
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, March 25


The Loopy-O
Good morning! I slept late this morning, almost 6.30. I have been sleeping later in general. I guess that I don't need to shoot wide awake and run around all day is finally sinking into my sleep cycle. I'm still tossing and turning between 1-2 am most nights but at least I am not wide awake at 5 am. By the time this is over I am going to be sleeping until noon. :sleeping2:

You all should be proud of me, I stayed off of my feet (for the most part). I got some papers that were scattered all over my desk put away, thrown out, or put on the DR table to be dealt with another day. LOL Most of the afternoon I worked on the feary house and I think it will be finished today. :D
I want to do that since Scott and Sam are coming here for dinner and I want her to see it completed. All I need to do is finish the top garden area, set up the wiring to the battery, and close up the bottom. I have no idea if the lights will actually work but if they do, it will be very pretty! If not-- still pretty.

Today I am going to get the corned beef in the crockpot and then finish the house. That's it. Scott and Sam are here for dinner. I'll ask Cait or Tom to help with the fake chicken patties we are going to eat. And that is it!

xoxoxo to everyone!
@BrightEyes I hope that you made it either through the intersection safely or found a way around it. There are more than a handful of intersections where I'll make a right turn and then double back rather than risk a left.
I hope you enjoyed the weather.

@taxed4ever That stinks about the weather. I hope that it clears up for your hike tomorrow.
Fantastic news about the tax refund! I bet your Gary will be super excited to chat with Heater and the boys when they are home from now on too. ♥

Oh. Pot I'm so sorry you had to learn the lesson the hard way!! Kettle would have gladly come yelled at you. :hug2: So the little voice, yeah tell her to shut up. When I am in the moment I think yeah I can get up and push or I can sit and take care of me. Which do I want, stubborn or healed. For a little voice she sure is loud.
Sooo loud!! My IRL voice is loud (shocking, right? *G* ) so you know that my inner voice is also loud.
After my ankle surgery, I had to wear a compression sock and was always shocked at those indentations. Is it normal to be getting that much swelling still? It hasn't been that long since the surgery, although I know it has to feel like forever.
I hope that you can enjoy the sunshine on your porch with your feet up. Hear that, (Pot and) Kettle?
*Faery-Pot is mumbling to herself-- yeah yeah, I hear it... *


@bcgal00 So is the bsuness official today?? yippppeee!! Congrats on already getting orders in!! dance4
Great to hear that Remi's leg is doing well. She is such a good girl.

@vickyday I am sending you good stomach vibes~~ no more IBS today!
Well, that is a step in the right direction if Noah was civil to Mark over the weekend. I haven't had the creativity to think about the Color Plays-- I need to do that today if I want to get a prerelease done, don't I?
You are going to be great other AJ team!!!
I may be in the minority, but I don't get the fascination with Wicked. I saw the theatre version with Belle in San Diego. I don't remember much about it, mostly because I fell asleep and missed most of it. o_O
No way!!?? That is so funny!For me: Play >Movie>The Book
I read the book *after* I saw the play and that's always the wrong order for me. I told my kids that they had to read the Harry Potter book before I took them to see the movie- and that worked for the first 6 books. Not bad.
I hope that you can scrap a page with the parakeet. I need to see if I can get a decent screenshot of one of the videos from my feeder. There is one of the male and female cardinals tossing seeds everywhere that I just *love.*

I hope that Mark gets the phone with no problems - I guess that will be tomorrow.

Time to get the meat and potatoes in the crockpot

Good Morning,
DRUM ROLL, PLEASE.....:drums2::drums2::drums2::drums2:
We got the car back last night! And not before the mechanic drove it for a couple of days after his last "fix"! :woohoo::woohoo:
I hope I didn't just jinx it all! He had a lightbulb :lightbulb: moment and checked the wiring. And he found a wire with water damage. Not sure what that means, but, hey! If it took care of the problem, then, whatever! Keep those fingers and toes crossed!!!

So, I made a grocery order last night that I will pick up in a couple of hours. While I'm out I will make the church bank deposit. I also need to run the dog clippers back to my daughter, so Ilene and I will probably go to Save-a-Buck while in the area and hit Arby's for lunch! Then probably back to her house for a bit to play some Qwirkle!

Mark has had an itch for ice cream the last several nights, so about 6:30 he said, "Let's try out the car and go get some ice cream!" Well, alrighty then! Later he said, "Well, I guess I've lost my place parking on the carport!" :giggle4:

Not much planned for today than what's already been mentioned. My IBS belly is better today, but will still need to take it easy! Another Freezer Meal is waiting in the fridge to be cooked for dinner tonight.....Sheet pan cilantro-lime chicken burrito bowl....Mark should be able to use up the last of the soft tortillas from the weekend's fajitas.

Have a great day!

By the time this is over I am going to be sleeping until noon.
I doubt that very seriously! ;)
I am sending you good stomach vibes~~ no more IBS today!
Well, that is a step in the right direction if Noah was civil to Mark over the weekend. I haven't had the creativity to think about the Color Plays-- I need to do that today if I want to get a prerelease done, don't I?
You are going to be great other AJ team!!!
Thanks.....the IBS symptoms are better today! Still touchy, however!
YES! I hate listening to Noah and Mark argue! It was much more peaceful this weekend!
Yes, you don't have long to work with the CP pre-releases! However, I haven't seen many! I need to check the thread.
I hope you are correct about the AJ team! I have gotten some quotes together for April's theme, but that's all I've done with it so far!
Morning all. I slept in again - till 8AM!!! I survived my trip to pick up the tax package. The dangerous intersection does have a traffic light but too many try to run the yellow light changing to red and others jump the gun and start through before the cars are cleared. I had decided to go down to the next light (4 blocks south) and turn left there then circle back around the block... but as good luck would have it there was a break in traffic so I was able to make a U-turn 1 block past where I needed to turn!! Whew...
And ran the rest of the errands... and pick up a few things at the grocery store.

I spent some time pulling out instruction manuals for the old DVD/VHS players yesterday afternoon. I couldn't find the one for the unit in the master bedroom but I did find the manual for the 2nd one in the family room. That one (Sony) will copy from VHS to DVD...YES!!! ... I will have Son-in-law#1 help me move it to the bedroom and hook it up to the non-Smart TV in there. That TV was moved into the bedroom when I got the Smart TV for the family room - but the Geek Squad only hooked up the antenna to it... and not the DVD/VHS player. I want to copy the VHS tapes (4) that has my hubby on them onto DVDs so I can save and play them on DVD players. The large (56") TV in there sits on the top of a 5' tall wood unit so I would have to stand on a stepstool to reach the connections on the back of the TV... no way... no how...!!! I would be afraid I would cause it to tip over and fall to the ground. Will let SinL#1 handle that chore for me. :D At least I cleaned out the drawer where I keep the manuals and threw out a bunch of manuals for units I no longer have!!!
No way!!?? That is so funny! For me: Play >Movie>The Book
I read the book *after* I saw the play and that's always the wrong order for me. I told my kids that they had to read the Harry Potter book before I took them to see the movie- and that worked for the first 6 books. Not bad.
I agree with you... I like to read the book first then see the movie. But I forgot to look for the Wicked book first this time. Must admit that I am glad I didn't pay to go to see the movie Wicked. And won't pay to see the 2nd one either when it comes out. DD#3 is a huge Harry Potter fan... and she got me to watch all the Harry Potter movies when she stayed with me when she had her foot surgery. She can even quote dialog as we watched them... Yes, she has watched them that many times!!! :D

Gotta run... DD is calling.
Good Morning

You all should be proud of me, I stayed off of my feet (for the most part). I got some papers that were scattered all over my desk put away, thrown out, or put on the DR table to be dealt with another day. LOL Most of the afternoon I worked on the feary house and I think it will be finished today. :D
WOOT WOOT!!!! Pot's learning!!!!! Cant wait to see photo of your faery house.
Is it normal to be getting that much swelling still? It hasn't been that long since the surgery, although I know it has to feel like forever.
I hope that you can enjoy the sunshine on your porch with your feet up. Hear that, (Pot and) Kettle?
*Faery-Pot is mumbling to herself-- yeah yeah, I hear it... *
Yes the swelling is still normal. It is just coming up on four weeks and while it does feel like forever its not that long ago.
We got the car back last night! And not before the mechanic drove it for a couple of days after his last "fix"! :woohoo::woohoo:
I hope I didn't just jinx it all! He had a lightbulb :lightbulb: moment and checked the wiring. And he found a wire with water damage. Not sure what that means, but, hey! If it took care of the problem, then, whatever! Keep those fingers and toes crossed!!!
YEAH Vicky! That's awesome!!!

Not a lot going on today. Had a rough night and not much sleep so I feel like I am in a fog. Need to grab coffee.. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Morning everyone... it is foggy today, so foggy I can barely see the In-Laws place across the street. Hope it isn't this foggy for my drive to the hike tomorrow! Rain is supposed to hold off until the afternoon tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for me! I slept in this morning too, until 7:45!! I didn't even hear DH get up for work. 4 more lunches ladies!! Woo Hoo!! After the last 5 days of having my Gary home, I think we will be ok with retirement! I have a huge list of projects to keep him busy and putting shelves in my craft room closet will hopefully be the first item checked off his list! I have to do a big purge in there as there is stuff and things that haven't seen the light of day for years. I am ironing on some heat transfer vinyl onto a zip up hoodie this morning for my Grandson Mason he is a huge transformer fan so this is what I am putting on it for him.
transformer hoodie.jpg
His hoodie is navy blue however, so I hope it looks good. Anyway Heather is calling so I gotta go! I will be back later to catch up on personals. :waving1
You all should be proud of me, I stayed off of my feet (for the most part). I got some papers that were scattered all over my desk put away, thrown out, or put on the DR table to be dealt with another day. LOL Most of the afternoon I worked on the feary house and I think it will be finished today. :D
OOOOohhhhhh.. How cool, did you finish it? I can't wait to see! :fairy2: