
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 25


The Loopy-O
HelloooooO my darlin's

How is everyone today? I am tired but what else is new?:?
But did you hear? I saw a study that says caffeine lowers your breast cancer risk!!!! Yay for my coffeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made my appt, it is Friday morning for the first set of scans, then I go back the following Thurs and they run a simulation to make sure all of the markings at spot on. Then right after that, I begin the actual treatment. Gary has accepted that this is what I feel i have to do. I know he is still not thrilled but at least we aren't still fighting about it. I am also going to check in with the social worker and see how to go about setting up an appt with the nutritionist. Between my crazy family and my fatigue, I really would like some good, healthy but easy recipes.

Last night we tried a recipe that cait found online. Veggie and hummus wraps. Grilled red pepper,eggplant and red onions on a whole wheat wrap, with hummus spread inside and feta cheese on too before you roll it up. Really yummy and I bet when summer (if ever!) gets here, we could substitute different veggies.

Off to work today, then come home, shower and probably take a freaking nap. Never thought I would come to hate having to lie down so much. :mad:

Tip on Tues.
Caffeine lowers your breast cancer risk so drink up!!!!!


The Loopy-O
BTW- here is the link to the study in case you think my exhaustion is just making crap up. It wouldn't be the first time I hallucinated something ;)

Sara, I never really learned how to cook meat b/c I am not crazy about meat either. I'll do recipes with chicken cutlets but I don't like seeing anything with a bone. How was your BFF date night?
I miss my BFF and I hope to see her soon. Nothing better than hanging with the people you love.

Nancy- I have given up on the idea that winter weather is ever going to go away. Half of my patio still have like a foot of snow on it in some places. :(

Phyllis- Any chance that the snow is going to go away? We are supposed to get snow tonight but hopefully only an inch or two. I hate those types of sleepless nights, hope you slept really well last night.

Eva- Hugs to you on keeping the world out and good for your hubby for knowing that selma would make the day slightly less sucky.
And yeah, you know we love having you here, sarcastic sense of humor and all :p

Trudy-- I am not talking to you.

Tropt- ouch on the back going snap crackle pop! My knees and ankles do that to me a lot. Thanks for the links, I will check them out!

Trudy- I can't not talk to you :) But wow, yard work? I am so jealous! Even if you are stiff and sore, that is a good sore, IMHO. And sun! Wow!!!! amd warmth... It didn't get over 29* yesterday and when I took the kids to the bus in the morning it was 16*
That is really funny that about being pg and pork and Heather not liking pork. Gary knew I was pg the morning that we went out to b-fast at a diner and I ate all of his sausage. He drove me right over to get a test as soon as we were done and yup, it was +.

Ack! I'm late! Love to all!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Last night we tried a recipe that cait found online. Veggie and hummus wraps. Grilled red pepper,eggplant and red onions on a whole wheat wrap, with hummus spread inside and feta cheese on too before you roll it up. Really yummy and I bet when summer (if ever!) gets here, we could substitute different veggies.


How about Quesadillas? I love it. All you need is some kinda cheese, tortilla breads and whatever you have to stuff in between. Here's a vegetarian version I found:

Best part - you make one (or more) each so everyone could add what they want. Meat for those who want - and no meat for those who want.

I always do the layering on a plate, and then move it to the pan. A bit tricky, but with both hands it usually works fine. And I always make sure I add cheese first on the bottom tortilla, and last (before I add the 2nd tortilla) - works kinda like glue to keep the things together. Just don't add too much - they don't stick together very well then.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
And - now I'm done! I've made all 8 birthday challenges + all 8 Anna Ladder challenges. Can't believe I made them all ... happy dancing!!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, i have a great spinach pie (spanikopeta) recipe that we sometimes eat as a main dish. if you know how to fold up a flag, you can do these easily. let me know if you want the recipe. or you can just make it by rolling it up in a log, which is easier. a big salad with lemon dressing and some sort of grain and you're set! happy that you've decided to attack this thing with the radiation. smart girl.

i have no idea whether we're actually getting this snow now or not. there's nothing going on here at the moment. looks like it will come around 4 p.m. and end around 10. i hope it drifts off aimlessly in another direction. SO sick of this weather. and it's FREEZING.

Eva, we're actually having fajitas for dinner tonight. i'm using some leftover flank steak in there with some sauteed peppers and onions. refried beans and guacamole on the side. i don't get to eat the tortilla or more than about a tablespoon of the beans, but i get to eat enough else that i get the Fajita Experience.

today for me? no idea. i just spent an hour writing a 300-word professional bio for my hubby, because he's getting some sort of award from his high school, of all things, and he has to submit all this stuff for the program. in true Hubby Style, he's grumbling that he should have just told them to keep the silly award so he didn't have to bother about all this extraneous stuff. (Ha! WHO is being bothered by this stuff? me!! i have to edit pictures and write bios and edit his speech.)

OK. off to shower and probably start doing some housework. or not. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... :rain: here today, so I am off to Walmart :mmph: to pick up wrapping paper and birthday card for FIL's upcoming 80th birthday. Other than that not much going on today. I spent a few hours weeding and then trying to trim my 4 clamatis bushes, each one is in a different pruning group and trying to remember which is which was taxing on this old brain. So hopefully I chose wisely and didn't damage any of them :becky: Guess we will see if they bloom at all or not in a few weeks.

Chris - I am glad you are still talking to me LOL I really hope that your snow is gone in the next little while, having some sun and warm weather will do you so much good!! DH and I went out for lunch the other day and I had these awesome wraps called "Dragon Boat lettuce wraps" There was chicken in them but you could omit that I am sure, it was a mixture of a few different veggies in a peanut sauce and had some Chinese noodles in them too. You wrapped them up in Romaine lettuce, so good and so healthy! I just loved them so I will try to find a recipe for them for you. It is from Original Joe's Restaurant and I found this online, who knew?? I think that the shot of sauce that they refer to is Original Joe's recipe, but its probably just a hot sauce of some kind like Frank's Red Hot.

Eva - You might like this recipe also! Wow you were a scrapping wild woman yesterday! WTG on getting all the challenges done!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get a great prize!

Phylis - Perhaps this a good recipe for you? I bet you are great at doing a bio for your hubby! I would not be and often get hubby to do those kinds of things for me, like writing resumes and such, he even critiques my christmas letters :becky: You DH is lucky to have such a great wife!! Sounds like you will be busy with that job for a while! Hope the rest of your day is great and that the sun comes out and warms up your place and melts all that dam snow away!!

Ok now after looking up this recipe I am starving!! Off to get something to eat and another cup of coffee and then to Walmart! Have a great day everyone :wave:
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