
Daily Ooo's Tuesday March 19th


lOve the O!
Morning O fam! I forgot to set my alarm and overslept. I am sure my body needed it. I believe I will call off work- I am still sneezing and coughing and my eyes hurt and my chest hurts. I don't have a fever, I am below the good range on my peak flow meter so I believe another visit to the dr is in order. Really hoping I do not have walking pneumonia- but suspect that or bronchitis. So the good news- I get to scrap and sleep more. The bad news- miss work and I just rescheduled someone to come in at 8:15- yikes. Oh well- I don't want to make the kiddo's sick and I can't possibly use the hand sanitizer enough with the nose blowing to have any skin left!!
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 19

Are you all sick of me crabbing about the snow? Too bad, cuz I am going to crab about it again. Oh yuck yuck yuck yuck!!! I don't even know how much we got last night- seeing people on FB saying -6 inches of snow and ice. Not cool Mother Nature, not cool.
We have a delayed opening which means my whole day's schedule gets thrown off. And I have to go food shopping and I have *no* idea of what to cook this week. Both kids are sick of food and so am I and Gary just eats whatever is on the table.
(Am I coming off cranky, b/c I am. I am sorry)

Poor me!! :violin:

I am going to have to make this quick so I can get out there and shovel and scrape. (:ear: huge sighs of relief from the peanut gallery?)

Tip on Tuesday:
Stay away from the Cranky Pants Faery!!!

I do love you all! And thank you for putting up with me!
Laurie and I posted at the same tine, so I merged the threads.

Feel better Laurie! get the the dr and find out what ois going on. def. sounds like more than just a sinus infection.

Quickies from yesterday:

Phyllis- how did your weather hold out? Hope is wasn't as bad as it was here.

Terry, welcome back!!!!! I am so glad that you had at least some time to have fun and get away from Real Life. But what a mess to come back home to. :(
You know you have an open door to rant/vent/cry here. Whatever you need to get out this is a good place to do it.And scrap, yes, scrap those good memories of your G-DD!Hugs hon!!!!

Trudy-- one day I am going to come and work in your garden with you :) I would take you up on that prize. Don't think I would milk Jen's cow, but I would love to try her homemade sour cream and butter etc!

Nancy- Reading and knitting, sounds like a very relaxing day! Did you get any snow, or just rain?

Nana-- too funny!!! But yes, what a PITA!!!!!

Angela- oh wow, your ds is still a "baby" way too young to be thinking along those lines.... :( I am so glad that he has you to help him through this.

Hi Sally!!! My MIL would get secret projects like that too, its so much fun!

Eva-- you are such a sweetie. Wonderful advice. I know you have it rough at times with you ds and I love that we all can reach out an support each other.

Tracy- aw, thanks!!! We have been through the wringer with him as you might have seen a few posts up, but yes, totally proud of him. Want to do this to him sometimes :fish: but love him all the same.
How old is The Pickle going to be? What did you get her?

To everyone who pops in today, love to you all!

PS: That means all of you lurkers too! :hug:
Chris- thank you for merging- not sure I have the brain power to do that today. Waiting to call into work to call off or whatever it's official term is. I made it through last year without having to do so, but not this year!
Laurie, feel better! i'm glad you decided to stay home! get yourself to the doctor!

Chris, we ended up with a coating of ice, then a little snow, then more ice, then it half-way melted. i'm looking outside with the driveway light on, and can't tell what's going on with the road surface. i have to go food shopping, too, so i'm hoping the ice is totally gone. sounds like you are getting it worse than us. we seemed to have more of the ice/rain than sow. flurries today, or so they say....

wow, was i a slug yesterday. couldn't go out so did a bit of this and a bit of that. the closet clear-out turned into 7 things, plus a pair of dress shoes of my husband's which had holes in both shoes, all the way through to the inside of the shoes. WHY can't men take care of themselves??? do you know that in the 30+ years we've been married, my husband NEVER bought a pair of shoes. it was always me looking in his closet and thinking OMG, then bringing home shoes for him to try on. TG for Zappos now! he will just wear shoes until they disintegrate. ditto for clothes. and he wears the same things over and over and over until i threaten to throw them out. i'm tired. when i told him that i had ordered a new pair of dress shoes, he said "WHY??? i have one of the pair you bought me before, still in the box, that i was SAVING." saving for WHAT????? until he's walking down the street in the city and his shoes fall apart?? GAAAAHHH!!!! :mmph:

ok. off to get my shower and wait for the sun to come up, so i can assess road conditions. enjoy your day, O-zies.
Alegna, Chris, Eva. you are all SuperMoms. i guess we don't get to pick our challenges, and you three are doing hard things with lots of love and care. "hats off" to you all.
Phyllis- thank you so much for saying that. Cait is going through a rough time too, hopefully just typical teenage stuff, but considering the home life/illness/etc, I just never know if it is more that that. Spent 20 minutes hugging and talking to her, until I said something wrong (??) and she got mad at me and left.
I feel like a horrible mom some days, right now being one of them heh, so your words really lifted me up a bit. Thank you!
Just a quick stop in for me. Have to get to work early today.

I have to head over to my mom's by 9AM and sit with her for a few hours today. She cannot be left alone---cannot get out of bed. It's the pits. She began experiencing severe pain in her left knee--could possibly have broken her leg. So, she is on complete bed rest until the doctor gets the xray results. The doctor wants to see her in the office this afternoon. Her pain is so bad, I am not sure we could even get her in a car. I checked into transporting her by ambulance and the cost will be $1000 plus mileage! Medicare does not cover it so it would be out of pocket. That is just insane!. Anyway--I spoke to the doctor and he will no doubt make a house call today. One of the perks of living in small town America and personally knowing the doctor. Keep her in prayer---she really needs to be covered in prayer. So do my sister and I.

Oh--we skipped spring this year. It was 100 here yesterday!

Sorry no time for personals---but work is calling my name.

Wishing all of you a great day!
Prayers for your mom and you and family as you go through this difficult time Terry. Yeah that the dr will make a housecall!
Good morning went to bed and it was snow mixed with rain and freezing rain and woke to maybe 2 inches of slush. I hear that spring arrives at 7:02 tomorrow morning but it really is still winter. My son was up early getting his car cleaned up to get to work. But he did it - proud of him! Going to a Devils/Rangers hockey game tonight. Always tense and both teams really need the win.

I totally agree with Phylis - Chris, Eva and Angela are super moms. Teenage years are tough! The joy for me is that when they came out the other side it is really fun! I love hearing the stories from my sons of when they were teenagers and the things they did.

Nana Linda I hear you about men. Raising two boys one of my goals was to make them better men. Their Dad is a great role model who showed them that there was nothing that was solely woman's work and I showed them that women can work and have a family. They seem to have learned some of those lessons LOL. Believe me they are not perfect. I am still working on them! Men can quickly regress!

Terry - hope the doctor's visit helps your mother! wow 100 is a bit too hot for this time of the year

Chris yes I am tired of winter too!

Ladies have a great day!
Morning all my "O" friends!! Short morning of work and then back home to do what?? Hmmm not much going on in my life right now, so guess I will scrap!! :love: Did get a call from my dead beat niece the other day asking me for money :mmph: claims she needed $$ to get a prescription for her little girl who has an ear infection. Well I was born at night, but not last night...Hello no one in B.C. has to pay for a prescription for an antibiotic !!!!! She has had history of drug abuse both her and her husband and he is even more dead beat than she is!! Funny how she always calls me for money when her mother is out of town?? This time I flat out told her no way! My poor sister has gone through hell and back with this girl, but I refuse to be an enabler to her. Mean old Auntie Trudy!!

Laurie - I am sorry that you are feeling so yucky!! Hope the Dr. can give you something to make it all better!! Good call on staying home and not making the kidos sick too!! Take care of you!! :hug:

Chris - I am desperately trying to send you some warmer weather!! Hang in there, spring is on its way, really!! I would be so excited if you could come and help me out in my garden!! Oh the fun we would have!! Don't think much weeding would be done, just a lot of wine consumption sitting on the deck!! :becky:

Phylis - OMG your hubby sounds just like mine... took him shoes shopping the other day and he complained that perhaps he could get a few more weeks wear out of the pair that he already had?? They were completely worn out on the bottom and had a crack the size of the grand canyon across the soul!! Good God!!! WTH?? Do you have a brain in your head?? MEN!!!! :frusty: Hope you get to get your shopping done and the weather warms up for you too!!

Terry - Sure hope that the Dr. will come to your Mom's, she does not need to be in any more unnecessary pain!! Isn't it horrible what they think they need to charge for an Ambulance!! Sending you lots of healing thoughts to your Mother!! You are a great daughter for taking care of her needs!!

Nancy - Sounds like your hubby did a great job with your boy!! Have fun at the game tonight, cheer loud!!

Oatmeal this morning for breakfast, so I better get going on it! Have a fabulous day everyone! Stay safe!! :wave:
Sun is shining again!! We had a bit of slushy stuff yesterday evening...but the temp didn't get below 34...so nothing froze to the road....

Mike redeemed himself from the weekend....Sharon needed someone to go her house while the guy came and fixed the water...he was there for 6.5 hours....plus when Cameran got there, he had to do his homework, because Sharon and Geoff had to drive to the country and pick up their Van after they got off from work....so Mike did it with him, instead of Sharon having to do it when she got home with them after 7 pm last night.....so he is off the S^&* list...for now :hurt:

For those of you who don't know me well, I am just teasing about him.....this man is the love of my life...we have been married for almost 23 years.....BUT HE IS STILL A MAN!!! :pound:

A little funny from the bug this weekend....My mom said that the other evening when they stayed..bug was sitting at the table and kept knocking her cup over (had a top on it) and little bit of liquid would leak out on the floor....mom told her to sit still, and she wanted to tie her hair back to help her keep it out of her face...well, bug knocked it over again and mom said "if you knock that cup over again, I am going to use your hair to mop the floor up".....she said bug looks at her with the most serious face and says "well mawmaw, I am going to use YOU to vacuum the whole house with" :pound: Now mind you, this was back talking, but you can't help but laugh at it..and I love that her brain relates that way...she made a great type of simile!!!!

Okay...off to dry my hair....taking Mike to the Dr this morning....he is still having some issues...gets dizzy when he gets up (almost every time) and his hands shake really bad!!!! may be the meds the doc put him on...just not sure.

Be back in a while!!
Thanks for all the kind words. I get kinda stumped everytime people say I'm a good mom. Really - what else can I do? He's my son ... it's my job to be there for him. But I guess I do something others don't cuz I get this a lot from social workers, school persons and other people we meet because of John. I'm just blessed really - I have a husband that is willing and able to work 2 jobs so that I can be a mother and housewife full time. When John needs me I can drop everything and focus on him.

Right now I'm e-mailing people to try and get some kind of financial help for our trip to Manchester in August. I guess we can do it anyway, but it would be nice if there could be any help for us. For one thing, we could take a more expensive flight and fly directly to Manchester, instead of the cheaper flight that only takes us to London and then we have to go by train to Manchester. Sure would be easier for John (and for me LOL)

Just so you know what I'm getting myself into: LOL
Hugs to everyone!! I'm procrastinating doing my dishes (again!!)! OHhhhh why didn't I get the cleaning gene??? I even bought new gloves to keep my hands from getting wet (what?? #firstworldproblem!! ) but I'm not motivated at all to do them. My craft studio is much more beautiful to be in right now than the kitchen!! eeeek!!

Okay, I'm going to get off my rump and try to be a good example *cough, cough*!!!

btw, Terry, are you near Houston? Have I asked you that before? I'm in SWHouston and yes, it was super hot yesterday. (CHRIS and all Os that are freezing!!!! COME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!!!) I haven't worn socks in 5 days!!! CRAZY!!!

Happy Tuesday!!! love you all!!!
*more procrastinating!!!*

I love meanie ole Auntie Trudy!!! You are awesome!!! Enjoy your scrapping day!! (wanna come down and help me with dishes since you don't have anything else to do???)

Eva! Loved that YouTube promo. Looks like super wild fun!!! big hugs!

Nana!!!!!!!!! I love it when kids say the darndest things!! I thought Mawmaw was going to have to wipe up her mess with Bug's hair!! eeeek!!! hugs!

Nancy...I love your love for hockey!! it's rivals my love for football!! My brother is a BIG hockey fan, too, so we got into it for a while. My son learned the basics, but when he knocked a kid down and helped him back up, we decided he should get back into gymnastics!! LOL!!! He's a gymnastics coach now. hugs!

Laurie, ohhhh my darling friend!! You REST!!! Take care of yourself. Maybe if you stay all wrapped up in bed, it won't be walking pneumonia (since you're not walking, right???)!! squeezy hugs to you!!

Phylis, I can't believe your husband has never bought shoes! that's wild! Mr Gorgeous here just went out and got himself new workout shoes! (he's so cute when he's in his workout gear...but that's beside the point!) He also took my son to get some football stuff. I may have to go with them next year so they don't go crazy. But he shops so seldomly, I have to let him go crazy once in a while, right???? stay warm, dear friend!!

CHRIS!!!! you are the best! I just can't even tell you how much I admire your awesome parenting skills. Those kids love you so much and you can tell!! And yesterday when I went to the grocery store, I was in the exact same place!! I hate food...don't want to deal with it...someone give us all an IV so we can just get on with our lives!!! eeeek!! well, today it's the coffee IV!! LOL!! Know that I'm with you in spirit (because I have very thin blood and don't even want to THINK about being cold in snow!! LMBO~~)

okay, okay...I'm really off to do dishes!!!
Trudy, i think we need to live in the same neighborhood! a lot of similarities! MEN!!! i volunteer to come to where YOU live. :becky: i can handle the rain better than all this ice and snow. BTW: everyone should have a Mean Aunt Trudy...for a MOM!

bizarrely, the sun is shining here now. go figure.

Terry, prayers going out for your dear Mom and for you, too. this has to be very hard for everyone.

Nancy, i think you have your men REALLY well-trained. a hubby who bakes?? what did i do wrong!!

Eva, i guess you need to think of all the parents there are who would just throw a teenager with a difficult problem out of the house, or just tell him to "shape up". there ARE people like that. paying attention and caring is hard. but you and Alegna and Chris do it anyway.

Sally, i love your battle with the dishes. there are just some jobs that are so hard to START!
i will be your dishwasher if i can come and sit on your porch on a warm Houston evening and enjoy the climate!! :becky:

did the grocery shopping, went to WalMart for Easter basket stuffing, now going back out to our local chocolate shop so i can faint over how much chocolate bunnies cost....
not in Houston. I am in Beeville, which is 70 miles north of Corpus Christi and 100 miles south of San Antonio. Although, I do have a son who lives in the Cypress area. We get up there about 3-4 times a year to visit.

btw, Terry, are you near Houston? Have I asked you that before? I'm in SWHouston and yes, it was super hot yesterday. (CHRIS and all Os that are freezing!!!! COME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!!!) I haven't worn socks in 5 days!!! CRAZY!!!
Laurie and I posted at the same tine, so I merged the threads.

Feel better Laurie! get the the dr and find out what ois going on. def. sounds like more than just a sinus infection.

Quickies from yesterday:

Phyllis- how did your weather hold out? Hope is wasn't as bad as it was here.

Terry, welcome back!!!!! I am so glad that you had at least some time to have fun and get away from Real Life. But what a mess to come back home to. :(
You know you have an open door to rant/vent/cry here. Whatever you need to get out this is a good place to do it.And scrap, yes, scrap those good memories of your G-DD!Hugs hon!!!!

Trudy-- one day I am going to come and work in your garden with you :) I would take you up on that prize. Don't think I would milk Jen's cow, but I would love to try her homemade sour cream and butter etc!

Nancy- Reading and knitting, sounds like a very relaxing day! Did you get any snow, or just rain?

Nana-- too funny!!! But yes, what a PITA!!!!!

Angela- oh wow, your ds is still a "baby" way too young to be thinking along those lines.... :( I am so glad that he has you to help him through this.

Hi Sally!!! My MIL would get secret projects like that too, its so much fun!

Eva-- you are such a sweetie. Wonderful advice. I know you have it rough at times with you ds and I love that we all can reach out an support each other.

Tracy- aw, thanks!!! We have been through the wringer with him as you might have seen a few posts up, but yes, totally proud of him. Want to do this to him sometimes :fish: but love him all the same.
How old is The Pickle going to be? What did you get her?

To everyone who pops in today, love to you all!

PS: That means all of you lurkers too! :hug:

Chris she is going to be 9 :D And she will be spoilt rotten. More clothes than a small nation, and la la loopsies out the wazoo. Its all for me really lol she doesn't like new things, and wont unwrap pressies... so I do it.. get all excited and hope one day she will do the same :) so we stick to things she needs for now. La la loopsies.. neeeded :) hehehe