
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, June 18


The Loopy-O
Seriously, is it really *only* Tuesday?? Gah!!!

*doing the Kermit the Frog arm flailing*

I got days and days worth of work done yesterday and yup, doesn't feel like I made a dent, but isn't that how it goes? I think I am 100% on track for the shower. There was a small hitch with the tablecloths but Gary helped out. MIL made lavender and purple tablecloths but when I put them on my 5' table, I realized they would be a little skimpy on the 6' ones I am using. Gary suggested I use black plastic tablecloths underneath and I cut pieces of black lace for runners a little longer to hang past the bottom for balance.
I also found a gift for Cait!!! :dancingbfly: I was looking at so many different things and found a bouquet charm. (never knew they existed before)

I have it engraved on one side: To my Baby Bee and her wedding date on the other. She started calling me Mama B**** when she was in HS and I call her Baby B****, MB and BB for short or sometimes just Bee. We have matching tattoos with a bee in them, so this is meaningful to us and she can use it however she likes. That was a huge relief and I am excited about giving it to her.
I worked on this from 8 am to 4 pm so no time outside or for scrapping. :/
I am off to my mom's to go shopping for an outfit for her and hopefully shoes/sandals for me.

I read your comments about the wedding and I am so touched (even yours @tanteva :devil2: ). One of her best friends is getting married next year and has a huge budget, a huge venue, and all of that. I think comparing hers to theirs was playing with her mind. And ITA with the stupid amount of money people pay for one day. It doesn't make sense.
Anyway, I appreciate you and all of your awesome, supportive words and love. :hug3:

Lots of love to everyone!


The Loopy-O
@O Birthday Fairy what a wonderful sight, having you here in the Ooos! ♥

@tanteva I adore your practical mind. All of the money that people spend on weddings and dresses ($2-3K for a dress?? And that's average??) can be put towards a house. Those are hard enough to afford as it is. They are paying for all of it on their own (other than her dress, I am paying for that) so who gives a s*** what anyone else thinks?

@vickyday I think that she and Tom didn't want to see each other before the wedding but maybe they will change that. The NJ Botanical Gardens aren't far from the venue, so as long as they can get a permit (an extra $150!), they could go there.
:rotfl: that you cost Mark $20!
Good for you for pacing yourself on your walk, don't forget sunscreen and bring water. The Father's Day dinner sounds like it was perfect and yummy. I wish I had mojo to share :(

@BrightEyes Oh no, poor DD#3! I hope that her cold goes away quickly.
Hey, Missy--- you be careful when you clean the windows, ya hear??

@Terri M How neat to live near a famous movie scene. Do you prefer riding in groups or alone? It has to be nice being able to go where you want and at the pace you want. I'm like that with hiking. Sometimes being on my own is what I need and can take the time to hug a tree. :D
My hydrangeas are starting to bloom too and the milkweed and the bee balm, it's so exciting! :love:

@taxed4ever I bet it feels as if the IL's house is never going to be finished but it will be. Good luck getting everything tidied in your house, that will help you feel more settled once it is.
sheesh, your mail seems like it is getting worse over time, not better.

@AK_Tracy ya always have to keep an eye on Eva, she is our resident troublemaker. :coffeescreen:
Thanks for sharing about your and your DD's weddings.
Hope you got the house clean without hurting yourself. Too much at least.;)
How wonderful to have those photos. I did a lot of scanning old photos of my moms a couple of years ago and tried to date them as much as she could remember. I am not sure it works outside of ACDSee but I added that info to the metadata so perhaps future generations can access that info.

@bcgal00 I love the image in my head of the dogs running around like crazy on their playdate.
That's a great idea for Caitlyn to talk to the photographer. Even if they are inside the venue, maybe they have a backdrop they can use. The place is on a main road so there isn't anywhere on site outdoors but they must have some sort of workaround. Even in the ceremony space-- it's beautiful in there. Thank you so much for offering to help brainstorm. :kiss:

@scrap-genie I am going to tell Caitlyn how all of the O-Fam is thinking of her, I know she'll be so happy. It might not help take away all of the stress but I know it means a lot to her.

@JeanneMN Love your perspective on marriage too. I see a theme with all of us ♥
As it is, it is a very personal, intimate wedding- and to me, that is how she wants it and how it will come across. The people she loves are there for her and Tom, not the meal and party.
Everyone's comments are reinforcing how she approached this from the beginning. IMHO- she let her mind run away a bit, which is 100% normal. I'm glad that she talked to me and I can reassure her even better now.
Look at that gorgeous pond! Enjoy the rain while you have it, who knows what this wacky weather will do next?

