
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 18


The Loopy-O
Wheeeeee! The parTEA is hopping! I have to say, this collab is really divine! What challenge or activity is your favorite so far?
I still have not scrapped. This afternoon?? Maybe? I hope so.

I made it through yesterday quite well. I didn't start getting sore or really tired until 4pm or so, then I had fun chatting with a bunch of you for Selena and Val's Chat. After dinner, however..... sat on the sofa and watched Despicable Me 2 with Gary and I don't know how I kept my eyes open. The-- feel asleep pretty easily, woke up at 1 again and then tossed and turned the rest of the night. I know I slept, but it's that sleep that doesn't feel like sleep.

Off to go food shopping (by myself, woo hooo!!!) today then, I gotta gotta scrap!


The Loopy-O
Today, I am going to type one line, then Ctrl-C. Repeat after every line. LOL

Trudy- yes, I had posted that I was sending flowers for your parents too.

Eva- my kind of theme song!

Hi Laurie!

Nancy- how cool to get another autograph!

Sara- I do remember that and how frustrated you were that you couldn't (shouldn't be!) typing LOL
I really don't like meat al that much but I really do like corned beef. My SIL is the same way so it was funny to us both eating it on Sunday.
Did you make it to the zoo? It is still so cold up here in the NJ mts. 30* I think we got up too-- still about 13* in the mornings. I hate the coooold!

PS: jealous of good zoos. I tend to be anti-zoo unless it is a natural habitat syle. You are so lucky to have one so close.

T- if Meg/ourmisadventures doesn't pop in here at all, check in with her, she does a paleo diet as well as wheat free (IIRC). Sara also does paleo, and Vicki too, although don;t quote me on that 100% ya never know how good my memory is.;)
Hope that your busy day settled down for you too.

Trudy- how did your day go with your sister? Every time I hear stories like that about kids, I could just kiss the ground that mine walk on. They are not angels by far, and they really do make me pull my hair out at times, but I can't imagine them ever doing anything like that.
I hope to be glued to my computer today too!

Love you all!!!


Mistress of Mayhem
All I have to add today (before I go back to googling numerology):

I'm the pig - who are you?


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- exercise done, 30 min to shower, eat and make my lunch before I drive away. Of course I had to stop to say hello. Hoping to have scrap energy tonight. Seems to come and go.


Well-Known Member
howdy. i'm going to be kind of spotty in appearance here for a bit. i am just feeling like i need to get away from this computer. i read the other day that most of us are never further than about 3 feet from our various "devices" throughout the day. yep. that's me. i have to get more of a life! plus the zig-zags are back in force.
so, i AM here, just not for more than a few minutes at a time.

have a happy week! :becky:


The Loopy-O
Eva!! LOL. I would love to say that I am a Wise Owl, but I am thinking....more like the Crazy Old Bat!!!!

Hi Laurie!!

Hugs to you Phyllis, Sending good thoughts!!!


Well-Known Member
Morning Chris. Too bad you didn't sleep better, but I'm glad the rest of the day went well. We did go to the zoo. I posted a link in the Daily Ooo's from yesterday if you feel so inclined to check it out. :) Best zoo in the country.

Morning Laurie! Hope you got out the door ok!

Phylis - I totally understand your point. Being the tech person, it does also tend to increase my time on devices. I need to unplug more too.

Eva - I'm the dog running around yelling, "Squirrel!"

Having breakfast with my dad this morning. Then we are going bowling. They we probably better get our heads on straight for going back to school tomorrow. :-( wahhhhhhhhhh!! I don't want to go! Someday when I win the lottery, I'll be able to have long Daily oooo's conversations every day!

Have a good day everyone!


Well-Known Member
good morning - had a great dinner of take out corn beef and cabbage from my favorite Irish pub. So yummy and I have left overs for sandwiches. Got in a good walk. It was chilly but the sun came out so that was nice. Today is hockey Devils vs the Bruins. The Bruins have a 9 game winning streak and I am thinking that they can't keep winning so it would be great if my team snapped that streak.

Chris so glad your day went so well. I am sure your sleeping schedule will get back to normal as you continue to feel better. I am enjoying the aA ladder challenge and the photo a day challenge. It was also fun about what were the favorite books! loving all the beautiful Los in the gallery

Phylis I hope those funky lines go away soon!

Laurie congrats on the work out.

Sara how fun to have such a wonderful zoo near you. I always assumed that Omaha would have one of the best zoos because of that TV show about animals.

Trudy I feel so bad for your sister. Hope the day with helped keep her spirits up. Have fun at the computer today.

Eva cute page but not sure I am any of those LOL.

Have a great day all


Well-Known Member
just popping in for a sec and will come back later to write more. Mostly mundane day with school and editing (set up some mentoring sessions with a younger journalist and that is always rewarding). oh, and took ZLS for her first walk outside of the backyard (vet finally okayed it) and poor doggie didn't know what to do with herself - walk, sniff everything, look at people, sit down, etc. But she was tired out by the end and a much calmer pup afterward - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" ladies... Hope you can join me in the Tea Party Match Up game I have posted today, I was very late getting it in here this morning, because of course my DD and Mason called just as I was about to get it posted and we talked (face timed) for more than an hour!! He is crawling now so I don't know how my DD will ever keep up to him. But she doesn't seem to be too concerned about it, so I guess I shouldn't be either. Had a really nice day with my sister, after her hospital visit, for tests (which I think are all stress related) we went out to lunch and did some shopping, we talked and talked and tried out best to not even speak about the two daughters from hell!! When I got back home I gave her a big container of some homemade Pasta E Fagioli Soup and she was happy to get it so that was her supper for the night.

Chris - Glad that you are on the mend and able to get out for shopping on your own, although I know that grocery shopping is not your favourite thing to do lol. Hope you find some time to get some scrapping done, I really gotta do this too!!

Eva - Cute page, I think that I am the Irish tweety bird just hanging out with a smile on my face.

Laurie - :wave: hope that your day is great and your scrap mojo is strong tonight!!

Phylis - Oh those darn squiggly lines in your eyes, hope that they go away today!! Sorry that you are not feeling to chatty these days, is everything ok?? I worry about you my friend :hug:

Sara - Uggh time to go back to school already??? Enjoy your last day of freedom with your Dad and have fun bowling!!

Nancy - Hubby would not agree with you on your outcome of tonights game!! LOL he was one happy guy last night when his Bruins won again!! Enjoy your day today, I really have to go see what pages you have completed for the Birthday Bash!!

T - Hooray for the tired much calmer puppy!! Great that you can finally get her out for walks now, it should help a lot!! Enjoy your mundane day!!

Ok I really have to get some breakfast and then spend some time here in the gallery and the forums, I am afraid I have not been a very good cheeryO for this birthday bash! gotta fix that today!! Have a great one everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning! I've got to get some computer work done today so no scrapping for me until later this afternoon. I am absolutely in love with Anna's stuff and have been building up my stash over the last few days. Just finished shopping this morning and bought some masks and brushes. My fave new thing during this celebration is joining in on Anna's ladder challenge. I've got the first two done and will work on #3 and #4 today. I'm having a blast!


Well-Known Member
Well, not morning, but good afternoon. Eva, can I be the drab bird at the top? (hoping location is everything!)

Hope everyone is enjoying our crazy 8 par-tea. It sure is keeping me busy.