
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday March 15


The Loopy-O
I am *not* getting off to a good start this morning ;)
I go to get the kids up at 5 am. I feel something on the backof my leg and I scratch it, I think its a scab.... it was a fricking TICK. ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh!!!!

You all understand my intense fear and hatred of ticks. Totally flipping out. Woke Gary up to see and to rant a bit about how I haven't been outside, that its still so cold, blah blah blah.
Freaking out thatwhat if it has some co-infection that I don't have. I am only on Doxycycline and pulsing Tindamax.... :boom:

Then, after I get coffee and try to calm down, there was no internet.

Oh my.... not a good way to start the day.....

But I am taking some deep breaths, sipping some coffee and recalibrating my brain. (easier said than done LOL)

I am going to get cleaning my house as fast as I can, Clara has a chat planned and I can't wait to bug her. I mean, to support her fully!


I am late, as you can imagine, so I have to come back in a bit for personals.

Love to you all!


lOve the O!
MOrning- oh Chris- that is awful- I hate ticks too- never saw my first one until I moved to OH- ewwww- they so freak me out. Deep breathes for you. I have been lacking in personals lately- but reading and thinking/praying for you all.


The Loopy-O
Hi Laurie! Thanks for the sympathy, I needed that LOL
Hope that you are doing fab, my friend!

Hi Linda S-- OK , I guess I feel a bit better about the weather now ;) They are predicting upper 50's this weekend, I guess we'll have to see. enjoy your day off again.

Kristy- So with ya! DST threw me off big time too, had such a rough time trying to sleep. Last night was better thankfully. Hope you are adjusting better too.

Sally- The party sounds like so much fun!!!! How did you do on your list? were you able to put down your book? I blew through each of them so quickly, what a great series.

Trudy- that stinks that you had to pay taxes. Hopefully not too much. Thanks for saying I am going to be a star! I am going to be nervous, that's for sure. But I feel like I have to do something to help others who don't know about lyme to get the real info.There is so much incorrect info out there and very few in the medical profession know how to deal with Lymies, medically as well as mentally.

Clara- whew! So good to hear that your friends/family are safe. Every day the news just seems so much scarier from Japan. It seems like a very strong and tight knot culture so hopefully that is helping them a bit.
Haha- too funny about Nap Day. It was also Pi Day- anyone have pie?

Tip on Tues
Mark your calendars for Clara's chat!



Well-Known Member
no last night i got hardly any sleep kept waking up and was having VERY weird dreams...like i was crawling through a hole in the house to get to a magical land that a day there was like a week or more in the "real world" and i was carrying a magical sword i had to protect....yep ive gone did lost my mind


Well-Known Member
Oh Chris...no way about the tick! I can't believe that they are out already! I slept in this morning until 7! It was wonderful, but now I need to hustle because Sydney has gymnastics at 9 and then we're going over to Omaha to spend the night in a hotel and then tomorrow head to the zoo. It's predicted to be sunny and 69. What a perfect zoo day!!!

Trudy, sorry about the taxes! That never feels good!

I'm still struggling with DST. I hate waking up in the dark. But at least I'm not working!

Ok, off to the showers.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... just popping in to say Hi and to let you know that Clara put on a wonderful chat!!! Hope everyone has a great day and will be back for personals later! :wave:


...loves her some "O"
ohhh chris, you know me so well...I did nothing on my list except go to the bank and read the books!! :) I promised myself I would be productive today, so i'm not going near Cora's kindle today!! :) at least not until tonight!! LOL!!!

Trudy, it was a fun chat, wasn't it??? Clara is quite the chat host!! (great job, girlie!) but we all knew that, didn't we????

HUgs to everyone today! I need to run and get a little sewing done and a blog post up before I take Cora to get her new iPhone from Verizon!! :) yipeeee...(so glad that girlie got a job so we don't have to pay for the big things anymore!!)

love you all!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ohhh Chris a tick!!!! Yuck, isn't that where Lyme's disease comes from?? I would just be freaking out!!!!:fear:
Laurie - hope you day was great! I have not been great with the personals lately either. Life just gets in the way sometimes.

LindaS - hope you have a great time at the zoo, sounds like it will fun!!

Katrina - I'm not sure I know what you are talking about, so I'm not any help to you at all :sorry:

Sally - cora gets a new Iphone... I am sooo jelous! Hope you get your sewing done today!

Have a great night everyone, I am off to scrap more challenges Yay!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I have been so quiet....but I have been so busy here.....I try to pop in and read what is going on...but there is just tons going on around here and I am having a hard time keeping up!!!

We now have a new grandson....Griffen...he was born today. We will be headed to TN next week to meet him. I will have some photos after that....I only have gotten a couple of texts from her so I don't have particulars yet. She should be calling in a little while...I just told her to call when things settle down a bit. She did send text photo...it's so tiny it's hard to see...well for an old Nana like me anyway!! HAHA!!

I will try to be back later and do some personals..but if I don't...just know that I love you all!!


lOve the O!
Nana- congrats on the baby!!
Trudy- I think I will do my taxes on thursday-hope I don't owe too much- yikes!