@Cherylndesigns OMG, I had no idea that Casey bailed on you. That's so weird and distressing.


I am truly gobsmacked. She didn't seem like the type of person to do that. :(
My two cents regarding the year in review... put it away for now. Let the designer know why you can't use it and I'd bet they will understand. Don't put yourself through it especially since you are feeling nostalgic. :hug1:

Time to get going, HAGD!!


Love my O Family!
Seriously, is it really *only* Tuesday?? Gah!!!

*doing the Kermit the Frog arm flailing*

I got days and days worth of work done yesterday and yup, doesn't feel like I made a dent, but isn't that how it goes? I think I am 100% on track for the shower. There was a small hitch with the tablecloths but Gary helped out. MIL made lavender and purple tablecloths but when I put them on my 5' table, I realized they would be a little skimpy on the 6' ones I am using. Gary suggested I use black plastic tablecloths underneath and I cut pieces of black lace for runners a little longer to hang past the bottom for balance.
I also found a gift for Cait!!! :dancingbfly: I was looking at so many different things and found a bouquet charm. (never knew they existed before)

I have it engraved on one side: To my Baby Bee and her wedding date on the other. She started calling me Mama B**** when she was in HS and I call her Baby B****, MB and BB for short or sometimes just Bee. We have matching tattoos with a bee in them, so this is meaningful to us and she can use it however she likes. That was a huge relief and I am excited about giving it to her.
I worked on this from 8 am to 4 pm so no time outside or for scrapping. :/
I am off to my mom's to go shopping for an outfit for her and hopefully shoes/sandals for me.

I read your comments about the wedding and I am so touched (even yours @tanteva :devil2: ). One of her best friends is getting married next year and has a huge budget, a huge venue, and all of that. I think comparing hers to theirs was playing with her mind. And ITA with the stupid amount of money people pay for one day. It doesn't make sense.
Anyway, I appreciate you and all of your awesome, supportive words and love. :hug3:

Lots of love to everyone!
I've never heard of a bouquet charm, either! But it is beautiful and will be so heartfelt for her to cherish forever!


Love my O Family!
@O Birthday Fairy what a wonderful sight, having you here in the Ooos! ♥

@tanteva I adore your practical mind. All of the money that people spend on weddings and dresses ($2-3K for a dress?? And that's average??) can be put towards a house. Those are hard enough to afford as it is. They are paying for all of it on their own (other than her dress, I am paying for that) so who gives a s*** what anyone else thinks?

@vickyday I think that she and Tom didn't want to see each other before the wedding but maybe they will change that. The NJ Botanical Gardens aren't far from the venue, so as long as they can get a permit (an extra $150!), they could go there.
:rotfl: that you cost Mark $20!
Good for you for pacing yourself on your walk, don't forget sunscreen and bring water. The Father's Day dinner sounds like it was perfect and yummy. I wish I had mojo to share :(

@BrightEyes Oh no, poor DD#3! I hope that her cold goes away quickly.
Hey, Missy--- you be careful when you clean the windows, ya hear??

@Terri M How neat to live near a famous movie scene. Do you prefer riding in groups or alone? It has to be nice being able to go where you want and at the pace you want. I'm like that with hiking. Sometimes being on my own is what I need and can take the time to hug a tree. :D
My hydrangeas are starting to bloom too and the milkweed and the bee balm, it's so exciting! :love:

@taxed4ever I bet it feels as if the IL's house is never going to be finished but it will be. Good luck getting everything tidied in your house, that will help you feel more settled once it is.
sheesh, your mail seems like it is getting worse over time, not better.

@AK_Tracy ya always have to keep an eye on Eva, she is our resident troublemaker. :coffeescreen:
Thanks for sharing about your and your DD's weddings.
Hope you got the house clean without hurting yourself. Too much at least.;)
How wonderful to have those photos. I did a lot of scanning old photos of my moms a couple of years ago and tried to date them as much as she could remember. I am not sure it works outside of ACDSee but I added that info to the metadata so perhaps future generations can access that info.

@bcgal00 I love the image in my head of the dogs running around like crazy on their playdate.
That's a great idea for Caitlyn to talk to the photographer. Even if they are inside the venue, maybe they have a backdrop they can use. The place is on a main road so there isn't anywhere on site outdoors but they must have some sort of workaround. Even in the ceremony space-- it's beautiful in there. Thank you so much for offering to help brainstorm. :kiss:

@scrap-genie I am going to tell Caitlyn how all of the O-Fam is thinking of her, I know she'll be so happy. It might not help take away all of the stress but I know it means a lot to her.

@JeanneMN Love your perspective on marriage too. I see a theme with all of us ♥
As it is, it is a very personal, intimate wedding- and to me, that is how she wants it and how it will come across. The people she loves are there for her and Tom, not the meal and party.
Everyone's comments are reinforcing how she approached this from the beginning. IMHO- she let her mind run away a bit, which is 100% normal. I'm glad that she talked to me and I can reassure her even better now.
Look at that gorgeous pond! Enjoy the rain while you have it, who knows what this wacky weather will do next?

@Cherylndesigns OMG, I had no idea that Casey bailed on you. That's so weird and distressing.


I am truly gobsmacked. She didn't seem like the type of person to do that. :(
My two cents regarding the year in review... put it away for now. Let the designer know why you can't use it and I'd bet they will understand. Don't put yourself through it especially since you are feeling nostalgic. :hug1:

Time to get going, HAGD!!
The Botanical Gardens would be a lovely place for pictures, but $150? WOW!
Yes, $20 for Mark but I think Tim paid $50 for me way back in 1976! He had to put up with me longer, LOL! ;)
And I agree with your comment to @Cherylndesigns that the designer will totally allow her to put the kit away for now!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Up early today (6:30) so I could go to the track early before the heat and humidity hit! Walked my 2 miles in 35 minutes (I had to stop a couple of times and take some pictures of the sun popping through the clouds, etc).
Yesterday Mark and I did go to lunch and then I did a bit of grocery shopping afterwards. Then I messed in picture taking of the scrapbooking stuff I am trying to sell on Facebook Marketplace. No luck with any of it so far. Lots of clicks but no takers. I may have to lump it all together and practically give it away.
Back at it......
Have a great day!


Morning all. The OS Birthday party is winding down to the last couple of days. Just uploaded Day 6 challenge here and in digi-land. I am behind in CT duties... have a couple of designer LOs I need to get done. Plus I should work on June's Art Journaling LOs.
@BrightEyes Oh no, poor DD#3! I hope that her cold goes away quickly.
Hey, Missy--- you be careful when you clean the windows, ya hear??
I was looking at the big family room patio window yesterday afternoon and realized that most of the streaks I was seeing were on the inside of the window! So I grabbed paper towels and window cleaner and worked on getting it clean. I was able to reach the top edge of window without needing a step-stool. Ah... so much better. Decided that I should clean the windows on the screen door while I was at it. Shoot... that didn't work as well. The family room/patio window is a double paned one and the screen door is a single pane. The heat (98F at the time) caused the cleaner to dry too rapidly and left even more streaks than before. I should get it cleaned while it is still on the cool side this morning (69F right now).

@Cherylndesigns So sorry that Casey reacted by not coming over to clean for you after Chuck's death. That is a shame but you never know how people will react to a death. Well, she lost several clients at once. :hug4: As for the kit you downloaded being a Review of the year... and it not being a theme you can to work with.... think about changing the theme for your LO to something you can do. I looked at it and see some beautiful florals and paper shapes. Maybe use the paper shape as a photo frame behind a photo and add floral clusters to it. Make your own word strips or word art and or title about the photo. The key is to change the theme. :hug2: And if you really can't face working with the kit - do let the designer know why. I am sure she will understand.

@tanteva Glad to see you popping back in here. You were missed.

@vickyday DD#3 has had some success selling things on Market Place and others that get clicks but no takers. Hope that someone will take them off your hands.

Will be back later to see how the day is going for everyone.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Another hot day ahead. I'll go outside to water the flowers but otherwise it's indoor activities until we go out to a trivia game at a local winery this evening. I never know whether I'm better in long pants to deter mosquitos or a dress which feels like it should be cooler. I know I can spray but I always feel so grimy afterwards. That's fine for trail work, when I'm out getting dirty anyway, but I don't like it when I'm sitting someplace nice being sociable. Here at home we blow a strong fan across the deck and that both keeps it cooler and prevents mosquitos from settling -- apparently they're not able to fly into the breeze.

I bought and installed PSE 2024 yesterday; decided I needed the warp tool which I didn't have in my 2020 version. It went smoothly and I was able to make a couple pages with it with no drama. It did well in cleaning and brightening up a couple of the photos I took on my bike ride yesterday, so I'm pleased. I somehow lost the "Photo Bin" button for a while but it reappeared after I loaded and unloaded a bunch of panels so I suspect I just fat-fingered something.

So today I have to work on getting through some challenges as well as cataloging the products I bought over the weekend. This guy is sticking around to watch me work.


Love my O Family!
Morning all. The OS Birthday party is winding down to the last couple of days. Just uploaded Day 6 challenge here and in digi-land. I am behind in CT duties... have a couple of designer LOs I need to get done. Plus I should work on June's Art Journaling LOs.

I was looking at the big family room patio window yesterday afternoon and realized that most of the streaks I was seeing were on the inside of the window! So I grabbed paper towels and window cleaner and worked on getting it clean. I was able to reach the top edge of window without needing a step-stool. Ah... so much better. Decided that I should clean the windows on the screen door while I was at it. Shoot... that didn't work as well. The family room/patio window is a double paned one and the screen door is a single pane. The heat (98F at the time) caused the cleaner to dry too rapidly and left even more streaks than before. I should get it cleaned while it is still on the cool side this morning (69F right now).

@Cherylndesigns So sorry that Casey reacted by not coming over to clean for you after Chuck's death. That is a shame but you never know how people will react to a death. Well, she lost several clients at once. :hug4: As for the kit you downloaded being a Review of the year... and it not being a theme you can to work with.... think about changing the theme for your LO to something you can do. I looked at it and see some beautiful florals and paper shapes. Maybe use the paper shape as a photo frame behind a photo and add floral clusters to it. Make your own word strips or word art and or title about the photo. The key is to change the theme. :hug2: And if you really can't face working with the kit - do let the designer know why. I am sure she will understand.

@tanteva Glad to see you popping back in here. You were missed.

@vickyday DD#3 has had some success selling things on Market Place and others that get clicks but no takers. Hope that someone will take them off your hands.

Will be back later to see how the day is going for everyone.
I think it is just a matter of the right person coming along at the right time!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone!
Its crazy were on Tuesday. Feels like we should at least be Thursday. The birthday games have been so much fun. I'm enjoying the extra people playing and laughing and the layouts.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I have tendonitis flareup in my wrist today so will be careful how much I type and flex the wrist. I will go play cards later, carefully. I have a new wrist splint coming tomorrow which will be better for daytime use b/c it has a thumb cutout whereas the one I am wearing now immobilizes the thumb so using that hand at all is difficult. I know it'll feel better in a few days but it is so frustrating when it acts up. I'm thankful tho that it is only the left wrist (albeit my dominant hand) so I can use my right with no problem.

All the baby robins are out of the nest. I was worried last night b/c the final two that came out weren't flying very well and spent all day and night on the side gate. One refused to try to fly and the other tried but kept falling. Today I was happy to see mama feeding them and one of them was able to fly into the tree. The runt that was born 5 days later than the first is spending his time on the fence and gate mostly but has dropped down to the ground a bit. I think the first two have joined the community flock. It's been very entertaining and interesting to watch the whole process.

I'd better go get dressed. The morning has flown by.

@faerywings Never heard of a bouquet charm, what a fantastic gift for C.

@tanteva Oh oh....Eva is flinging ketchup bottles around. Watch out.

@Terri M Sounds like you are enjoying the new PSE.

I'm going to get off the computer for a bit, rest my wrist before heading out for cards today. BFN


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello my LOvliEs,

Well, after struggling with that kit, I almost told the designer I couldn't do it. Then I walked away and went back and took a leap of faith. I used the calendar on my page, but she also had all of the months listed. I decided to do a layout about May for Mother's Day. There were NO men at out celebration - it was "girls only" and we'd never done that before. Ava hosted and she wanted to do something different this year. I'm pretty happy with it and the designer loved my "take" on her kit! She said she not only liked it, but she loved it! She especially loved that I did a Mother's Day layout. I was so relieved because I just couldn't go with the year thing. Thanks Chris @faerywings and Kay @bright Eyes for your support and suggestions. Yes, Chris and Kay, can you believe Casey bailed on me????? My feelings were pretty hurt, as you can imagine. I noticed today on Facebook that she posted this big "thing" about grief. None of us have heard a word from her since. I mean, it's just darned weird. SMH

