
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, June 18


Well-Known Member
Hi Girls! Looks like some fun between @Cherylndesigns Theryl and @JeanneMN Twin and wine. I'm so sorry to say, the sweet n low made me wanna :sick: That is a good way to ruin a good glass of wine. Sipping my home-brew as we talk. Took my youngest (15) on a bike ride today. Thought of @Terri M and all her rides. I thought yeah lets do this! We made it 13 miles and I am dying. Might have over done the first ride of the year. My hips n knees are KILLING me. Why did I ride so far? Oh yeah, by the time we hit miles 7 we still had to go back. We have a loop that's 25 miles and I knew enough not to try that today. Plus it has two HUGE hills I knew I couldn't do. So, tomorrow I will be on my couch wondering why I hurt. This was a dumb choice after tubing Sunday with my daughter! I am NOT 30 anymore.

Off to check out the gallery and see what I missed while peddling.


Well-Known Member
Tracy @AK_Tracy you don't know how much I LOVE my Moscato!! It's the highest carb, highest sugar wine except for the dessert wines which I don't like. You have to do what you have to do. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::wine3:
But......... but.......... :sick: ..........NNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

I love sweet wine too. I did find Apthoic has a white wine that I like, not super dry and not super sweet. When I have to sweeten a dry white (tried it once) I used monk fruit. Now I just have the sweet stuff that's yummy now and again and stick to home-brew the other days.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Well, I'm back - Ava and Adrienne both came for a visit this afternoon which always cheers me up. Ava is like a ray of sunshine walking in my front door. Even when she is feeling down and out, you'd never know it. She was raiding my cupboards and fridge and finally found some Eggo Waffles and made herself some. I buy stuff for the kids and love it when they come over and "raid" my pantry.

While they were here, Adrienne and I started researching low carb/low sugar wine and found a site that caters to both. We sat and ordered some white and some red wines and can't wait until they're delivered - yes, they bring wine right to our door. How cool is that? :wine4: :drinkbuddies:

FYI for those of you who know about the memorial bench and totem, we're planning on those being put together this weekend. I can hardly contain my excitement - I can't wait to sit out there and meditate and look at "Chuck's favorite view" of the mountains. I'll keep you all posted.
Bask makes amazing no sugar white and red wine @Cherylndesigns not sure if it is sold in the states though


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Bask makes amazing no sugar white and red wine @Cherylndesigns not sure if it is sold in the states though
Thanks so much for this, Trudy! I've never heard of this brand, but I'll check it out. We're anxious to get this new wine and see how it tastes. We ordered red and white.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Chris @faerywings I just remembered that I didn't answer your remark about Casey. I was cleaning earlier and that popped into my head. I still can't believe she totally dissed me, for whatever reason. Even is she was freaked out over Chuck, at least be big enough to tell me. She honestly treated us like we were her family. Falls into the "People are Weird" category. :crazy: