was beyond tickled when it was time to go HOME!! Got home and everything started looking up! My little girl was in an great mood and I finally got started on my long journey of making a quilt. Again I jumped in head first on the learning curve of something...and go figure I can't even just do the pattern the way it is written as I have a King sized bed! I had to modify it! So what started out using 8 fabrics now uses 15!!! And by golly I got strips galore cut last night! 7 out of the 15 fabrics are cut up (in what I'm hoping is the right number of strips!) I did my walk last night and then crashed! This morning I got up hoping for a better day and it seems to look like I might get my wish! So here I am chatting it up! Well...reading first!

Catch up from yesterday!

Chris girl I soooo love Harry Potter..I've read the series 4 times and I swear I find new little tidbits everytime I read them! Either that or I totally blank out and forget everything (which is possible! :)) And OHHH insurances and thier it isn't medically necessary!! I fought with mine over my little girls Asthma Meds...we tried and tried to find something that would help her and unfort. that meant the most expensive not typical stuff out there. Well the insurance wouldn't pay for ANY of it...they claimed she could use others...so we fought those grounds and then when they realized she couldn't use the others we heard the same line...it isn't a medical necessity...HELLO!! They have to be kidding right...Breathing not a medical necessity! Go Figure! Keep fighting girl if you appeal it enough they will back down. Most people just take them at thier first response and that is that...but if you fight they give up.. (I know that isn't what you really wanna hear...fighting it is soooo annoying!) Oh and amazingly enough I haven't been sore! I'm waiting for the ball to drop on that one!! :)

Joslyn: Girl Resale is SAVING us at this point! My Husband works near a Kid 2 Kid resale shop that is just FABULOUS on getting Savannah and Jordan Clothes!

Sara: Hope Ben is feeling better today! There is def. a bug going around here, everyone is catching it!

Lia: wow you are one busy lady!! And Happy Soon to be B-day :) That is so I don't forget (I'm really really bad about forgetting!! :))

Tali: Have fun in Vegas!

Stephanie: LMAO!! Hope you had that Salad! wouldn't want you to be disappointed in yourself!! If it helps any we eat with my Parents most nights and my Grandmother lives there...She is a SWEET FREAK! My father has diabetes, my mother and I are both trying to lose weight and what does grandma do but bake some sweet EVERY DAY!! Talk about TORTURE! LOL

Clara: Girl my hubby soooo tries to pull crap like that all the time!! I think they need a "What to do when married w/kids 101" Class!!

Kayleigh: Hope you get internet soon! It totally does suck when you can't get on!

NicosMommy (sorry can't remember the name :(): Can you believe I didn't get a single shot!! I was too busy trying to corral the 10 kids in the back yard!! Oh well...I'm sure I'll get another shot!

From today:

Mary Ellen: Schedule..hmm...what is that!! Gosh I wish we actually ahd a schedule to get ahead of!! :)

Chris: I'm with ya on mornings!! i'm sooo not a morning person and add insult to injury I'm not a coffee person either!!

Dawn: Davy sounds soo sweet!! Mine Jumps on me! I think I'd rather be in your spot! :)

Ok Ladies I do believe I caught up! Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to post winners to a RAK thread I started over at DST..


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!!! I am so sick of this silly weather! Gorgeous yesterday, and today most of our state is either flooded or in blizzards! I'm quite sure Linda is home from teaching today. :) It is snowing very lightly here now. I hope it doesn't get too crazy.

I started packing last night. My hair got done and I got waxed (TMI lol) on Friday, got my spray tan last night. It is becoming more real to me. This will be the longest I've been away from the twinks.

Hmm, what else. Ella has her first show and tell today at school. She took her Widget - a stuffed Cairn Terrier that looks just like my mom's Cairn Terrier, also named Widget. :) The boys are having their speech therapy tomorrow since we'll be gone Friday.

Ok, I gotta go throw some laundry in. Gotta start packing the kids' stuff too. Packing for myself plus 3 kids for 5 days is tough! Blah! lol

I'll be back for personals.


...loves her some "O"
Morning girlies!!!

I'm sorry I've been a bit absent here in the dailys lately. I've not been multitasking very well lately. I guess that comes with age!! heehee

So here's my drama for the week (month? year?)... last Friday night my front tooth (the one to the right of my main front tooth...LOL) broke off while I was biting into a tortilla. So for all of Friday night I looked like a hillbilly!! I was soooooo embarrased! (at my inlaws with a guest over and all...blech!!). I got it superglued back on on Sat morning and got the low down on what we have to do to have a permanent healthy "tooth" there...implant! so I go in on Friday morning early and have oral surgery. AND I'll get a prosthesis basically for several months so I don't look like a hillbilly while the implant is healing into the bone and all...So I'll have to relearn how to talk since I'll have a retainer on my palette. Besides the cost (we dont' even know that yet...but it'll be bad, i'm sure...), the talking/singing thing is the only downfall I see. The look of the new tooth will be much better than what I've had, so I'm excited about that! LOL!! The other good news (sorta for me...) is that I'm not leading worship this Sunday, because we will be in Dallas/Ft Worth for Quentin's regional gymnastics meet. So I dont' have to know how to sing by then!! I get another week to learn! heehee!!!

Sometimes life is hard. I just have to say, the last few days have been EXTREMEly hard for me, but there are sooo many blessings I can count again!! The best, of course, (you guys know what I'm going to say!!) is that Mr Gorgeous is here. He took me to the dentist saturday when he didn't have to. He'll be there Friday (laughing at me on Valium!! heehee) to take me home and for moral support. He's here for me when I just fall apart or talk until all hours of the night...I cannot say enough praise for this man. He's beyond...

okay...enough about me...let's talk about you...what do you think about me?

LOL :)

Chris, I am praying for good news on your boss front!! And I got to thinking about your whole insurance thing, and even though you feel like you are at square one again, you could think of it as a new start. You know how I am about fresh starts!! it's only gonna be sooo much better this time!! For Real!! (as vicki would say!!)

Mary Ellen, Yay for vacation days!! yay!! yay!! enjoy that little man of yours!!

Dawn, loving the Davy LOs! I'm glad he's doing better. Keep us posted!!

Kel, ohhh you scrapper you!!! I need to catch up to yoU!!! :) loving the spotlights again!!!

Lia!!! Congrats on the Gallery Standouts!! yay!!! i love that site. I get a LOT of inspo there!! fab!! fab!!

Kristin, ohhhhh another quilt fanatic, like me!!! woohoooooo!!! I have 7 tops I need to finish desperately, but alas, scrapping is coming first right now. :) Hope your TODAY is better than yesterday! ;)

Tali-girl, I'll be praying for ya on that plane Thursday! And I'm feeling you with the packing. I HATE packing!! with a passion!!! I think it would be easier if I actually folded my laundry!! heehee!!! keep breathin' chica!!

and to everyone who comes after me, have a FABULOUS TODAY!!!

i love you ALL!!


Well-Known Member
((Sally)) - hope the dental surgery and everything goes smoothly, but girl, you sure did make me laugh about your description of yourself as a hillbilly!!


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh man! Are you ready for some FANTASTIC news???

I applied for a job with AT&T as a CSR for their new internet call center like a month ago. And they never responded. Well finally last week they replied and said they want me to go in for testing but they didn't say when. So then they emailed me last night and I go in on Wednesday for testing. I'm SO excited. The good news is, the sooner I get a job the sooner I can get back online! WOO!

Ok Chris, you got me! I'm going to finish it all up today and get it posted.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies...just wanted to pop in here and say hello to my favorite girls ;)

I am so excited about so many things....1) We watched Twillight Sunday night and I am hooked. My hubby is bringing home book 2 for me to read. During the entire movie I kept saying "I don't want this movie to end!!! 2) Hubby won a Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had to sell 20 cars this month and he would win won...and guess what he sold 22 cas ;) So we bought wii fit and I stayed up until 12:30 last night being a Hula Hoop master! However do you know what wii age I am...............42.........42????? I am only 29 and it is telling me I am 42??????????? I'm still a little bitter about that one LOL 3) my last excitment is planning things for Ledger's birthday this Friday. He will be 3 and I can't wait to PLAY PLAY PLAY :)

Onto my ladies:
K-Bamm - girl get that Cherry-O LO in NOW!!!!! It's worth a shot ;)

Sally - I am so sorry about the dental stuff...hope it all in better soon!

Tali - have a fun trip...take lots of pics ;) Where are you going again...is it Vegas?

Lia - CONGRATS!!! That is AWESOME 8)

A BIG HELLO to everyone else!!! I need to get back to work... ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey Gals! I've had a good food day so far and its almost 5pm so yay me! I also did my workout too! Yay. I've put myself on a plan. LOL I'm doing to Body for life food program and the firm workouts everyday. I'm excited about it. I found this recipe for banana bread that uses protien powder and stuff and is suppose to be really yummy. I'll let ya know.

I got some b12 tablets...they are suppose to give you energy.

We went to mom's house cause Selah needed her hair trimmed and so did I (mom cuts our hair, she always has....she went to beauty school so she knows what she is doing) and my sister and her bouncing baby boy were there so I got some Gavin love...12 days old!!!

Chris--I hear ya about the weather. Everytime I think I can put away the girls winter clothes we get another cold front...but two days later its in the 60'-70-s again. Beauty of living in Arkansas. If you don't like the weather, just stick around a few days...it will change.

Dawn-I had some fun with my new camera! I haven't uploading them up yet to really see how well it all works!

Kristen-In my next life...(lol...just kidding) I'm going to be a seamstress. I have tried to make things seveal times, and think that I could do it...IF I had the paitence for it. And I know all about sweets. My mom is a 'hot mama' and can control her weight well. Her and my sister have sweets all the time. There has NEVER been a time I've been over there an dhave not seen candy or cake or cookies...and they aren't fat..or overweight. They have this thing though, called self-control.

Tali-So, I've missed where you are going...

Lia-Congrats on Gallery standouts!!!

Kayleigh- My dh works for ATnT. It's been a good company to work for. He worked in the call center as a network tech for a few years, now he is an ouside tech climbing poles and such. LOL. However, will you be a union employee? Cause they are probably about to go on strike...like Monday. Maybe.

Jen-Ok, I'm so not one of those to get into Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings...and twilight was just another one of those...BUT I just so happened to read an excert from stephanie meyers blog (no idea how i ended up there) from a new book. I totally might get hooked on this. Netfix delivered it today. Probably won't watch it today b/c it's AI and TBL night.


Well-Known Member
Hey girlies!

A lot of chatter going on today. =) Ben was much better today. He went to daycare and I went to work. The weather here is crummy though. I shouldn't complain though; I could be with Linda and Tali being flooded and bizzarded. =)

I'm low on energy tonight, so I'm skipping personals. But know that I read about you all and love you all. =)


Well-Known Member
Well I tell ya, we can't buy a snow day! They had a foot of snow less than 30 miles from here, we just got a few flurries :( We were supposed to get 7 inches and blizzard condition winds. So the kids are looking out the window all day asking, "when is it going to start snowing?" "Do you think we'll get out early?"

Other than weather, not much going on here. We got Jenna's ticket bought to come home from California for the summer. 70 days and my little baking budy will be home! :) Can't wait!

Chris - hope the coffee was at least hot?

Dawn - glad Davy is doing better!

Kelly - I hate upload limits too!

Lia - hope the work on your roof comes along quickly! I know what you mean about having strangers around - gives me the heebie jeebies.

Kristen - wish I had the patience to make a quilt. It's something I've always wanted to do.

Tali - nope - no snow day for me :( This weather is just nuts though! Salem had no school, but we had a full day! Have a great trip!

Sally - I can so relate to your broken tooth. That happened to my Dad several Christmases ago. Mom and I had made pralines - cooked and cooked only to discover that our candy thermometer was broken. So they were a little harder than they should have been. My Dad took a bite and cracked his tooth. The next morning he broke it off on a piece of toast:) All day Christmas day with a half a front tooth!

Kayleigh - good luck with the AT and T gig!

Jendavy - the 13 year old and I got Mr Wonderful to watch Twilight with us Saturday night. He HATED it :)

Steph - I'll be interested to hear how the banana bread turns out!

Sara - glad to hear that Ben is doing better!

Hi to everyone else the happens through!


Well-Known Member
Hi O's I am SOOOOO tired today!!!! I've been back and forth to the Dr and it just wore me out. At my appt this morning I was measuring "small" again an dwith the contractions over the weekend they wanted to get an idea of what was goin on.So they decided to do a non-stress test, thankfully I had left the kids with Oma in the am or that would have been interesting. They couldn't get me in for a U/S until the afternoon. I passed the nst no promblem, he hiccuped for half of it so the strips looked pretty funny. They said that the US would determine if I got put on any resrtictions if he was small in size or my fluid was low. well, the US tech actually started laughing when she measured his head because he is huge! Already almost 6 pounds, give or take on either side. She said according to his actual measurements I would be 35 weeks 4 days :). Needless to say, they won't be putting me on bedrest. I *knew* everything was going to be fine because we went through this SAME thing with Sadie and she was over 8 pounds. Sigh, so I am just one tired lady now eating oreos on the couch with a big glass of milk ;). Maybe I can talk Gunar into a foot rub too.

Jen, don't feel bad about 42. I am 27 and the first time I did the fitness test on Wii sports it said I was 56!! I've at least got it down to the 30's now.

Sally~ OH your poor tooth!!!

Steph~ you'll have to share that recipe for Banana bread with protien. My Girls LOVE b.bread and if I can sneak some protien in on them it makes it worth it.

Hugs to everyone else, I am going to veg out now!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi gals! hope everyone had a great day :).

Jos-yummy Oreos and milk!! I'm sooo happy everything is going as it should with the little one :). Get some rest!

Linda-awwww, no snow? Seems like it never happens when you want it to :(.

Sara-Love you, too! Get some rest and hope tomorrow is a great day for you!

Stephie-WTG on the food!!! how cool that your mom does your hair! From your photos I can tell she does a great job :).

Jen-Isn't Twilight awesome?! I just loooove it, the 2nd time I watched the movie I noticed things I didn't notice the first. I can't wait for New Moon. Have fun with your Wii, I haven't broke down and got one yet but want to!

Kayleigh-good luck with the job, hope it works out! Can't wait to see your Cheery-o app!

Hi MaryEllen, Hope all is ok with you!

Sally-only you could make anything dental funny! I hope everything goes ok and you have no problems with your singing, I'm sure it will be fine though :).

Tali-LOL, you are going to have so much fun, all tanned and waxed. I hope you can take some photos of your trip to show us when you get back :). Have fun girl!

Lia-Congrats on the gallery standouts! So glad to hear that your photos will probably be rescued!!

Kristen-That's cool that you are making quilts! I used to do hand-quilting, seems like another lifetime, I don't have the patience for it now.

I'll catch you all tomorrow! Have a great night :).


Well-Known Member
Kristen - wish I had the patience to make a quilt. It's something I've always wanted to do.

LOL I don't have Patience!! I jumped in head first, now have all this fabric that I HAVE to do something with! Add to that my 90 lb lab is destroying our "dainty" bedding I'm going to try making the quilt heavier duty so it can handle the dog!!! At least that is what I'm hoping!!!


Well-Known Member
Kristen-That's cool that you are making quilts! I used to do hand-quilting, seems like another lifetime, I don't have the patience for it now.

And girl you get kudos for EVER doing hand quilting!!! My grandmother hand quilted my little boys baby blanket and I swear that takes TONS of patience!! SOOO not me...and heck for that matter I may end up paying someone to do the actual quilting part of this one!! We will see!