Chris @faerywings that charm you got Cait is gorgeous and SO meaningful. She will love it and I'm so glad you found the perfect BB gift. I noticed the **** - hmmmmmm. Maybe it's what Adrienne and I call each other in the most loving manner, of course? :floorlaugh::lol23:Good luck with your mom and you finding shoes/sandals. You've got this, girl - home stretch -shower will be a HUGE success!! Did I mention that I love cute kitchen towels? I'm pretty sure I did - IF you still need ideas for prizes. My latest obsession is lemons/oranges. The Dollar Tree had some really cute and nice ones and I even found a dish dryer mat to match. TJ's also has them.

I don't have the energy to do personals but love to you all. I enjoy reading all of your posts and I might pop in later like I do sometimes. I cleaned yesterday and got a lot done, but my energy level is waning and I have more to do. Did I mention that housework is evil?????



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I've been a little absent the last few days and I miss you all! On Sunday we got up early to drive up to Raleigh to watch my cousins son play baseball. We haven't seen them since 2020 - they're still in California. We get up at 4:30 am to leave by 5:30 am to get to an 8 am game. Well. You all aren't going to believe this, but not one, but TWO dogs got skunked at 4:30 am!!! At least no diarrhea this time, but both dogs got it so bad they barfed. Thankfully we had restocked the deskunking supplies since the last time around. Ike was his usual perfect self and did not get involved. By the time we deskunked the dogs, deskunked ourselves, we missed the first ball game all together. I'm telling you these dogs are going to be the death of me!

Then yesterday I spent polishing up my resume - there is an admin job at our church that I was asked if I'd be interested in. I sent out my resume yesterday, today I met with one of the pastors to find out what the job actually is, and we'll connect up in a few days after praying about it and see what happens. The possibility is exciting to think about.

Time to go get Mark from work then to PT, and I'll be back later. I'm sorry I haven't done personals in a few days. I hope you all know how attached I am to you!


Well-Known Member
@mimes1 Girl, what is it with skunks in the wee hours?:eek2: What a mess! Maybe there is something you can use to repel skunks that won't hurt the animals. Good luck on the job front.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wavinghello:everyone, it is very late in the afternoon and I have not had any scrapping time :sad2:. MIL and FIL have kept me busy today again, with troubles with the new tv's, why oh why can't they just leave them be LOL. They are going to drive us nuts, not really but sheesh!! We were hoping to get a kayak session in this morning, but SIL Linda had a dr. appt. in Nanaimo this morning, so I ended up going over to the In-Laws to straighten out the tv issues and then did some running around and picked up a couple of things for them while I was out. I got Hunter's birthday gift ordered and sent to him and finished his Birthday Card too. Now it is almost dinner time and DH has a zoom meeting at 5pm. First FIL needs him to help unload his new lawnmower that he just had to have and picked it up this morning. Again driving quite a distance, when he shouldn't be driving at all :crazy:. I just wanted to pop in to say hello and hope you are all having a great time at the Birthday Party and I wish I could join you all !!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Quick, somebody, call the Guinness people . - - - . . - - . I finished a challenge layout in 2 hours & I could use a pint or 6 ! The host said she likes clean & simple & that alone is a challenge for me. Upper 70's today with really high humidity, I went out for a bit to putter in the pond, well edge of pond, haven't been in-in it for a couple years. The weather is brewing more storms, and Minnesota is blanketed with some ugly radar again. Ours will be here soon.

@mimes1 Jeepers, girlfriend, skunked @ 4:30, can you not do anything the easy way? Skunks, windows...... you will blow them away at the interview :)

@taxed4ever Do your inlaws think if they hold the phone up to the TV you can fix it over the phone? Our friend talked about his dad doing that all the time. I feel your pain literally with my mil, goofing up meds, dialetic and not eating meals on time, I won't go on, you are living it.

@Cherylndesigns I'm so glad you found a way to use the kit, great advice from the group as always. Be gentle with yourself, every day is another first for you, not to mention the other firsts. We love you too.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Quick, somebody, call the Guinness people . - - - . . - - . I finished a challenge layout in 2 hours & I could use a pint or 6 ! The host said she likes clean & simple & that alone is a challenge for me. Upper 70's today with really high humidity, I went out for a bit to putter in the pond, well edge of pond, haven't been in-in it for a couple years. The weather is brewing more storms, and Minnesota is blanketed with some ugly radar again. Ours will be here soon.

@mimes1 Jeepers, girlfriend, skunked @ 4:30, can you not do anything the easy way? Skunks, windows...... you will blow them away at the interview :)

@taxed4ever Do your inlaws think if they hold the phone up to the TV you can fix it over the phone? Our friend talked about his dad doing that all the time. I feel your pain literally with my mil, goofing up meds, dialetic and not eating meals on time, I won't go on, you are living it.

@Cherylndesigns I'm so glad you found a way to use the kit, great advice from the group as always. Be gentle with yourself, every day is another first for you, not to mention the other firsts. We love you too.
I love ALL of you!! You are all what keeps me sane - well, as sane as I can be. I'm so thankful for my O Family and all of you who have just become part of it - what a special group of supportive and loving women. I don't know how I could have made it for the last few months without all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :heartpumpred::heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I'm back - Ava and Adrienne both came for a visit this afternoon which always cheers me up. Ava is like a ray of sunshine walking in my front door. Even when she is feeling down and out, you'd never know it. She was raiding my cupboards and fridge and finally found some Eggo Waffles and made herself some. I buy stuff for the kids and love it when they come over and "raid" my pantry.

While they were here, Adrienne and I started researching low carb/low sugar wine and found a site that caters to both. We sat and ordered some white and some red wines and can't wait until they're delivered - yes, they bring wine right to our door. How cool is that? :wine4: :drinkbuddies:

FYI for those of you who know about the memorial bench and totem, we're planning on those being put together this weekend. I can hardly contain my excitement - I can't wait to sit out there and meditate and look at "Chuck's favorite view" of the mountains. I'll keep you all posted.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@Cherylndesigns Darlin' we've been getting wine deliveries for years here in MN. We also made wine for about 15 years, it was very good, but a LOT of work & so much easier to have it delivered, honestly, cheaper too. can't wait to see the bench & totem, they will be so relaxing & spiritual for you. Nothing soothes the soul like beautiful scenery & the sound of water. Chuck will be there every time you are.
Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thank you honey, OMG, had to sit on my hands to not do another extraction. I had a glass of , Strawberry-Rhubarb, what's in your glass?
Just plain ole Chardonnay. I DO add a packet of Sweet N Low to it - I LOVE Moscato but it's the hightest sugar and caarb content and I must cut back on both. I can't give up my wine, though. :drinkbuddies: :wine4::lol23:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns Darlin' we've been getting wine deliveries for years here in MN. We also made wine for about 15 years, it was very good, but a LOT of work & so much cheaper to have it delivered, honestly, cheaper too. can't wait to see the bench & totem, they will be so relaxing & spiritual for you. Nothing soothes the soul like beautiful scenery & the sound of water. Chuck will be there every time you are.
We live "in the middle of nowhere" and don't have those luxuries so we were thrilled to see wine delivery here. Would you believe that Walmart and the only other grocery story delivery we have here do NOT deliver wine????? OMG if they did, it would be PERFECTION!!! We came from SW Florida and we could get anything we wanted. There's NO Uber, or any other services like that here. It would be a GREAT business to start.

EDITED: My SIL and I talked about growing our own grapes and making our own wine. I looked at the price of grapes (Riesling) and OMG the plants are SO expensive. It's good wine country around here, though, because there are several wineries close by.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
OMG in Florida they have it in grocery stores, Minnesota's not nearly that progressive. We just got liquor sales on Sunday within the last few years. Grocery stores have 3.2 beer, but you know, the water is just as good.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OMG in Florida they have it in grocery stores, Minnesota's not nearly that progressive. We just got liquor sales on Sunday within the last few years. Grocery stores have 3.2 beer, but you know, the water is just as good.
Oh girl, FL is wide open. I'm originally from Indiana and on Saturday night at midnight, they covered all of the "horrible" liquor and wine bottles. :lol23: :lol23: Then we moved to Michigan and voila" we could buy alcohol on Sunday, We can buy alcohol here on Sunday, but the groceries just can't deliver it. Go figure. It's just that we live in the middle of nowhere. I can't even believe they don't have any of the delivery services here. There's one woman who is trying valiantly to start a service. She calls herself "Fetch Girl". That cracks me up - I always think of a dog fetching a bone. :lol23::lol23: